I am trying to write a parser for a dialect of Answer Set Programming (ASP) which, in terms of grammar, looks like Prolog with some extensions.
One extension, for instance is expansion, meaning that fact(1..3). for instance is expanded in fact(1). fact(2). fact(3).. Notice that the language understands INT and FLOAT numbers and uses . also as a terminator.
In some cases the parser fails to distinguish between integers, floats, extensions and separators because I reckon the language is clearly ambiguous. In that cases, I have to explicitly separate tokens with white spaces. Any Prolog or ASP parser, however, correctly deals with such productions. I read that ANTLR4 can disambiguate problematic productions autonomously, but probably it needs some help but I don't know how to do! ;-) I read something like here and here, but apparently they did not help me.
Could somebody please tell me what to do to overcome this ambiguity?
Please notice that I cannot change the language because it is quite standard.
In order to simplify the experts' work, I created a minimal working example that follows.
grammar Test;
statement* ;
statement: // DOT is the statement terminator
range DOT |
intNum DOT |
floatNum DOT ;
intNum: // not needed, but helps in TestRig
floatNum: // not needed, but helps in TestRig
range: // defines an expansion
DOTS: '..';
DOT: '.';
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
fragment NONZERO : [1-9] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0] | NONZERO ;
I use the following input:
1 .
1. .
1.5 .
.5 .
1 .. 5 .
And I get the following errors which instead are parsed corrected by other tools:
line 8:0 extraneous input '1.' expecting '.'
line 11:2 extraneous input '.5' expecting '.'
Many thanks in advance!
Before your DOTS rule, add a unique rule for the statement terminal dot and disambiguate the DOTS rule (and change your other rules to use the TERMINAL):
TERMINAL: DOT { isTerminal(1) }? ;
DOTS: DOT DOT { !isTerminal(2) }? ;
DOT: '.';
where the predicate method simply looks ahead on the _input character stream to see if, at the current token index, the next character is white space. Put something like this in an #member block in your grammar:
public boolean isTerminal(int la) {
int offset = _tokenStartCharIndex + 1 + la;
String s = _input.getText(Interval.of(offset, offset));
if (Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(0))) {
return true;
return false;
May have to do a bit more work if whitespace is valid between a DOTS and the trailing INT.
I recommend shifting the work to the parser.
If the lexer can't decide if 1..2 is 1. .2 or 1 .. 2 leave if up to the parser.
Maybe there is a context in which it can be interpreted as the first alternative and another context in which it may be interpreted as the second alternative.
Btw: 1..2. could be interpreted as 1 .. 2 . (range) or as 1. . 2 . (floatNum, intNum). How do you want to deal with this?
The following grammar should parse everything. But note that . . is treated as dots as well as 1 . 23 is a floatNum! You can check these tough while parsing or after parsing (depending on whether it should influence the parsing or not).
grammar Test;
statement* ;
statement: // DOT is the statement terminator
range DOT |
intNum DOT |
floatNum DOT ;
intNum: // not needed, but helps in TestRig
range: // defines an expansion
INT dots INT ;
dots : DOT DOT;
DOT: '.';
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
fragment NONZERO : [1-9] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0] | NONZERO ;
Prolog does not accept 1. as a float. This feature makes your grammar significantly more ambiguous, so maybe try removing that feature.
The Goal
The goal is interpret plain text content and recognise patterns e.g. Arithmetic, Comments, Units of Measurements.
Example Input
This would be entered by a user.
# This is an example comment
10 + 10
// Another comment
This is one line of text
Expected Parse Tree
The goal of my grammar is to generate a tree that would look like this (if anyone has a better method I'd be interested to hear).
Note: The 10 + 10 is being recognised as an arithmetic rule.
Current Parse Tree aka The Problem
Below is the current output from the lexer and parser.
Note: The 10 + 10 is being recognised as an text and not the arithmetic rule.
Grammar Definition
The logic of the grammar at a high levels is as follows:
Parse line by line
Determine the line content if not fall back to text
grammar ContentParser;
* Tokens
NUMBER: '-'? [0-9]+;
LPARAN: '(';
RPARAN: ')';
POW: '^';
MUL: '*';
DIV: '/';
ADD: '+';
SUB: '-';
TEXT: ~[\n\r]+;
EOL: '\r'? '\n';
* Rules
start: file;
file: line+ EOF;
line: content EOL;
: comment
| arithmetic
| text
// Custom Content Types
comment: LINE_COMMENT;
/// Example taken from ANTLR Docs
NUMBER # Number
| LPARAN inner = arithmetic RPARAN # Parentheses
| left = arithmetic operator = POW right = arithmetic # Power
| left = arithmetic operator = (MUL | DIV) right = arithmetic # MultiplicationOrDivision
| left = arithmetic operator = (ADD | SUB) right = arithmetic # AdditionOrSubtraction;
text: TEXT;
My Understanding
The content rule should check for a match of the comment rule then followed by the arithmetic rule and finally falling back to the text rule which matches any character apart from newlines.
However, I believe that the lexer is being greedy on the TEXT tokens which is causing issues but I'm not sure.
(I'm still learning ANTLR)
When you are writing a parser, it's always a good idea to print out the tokens for the input.
In the current grammar, 10 + 10 is recognized by the lexer as TEXT, which is not what is needed. The reason it is text is because that is the longest string matched by a rule. It does not matter in this case that the TEXT rule occurs after the NUMBER rule in the grammar. The rule is that Antlr lexers will always match the longest string possible of the given lexer rules. But, if it can match two or more lexer rules where the strings are of equal length, then the first rule "wins". The lexer works pretty much independently of the parser.
There is no way to reliably have spaces in a text string, and not have them in arithmetic. The fix is to push spaces and tabs into an "off-channel" stream, then reconstruct the text by looking at the start and end character indices of the first and last tokens for the text tree node. The tree is a little messier, but it does what you need.
Also, you should just name the grammar as "Context" not "ContextParser" because you end up with "ContextParserParser.java" and "ContextParserLexer.java" when you generate the parser--rather confusing. I also took liberty to remove labeling an variables (I don't used them because I work with XPath expressions on the tree). And, I reordered and reformatted the grammar to be single line, sort alphabetically in order to find rules quicker in a text editor rather than require an IDE to navigate around.
A grammar that does all this is:
grammar Content;
arithmetic: NUMBER | LPARAN arithmetic RPARAN | arithmetic POW arithmetic | arithmetic (MUL | DIV) arithmetic | arithmetic (ADD | SUB) arithmetic ;
comment: LINE_COMMENT;
content : comment | arithmetic | text ;
file: line+ EOF;
line: content? EOL;
start: file;
text: TEXT+;
ADD: '+';
DIV: '/';
LPARAN: '(';
MUL: '*';
NUMBER: '-'? [0-9]+;
POW: '^';
RPARAN: ')';
SUB: '-';
fragment STUFF : ~[\n\r]* ;
EOL: '\r'? '\n';
WS : [ \t]+ -> channel(HIDDEN);
TEXT: .; // Must be last lexer rule, and only one char in length.
I've written the following arithmetic grammar:
grammar Calc;
: expressions
: expression (NEWLINE expression)*
: '(' expression ')' // parenExpression has highest precedence
| expression MULDIV expression // then multDivExpression
| expression ADDSUB expression // then addSubExpression
| OPERAND // finally the operand itself
: [*/]
: [-+]
// 12 or .12 or 2. or 2.38
: [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)?
| '.' [0-9]+
: '\n'
And I've noticed that regardless of how I space the tokens I get the same result, for example:
1 +2
Still give me the same thing. Also I've noticed that adding in the following rule does nothing for me:
: [ \r\n\t] + -> skip
Which makes me wonder whether skipping whitespace is the default behavior of antlr4?
ANTLR4 based parsers have the ability to skip over single unwanted or missing tokens and continue parsing if possible (which is the case here). And there's no default to ignore whitespaces. You have to always specify a whitespace rule which either skips them or puts them on a hidden channel.
I've seen the use of fragment quite frequently within a Lexing rule, but not quite sure what its use is, or why it cannot just be removed. For example in the following rule:
: DECIMAL ([Ee] [+-]?[0-9]+)?
fragment DECIMAL
: [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)? | '.' [0-9]+
When I remove the fragment I still get the same parse tree. So what exactly is the use of using fragment or is it mainly an annotative type of thing?
As another example from this tutorial page:
Fragments are reusable parts of lexer rules which cannot match on their own - they need to be referenced from a lexer rule.
| '0' [Xx] HEX_DIGIT+
fragment DIGIT: [0-9];
fragment HEX_DIGIT: [0-9A-Fa-f];
I see no difference from using the following two approaches:
And without fragments:
Could someone please explain why these would be useful then?
The fragment declaration prevents the part from being recognized as a token. That might not be necessary very often, but it can definitely save you from hard-to-find bugs.
Let's take the second example in your post, without the fragment modifiers:
expression: INTEGER ;
| '0' [Xx] HEX_DIGIT+
DIGIT: [0-9];
HEX_DIGIT: [0-9A-Fa-f];
Now, we decide that we want to add variables to the grammar:
expression: INTEGER | IDENTIFIER ;
| '0' [Xx] HEX_DIGIT+
DIGIT: [0-9];
HEX_DIGIT: [0-9A-Fa-f];
LETTER: [A-Za-z] ;
Do you see the bug?
The parser won't handle the input a, although it has no trouble with ax or i. That's because the tokeniser will interpret a as a HEX_DIGIT, not an IDENTIFIER.
Of course, I could have prevented that by putting HEX_DIGIT after IDENTIFIER, but that's more thinking about lexer rule ordering than I really want to do. I'd like the implementation details of IDENTIFIER and INTEGER to not interfere with each other, thank you very much.
Correctly flagging non-token fragments, like LETTER, DIGIT and HEX_DIGIT saves me from having to think about whether a fragment might somehow manage to high-jack a token definition somewhere else in the file.
Here's a possibly more pernicious example, based on your first example:
EXPONENT: [Ee] [+-]? [0-9]+ ;
DECIMAL : [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)? | '.' [0-9]+ ;
Once I add expressions to that grammar, I'll find that f+17 is fine, but e+17 is a syntax error. Why? Because it is recognised as an EXPONENT, rather than being parsed as an expression. No reordering of lexical rules will prevent that. But adding the fragment modifiers does the trick.
Currently I'm trying to implement a grammar which is very similar to ruby. To keep it simple, the lexer currently ignores space characters.
However, in some cases the space letter makes big difference:
def some_callback(arg=0)
arg * 100
some_callback (1 + 1) + 1 # 300
some_callback(1 + 1) + 1 # 201
some_callback +1 # 100
some_callback+1 # 1
some_callback + 1 # 1
So currently all whitespaces are being ignored by the lexer:
And the language says for example something like:
| T_PLUS UnaryExpression
| T_MINUS UnaryExpression
One way I can think of to solve this problem would be to explicitly add whitespaces to the whole grammar, but doing so the whole grammar would increase a lot in complexity:
// OLD:
| AdditiveExpression T_ADD MultiplicativeExpression
| AdditiveExpression T_SUB MultiplicativeExpression
// NEW:
/* empty */
| AdditiveExpression _ T_ADD _ MultiplicativeExpression
| AdditiveExpression _ T_SUB _ MultiplicativeExpression
| T_PLUS UnaryExpression
| T_MINUS UnaryExpression
So I liked to ask whether there is any best practice on how to solve this grammar.
Thank you in advance!
Without having a full specification of the syntax you are trying to parse, it's not easy to give a precise answer. In the following, I'm assuming that those are the only two places where the presence (or absence) of whitespace between two tokens affects the parse.
Differentiating between f(...) and f (...) occurs in a surprising number of languages. One common strategy is for the lexer to recognize an identifier which is immediately followed by an open parenthesis as a "FUNCTION_CALL" token.
You'll find that in most awk implementations, for example; in awk, the ambiguity between a function call and concatenation is resolved by requiring that the open parenthesis in a function call immediately follow the identifier. Similarly, the C pre-processor macro definition directive distinguishes between #define foo(A) A (the definition of a macro with arguments) and #define foo (A) (an ordinary macro whose expansion starts with a ( token.
If you're doing this with (f)lex, you can use the / trailing-context operator:
[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*/'(' { yylval = strdup(yytext); return FUNC_CALL; }
[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]* { yylval = strdup(yytext); return IDENT; }
The grammar is now pretty straight-forward:
call: FUNC_CALL '(' expression_list ')' /* foo(1, 2) */
| IDENT expression_list /* foo (1, 2) */
| IDENT /* foo * 3 */
This distinction will not be useful in all syntactic contexts, so it will often prove useful to add a non-terminal which will match either identifier form:
But you will need to be careful with this non-terminal. In particular, using it as part of the expression grammar could lead to parser conflicts. But in other contexts, it will be fine:
func_defn: "def" name '(' parameters ')' block "end"
(I'm aware that this is not the precise syntax for Ruby function definitions. It's just for illustrative purposes.)
More troubling is the other ambiguity, in which it appears that the unary operators + and - should be treated as part of an integer literal in certain circumstances. The behaviour of the Ruby parser suggests that the lexer is combining the sign character with an immediately following number in the case where it might be the first argument to a function. (That is, in the context <identifier><whitespace><sign><digits> where <identifier> is not an already declared local variable.)
That sort of contextual rule could certainly be added to the lexical scanner using start conditions, although it's more than a little ugly. A not-fully-fleshed out implementation, building on the previous:
[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*/'(' { yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return FUNC_CALL; }
[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*/[[:blank:]] { yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
if (!is_local(yylval.id))
return IDENT; }
[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*/ { yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return IDENT; }
<SIGNED_NUMBERS>[[:blank:]]+ ;
/* Numeric patterns, one version for each context */
<SIGNED_NUMBERS>[+-]?[[:digit:]]+ { yylval.integer = strtol(yytext, NULL, 0);
return INTEGER; }
[[:digit:]]+ { yylval.integer = strtol(yytext, NULL, 0);
return INTEGER; }
/* ... */
/* If the next character is not a digit or a sign, rescan in INITIAL state */
<SIGNED_NUMBERS>.|\n { yyless(0); BEGIN(INITIAL); }
Another possible solution would be for the lexer to distinguish sign characters which follow a space and are directly followed by a digit, and then let the parser try to figure out whether or not the sign should be combined with the following number. However, this will still depend on being able to distinguish between local variables and other identifiers, which will still require the lexical feedback through the symbol table.
It's worth noting that the end result of all this complication is a language whose semantics are not very obvious in some corner cases. The fact that f+3 and f +3 produce different results could easily lead to subtle bugs which might be very hard to detect. In many projects using languages with these kinds of ambiguities, the project style guide will prohibit legal constructs with unclear semantics. You might want to take this into account in your language design, if you have not already done so.
I am working on a parser for a DSL that has two currently 'conflicting' features:
Floating-point numbers like 123.4.
Ranges specified like ID[2..5] (ID is defined as 'a'..'z'+ and doesn't matter much. The part '[2..5]' matters most.
The test grammar that should parse it looks as follows:
grammar DotTest;
span returns [double value]
: ID'['e=INT'..'f=INT']' { /*some code to process the values*/ $value = (double)(Int32.Parse($e.text) + Int32.Parse($f.text)); } ;
num returns [double value]
: DOUBLE {$value = double.Parse($DOUBLE.text); } ;
INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
DOUBLE : '0'..'9'+'.''0'..'9'+ ;
ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ) {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
The problem: the rule span cannot parse its input correctly, because it conflicts with DOUBLE token. The lexer tries to match 2..5 as a DOUBLE and fails. Here is how it looks in ANTLR Works:
What will be the correct way to solve this conflict and parse the two INTs in the span correctly?
P.S. I'm using ANTLR 3 and not ANTLR 4 as I'm going to generate a C# parser, which is not currently implemented in ANTLR 4.
This solution (the second grammar) works fine. After I transformed the lexer rules to the following:
NUM : (INT RNG)=> INT {$type=INT;}
| INT {$type=INT;};
fragment INT : '0'..'9'+ ;
fragment DOUBLE : '0'..'9'+'.''0'..'9'+ ;
RNG: '..' ;
parsing of intervals like 1..2 started working smoothly.
The DOUBLE rule you posted above does not conflict with the .. operator since the '0'..'9'+ following the '.' contains at least one digit. The following alternate definition of DOUBLE would in fact conflict:
DOUBLE : '0'..'9'+ '.' '0'..'9'*;
I suspect you are using the interpreter in ANTLRWorks, which is known to give incorrect results in many cases.