XNA Home Screen - xna

In my XNA project I have a Game class but I wish to add a Menu screen which will be shown upon application launch. Does anyone know how I can add this? I can't seem to find anything in the project which will do this...
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Nothing comes with XNA by default for game screens.
However, there is an official XNA sample which covers this topic and has useful code to tackle multiple game screens.


iOS Resizable GUIs with JUCE

I'm using the JUCE framework to make my first few iOS apps, mostly just proofs of concepts for my Github account for job recruiters.
I've got my first app compiled and working on iOS, but I'm having tons of issues with the GUI.
I can't seem to find the right resolutions to fill the screen. I'm testing with an iPhone 7 Plus, and I figured I could just type in the resolution of that screen to the Projucer, but it doesn't work correctly.
Then I realize I'd probably just want one that fills the screen automatically, but dont know which function calls to use or where its located in the Projucer (haven't found it yet).
Also, I'm entirely new to GUI developing as of December, so I'm still learning all of this. I would greatly appreciate keeping it simple. Thank you to anyone who is able to help.
Try this in MainComponent.cpp
Rectangle<int> area = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().totalArea;
centreWithSize (area.getWidth(), area.getHeight());

How to draw a flying balloon by cocos2d-js

I'm new in cocos2d-js and I would like to make a simple game as below
on screen(web, android or ios) have some balloons(bubble) flying from bottom to top(randomly appear and fly). When I touched to one of them, then it will explosion(bum with sound I configured)
Everyone who can help me to resolve it and the source code is strongly welcome.
Thanks & best regards.
I would suggest reading through the "Parkour Game Tutorials of Cocos2d-JS v3.x": http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/Getting_Started_Cocos2d-JS.
Everything needed for your task is covered in this article.

iOS: Capture FRONT Camera with Overlay View with Video Background

I'm new to the community =)
My question...
Is it possible to have an overlay screen of the front camera while having a full screen video background. Sorry if it sounds a bit confusing, it might be easier if you see the mock-up at this link.
Mock-up: Mock-up Link
Building for the iPhone using either Obj C or Xcode.
Any reference or guidance would be much appreciated.

View and interact a 3d model in iPad application

i wanna ask you about how to display a 3d model exported from blender/3d max/maya and interact with it on iPad app.
I wanna load a 3d human head into my UISplitViewController Detail View
the head will be rotated, and when i came over the noise for example, i wanna it highlighted,and when i click it, it take me to another UIViewController.
I've searched about it and i came up with using HTML5, but it's hard to use.
I've came up with using Cocos3d and other engines, but how i can use it in a normal app, not a game.
can you please give me a hint about where i should start ?
Any help will be appreciated.
I've found an engine called "isgl3d engine" that have a powerful capabilities and easy to use in your iPhone/iPad app.

iOS TabView with Unity3D integration

Has anyone here been able to integrate a TabView based application with Unity3d? I have been working on a solution, but I'm beginning to believe that it may not be possible to do. The concept basically is to have the Unity3d OpenGLES view paused upon the start of the app, and have one of the tabs contain a button that un-pauses the OpenGLES view, and hides the TabView controller. Am I crazy for wanting to do this? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
there is a plugin called NativeToolkit by Prime31, its free... I havent tried it, but the description says that it does exactly what you want, I tried the gamecenter plugin they offer and its amazing how easy it is to integrate, it seriously works "out of the box"
oh yeah and the NativeToolkit plugin is free too :) give it a try
