TimeStamp in RIA Services - entity-framework-4

Does RIA Services handle the updating of timestamp properties automatically?, i.e., When I Insert or Update, does the timestamp get updated without writing any extra code?, I figure that all I have to do is to define the timestamp property in sql server and then mark the property with the TimeStamp attribute in the corresponding Entity Data Model.

The scenario you depict should work (if entity framework is configured correctly)
However, the update of TimeStamp properties is not a responsibility of WCF Ria Services. That info should be updated from your data layer. WCF Ria Services, however, will roundtrip the original value of any property that is decorated with either RoundTripOriginalAttribute or ConcurrencyCheckAttribute or TimestampAttribute back to the server when SubmitChanges is called, thus allowinf EF (or whether your orm/ data layer object is) to use this info for checking concurrency


Get another Entity while processing an Entity

I'am new in Olingo: sorry if my question is strange.
When Olingo service receive request to get entity of EntitySet_1 it calls method of custom entityProcessor (then processor call some storage object and send to it EdmEntitySet and List objects). But this processor method must get entity of EntitySet_2 to end processing. How i can realize getting entity of another entitySet? Or in other words: how can i get entity of another entitySet programatically (is it necessary to create new EdmEntitySet object? etc.) ?
Maybe some ideas, clever words...
Found only one solution: REST-request to the same service for entity of EntitySet_2 while processing entity of EntitySet_1.
Such feature should comes from the design itself. Calling same service from itself is not recommended.
What you should do is utilize the data access methods (ex:- database access method) you already have and get the required EntitySet_2 from it for processing.
For this you will need to create data access requests (ex:- SQL query for EntitySet_2) and map the results to create the EntitySet_2. As I said earlier, the design of your service should be flexible enough for this.

breezejs + entity framework: how to round-trip ad-hoc properties

I'm using breezejs with an entity framework 5 model. The model is the old-school edmx/objectcontext style- not the newer dbcontext/poco style.
The model is shared with some wcf ria services domain services so I cannot switch to entity framework 6 or poco style entity framework at this time.
When using wcf ria services, if you wanted to add a property to an entity beyond what is generated by entity framework you could create a partial class, define the property and annotate it with the datamember attribute. Wcf ria services treats this new property like any other property and sends it to the client from the server and back to the server.
Is there a way to do the same thing with breezejs? Without moving entirely away from the automatic metadata generation goodness that comes with using entity framework?
Using fiddler I can see the property I want exposed is transmitted to the client during a query request.
I've looked at the documentation here http://www.breezejs.com/documentation/extending-entities but none of the examples seem to fit this scenario.
Breeze supports unmapped properties, these are properties that are declared on your javascript constructor that cannot be matched to any property in metadata. By default these properties are both persisted locally and sent to the server on a save. This is described in the link you mentioned:
var Customer = function () {
this.myUnmappedProperty = "anything22";
myEntityManager.metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor("Customer", Customer);
These values will be available on the server after a SaveChanges call via the 'UnmappedValuesMap' property on each EntityInfo instance.
var unmappedValue = entityInfo.UnmappedValuesMap["myUnmappedProperty"];
What is sounds like you are looking for is "unmapped" properties to go in the "other" direction, i.e. from the server to the client. What might work for that but we haven't tried is adding a property to your server side EF class ( via the partial class mechanism) and mark it up for Json serialization. It "should" then get serialized down to the client, even though it won't show up in Metadata.
If this does NOT work, please post back here and we will consider it as a breeze feature request. The basic idea does make a lot of sense and we should support it.

Entity Framework 4 - ApplyCurrentValues<TEntity> vs. ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState

We have an WCF service with an update method that updates a Customer in the DB.
This method get a detached entity from the client.
void UpdtaeCustomer(Customer detachedCustomer);
We came up with two ways to write this method :
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(detachedCustomer, entityState.Modified);
Customer customer = context.GetObjectByKey(detachedCustomer.EntityKey);
context.ApplyCurrentValues<Customer>("CustomerSet", detachedCustomer);
We want to consider the cons\pros of each method. The first one has a clear advantage of having only one trip to the DB. But what are the pros of the second method. (or maybe they don't act quite the same) ?
Use the first approach. There is no general advantage in using second method with detached entity on the contrary it can make things even worse.
Suppose that you use timestamp. Timestamp is special DB type representing row version. Each time the record in database changes the timestamp is automatically increased. Timestamp is used for concurrecny checks and when using with EF it is handled as Computed column. Each time the EF wants to update the record it compares timestamp in database with the timestamp you retrieved when you loaded the object (must be transpored in your entity to client and back). If timestamps are same the record is saved. If they are different an exception is thrown.
The difference between those two methods is that first method uses timestamp from detached object whereas second method uses timestamp from loaded object. The reason is the computed column. Computed values can't be updated in the application.

ASP.NET MVC -> WCF -> NHibernate, how to efficiently update entity with data from viewmodel?

A week back, I had an ASP.NET MVC application that called on a logical POCO service layer to perform business logic against entities. One approach I commonly used was to use AutoMapper to map a populated viewmodel to an entity and call update on the entity (pseudo code below).
MyEntity myEntity = myService.GetEntity(param);
Mapper.CreateMap<MyEntityVM, MyEntity>();
Mapper.Map(myEntityVM, myEntity);
The update call would take an instance of the entity and, through a repository, call NHibernate's Update method on the entity.
Well, I recently changed my logical service layer into WCF Web Services. I've noticed that the link NHibernate makes with an entity is now lost when the entity is sent from the service layer to my application. When I try to operate against the entity in the update method, things are in NHibernate's session that shouldn't be and vice-versa - it fails complaining about nulls on child identifiers and such.
So my question...
What can I do to efficiently take input from my populated viewmodel and ultimately end up modifying the object through NHibernate?
Is there a quick fix that I can apply with NHibernate?
Should I take a different approach in conveying the changes from the application to the service layer?
The best approach I can think of right now, is to create a new entity and map from the view model to the new entity (including the identifier). I would pass that to the service layer where it would retrieve the entity using the repository, map the changes using AutoMapper, and call the repository's update method. I will be mapping twice, but it might work (although I'll have to exclude a bunch of properties/children in the second mapping).
No quick fix. You've run into the change tracking over the wire issue. AFAIK NHibernate has no native way to handle this.
These may help:
In a nutshell your two options are to adjust your service to send state change information over the Nhibernate can read or load the objects, apply the changes and then save in your service layer.
Don't be afraid of doing a select before an update inside your service. This is good practice anyway to prevent concurrency issues.
I don't know if this is the best approach, but I wanted to pass along information on a quick fix with NHibernate.
From NHibernate.xml...
<member name="M:NHibernate.ISession.SaveOrUpdateCopy(System.Object)">
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same
identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with
the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the
given instance is unsaved or does not exist in the database, save it and
return it as a newly persistent instance. Otherwise, the given instance
does not become associated with the session.
<param name="obj">a transient instance with state to be copied</param>
<returns>an updated persistent instance</returns>
It's working although I haven't had time to examine the database calls to see if it's doing exactly what I expect it to do.

Updating a disconnected LINQ object with MVC Framework RC1

This is a little out there but I have a customer object coming back to my controller. I want to just reconnect this object back to the database, is it even possible? I know there is a datacontext.customers.insertonsubmit(customer), but is there the equivalent datacontext.customers.updateonsubmit(customer)???
This is what I don't like about LINQ-to-SQL.
It generally works fine if you're querying and updating in the same scope, but if you get an object, cache it, and then try to update it later, you can't.
Here's what the documentation says:
Use the Attach methods with entities that have been created in one DataContext, and serialized to a client, and then deserialized back with the intention to perform an update or delete operation. Because the new DataContext has no way of tracking what the original values were for a disconnected entity, the client is responsible for supplying those values. In this version of Attach, the entity is assumed to be in its original value state. After calling this method, you can then update its fields, for example with additional data sent from the client.
Do not try to Attach an entity that has not been detached through serialization. Entities that have not been serialized still maintain associations with deferred loaders that can cause unexpected results if the entity becomes tracked by a second data context.
A little ambiguous IMHO, specifically about exactly what it means by "serialized" and "deserialized".
Also, interestingly enough, here's what it says about the DataContext object:
In general, a DataContext instance is
designed to last for one "unit of
work" however your application defines
that term. A DataContext is
lightweight and is not expensive to
create. A typical LINQ to SQL
application creates DataContext
instances at method scope or as a
member of short-lived classes that
represent a logical set of related
database operations.
So, DataContexts are intended to be tightly scoped - and yet to use Attach(), you have to use the same DataContext that queried the object. I'm assuming/hoping we're all completely misunderstanding what Attach() is really intended to be used for.
What I've had to do in situations like this is re-query the object I needed to update to get a fresh copy, and then do the update.
The customer that you post from the form will not have entity keys so may not attach well, also you may not have every field of the customer available on the form so all of it's fields may not be set.
I would recommend using the TryUpdateModel method, in your action you'll have to get the customer from the database again and update it with the form's post variables.
public ActionResult MySaveAction(int id, FormCollection form)
Customer updateCustomer = _Repository.GetCustomer(id);
TryUpdateModel(updateCustomer, "Customer", form);
You will have to add in all your own exception handling and validation of course, but that's the general idea.
You want to use the attach method on the customers table on the data context.
to reconnect it to the data context. Then you can use SubmitChanges() to update the values in the database.
EDIT: This only works with entities that have been detached from the original data context through serialization. If you don't mind the extra call to the database, you can use the idiomatic method in ASP.NET MVC of retrieving the object again and applying your changes via UpdateModel or TryUpdateModel as #Odd suggests.
