How can I confirm a Twitter web intent was sent? - twitter

I'd like to confirm a user tweeted after clicking a Twitter Web Intent. How can I accomplish this?
Assuming an anonymous* user clicks this link and tweets, how can I confirm this?
Ideally I'd love to get a link to the tweet.
* anonymous as in not authenticated on my site and without knowing their Twitter username

This solution no longer works after Twitter updated the behaviour of the widgets. You can only track if the tweet button was clicked now, and not if the tweet was actually posted.
You can track tweets using the '' event listener form the Twitter API. A working example of tracking tweets can be found here:
<i class="icon-twitter-sign icon-white"></i> Tweet
function reward_user( event ) {
if ( event ) {
alert( 'Tweeted' );
console.log( event );
window.twttr = (function (d,s,id) {
var t, js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js=d.createElement(s);;
js.src="//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
return window.twttr || (t = { _e: [], ready: function(f){ t._e.push(f) } });
}(document, "script", "twitter-wjs"));
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {'tweet', reward_user);
My previous solution is now outdated and no longer appears to work.

Try this:'loaded', function(event) {
window.location = ""

#Niroj's answer no longer works. They updated the api, so the event listener fires immediately after user clicks the button - you have no way of checking if he actually tweeted.
If you create the window yourself (without using Twitter widgets), you can at least detect if the window was closed (either user closed it or tweeted).
Don't link the widgets api!
<a id="twitter-intent" href=""><i class="icon-twitter-sign icon-white"></i> Tweet</a>
document.getElementById('twitter-intent').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(); //this should do in case you don't want to unlink twitter widgets api
var width = 575,
height = 400,
left = (screen.width - width) / 2,
top = (screen.height - height) / 2,
url = this.href,
opts = 'status=1' +
',width=' + width +
',height=' + height +
',top=' + top +
',left=' + left;
var win =, 'twitter_share', opts);
var timer = setInterval(checkWin, 500);
function checkWin() {
if (win.closed) {
//just assume the user tweeted (he could just close the window without tweeting)
alert("Thank you for tweeting!");


Twitter tweet button - tweet event not firing

using following script, tweet window opens up but tweet event is not getting called. How can I bind to tweet window:
var TWTShare = function() {
var title = metadata.title,
url = metadata.url,
text = metadata.text,
href = ""+encodeURIComponent(url)+"&title="+encodeURIComponent(title)+"&text="+encodeURIComponent(text);, 'share it on twitter', 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, copyhistory=no, width='+width+', height='+height+', top='+top+', left='+left);
}'tweet', function (event) {

window.opener not set in iOS Chrome

In one file, I have
In t2.html I have
On Safari on iOS, and on Chrome on the Mac and on pretty much every other browser, it prints out [object Window] like you'd expect.
On Chrome on iOS, I get null.
How do I get to the window that opened this window?
This code solves the problem you are talking about (specifically for issues with Chrome ios not liking "pop ups"), but in reference to Paypal Adaptive Payments where it opens a "pop up" and redirects to Paypal page for payment.
The key is that you have to:
Initiate the directly from a button/link click
You must use the _blank as the window "name" (and not choose your own)
The main thing you want/need is:
var win;
//VERY IMPORTANT - You must use '_blank' and NOT name the window if you want it to work with chrome ios on iphone
//See this bug report from google explaining the issue:
win =,'_blank');
//Initiate returnFromPayPal function if the pop up window is closed
if (win && win.closed) {
Here is the full code that you can follow (ignore anything that doesn't apply to what you are doing).
<?php $payUrl = '' . $payKey ?>
<button onclick="loadPayPalPage('<?php echo $payUrl; ?>')" title="Pay online with PayPal">PayPal</button>
function loadPayPalPage(paypalURL)
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var pollingInterval = 0;
var win;
// mobile device
if (ua.match(/iPhone|iPod|Android|Blackberry.*WebKit/i)) {
//VERY IMPORTANT - You must use '_blank' and NOT name the window if you want it to work with chrome ios on iphone
//See this bug report from google explaining the issue:
win =,'_blank');
pollingInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (win && win.closed) {
} , 1000);
//Desktop device
var width = 400,
height = 550,
if (window.outerWidth) {
left = Math.round((window.outerWidth - width) / 2) + window.screenX;
top = Math.round((window.outerHeight - height) / 2) + window.screenY;
} else if (window.screen.width) {
left = Math.round((window.screen.width - width) / 2);
top = Math.round((window.screen.height - height) / 2);
//VERY IMPORTANT - You must use '_blank' and NOT name the window if you want it to work with chrome ios on iphone
//See this bug report from google explaining the issue:
win =,'_blank','top=' + top + ', left=' + left + ', width=' + width + ', height=' + height + ', location=0, status=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, resizable=0, scrollbars=1');
pollingInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (win && win.closed) {
} , 1000);
var returnFromPayPal = function()
// Here you would need to pass on the payKey to your server side handle (use session variable) to call the PaymentDetails API to make sure Payment has been successful
// based on the payment status- redirect to your success or cancel/failed page
This seems to be a bigger story. See Bugtracker here:
But it seems, as if iframes could handle the parent-property, so maybe you could switch your app from using popups to using an overlay.
If you want to pass values from child to parent use the following code.
Add following code to parent page:
var hidden, state, visibilityChange;
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "hidden";
visibilityChange = "visibilitychange";
state = "visibilityState";
} else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "mozHidden";
visibilityChange = "mozvisibilitychange";
state = "mozVisibilityState";
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "msHidden";
visibilityChange = "msvisibilitychange";
state = "msVisibilityState";
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "webkitHidden";
visibilityChange = "webkitvisibilitychange";
state = "webkitVisibilityState";
// Add a listener that constantly changes the title
document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, function () {
if (localStorage.getItem("AccountName")) {
if (localStorage.getItem("AccountID")) {
}, false);
Add following in child page (Any preferred event)
function CloseChildAndLoadValuesToParent() {
localStorage.setItem("AccountName", 'MyAccountName');
localStorage.setItem("AccountID", 'MyAccountID');

jQuery Mobile - Loading External HTML

I'm loading some external html into a div in a jquery mobile app. Everything works fine, however I'm trying to make it a little bit smoother.
Here is my code:
$(document).bind('pagebeforecreate', function (event, ui) {
if ( == 'pageViewOrder') {
//get the page
$.getJSON(root_url + '/orders/view/' + window.viewOrderReference + '/?callback=?', null, function (d) {
What's happening is the page is being displayed prior to the ajax call finishing. Is there a way of halting jquery mobile from proceeding to display the page before this call is finished? At the moment it shows the page then the content pops in.
EDIT: This is loading in single pages
Halting the display process is easy, you just need to call event.preventDefault().
The problem is then to make sure that you will go with the process once you retrieve your content. What I would actually do is bind to pagechange, check if you have already retrieved the data, if not, then interrupt the process, retrieve the data and start over. If yes, then proceed as planned.
var contentRetrieved = false; //will indicate wether the JSON call has already been executed
var contentToDisplay; //data from the JSON call
$(document).live('pagebeforechange', function (event, data) {
if (( typeof data.toPage === "string" ) && ($.mobile.path.parseUrl(data.toPage).hash == '#pageViewOrder')) {
if (contentRetrieved) {
contentRetrieved = false; //content is already retrieved, we proceed with the pagechange
} else {
event.preventDefault(); //prevent further page change operations
$.getJSON(root_url + '/orders/view/' + window.viewOrderReference + '/?callback=?', null, function (d) {
contentToDisplay = {"html":d.html};
contentRetrieved = true;
$(document).bind('pagebeforecreate', function (event, ui) {
if ( == 'pageViewOrder') {

Latency issue with Primefaces overlayPanel - loads to lazy

I am using Primefaces 3.2 with jsf 2 and glassfish 3.1.2.
I have a p:dataTable of users containing avatars of the user. Whenever the user moves the mouse over the avatar a p:overlayPanel appears with more information (lazy loaded) on the user, and disappears when the user moves the cursor away - like this:
<p:overlayPanel for="avatar" dynamic="true" showEvent="mouseover" hideEvent="mouseout" ...>
This works very well - as long as the user is "slowhanded". Whenever an user moves the cursor fast above many avatars many of the overlayPanels stay visible.
For example when the user has the cursor over the position where user avatars are displayed and uses the scroll wheel of his mouse to scroll the usertable down or up.
I believe that the overlaypanel starts to load the information dynamically (dynamic="true") from the server when showEvent="mouseover" is dispatched and displays the overlaypanel after the response from the server arrives.
This way it is not possible to detect whether the cursor is already away when the overlaypanel becomes visible - so the hideEvent="mouseout" is never dispatched.
Is there a way to make the primefaces overlaypanel appear directly on mousover, showing a loading gif and update the content into the overlaypanel when the response comes from the server.
Is this a good appraoch or does anyone know any other way to solve this nasty problem?
Thanks Pete
As my first answer is already very long and contains valid information, I decided to open a new answer presenting my final approach.
Im now using Primefaces inheritance pattern making the code alot cleaner. Also I noticed that replacing/overwriting the whole bindEvents function isnt necessary, as we can remove the old event handlers. Finally this code fixs the latest issue experienced: A hide event before ajax arrival.
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel = PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel
bindEvents : function() {
var showEvent = this.cfg.showEvent + '.ui-overlay', hideEvent = this.cfg.hideEvent
+ '.ui-overlay';
$(document).off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent, this.targetId).on(
showEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
_self.timer = setTimeout(function() {
_self.hidden = false;;
}, 300);
}).on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
_self.hidden = true;
_show : function() {
if (!this.cfg.dynamic || !this.hidden) {
Im sorry for the poor formatting: Eclipses fault ;)
Wow, finally after a long debuging session and testing various approaches i recognized that the problem isnt the ajax request but the event handlers itself:
.on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
if(_self.isVisible()) {
As you can see, the widget is just hidden if its visible before. If your moving your mouse out too fast, now two things can happen:
The widget isnt visible at all
The animation is still going on
In this case the event is discarded and the panel stays visible. As animations are queued, one simply has to remove the if statement to fix the issue. I did this by replacing the whole bindEvents method:
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
//mark target and descandants of target as a trigger for a primefaces overlay'primefaces-overlay-target','*').data('primefaces-overlay-target',;
//show and hide events for target
if(this.cfg.showEvent == this.cfg.hideEvent) {
var event = this.cfg.showEvent;
$(document).off(event, this.targetId).on(event, this.targetId, this, function(e) {;
else {
var showEvent = this.cfg.showEvent + '.ui-overlay',
hideEvent = this.cfg.hideEvent + '.ui-overlay';
$(document).off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent, this.targetId).on(showEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
if(!_self.isVisible()) {;
.on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
//enter key support for mousedown event
var _self = this;
//hide overlay when mousedown is at outside of overlay
$(document.body).bind('mousedown.ui-overlay', function (e) {
if(_self.jq.hasClass('ui-overlay-hidden')) {
//do nothing on target mousedown
var target = $(;
if(|| > 0) {
//hide overlay if mousedown is on outside
var offset = _self.jq.offset();
if(e.pageX < offset.left ||
e.pageX > offset.left + _self.jq.outerWidth() ||
e.pageY < ||
e.pageY > + _self.jq.outerHeight()) {
//Hide overlay on resize
var resizeNS = 'resize.' +;
$(window).unbind(resizeNS).bind(resizeNS, function() {
if(_self.jq.hasClass('ui-overlay-visible')) {
Execute this code on load and the issue should be gone.
As your replacing the js code nevertheless, you can use this oppurtunity to implement quite a nice feature. By using timeouts in the event handlers one can easily implement a little delay not just improving usability (no more thousands of popups appear) but also reducing network traffic:
$(document).off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent, this.targetId).on(showEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
_self.timer = setTimeout( function(){
if(!_self.isVisible()) {;
}, 300);
.on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
Ofcourse you can use a global variable to control the delay time. If you want a more flexible approach youll have to overwrite the encodeScript method in the OverlayPanelRender to transmit an additional property. You could access it then with _self.cfg.delay. Notice though that youll have to replace the component model OverlayPanel too providing it with an extra attribute.
At the same time I thank you for this brilliant solution I take the opportunity to update it for Primefaces 5.2. In our application the code broke after that upgrade.
Follows the updated code for Primefaces 5.2:
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.bindTargetEvents = function() {
var $this = this;
//mark target and descandants of target as a trigger for a primefaces overlay'primefaces-overlay-target','*').data('primefaces-overlay-target',;
//show and hide events for target
if(this.cfg.showEvent === this.cfg.hideEvent) {
var event = this.cfg.showEvent;, function(e) {
else {
var showEvent = this.cfg.showEvent + '.ui-overlaypanel',
hideEvent = this.cfg.hideEvent + '.ui-overlaypanel';
.off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent)
.on(showEvent, function(e) {
$this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
$this.hidden = false;
}, 500);
.on(hideEvent, function(e) {
$this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
// don't hide if hovering overlay
if(! $":hover")) {
}, 100);
$'keydown.ui-overlaypanel keyup.ui-overlaypanel').on('keydown.ui-overlaypanel', function(e) {
var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode, key = e.which;
if(key === keyCode.ENTER||key === keyCode.NUMPAD_ENTER) {
.on('keyup.ui-overlaypanel', function(e) {
var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode, key = e.which;
if(key === keyCode.ENTER||key === keyCode.NUMPAD_ENTER) {
I also added an extra feature which allows the user to move the mouse over the overlay without hiding it. It should hide when you move the mouse out of it then which I accomplished through:
<p:overlayPanel .... onShow="onShowOverlayPanel(this)" ...>
function onShowOverlayPanel(ovr) {
ovr.jq.on("mouseleave", function(e) {
Hope you enjoy!
It's been a long time, but in case anyone bumps into this problem, a showDelay attribute was added to the overlayPanel to solve this problem starting from Primefaces 6.2. However, it is not in the official documentation for some reason.

PhoneGap / JQuery Mobile dbShell questions

I am trying to do a query everytime the user changes a page in a phonegap app. I am new to Phonegap/JQuery Mobile, but don't understand what is going on.
When I click a button, the pagebeforechange is getting called twice.
First time it works correctly. Next call, it does not run the dbshell.transaction, and no error is shown. So, if I click the overview page first, it works, but the other page does not. If I click the other page first, the overview page does not work. In both cases, re-visiting the same page does not re-do the query.
What's going on here? It must be something incorrect with the way I am calling dbshell?
//Listen for any attempts to call changePage().
$(document).bind( "pagebeforechange", function( e, data ) {
// We only want to handle changePage() calls where the caller is
// asking us to load a page by URL.
if ( typeof data.toPage === "string" ) {
// We are being asked to load a page by URL, but we only
// want to handle URLs that request the data for a specific
// category.
var u = $.mobile.path.parseUrl( data.toPage ),
reOverviewPage = /^#overviewPage/,
reViewByType = /^#viewByType/,
var params = parseParams(pageUrl.substr(pageUrl.lastIndexOf("?") + 1));
if ( !== -1 ) {
dbShell.transaction(function(tx) {
alert("doing query");
tx.executeSql("select _id, description from area where _id=?",[params['id']],renderOverview,dbErrorHandler);
} else if ( !== -1 ) {
dbShell.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("select trip.* from trip, trip_type, trip_type_lookup where trip_type.trip_id = trip._id and trip_type_lookup._id = trip_type.trip_type_lookup_id and lower(trip_type_lookup.type_name) = ?",[params['type']],dbErrorHandler, renderViewByType);
