Ejabberd 13.12 how to add element XMPP Packet? - erlang

I am using ejabberd hook named "filter-packet" to make a module. Here I want to add an element to packet. How to do it? My Code is -
on_filter_packet({From, To, Packet}=Input) ->
Type = xml:get_tag_attr_s(list_to_binary("type"), Packet),
if (Type == <<"groupchat">>) ->
?INFO_MSG("type is group chat", []),
NPacket={Packet, [{xmlelement, "time",
[{xmlcdata, "testtime"}]}]},
{From, To, NPacket};
true ->
This code is giving error of bad match. Any Help ?

13.12 uses different type for xmlelement.
Packet is a type of record #xmlel, so you need to insert new element to Packet#xmlel.children.
on_filter_packet({From, To, #xmlel{ children=OldChildren } = Packet}=Input) ->
TimeElem = #xmlel{ name = <<"time">>,
children =
[{xmlcdata, <<"testtime">>}]},
NPacket = Packet#xmlel{ children = [TimeElem|OldChildren] },
Not tested, but will work.


Ejabberd - Route message to users in offline_message_hook

I want to build a customer support chat app. There are users and an admin. Below admin there are multiple sub-admins. Initially the chat is initiated with admin only, but if the admin is offline I need to route the message to sub-admins.
offline_message_hook hook serves the purpose. I'll check if the To is admin, then I need to route the Packet to one of the sub-admins. How do I route/send the packet to other user within offline_message_hook. In short how do I change the To from the packet so that the packet is re-directed to the new sub-admin?
Here is what I've tried:-
offline_message_hook({_Action, #message{from = Peer, to = To} = Pkt} = Acc) ->
?INFO_MSG("Inside offline", []),
ejabberd_router:route(From, To, Packet),
I'm using ejabberd 17.04.105.
After following user2610053's advice, I did this:-
-spec offline_message_hook({any(), message()}) -> {any(), message()}.
offline_message_hook({_Action, Msg} = Acc) ->
ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_to(Msg, 'praful#localhost')),
{routed, Msg}.
Following is the error:-
15:13:12.291 [error] failed to route packet:
#message{id = <<"purple187f6502">>,type = chat,lang = <<"en">>,
from = {jid,<<"praful2">>,<<"localhost">>,<<"Prafuls-MacBook-Pro">>,
to = praful#localhost,subject = [],
body = [#text{lang = <<>>,data = <<"co=umon">>}],
thread = undefined,
sub_els = [{xmlel,<<"active">>,
meta = #{ip => {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}}}
Reason = {error,{{badrecord,jid},[{ejabberd_router,do_route,1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_router.erl"},{line,343}]},{ejabberd_router,route,1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_router.erl"},{line,87}]},{mod_sunshine,offline_message_hook,1,[{file,"src/mod_sunshine.erl"},{line,24}]},{ejabberd_hooks,safe_apply,4,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,380}]},{ejabberd_hooks,run_fold1,4,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,364}]},{ejabberd_sm,route,1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_sm.erl"},{line,138}]},{ejabberd_local,route,1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_local.erl"},{line,116}]},{ejabberd_router,do_route,1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_router.erl"},{line,348}]}]}}
The user praful#localhost exist. Please advice what exactly is wrong?
Update2 - `UserReceivePacket Hook
In user_receive_packet packet hook, upon using the same function ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_to(Packet, jid:decode("praful#localhost"))), it throws an error saying :-
Hook user_receive_packet crashed when running mod_sunshine:user_receive_packet/1:
** Reason = {error,function_clause,[{jid,decode,[{file,"src/jid.erl"},{line,132}],["praful#localhost"]},{mod_sunshine,user_receive_packet,[{file,"src/mod_sunshine.erl"},{line,29}],1},{ejabberd_hooks,safe_apply,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,380}],4},{ejabberd_hooks,run_fold1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,364}],4},{ejabberd_c2s,process_info,[{file,"src/ejabberd_c2s.erl"},{line,231}],2},{ejabberd_hooks,safe_apply,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,380}],4},{ejabberd_hooks,run_fold1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,364}],4},{xmpp_stream_in,handle_info,[{file,"src/xmpp_stream_in.erl"},{line,373}],2}]}
So, I read about function_clause, but couldnt understand the same. What exactly is wrong over here?
I think you're asking about xmpp:set_to/2. Here is an example:
offline_message_hook({_Action, Msg} = Acc) ->
SubAdmins = get_sub_admins(Msg#message.to),
fun(Admin) ->
ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_to(Msg, Admin))
end, Admins),
{routed, Msg}.

Erlang:creating list of tuples within lists:foreach

I query the list of users from Mnesia Database in Chicagoboss. I'm getting the error when I try to add the Lists within lists:foreach with ++ operator. My aim is, based on userid I will do ets:lookup to my cache and create a List like - [{{<<"name">>,<<"Batman">>}, {<<"steps">>,2552}, {<<"distance">>,2050}}].
For each user I'll create this list and add with the previous List. So that ultimately I can can sort on <<"steps">> and convert the binary list by json encoding and send it to the client via Websockets.
I'm getting the error at this line:
Reading1 = Reading2 ++ Currentlist
as I've decalred Reading1 as an Empty list.
My question is how can I manipulate the lists within the lists:foreach and then send the result List via websocket?
BelugaUsers = boss_db:find(users, [{accesstoken, 'not_equals', ''}]),
Reading1 = [],
Reading2 = [],
lists:foreach(fun(X) ->
{_,_,BEmail,BName,_,_,BAccessToken,_} = X,
UserKey = BEmail ++ "-" ++ ?MYAPICALL1,
io:format("UserKey for Leader Board: ~n~p~n",[UserKey]),
[Reading] = ets:lookup(myapi_cache, list_to_binary(UserKey)),
{_,Result} = Reading,
ActivitySummary = proplists:get_value(<<"activitySummary">>, Result),
%Print ActivitySummary for the user ....printing fine
io:format("ActivitySummary ==========: ~n~p~n",[ActivitySummary]),
%Create a list of the format
%[{{<<"name">>,<<"Batman">>}, {<<"steps">>,2552}, {<<"distance">>,2050}}]
Currentlist = [{{<<"name">>, list_to_binary(BName)}, {<<"steps">>, proplists:get_value(<<"steps">>, ActivitySummary)}, {<<"distance">>, proplists:get_value(<<"distance">>, ActivitySummary)}}],
%% HERE I'M GETTING error%%
Reading1 = Reading2 ++ Currentlist
end, BelugaUsers),
%sort the list
Reading3 = lists:keysort(2, Reading1),
%reverse the list
Reading4 = lists:reverse(Reading3),
WebSocketId ! {text, jsx:encode(Reading4)},
Erlang variables are single-assignment; once bound to a value, they can't be re-bound to a different value.
The lists:foreach/2 function is not useful for this problem because it can't create a new value and return it to its caller. You should instead use lists:map/2, perhaps like this:
BelugaUsers = boss_db:find(users, [{accesstoken, 'not_equals', ''}]),
Reading = lists:map(
fun(X) ->
{_,_,BEmail,BName,_,_,BAccessToken,_} = X,
UserKey = BEmail ++ "-" ++ ?MYAPICALL1,
io:format("UserKey for Leader Board: ~n~p~n",[UserKey]),
{_,Result} = hd(ets:lookup(myapi_cache, list_to_binary(UserKey))),
ActivitySummary = proplists:get_value(<<"activitySummary">>, Result),
%%Print ActivitySummary for the user ....printing fine
io:format("ActivitySummary ==========: ~n~p~n",[ActivitySummary]),
%%Create a tuple of the format
%%{{<<"name">>,<<"Batman">>}, {<<"steps">>,2552}, {<<"distance">>,2050}}
{{<<"name">>, list_to_binary(BName)},
{<<"steps">>, proplists:get_value(<<"steps">>, ActivitySummary)},
{<<"distance">>, proplists:get_value(<<"distance">>, ActivitySummary)}}
end, BelugaUsers),
%%sort the list
Reading2 = lists:keysort(2, Reading),
%%reverse the list
Reading3 = lists:reverse(Reading2),
WebSocketId ! {text, jsx:encode(Reading3)}.
The lists:map/2 function applies a function to each value in a list to a produce a potentially different value and returns a new list consisting of those new values. This is essentially what you were trying to do with lists:foreach/2 and your attempt to use imperative assignment to add each element to an already-existing list.
You could alternatively use a list comprehension but I think lists:map/2 is clearer in this situation.

How can I get a StateData of a room conference ejabberd

I want to get the current state data record from a particular room.
I would like to have something like...
StateData = get_record(Room),
I was able to find the record by using this methods
[{,{,_},Pid}] = mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {"8799879",
get_room_state(Room_pid) ->
{ok, R} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Room_pid, get_state),

how to use mnesia:select/4 and mnesia:select/1 for paging query

a table named "md" with structure {id,name},I want read records from md use paging query,I tried mnesia:select/4 and mnesia:select/1 as below:
%% first use select/2: "ID < 10",returned [1,2,4,3,8,5,9,7,6]
(ejabberd#localhost)5> mnesia:activity(transaction,fun mnesia:select/2,md, [{{md,'$1','_'},[{'<','$1',10}],['$1']}]).
%%but when query with select/4,returned [6], why?
(ejabberd#localhost)7> {atomic,{R1,C1}}=mnesia:activity(transaction,fun mnesia:select/4,md,[{{md,'$1','_'},[{'<','$1',10}],['$1']}],5,read).
%% and then use mnesia:select/1 with continuation "C1",got wrong_transaction
(ejabberd#localhost)8> mnesia:activity(transaction,fun mnesia:select/1,C1).
how to use mnesia:select/4 and mnesia:select/1 for paging query?
You will have to call select/1 inside the same transaction.
Otherwise the table can change between invocations to select/4 and select/1.
You must use a dirty context if you want to use is as written above.
here is my solution:
use async_dirty instead of transaction
{Record,Cont}=mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun mnesia:select/4,[md,[{Match_head,[Guard],[Result]}],Limit,read])
then read next Limit number of records:
mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun mnesia:select/1,[Cont])
full code:
batch_delete(Id,Limit) ->
Match_head = #md{id='$1',name='$2'},
Guard = {'<','$1',Id},
Result = '$_',
{Record,Cont} = mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun mnesia:select/4,[md,[{Match_head,[Guard],[Result]}],Limit,read]),
delete_next('$end_of_table') ->
delete_next({Record,Cont}) ->
delete_next(mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun mnesia:select/1,[Cont])).
delete(Records) ->
F = fun() ->
[ mnesia:delete_object(O) || O <- Records]

erlang mime get To field

I try to get TO: user#mail.com field from mime mail message.
I have code:
parse_to(Data) ->
List = string:tokens(Data, ":"),
Sep1 = lists:map(fun(H) ->string:tokens(H, ":") end, List),
Sep2 = lists:filter(fun ([K | _]) -> K == "To" end, Sep1),
ListAddress = lists:append(Sep2),
[_ | Tail] = ListAddress,
lists:map(fun(Address) -> string:tokens(Address, ",") end, Tail).
If i have short message for example: https://gist.github.com/865910
I got in io:format(Sep1) https://gist.github.com/865905, it's ok all without :
But if i have long message with attachment: - https://gist.github.com/865914
I got in io:format(Sep1) - https://gist.github.com/865906 everything remains the same as it was with :
What's wrong? Why shot message normal parse and big message not parsed?
When i try use regexp:
List = binary_to_list(Binary),
re:run(List, "^To: (.)*$", [multiline, {capture, all_but_first, list}]).
I get only {match, ["m"]}
Thank you.
Try a regular expression:
1> Data = <<"...">> % Your long message
2> re:run(Data, <<"^To: (.*)$">>, [multiline, {capture, all_but_first, binary}]).
