Sorry for my stupid question.
How can i get string return from this following method?
NSString *letters = #"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
-(NSString *) randomStringWithLength: (int) len {
NSMutableString *randomString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: len];
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
[randomString appendFormat: #"%C", [letters characterAtIndex: arc4random() % [letters length]]];
return randomString;
If I understood your question right, this is what you need to call:
NSString *resultString = [self randomStringWithLength:10];
Note, that [self randomStringWithLength:10] is already a NSString object, so you can use it without declaring variable, e.g.:
NSLog(#"Result = %#;", [self randomStringWithLength:10]);
I'm trying to re-arrange words into alphabetical order. For example, tomato would become amoott, or stack would become ackst.
I've found some methods to do this in C with char arrays, but I'm having issues getting that to work within the confines of the NSString object.
Is there an easier way to do it within the NSString object itself?
You could store each of the string's characters into an NSArray of NSNumber objects and then sort that. Seems a bit expensive, so I would perhaps just use qsort() instead.
Here it's provided as an Objective-C category (untested):
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface NSString (SortExtension)
- (NSString *)sorted;
#import "NSString+SortExtension.h"
#implementation NSString (SortExtension)
- (NSString *)sorted
// init
NSUInteger length = [self length];
unichar *chars = (unichar *)malloc(sizeof(unichar) * length);
// extract
[self getCharacters:chars range:NSMakeRange(0, length)];
// sort (for western alphabets only)
qsort_b(chars, length, sizeof(unichar), ^(const void *l, const void *r) {
unichar left = *(unichar *)l;
unichar right = *(unichar *)r;
return (int)(left - right);
// recreate
NSString *sorted = [NSString stringWithCharacters:chars length:length];
// clean-up
return sorted;
I think separate the string to an array of string(each string in the array contains only one char from the original string). Then sort the array will be OK. This is not efficient but is enough when the string is not very long. I've tested the code.
NSString *str = #"stack";
NSMutableArray *charArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:str.length];
for (int i=0; i<str.length; ++i) {
NSString *charStr = [str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)];
[charArray addObject:charStr];
NSString *sortedStr = [[charArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)] componentsJoinedByString:#""];
// --------- Function To Make an Array from String
NSArray *makeArrayFromString(NSString *my_string) {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < my_string.length; i ++) {
[array addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [my_string characterAtIndex:i]]];
return array;
// --------- Function To Sort Array
NSArray *sortArrayAlphabetically(NSArray *my_array) {
my_array= [my_array sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
return my_array;
// --------- Function Combine Array To Single String
NSString *combineArrayIntoString(NSArray *my_array) {
NSString * combinedString = [[my_array valueForKey:#"description"] componentsJoinedByString:#""];
return combinedString;
// Now you can call the functions as in below where string_to_arrange is your string
NSArray *blowUpArray;
blowUpArray = makeArrayFromString(string_to_arrange);
blowUpArray = sortArrayAlphabetically(blowUpArray);
NSString *arrayToString= combineArrayIntoString(blowUpArray);
NSLog(#"arranged string = %#",arrayToString);
Just another example using NSMutableString and sortUsingComparator:
NSMutableString *mutableString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#"tomat"];
[mutableString appendString:#"o"];
NSLog(#"Orignal string: %#", mutableString);
NSMutableArray *charArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < mutableString.length; ++i) {
[charArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithChar:[mutableString characterAtIndex:i]]];
[charArray sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id _Nonnull obj1, id _Nonnull obj2) {
if ([obj1 charValue] < [obj2 charValue]) return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedDescending;
[mutableString setString:#""];
for (int i = 0; i < charArray.count; ++i) {
[mutableString appendFormat:#"%c", [charArray[i] charValue]];
NSLog(#"Sorted string: %#", mutableString);
Orignal string: tomato
Sorted string: amoott
I have a string like #"1234123412341234", i need to append space between every 4 chars like.
#"1234 1234 1234 1234"
i.e, I need a NSString like Visa Card Type. I have tried like this but i didn't get my result.
NSMutableString *s = [aNumber mutableCopy];
for(int p=0; p<[s length]; p++)
[s insertString:#" " atIndex:p];
Here's a unicode aware implementation as a category on NSString:
#interface NSString (NRStringFormatting)
- (NSString *)stringByFormattingAsCreditCardNumber;
#implementation NSString (NRStringFormatting)
- (NSString *)stringByFormattingAsCreditCardNumber
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString string];
__block NSInteger count = -1;
[self enumerateSubstringsInRange:(NSRange){0, [self length]}
usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
if ([substring rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]].location != NSNotFound)
count += 1;
if (count == 4) {
[result appendString:#" "];
count = 0;
[result appendString:substring];
return result;
Try it with this test string:
NSString *string = #"ab 😗😌 132487 387 e e e ";
NSLog(#"%#", [string stringByFormattingAsCreditCardNumber]);
The method works with non-BMP characters (i.e. emoji) and handles existing white space.
Your code is pretty close, however a better semantic for the method is to return a new NSString for any given input string:
-(NSString *)formatStringAsVisa:(NSString*)aNumber
NSMutableString *newStr = [NSMutableString new];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [aNumber length]; i++)
if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0)
[newStr appendString:#" "];
unichar c = [aNumber characterAtIndex:i];
[newStr appendString:[[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:&c length:1]];
return newStr;
You should do like this:
- (NSString *)resetCardNumberAsVisa:(NSString*)originalString {
NSMutableString *resultString = [NSMutableString string];
for(int i = 0; i<[originalString length]/4; i++)
NSUInteger fromIndex = i * 4;
NSUInteger len = [originalString length] - fromIndex;
if (len > 4) {
len = 4;
[resultString appendFormat:#"%# ",[originalString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(fromIndex, len)]];
return resultString;
You code will be right on the first inserting space charactor:
This is your originalString:
Text: 123412341234
Location: 012345678901
Base on your code, on the first you insert space character, you will insert at "1" (with location is 4)
And after that, your string is:
Text: 1234 12341234
Location: 0123456789012
So, you see it, now you have to insert second space charater at location is 9 (9%4 != 0)
Hope you can fix your code by yourself!
The code snippet from here do what do you want:
- (NSString *)insertSpacesEveryFourDigitsIntoString:(NSString *)string
andPreserveCursorPosition:(NSUInteger *)cursorPosition
NSMutableString *stringWithAddedSpaces = [NSMutableString new];
NSUInteger cursorPositionInSpacelessString = *cursorPosition;
for (NSUInteger i=0; i<[string length]; i++) {
if ((i>0) && ((i % 4) == 0)) {
[stringWithAddedSpaces appendString:#" "];
if (i < cursorPositionInSpacelessString) {
unichar characterToAdd = [string characterAtIndex:i];
NSString *stringToAdd =
[NSString stringWithCharacters:&characterToAdd length:1];
[stringWithAddedSpaces appendString:stringToAdd];
return stringWithAddedSpaces;
swift3 based on Droppy
func codeFormat(_ code: String) -> String {
let newStr = NSMutableString()
for i in 0..<code.characters.count {
if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0){
newStr.append(" ")
var c = (code as NSString).character(at: i)
newStr.append(NSString(characters: &c, length: 1) as String)
return newStr as String
Please make sure that your string length should times by 4.
This solution will insert on the right hand side first.
- (NSString*) fillWhiteGapWithString:(NSString*)source
NSInteger dl = 4;
NSMutableString* result = [NSMutableString stringWithString:source];
for(NSInteger cnt = result.length - dl ; cnt > 0 ; cnt -= dl)
[result insertString:#" " atIndex:cnt];
return result;
I need to get the highest repeated character in string and the count of the repeated character.
For that i stored the each character of the string in the array and using the for loops i got each character and the count. is there any other delegate methods to find it to reduce the code?
for example
NSRange theRange = {0, 1}; //{location, length}
NSMutableArray * array = [NSMutableArray array];
for ( NSInteger i = 0; i < [myFormattedString length]; i++) {
theRange.location = i;
[array addObject:[myFormattedString substringWithRange:theRange]];
int countForChar = 0;
for (int i=0; i<[array count]; i++) {
NSString *firstCharacter = [array objectAtIndex:i];
for (int j=1; j< [array count]; j++) {
if ([firstCharacter isEqualToString:[array objectAtIndex:j]]) {
countForChar = countForChar + 1;
NSLog(#"The Charcter is %# The count is %d", firstCharacter, countForChar);
countForChar = 0;
Thanks in advance...
Because the string may have more than a char have same most repeat count, so here is my solution:
- (NSArray *)mostCharInString:(NSString *)string count:(int *)count{
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
int len = string.length;
NSRange theRange = {0, 1};
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < len; i++) {
theRange.location = i;
NSString *charStr = [string substringWithRange:theRange];
int preCount = 0;
if ([dict objectForKey:charStr]) {
preCount = [[dict objectForKey:charStr] unsignedIntegerValue];
[dict setObject:#(preCount+1) forKey:charStr];
NSArray *sortValues = [[dict allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
*count = [[sortValues lastObject] unsignedIntegerValue];
return [dict allKeysForObject:#(*count)];
How to use and test:
int mostRepeatCount = 0;
NSArray *mostChars = nil;
mostChars = [self mostCharInString:#"aaabbbcccc" count:&mostRepeatCount];
NSLog(#"count:%d char:%#", mostRepeatCount, mostChars);
the result is:
count:4 char:(
mostChars = [self mostCharInString:#"aaabbbccccdddd" count:&mostRepeatCount];
the result is:
count:4 char:(
Hope to help you.
Here is my code might be not good enough but I think its the fastest
NSString *myFormattedString = #"oksdflajdsfd";
NSMutableDictionary *lettersCount = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [myFormattedString length]; i++) {
unichar charAtIndex = [myFormattedString characterAtIndex:i];
NSNumber *countForThisChar = [lettersCount objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",charAtIndex]];
int count = 1;
if(countForThisChar) {
count = [countForThisChar integerValue] + 1;
[lettersCount setObject:#(count) forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",charAtIndex]];
} else {
// not added yet, add it with 1 count
[lettersCount setObject:#(count) forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",charAtIndex]];
// for now the work is O(n)
// ignoring the work of this cycle or consider it as O(1)
NSString *mostFrequentChar = nil;
NSInteger maxCount = 0;
for(NSString *oneChar in lettersCount.keyEnumerator) {
NSNumber *count = [lettersCount objectForKey:oneChar];
if([count integerValue] > maxCount) {
mostFrequentChar = oneChar;
maxCount = [count integerValue];
NSLog(#"the char %# met for %d times", mostFrequentChar, maxCount);
Remember the search for an object in NsDictionary is O(1) for the average case scenario.
Here is an example that would work correctly with any string and has linear time complexity. This uses the NSCountedSet which can be pretty useful.
NSString* string = #"This is a very wonderful string. Ølsen & ジェイソン";
NSCountedSet* characterCounts = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
// This ensures that we deal with all unicode code points correctly
[string enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [string length]) options:NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
[characterCounts addObject:substring];
NSString* highestCountCharacterSequence = nil;
NSUInteger highestCharacterCount = 0;
for (NSString* characterSequence in characterCounts) {
NSUInteger currentCount = [characterCounts countForObject:characterSequence];
if (currentCount > highestCharacterCount) {
highestCountCharacterSequence = characterSequence;
highestCharacterCount = currentCount;
NSLog(#"Highest Character Count is %# with count of %lu", highestCountCharacterSequence, (unsigned long)highestCharacterCount);
Sadly, my silly example string ends up having space characters as the most repeated :)
Every character can be presented by its int value. Make an instance of NSArray with n size (n number of unique characters string can have). Loop through string and add +1 on (int)character index in array at every cycle. When you finish the character with greatest value in array is the highest repeated character.
So i want to print the users in an NSMutableArray. But the strings keep coming out as nil.
here is what i have:
int users = 0;
- (IBAction)addNewUser:(id)sender {
NSString *string;
string = userNameTextField.text;
[usernameArray insertObject:string atIndex:users];
[self showUsers];
for (int i = 0; i < users; i++){
NSString *s = textView.text;
NSString *add;
add = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# ",[usernameArray objectAtIndex:i]];
NSString *display = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# \n %#", s, add];
textView.text = display;
i have also tried
for (int i = 1; i < users; i++){
NSString *s = textView.text;
NSString *add;
add = [usernameArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *display = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# \n %#", s, add];
textView.text = display;
First of all try using more comprehensive names for the objects. I'm rewriting your code.
Common Causes for the problem : Array not initialized, you are starting your for cycle with int i equal to 1, so you are missing the object at index 0 at your mutable array. Try the following code.
#interface InterfaceName : InterfaceInherits <IfDelegate> {
int usersCount;
NSMutableArray * usernameArray;
#implementation InterfaceName
/*There's no more confident way to initialize a variable than in the init method of the class. */
usersCount = 0;
//You have to be sure that your array is not nil
usernameArray = [NSMutableArray alloc]init]];
return self;
- (IBAction)addNewUser:(id)sender {
NSString *username = [usernameTextField text];
[usernameArray insertObject:username atIndex:usersCount];
//I'll omit the display as I'm not sure what you were doing with it.
for (int i = 0; i < usersCount; i++){
NSString *retrievedUser = [usernameArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *display = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"User Retrieved : %#",retrievedUser];
textView.text = display;
How to Generate a random non-repeated(without repeating same alphabet) alphanumeric string from a given String in ios?
The following function will take a string and randomise it, usually each character from the input string only once:
- (NSString *)randomizeString:(NSString *)str
NSMutableString *input = [str mutableCopy];
NSMutableString *output = [NSMutableString string];
NSUInteger len = input.length;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < len; i++) {
NSInteger index = arc4random_uniform((unsigned int)input.length);
[output appendFormat:#"%C", [input characterAtIndex:index]];
[input replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(index, 1) withString:#""];
return output;
-(NSString *)randomStringWithLength: (int) len
NSString *letters = #"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
NSMutableString *randomString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: len];
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
[randomString appendFormat: #"%C", [letters characterAtIndex: arc4random() % [letters length]]];
return randomString;