Displaying image in UIButton - ios

To preface this question, I am extremely new to Objective-C and Xcode. I have only been learning for a week or so now but I have been stuck on this problem for a few days. I am trying to display an image in a UIButton. I have 3 to choose from, blue.png, purple.png and orange.png. No matter what I do or what image I tell Xcode to use, it will only display the blue image. I have deleted the image from the project entirely. I have "reset content and settings" in the iOS simulator. What exactly is going on here?
the.h code
IBOutlet UIButton *h1;
the.m code
UIImage *buttonImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"purple.png"];
[h1 setImage:buttonImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[self.view addSubview:h1];
No matter which image I specify within the quotes, it always uses blue.png, even when the image no longer exists in the project. Thanks for the help everybody!

You must have set blue.png as the background image in the storyboard or xib file. Write NSLog(#"%#",buttonImage) to make sure that the image is not nil. Make sure that you are entering the correct name and extension purple.png
And also, use
[h1 setBackgroundImage:buttonImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
instead of setImage

I think first of all you should know the difference button.image and button.backgroundImage.
Using the Image (currentImage) field, you can specify an image to
appear within the content of your button. If the button has a title,
this image appears to the left of it, and centered otherwise.
The Background (currentBackgroundImage) field allows you to specify an
image to appear behind button content and fill the entire frame of the
So you can use setImage or setBackgroundImage as what you want.


iOS Button background image not working. (UIButton backgroundImage) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
UIButton image behavior changed in iOS 15?
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
(A) Following line change the image in my imageview.
[(UIImageView *)[cell viewWithTag:400] setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"sellsign"]];
(B) Following code change only Title of button. [ I have checked for both UIButton type "System" and "Custom" background image line not working.]
[(UIButton *)[cell viewWithTag:500] setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"sellsign"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[(UIButton *)[cell viewWithTag:500] setTitle:#"1" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
(C) Button Configuration
Button tittle gets change to 1 but there is no change in background image.
Fact 1: I am referring correct button as button title change to 1
Fact 2: Button state is also normal as I can see button title 1
Fact 3: I am referring correct image name as it set in Imageview
Any idea that why only UIButton Background image has this strange behaviour. I think I am missing something in latest iOS.
How can I set my desire image in UIButton as a background image?
Some one close the question by saying it's duplicate and provided following link,
UIButton image behavior changed in iOS 15?
This is not the solution. It says change the button style. It's patch to achieve output. On that link it's mention that it's old way and one need to adopt new way. Apple introduce new way so there must be solution for it as well.
You need to set the Background Configuration for Background field as Custom also.

Button with first half transparent and other half title

I have some requirement to prepare a UI like Image 1:
But sometime i get it like(title disappeared)
I am not sure why this is happening.
The background image second has half transparent and half image(refresh image),there i need to show text.
XIB settings:
Any idea or solution for this ?
Please suggest some other way to achieve this.
I just found in the UIstoryboard, why don't you try in this way
You can configure this UIButton as your need with the title attributes, right ?
As per your comment => colour of the title will be configured from server.
Then may be it is also possible that sometimes you will get clearColor of your button's title from server so you not able to display title of button. For solve this issue you need to put condition such like,
if(ButtonTitleColor is "clearColor")
[myButton setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; // here set color whatever you want.

How do I change an Image when a button is pressed?

Now I know this question may sound like a duplicate, but I doubt it seeing as I've researched and none of the possible duplicates answer my question. If it is a duplicate and it's been answered by all means show me the way!
But my question doesn't deal so much with a button changing an image, more so the button is the image.
So my button is an image and when pressed a sound plays and then the image changes until the sound is done. My problem is I can't get the image to change.
Now I have tried this method thinking that I could press my button and my new image would cover up my button until the sound was done:
UIImage *dolDerp = [UIImage imageNamed:#"dolphin2.png"];
[imageview setImage:dolDerp];
I have an outlet set up and it's connected to an image view object and then the action is connected to the button, so in theory when the button is pressed the new image should take over the screen. Now obviously the code needs to be tweaked so the button would go away after a few seconds when the sound is played, but my problem is I can't even get the button to display. I also would prefer to just have the button objects image change if possible?
If anyone could offer some help it's much appreciated!
the best thing is in Interface Builder assign the two images to the button Normal/Selected states.
in code just use this line:
myButton.selected = YES;
myButton.selected = NO;
What #Mahmoud Fayez suggested is good. In code, the proper way to set a buttons image/background image is [button setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal] or the similar method for setBackgroundImage
If you are using IB though, it is indeed best to set the different images for different states in IB, then change the buttons state (which will then change the buttons image) in code.

UIButton Highlighting Overcome default behaviour

In a program much like the who want to be a millionaire... I have 4 option buttons. It should flash red or green on press. The four buttons have either red or green images as background images. In the code setup I have such a method ready to setup the first question and when the second question gets set, the background images change accordingly.
Currently the default blue highlight is always appearing on the first pressing of any one the buttons and after that there are other issues.
I could paste some different approaches here, (but they dont work). So any suggestions would be good.
Also in the IB, when you set the highlight with background image, that works. I would use use, but for the same button, the back ground image must be changed programmatically.
Thanks in advance for the help/suggestions!
Use two State UIControlStateNormal and UIControlStateHighlighted
[btnMenu setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"img1.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[btnMenu setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"img1-Highlighted.png"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];

How to set the Button text programmatically in iOS?

I know how to change the button text programmatically in iOS:
[myButton setTitle:#"myTitle" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
but my need is I have a label called _lblgenisis, I put some code to change the text of this label and it works fine for me, the code for that is:
_lblGenisis.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#",delegate.selectedBook,delegate.selectedChapter];
my requirement is I have to convert to this code to show the same in button instead of label my button name is _btnGenisis. How to do this?
Answer that works for me:
NSString *myTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#",delegate.selectedBook,delegate.selectedChapter];
[nextButton setTitle:myTitle forState:UIControlStateNormal];
Try to add the label to the button?
[_btnGenisis addSubview:_lblGenisis]
Let me see if I get this right.
The code that normally works for changing your button label is not working to set it programmatically?
I have had this issue it turns out that:
When you set the label in the xib file you can see the results and won't make any mistakes. Recently I had a custom button with an image and couldn't figure out why I could not add a title programmatically.
It turns out I was setting the title properly (the way you already know how to). The real issue was that I set my button's image with setImage:forState. This image is above the button and you should check your xib file to see if you have an image set for the button. If so, delete the image and set it as the background image.
To see if this is actually the issue, try this in your code where you are trying to set the title
NSLog(#"image for button %#", _btnGenisis.currentImage);
It should output (null)
If it outputs like you have an image covering your button's title.
Check the interface file and inspect the button. Make sure there is no default image set. You can set a default background image.
If it is all created in code do a search for
[_btnGenisis setImage:
You should not be setting the image if you want a title. Use
[_btnGenesis setBackgroundImage:yourTitleHere forState:UIControlStateNormal];
