How do I start noflo-nodejs with debugging enabled so that I can debug using node-inspector?
I've tried adding the --debug-brk option when calling noflo-nodejs.cmd
I've also tried calling node "node_modules\noflo-nodejs\bin\noflo-nodejs" --debug-brk
First what you can do:
Update Node Inspector to latest version (npm update node-inspector).
Use node-debug node_modules\noflo-nodejs\bin\noflo-nodejs
Or node-debug node_modules\noflo-nodejs
node-debug is a new command of node-inspector. It opens debugging process in debug mode (same as --debug-brk) and opens debugger page in chrome (if it is your default browser).
If node-debug is not helpful, try:
Check that your port 5858 is free.
Put in first terminal node node_modules\noflo-nodejs\bin\noflo-nodejs
Put in second terminal node-inspector
Open in chrome
If this not works welcome to node-inspector/issues
I am getting this error. How to solve this.
Just tick the below checkbox "Allow Unauthorized Certificates" for appium versions 1.6.*
and make sure you are under "Automatic Server" tab
Go to automatic server option and start session . and give the right path of apk file. it is work for me
(appium server 1.7)
After searching and applying lots of solutions finally i did following settings for Successful Android appium app testing on windows machine.
As of now they have released appium-server and appium-inspector as two seperate softwares. I'm using latest version of repositories.
Appium server 1.22.0
Appium Inspector 2021.9.2
Appium Server Settings
Make sure you have the same settings shown in the images below.
Appium Inspector settings
Steps to start appium:
Start appium server first
Then Start appium Inspector (make sure you add desired capabilities manually otherwise below error msg will arrive if you pasted Json representation manually)
Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while
processing the command. Original error: You must include a
platformName capability.
After adding Representation it will look like below
"platformName": "android",
"deviceName": "emulator-5554",
"appPackage": "com.coswarden",
"appActivity": "ActivityHome"
Hope this will solve your error.
You can use UI AutomatorViewer to find the element in the application.
just install jdk8 because appium and uiautomator are compatible with java8 only problem will be solved. And follow below steps:
Right Click on the My Computer and Select the properties
Click on advanced system settings
Click on Environment Variables
Click on new Button of User variables
Type PATH in the Variable name.
Copy the path of bin folder which is installed in JDK folder.
Paste Path of bin folder in Variable value and click on OK Button.
You can follow a similar process to set CLASSPATH.
and restart your PC
Go to command prompt and type javac command and check java8 is installed properly or not.
And see whether android sdk has tools folder in it, In which uiautomator is present
For those who are still struggling to get started, I will add several screenshots to show the complete setup I have for Appium Server GUI, and Appium Inspector.
I just follow to run a Dart console application,but the result is ‘HTML file could not be found’.
If you want to know how to start it from DartEditor, just right-click the file in the Files view and choose Run. If you click the Run button in the toolbar, probably the previously launched file is launched (didn't use DartEditor since 1/2 year)
If you want to launch it from command line just run dart bin/main.dart
I am starting out Erlang in Win 7 64 bit box and I was able to use Erlang IDE just fine and since I am used to Eclipse I wanted to use Erlide with Eclipse. I am following running project document on erlide I was able to follow along. (Except step 41, Where it is talking about adding something to 'Main tab' and in my case it shows as 'Erlang', but options they are same) When I run the 'new configuration' on the HelloWorld example it runs and stuck at 57%.
I did install Erlang on my PC and installed it in a directory without space and it does shows up on my installed runtime in Eclipse.
When I run I do not see 'Eclipse IDE' like I saw when I was running Scala IDE in eclipse.
I did enter a dummy cookie name just in case if that is the problem
I tried running 'erl -name foo' to make sure node is able to run and it did.
Is there anything I need to check?
Try first this:
* delete the configuration you created
* open a file in your project, right-click in it and choose Run as -> Erlang application
This will create a configuration that should work. You should see a console opening, where you can interact with the Erlang node.
If that is not happening, please go to window->preferences->erlang->report problem and create a report. Attach it to an issue at or send it to
I have the same problem on Win 7 - 64bit.
Problem: After some very first times build and run successfully, then eclipse couldnt run anymore. Restart Eclipse won't help.
Solution: Restarting the computer, and plz remember to Build Project before running it.
I thought maybe it was a system issue but recently did a fresh install (win7 64bit) and a clean install of conemu (had same problem with both conemu and console2 on old win32 system). Also everything I find researching has to do with adding variables via the command line. I'm doing this through Start->Control Panel->System->Advanced System Settings and then restarting the console. cmd picks up the path correctly.
When I manually add a new path to the system or user PATH variable and then restart the console and echo %path% it has not re-loaded the new PATH variable.
C:\Users\lotus>echo %path%
System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\PHP;C:\ProgramData\
C:\Program Files\ConEmu>echo %path%
C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu;C:\Program Files\ConEmu;C:\Python33\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Ruby200-x64\bin
I know there is a extra C:\PHP but that's another issue. I still have the same problem if I remove that.
When you are using alternative tab based terminals like ConEmu or Console2, you need to restart the terminal, not a single console (read tab)!
This is because child processes inherit their environment their direct parent process, not from the system!
Sometimes explorer (or whatever shell you are using to start ConEmu) needs to be restarted, as in you have to kill explorer.exe, so your start menu disappears and relaunch it from task manager. If all else fails, log off and on again.
Even if ConEmu is closed, there is a ConEmu64.exe process. Need to kill it.
I'm just getting started with erlide, using a fresh install of Eclipse Juno and erlide. I've used erlang on my system (64-bit Fedora) from the command-line, so I'm just trying to make the switch. I started with R15B, and have upgraded to R15B02 (built from source) as suggested by another SO post. If I right-click on a .erl file and pick Run As..Erlang Application, the IDE freezes and I have to kill it. If I try to run from Run Configurations and specify the module and function, it will start to execute, but never progresses beyond 27%. This is on a simple function that runs instantaneously on the command line.
Please try with the latest nightly from, we did some work about similar issues, I hope they will solve yours too.
It would help to see the log from /erlide.log.
You can also open the launch configuration from run->configurations and see if there is some weird value in any of the fields in the "runtime" tab, most probably the node host name.
[I will be away for a week or so, so I can't answer very soon. Sorry about that.]