iOS: Capture FRONT Camera with Overlay View with Video Background - ios

I'm new to the community =)
My question...
Is it possible to have an overlay screen of the front camera while having a full screen video background. Sorry if it sounds a bit confusing, it might be easier if you see the mock-up at this link.
Mock-up: Mock-up Link
Building for the iPhone using either Obj C or Xcode.
Any reference or guidance would be much appreciated.


Black bars iPhone X above. How to get rid of?

I'm having trouble with these strange black bars on the edges of iPhone X devices and higher. They will fade in and out weirdly with the camera and mess up my UI layout. Any suggestions for how to fix this? I am using the Unity game engine to create the game.
Video with demonstration linked below:
It could be because the animation is messing up the ui. Do you have any code that you think is related to that issue? If so, please edit your post with the code. Until then I can't help you. One other issue that might be that something is messing up the camera. Hope this helps in some way! :D

Camera and photo library together in iOS

I am creating an app in which I need to show both camera and photo library together in same screen. top half of the screen will have the camera and bottom half of the screen will have photo library. See the screenshot.
Also please let me know if it is feasible or not and if it is possible then please help me how to do that.
Thank you.
you tried the instagram SDK? Has a method that works for me

How to create overlay video like has YouTube application in ios

I'm developing video app and as i see youtube app have feature of this.
I think overlay use by window view but not sure scaling uiview technique. Please guide web or text for me
help me
Yes, I mean like JSA986
I think the question is asking how to imitate the funcionality of YouTubes app, ie dragging the video playing window to the bottom corner of the screen – JSA986

XNA Home Screen

In my XNA project I have a Game class but I wish to add a Menu screen which will be shown upon application launch. Does anyone know how I can add this? I can't seem to find anything in the project which will do this...
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Nothing comes with XNA by default for game screens.
However, there is an official XNA sample which covers this topic and has useful code to tackle multiple game screens.

Creating a Camera View similar to Instagram, Path, or Photovine

I haven't worked with the iPhone's camera much.
I've done basic apps using UIImagePickerViewController but that only shows the basic camera functions.
What are apps like Instagram, Path, or Photovine using to make the cooler layout with more options?
Thanks for the help!
They are essentially using a cameraOverlayView over the UIIImagePicker.
You can read about it here.
And get an apples sample code here.
