Does Appium allow to automate Chrome on real iOS device? - ios

I am interested in tool which could automate web apps on real iOS devices using some programming language. Does Appium tool allow to automate Google Chrome browser on real iOS device?

Appium Supports automation of mobile WebApps through mobile safari only. No support for Chrome yet for iOS although for Android chrome is supported.

According to the official introduction, when executing against a real device appium is unable to access the web view directly. Therefore the connection has to be established through the USB lead. To establish this connection we use the ios-webkit-debugger-proxy.


WebBLE support in iOS

I am trying to interact with a BLE device through webBle. I was able to do this in Chrome in Android. I was trying to do that same thing in iOS Chrome as well using.
But it was not working and after some research, I found that it's supported only in macOS and not in iOS.
I was wondering if there is any way for me to interact with the BLE device on iOS using a browser?
Web Bluetooth is not supported by Mobile Safari or WkWebView and has not been added by major 3rd-party browsers on iOS. There is however a Web Bluetooth-specific browser called WebBLE which includes an implementation of Web Bluetooth. It is open source software with code available on GitHub.

Is it possible to Debug iOS app on Windows/Linux?

is there a way how to debug an iOS mobile app on Windows or Linux (Ubuntu)?
I have an application which runs fine on Android, but it has some flaws on iOS. For Android debugging, I always used the Chrome device inspector and I am wondering if it’s possible for iOS too?
The Webkit Adapter I found ( works for debugging websites opened on iPhone via SAFARI browser, but not for the mobile app. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
Yes, you can develop your own lldb to support debugging non-jailbroken iOS device on Window, like this

remote debug chrome on iphone using windows

I know to debug mobile safari you'll need a mac, but is it possible to debug ios version of chrome on a windows machine (via a usb cable)? seems like a simple question, but for some reason I can't find anything on it using google. everything I find always seems to point to debugging mobile safari via mac or debugging mobile chrome for mac users.
FYI: I plan on getting the device, but I need to know if the aforementioned is possible before getting the iphone.

jquery mobile application works in chrome simulator but not in actual device

We have a web application integrated with DotNetNuke.
The mobile version uses jQuery mobile 1.6.X.
While trying to test the application it works well in Chrome simulator(our staging environment is publicly exposed). But it does not work in any of the actual device.
Can anyone suggest how to debug this ?
For Android you can attach the device to the pc and go to chrome-> developer tools -> inspect devices
Make sure your phone is set to developers mode with usb debugging on.
For iOS you can attach your phone to a mac and open safari, develop menu and then the device you want to inspect.
There you will find the javascript console, source, style and everything you normally need for website debugging.

How to debug android 4.4 apps?

Android 4.4 uses chromium, I'm trying to use chrome dev tools to debug my app. However, I cannot find my app in the ADB console (yet the device is detected, and I can see chrome tabs on my device). Any idea how to enable debugging for my app?
Here chrome-remote-debugging it says that in order to configure web view for debugging one needs to call setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled - does do that?
