breezejs + entity framework: how to round-trip ad-hoc properties - breeze

I'm using breezejs with an entity framework 5 model. The model is the old-school edmx/objectcontext style- not the newer dbcontext/poco style.
The model is shared with some wcf ria services domain services so I cannot switch to entity framework 6 or poco style entity framework at this time.
When using wcf ria services, if you wanted to add a property to an entity beyond what is generated by entity framework you could create a partial class, define the property and annotate it with the datamember attribute. Wcf ria services treats this new property like any other property and sends it to the client from the server and back to the server.
Is there a way to do the same thing with breezejs? Without moving entirely away from the automatic metadata generation goodness that comes with using entity framework?
Using fiddler I can see the property I want exposed is transmitted to the client during a query request.
I've looked at the documentation here but none of the examples seem to fit this scenario.

Breeze supports unmapped properties, these are properties that are declared on your javascript constructor that cannot be matched to any property in metadata. By default these properties are both persisted locally and sent to the server on a save. This is described in the link you mentioned:
var Customer = function () {
this.myUnmappedProperty = "anything22";
myEntityManager.metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor("Customer", Customer);
These values will be available on the server after a SaveChanges call via the 'UnmappedValuesMap' property on each EntityInfo instance.
var unmappedValue = entityInfo.UnmappedValuesMap["myUnmappedProperty"];
What is sounds like you are looking for is "unmapped" properties to go in the "other" direction, i.e. from the server to the client. What might work for that but we haven't tried is adding a property to your server side EF class ( via the partial class mechanism) and mark it up for Json serialization. It "should" then get serialized down to the client, even though it won't show up in Metadata.
If this does NOT work, please post back here and we will consider it as a breeze feature request. The basic idea does make a lot of sense and we should support it.


TimeStamp in RIA Services

Does RIA Services handle the updating of timestamp properties automatically?, i.e., When I Insert or Update, does the timestamp get updated without writing any extra code?, I figure that all I have to do is to define the timestamp property in sql server and then mark the property with the TimeStamp attribute in the corresponding Entity Data Model.
The scenario you depict should work (if entity framework is configured correctly)
However, the update of TimeStamp properties is not a responsibility of WCF Ria Services. That info should be updated from your data layer. WCF Ria Services, however, will roundtrip the original value of any property that is decorated with either RoundTripOriginalAttribute or ConcurrencyCheckAttribute or TimestampAttribute back to the server when SubmitChanges is called, thus allowinf EF (or whether your orm/ data layer object is) to use this info for checking concurrency

Using navigation properties in entity framework code first

Code First, Entity Framework 4.3.1;
User ---- Topic, 1 to Many relation;
User with public virtual ICollection<Topic> CreatedTopics Navigation Property(Lazy Loading);
Topic with public virtual User Creator Navigation Property;
DataServiceController : DbDataController<DefaultDbContext>, Web API beta, ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta , Single Page Application;
System.Json for Json serialization;
Web API Action:
public IQueryable<Topic> GetTopics()
// return DbContext.Topics; // OK
return DbContext.Topics.Include("Creator"); //With Exception
Result: "an unhandled microsoft .net framework exception occurred in w3wp.exe"
The Problem here seems to be: I should not Add Navigation Property in both Entities(Cause Circular Reference?), and if I delete the CreatedTopics Navigation Property in User Class, It will be OK again.
So, In a similar Context like listed above, Here are my questions:
How to deal with Navigation Properties in the situation of 1 to Many relation;
Further more, how about a Many to Many relation, do i have to divide it into two 1 to Many relations;
What is the Best Practices and Precautions of using Navigation Properties?
I Have read many related posts, but still not clear enough :(,
Thanks for any help!
This is not a problem of code first or EF - it is a problem of serialization. Simply the serializer used to convert your object graph to some representation passed in a Web API message is not able to work with circular references by default. Depending on the message format you want to use Web API uses different serializers by default - here is more about default serializers used by Web API and about the way how to change it. The following text suppose that you are using DataContractJsonSerializer or DataContractSerializer (should be default for XML serialization) but the same is possible for JSON.NET (should be default for JSON serialization - JSON serialization can be switched to DataContractJsonSerializer but the default serializer is better).
So what you can do? You can tell the serializer that it should track those circular references by marking your classes with DataContract(IsReference = true) and each passed property with DataMember attribute (check the linked article for description how to achieve it with JSON.NET). This will allow serializer correctly recognizing cycles and the serialization will in theory succeed. In theory because this also demands to not using lazy loading. Otherwise you can serialize much more data than you expected (in some catastrophic scenarios it can lead to serializing whole content of your database).
When you serialize entity graph with lazy loading enabled you serailze a Topic and its Creator but serialization will also visit CreatedTopics property => all related topics are lazy loaded and processed by serialization and serialization continues to visit Creator of all newly loaded topics! This process continues until there is no other object to lazy load. Because of this you should never use lazy loading when serializing entities.
Other option is to exclude back reference from serialization. You just need to serialize Creator. You don't need to serialize CreatedTopics so you can mark the property with IgnoreDataMember attribute (JsonIgnore for JSON.NET). The problem is that if you also have Web API action for returning User with all his CreateTopics this will not work because of the attribute.
The last option is not using entities. This option is usually used in web services where you create special DTO objects satisfying requirements for specific operation and you handle conversion between entities and DTOs inside the operation (possible with help of some tool like AutoMapper).
There is no difference between handling one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relations. If you have navigation properties on both sides you must always deal with this problem.

Backbonejs updating Model with idAttribute set to Id

I'm trying to update a backbone model, the server side is mvc 4. I'm getting:
"System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added" exception.
The reason is because backbone is sending Id and id to the server as properties, and the JsonValueProvider tries to add this to a dictionary.
Here is my model:
var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: "/tasks/task",
idAttribute: "Id"
This is send to the server via Put request:
{"Id":294912,"Task":"test","DueDate":"2012-03-24T02:00:00.000Z", "id":294912}
Is there a way to prevent backbone in sending the "id" property?
The problem here is because the conventions in C# is not the same as in JavaScript. In C# classes have properties that starts with capital letters (Pascal Case) and it's the norm in JavaScript to start your properties in lower case (Camel Case).
Thus when serializing view models the default behavior of the JSON.NET serializer is to serialize the object exactly with the same capitalization of properties. I could rename the properties on the view model to be camel case, but it would be as "weird" as to have properties with pascal case in your JavaScript objects.
So instead to force Backbone into a non convention way, I've change the serialization of the objects to convert the Pascal case properties into Camel case properties by leveraging JSON.NET's Contract Resolver functionality.
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
settings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
JsonSerializer serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(settings);
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(object, Formatting.None, settings);
Now this creates consistency on the client side with my code and with all the cool libraries out there.
Sounds to me like the issue is in your server-side code, not with the call from Backbone. A PUT is an edit operation on the server, so you're updating an existing entity. You need the ID property to identify the model on the server and update the properties that have changed.
If ASP.NET MVC is complaining that the model already exists in the database, you are trying to do an INSERT instead of an UPDATE. We'd need to see the controller and data access code to see where things are going awry.
UPDATE: What happens if you leave off the idAttribute property? From the Backbone documentation:
A special property of models, the id is an arbitrary string (integer id or UUID).
If you set the id in the attributes hash, it will be copied onto the model as a
direct property.
The id attribute should be sent by default; it looks like you're forcing it to be included a second time.
Under idAttribute in the docs:
A model's unique identifier is stored under the id attribute. If you're directly communicating
with a backend (CouchDB, MongoDB) that uses a different unique key, you may set a Model's
idAttribute to transparently map from that key to id.
ASP.NET MVC's model binding should be able to cope with id vs. Id.
UPDATE: Found a good blog post that describes using a view model to aid in serializing your C# objects into the format Backbone expects. This seems like a reasonable, if slightly annoying, solution.

ASP.NET MVC -> WCF -> NHibernate, how to efficiently update entity with data from viewmodel?

A week back, I had an ASP.NET MVC application that called on a logical POCO service layer to perform business logic against entities. One approach I commonly used was to use AutoMapper to map a populated viewmodel to an entity and call update on the entity (pseudo code below).
MyEntity myEntity = myService.GetEntity(param);
Mapper.CreateMap<MyEntityVM, MyEntity>();
Mapper.Map(myEntityVM, myEntity);
The update call would take an instance of the entity and, through a repository, call NHibernate's Update method on the entity.
Well, I recently changed my logical service layer into WCF Web Services. I've noticed that the link NHibernate makes with an entity is now lost when the entity is sent from the service layer to my application. When I try to operate against the entity in the update method, things are in NHibernate's session that shouldn't be and vice-versa - it fails complaining about nulls on child identifiers and such.
So my question...
What can I do to efficiently take input from my populated viewmodel and ultimately end up modifying the object through NHibernate?
Is there a quick fix that I can apply with NHibernate?
Should I take a different approach in conveying the changes from the application to the service layer?
The best approach I can think of right now, is to create a new entity and map from the view model to the new entity (including the identifier). I would pass that to the service layer where it would retrieve the entity using the repository, map the changes using AutoMapper, and call the repository's update method. I will be mapping twice, but it might work (although I'll have to exclude a bunch of properties/children in the second mapping).
No quick fix. You've run into the change tracking over the wire issue. AFAIK NHibernate has no native way to handle this.
These may help:
In a nutshell your two options are to adjust your service to send state change information over the Nhibernate can read or load the objects, apply the changes and then save in your service layer.
Don't be afraid of doing a select before an update inside your service. This is good practice anyway to prevent concurrency issues.
I don't know if this is the best approach, but I wanted to pass along information on a quick fix with NHibernate.
From NHibernate.xml...
<member name="M:NHibernate.ISession.SaveOrUpdateCopy(System.Object)">
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same
identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with
the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the
given instance is unsaved or does not exist in the database, save it and
return it as a newly persistent instance. Otherwise, the given instance
does not become associated with the session.
<param name="obj">a transient instance with state to be copied</param>
<returns>an updated persistent instance</returns>
It's working although I haven't had time to examine the database calls to see if it's doing exactly what I expect it to do.

Using repository pattern in ASP.NET MVC with a SQL Server DB; how to mock repository so its unit testable without breaking OOD

I've been learning the ASP.NET MVC framework using the Apress book "Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework" by Steven Sanderson. To that end I have been trying out a few things on a project that I am not that familar with but are things that I thing I should be doing, namely:
Using repository pattern to access my database and populate my domain/business objects.
Use an interface for the repository so it can be mocked in a test project.
Use inversion of control to create my controllers
I have an MVC web app, domain library, test library.
In my database my domain items have an Id represented as an int identity column. In my domain classes the setter is internal so only the repository can set it.
So my quandries/problems are:
Effectively all classes in the domain library can set the Id property, not good for OOP as they should be read-only.
In my test library I create a fake repository. However since it's a different assembly I can't set the Id properties on classes.
What do others do when using a database data store? I imagine that many use an integer Id as unique identifier in the database and would then need to set it the object but not by anything else.
Can't you set your objects' IDs during construction and make them read-only, rather than setting IDs through a setter method?
Or do you need to set the ID at other times. If that's the case, could you explain why?
Would it be possible to divorce the ID and the domain object? Does anything other than the repository need to know the ID?
Remove the ID field from your domain object, and have your repository implementations track object IDs using a private Dictionary. That way anyone can create instances of your domain objects, but they can't do silly things with the IDs.
That way, the IDs of the domain objects are whatever the repository implementation decides they are - they could be ints from a database, urls, or file names.
If someone creates a new domain object outside of the repository and say, tried to save it to your repository, you can look up the ID of the object and save it as appropriate. If the ID isn't there, you can either throw an exception to say you need to create the object using a repository method, or create a new ID for it.
Is there anything that would stop you from using this pattern?
you can use the InternalsVisibleTo attribute. It will allow the types from an assembly to be visible from the tests (provided they are in different assemblies).
Otherwise you can leave the property read-only for the external objects but in the same time have a constructor which has an ID parameter and sets the ID property. Then you can call that constructor.
Hope this helps.
