Unable to run ruby script over ssh into ec2 instance - ruby-on-rails

I'm working with ec2 instances and was trying to execute a ruby script on another instance after ssh to that instance.
I have a ruby script which updates configuration files, so i need to run that script as super user. when i run the script manually on that instance, sudo ruby recreate-532d01c.rb, the error that comes is
sudo: ruby: command not found
Running simple scripts with no root permissions works, eg.ruby file_1.rb.
Using rvmsudo in place of sudo executes the script with warning,
ubuntu#ip-10-0-0-111:~$ rvmsudo ruby recreate-82bb000012.rb
Warning: can not check `/etc/sudoers` for `secure_path`, falling back to call via `/usr/bin/env`, this breaks rules from `/etc/sudoers`. Run:
export rvmsudo_secure_path=1
to avoid the warning, put it in shell initialization file to make it persistent.
In case there is no `secure_path` in `/etc/sudoers`. Run:
export rvmsudo_secure_path=0
to avoid the warning, put it in shell initialization file to make it persistent.
I tried to execute the below command from rails console of one of the instance to test and it fails to recognize ruby as command
1.9.3-p545 :002 > system("ssh -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/own_key.pem ubuntu#**.***.***.** ruby execute-52d.rb")
bash: ruby: command not found
I tried with possible solutions over web, but could not resolve the issue. I have the same configuration running for one of my old aws acount, this is a newly created account. Not sure if this could be issue in any way as currently ec2 instances fall under vpc by default and have some changes after dec 2013

Nothing to do with your VPC. So when you run your ruby script with sudo your environment that your user is using doesn't get set for Ruby.
Sounds like you may be using rvm and you probably set it up with a 'single user' config.
Try running as your user:
which ruby
and see where your ruby executable is located at. That's what you have to make sure that when your run your script as sudo it's available in the PATH.
Worst case you would have to reinstall rvm with multiuser config which should work when you run with sudo:
user$ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | sudo bash -s stable


Why my rails command works differently with system() than in terminal?

The command that I'm trying to run is rails _3.2.13_ new App
When I run it in command line it creates a Rails app with version 3.2.13, but when I run it with system "rails _3.2.13_ new #{self.name} -T -B" it creates a Rails app with the latest version of Rails not 3.2.13 version.
This is a result of Ruby using /bin/sh to execute shell commands, whereas you are probably using /bin/bash in Terminal on a daily basis. The way each is loaded and the specific configurations present in each will alter the configuration.
If you run which rails from both calls to system and in your terminal you'll likely see different paths. Check echo $PATH and you'll likely see different results too.
To resolve the situation, you can check out What's the difference between .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .environment? which will give you a much better understanding of what's going on, then adjust your shell configuration to accomodate.

Could not login with bash shell by default

I want to run a Ruby on Rails application. When I tried to run it, it shows me this,
The program 'rails' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install ruby-railties
So, I figured out the problem and I found that the problem is due to not login into bash shell. My terminal could not execute 'ruby' or 'ruby on rails' scripts. I checked .bashrc and .bash_profile files if PATH variable is set to point to rvm file.
When I did,
/bash/bin -l
it shows me ruby or rails are installed on system and I could start Rails server successfully. But if I opened another Terminal window, same problem occurs. Basically, I want to log into bash shell by default. Please correct and help me to sort out this. Thanks!
If you are sure the location of your bash shell is /bin/bash you could use this command (replacing "username" with your username):
chsh -s /bin/bash username
That will change your default shell in most unix like operating systems.
Afterwards you can verify it checking /etc/passwd where you will see the default shell at the end of the line of your username.
Warning: Try it first with a new user, in order to avoid losing your shell access if the path to bash is different :-)

How do I run 'rails server' inside a shell script?

I'm trying to write a shell script that automatically runs my rails app in a virtual machine.
My script code is this:
cd /home/lgdelacruz/SampleApp
rails server
But for some reason it doesn't see all the dependencies. this gives me the error
/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory
I'm positive ruby is installed in the virtual machine. I can run rails server by manually going inside my virtual machine going to my SampleApp folder and running rails server there and everything works fine. But for some reason when I put all that in a shell script. it doesn't work.
You've probably got to initialize RVM in your script first. Try putting this line in:
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
You might also need to specify a gemset, if you're using something other than the default:
rvm use #mygemset
See the RVM scripting docs for details.
In your shell script, you've reset your path to only include /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p481/bin. ruby is usually installed somewhere like /usr/local/bin
instead you could concatenate that directory onto the end of your existing path.
something like:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0.p482/bin

rails s command does not run from ssh

I am using Putty to connect to my localhost, and I don't have any problems apparently, however, when I run command rails s to start my rails 4.0.0 application from Putty, it gives me this message:
jose#jose-laptop:~/rails/dedicated-agenda$ rails s
The program 'rails' can be found in the following packages:
Try: sudo apt-get install
I don't get that message from the terminal though, the application starts running just fine.
I had to reinstall ubuntu so I upgraded to ubuntu 14.04 just in case you need to know.
I don't know if I am missing something in my ssh settings or how could I use rails s from Putty.
Thanks in advance.
Your PATH environment variable is set differently when you are executing programs in an interactive shell and by ssh(using putty).
Use absolute path of the program to not depend on the PATH variable.
You can also set the right PATH variable at ~/.profile file and load the updated variables using the command source ~/.profile.
Now, you should be able to run the command.
You can use the command
>which rails
to see where rails is installed on your working session.
Then you need to make sure that is in your path when you ssh in.
If you are ssh'ing in as a different use then that user may not have permission to see the rails executable.

Automatically Run Command Upon Opening Terminal (Linux Mint 16)

I am using Rails and for some reason unbeknownst to me I have to execute the following line every time I start the terminal in order to use ruby and rails.
source ~/.bash_profile
If I type the following before running the above command, it will recommend that I install the packages (ie "type 'sudo apt-get install package' to install")
rails -v && ruby -v && irb -v
Is there a way to make my terminal execute a command upon opening? Or, better yet, can anybody help explain the reason I have to run this line? I found an article that said I had to do that given my issue but it didn't explain why.
Assuming you're using the bash shell, then ~/.bash_profile will be sourced once (and only once) when you log in to the system but not each time you open a terminal window.
The ~/.bashrc, however, will be sourced every time a new shell is opened (i.e. when you open a terminal window).
So they are probably some environment variables settings in ~/.bash_profile which are required for ruby to run. Those settings should be moved to the ~/.bashrc file instead so they are defined in all shell instances.
Alternatively, source ~/.bash_profile from your ~/.bashrc (this is at your own risk, it may have side-effects).
