Authenticating with ReactiveCocoa - ios

I'm building an app on top of ReactiveCocoa and Octokit.objC (github library). As part of my effort I'm using Octokits ReactiveCocoa signals to access resources that require authentication. A previous question 'Retrying an asynchronous operation using ReactiveCocoa' does a nice job covering the case where the user wants to 'retry an asynchronous operation' once. I'm trying to figure out how to handle the case where you might want to retry several times.
In my specific case if authentication fails I want to go ask the user for their credentials. I'll either ask the user for their credentials a few times (2 or 3) and then halt if they fail or I'll just keep asking them for their credentials until they succeed.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks - AYAL

There is an operator called -retry: which accepts a count parameter. If you apply this operator to a signal, and that signal returns an error, it will re-subscribe to the signal (up to the specified number of times) when the error is received. So what you need is a signal that, when subscribed to, prompts the user for credentials.
RACSignal *requestCredentials = [RACSignal defer:^{
// (Prompt the user for credentials.)
if (successful)
self.cachedCredentials = credentials;
return [self authenticate:credentials];
return [RACSignal error:[[MyError alloc] init]];
// We try to authenticate using the cached credentials (the
// `-authenticate:` method returns a signal that attempts
// authentication when it is subscribed to). If the initial
// attempt to authenticate fails, we try 3 times to get the
// user to enter the correct credentials.
return [[self authenticate:self.cachedCredentials]
catchTo:[requestCredentials retry:3]];


iOS ADAL-Make silent call using refresh token

I am using iOS ADAL library version 2.2.6 and receiving refresh token upon successful login. Now I want to make a silent call by using this refresh token. I tried with following method but it fails to return the access token.
ADAuthenticationContext *authContext;
[authContext acquireTokenSilentWithResource:resourceId
userId:strUserID //loggedIn userID
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result){
// It alway throws an error //Please call the non-silent acquireTokenWithResource methods.
ADAuthenticationError *error = nil;
authContext = [ADAuthenticationContext authenticationContextWithAuthority:inputData.authority error:&error];
[authContext acquireTokenWithResource:inputData.ResourceID
clientId:inputData.ClientId // Comes from App Portal
redirectUri:inputData.RedirectUri // Comes from App Portal
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result)
if (AD_SUCCEEDED != result.status){
// Show alert with error description
//Handle Success token
//Handle Success token
But it always throws an error saying "The user credentials are needed to obtain access token. Please call the non-silent acquireTokenWithResource methods."
Is there any way to make a silent call using refresh token? please help me on it. Thanks in advance.
When you use Microsoft's authentication libraries, you should always first check to see if there is a user in the cache that can be used for your resource before prompting the user to sign in. This allows us to check if the user had previously signed in to your app or if there are other apps that share state with your app that may have already asked the user to sign in elsewhere.
If the user is found, we will try to acquire a token without interrupting the user at all. Sometimes a user will have changed their password or done some other action that will require them to sign in again even if they have signed in to your app previously. This is what you are seeing. The library is telling you that for the user you are trying to acquire a token for, they need to sign in again to make something right.
In order to handle all these cases elegantly, we recommend that you use the pseudocode pattern of:
(if error InteractiveAuthenticationRequired) {
acquireTokenInteractively() }
The pattern first checks if a user you specify is available in the token cache. If it is, we then call the Azure Active Directory service to see if the Refresh token for that user is valid. If both of these are true, then the user is signed in silently. If the user isn't found or the server rejects the Refresh Token, then an error is sent from the library that indicates the user needs to sign in interactively.
In the above, you are doing this first part, but you aren't handling the case where the user needs to sign in if there is a problem.
The best way is to catch the error with a ADErrorCode of AD_ERROR_USER_INPUT_NEEDED
Here is a code sample on how to do this pattern.
// Here we try to get a token from the stored user information we would have from a successful authentication
[authContext acquireTokenSilentWithResource:data.resourceId
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result) {
if (!result.error)
completionBlock(result.tokenCacheStoreItem.userInformation, nil);
} else {
if ([result.error.domain isEqual:ADAuthenticationErrorDomain] && result.error.code == AD_ERROR_USER_INPUT_NEEDED) {
// Here we know that input is required because we couldn't get a token from the cache
[authContext acquireTokenWithResource:data.resourceId
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result) {
if (result.status != AD_SUCCEEDED)
completionBlock(nil, result.error);
data.userItem = result.tokenCacheStoreItem;
completionBlock(result.tokenCacheStoreItem.userInformation, nil);
} else {
completionBlock(nil, result.error);
Keep in mind this code is very verbose. You will most likely want to have acquireTokenWithResource: a separate method that you could call with [self acquireTokenWithResource]

Is there a way to detect revoked permissions through Google APIs?

We're trying to find a way to detect revoked permissions through Google APIs without continuously polling the provider to get status updates. Does Google have any sort of notification system for this (a webhook, etc)?
The most recent post I found regarding this was over 2 years ago.
Look here and search for Check For Permissions
Android Permissions
// Here, thisActivity is the current activity
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(thisActivity,
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
// Should we show an explanation?
if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(thisActivity,
Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS)) {
// Show an expanation to the user *asynchronously* -- don't block
// this thread waiting for the user's response! After the user
// sees the explanation, try again to request the permission.
} else {
// No explanation needed, we can request the permission.
new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS},
// app-defined int constant. The callback method gets the
// result of the request.

The right approach to keep users sessions

I’m developing an app that uses external API and requires authentication through oauth2. In the response from api I get access token, refresh token and time in which token will expire. Everything is just fine until the time expire. So far before sending a request i check whether access token is valid:
if ([[AppCredentials sharedCredentials]tokenIsValid]) {
BackEnd *backendPUT = [[BackEnd alloc]init];
[backendPUT setDelegate:self];
[backendPUT updateMenuInDiary:menuDietyDoUpdate forDate:[[DziennikDietaModel sharedDziennikDietaModel]getwybranaDate] mealID:[menuDietyDoUpdate objectForKey:#"id"]];
monitor = [[UICustomLoadingMonitor alloc]initWithDefaultOptionsInView:[self view]];
[monitor start];
[[AppCredentials sharedCredentials] getAppTokenFromRefreshedToken];
when getAppTokenFromRefreshedToken is finished, method userTokenDownloaded is called using delegate.
The question is: how can I go back to that certain code which could not be executed in the first part of the if statement? Everything is asynchronous that is why i’ve got a problem.
In my view controller there are couple of methods that sends different requests to api and I need to differentiate which one needs to be called again.
What would be the right approach to this? closures ?
ok. solved it with blocks :) in the case someone was looking for an answer that is how i've done it:
BackEnd *backEnd = [[BackEnd alloc]init];
[backEnd setDelegate:self];
if ([[AppCredentials sharedCredentials]tokenIsValid]) {
[backEnd updateMenuInDiary:menuDietyDoUpdate];
[backEnd getAppTokenFromRefreshToken:refreshedToken withCompletionBlock:^{
NSLog(#"ponowna proba z bloku");
[backEnd updateMenuInDiary:menuDietyDoUpdate];
works great :)

Able to POST direct messages using Twitter's REST API, but trying to GET returns a 401 error

I am trying to get direct messages working in my app. I'm able to POST DMs just fine, but when I try to GET them from the endpoint it returns a 401 - Unauthorized. I don't really understand how I can be authorized to send DMs but not get ones sent to me.
Here's how I'm authenticating initially:
if Twitter.sharedInstance().sessionStore.session() == nil {
Twitter.sharedInstance().logInWithCompletion { session, error in
if (session != nil) {
// successfully logged in, call loading functions
} else {
print("error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
} else {
// already logged in, call loading functions
Every time I make a request using the REST API, it begins with
if let userID = Twitter.sharedInstance().sessionStore.session()?.userID {
let client = TWTRAPIClient(userID: userID)
The client is initialised the same way in both the POST and GET requests for DMs, yet the GET request fails.
As far as permissions go, I've checked that it has read/write/DM access according to Twitter, and successful requests return "x-access-level" = "read-write-directmessages";, so I think it's set properly.
I was concerned at one point that I might not be authenticating properly, since Twitter's documentation goes through the 3 step process for O-Auth and all I'm doing is telling the Twitter singleton to just log in... but I rationalised that away by assuming that those steps are all carried out in the logInWithCompletion function. And besides, if I wasn't authenticated properly I surely wouldn't be able to send DMs, right?
Any ideas on how I can fix this? I'm quite new so it may be something nice and simple! I've looked through some other questions, but they all seem to code the requests in full rather than using built-in methods like these - or have I got it all wrong?
Yeah, it was a stupid problem - I left the parameters blank since they are all marked as 'optional' - as in, a dictionary of ["" : ""]. I just set the paramaters in the request to nil, and now it works.

Best solution to refresh token automatically with AFNetworking?

Once your user is logged in, you get a token (digest or oauth) which you set into your HTTP Authorization header and which gives you the authorization to access your web service.
If you store your user's name, password and this token somewhere on the phone (in user defaults, or preferably in the keychain), then your the user is automatically logged in each time the application restarts.
But what if your token expires? Then you "simply" need to ask for a new token and if the user did not change his password, then he should be logged in once again automatically.
One way to implement this token refreshing operation is to subclass AFHTTPRequestOperation and take care of 401 Unauthorized HTTP Status code in order to ask a new token. When the new token is issued, you can call once again the failed operation which should now succeeds.
Then you must register this class so that each AFNetworking request (getPath, postPath, ...) now uses this class.
[httpClient registerHTTPOperationClass:[RetryRequestOperation class]]
Here is an exemple of such a class:
static NSInteger const kHTTPStatusCodeUnauthorized = 401;
#interface RetryRequestOperation ()
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isRetrying;
#implementation RetryRequestOperation
- (void)setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *, id))success
failure:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *, NSError *))failure
__unsafe_unretained RetryRequestOperation *weakSelf = self;
[super setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:success failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
// In case of a 401 error, an authentification with email/password is tried just once to renew the token.
// If it succeeds, then the opration is sent again.
// If it fails, then the failure operation block is called.
if(([operation.response statusCode] == kHTTPStatusCodeUnauthorized)
&& ![weakSelf isAuthenticateURL:operation.request.URL]
&& !weakSelf.isRetrying)
NSString *email;
NSString *password;
email = [SessionManager currentUserEmail];
password = [SessionManager currentUserPassword];
// Trying to authenticate again before relaunching unauthorized request.
[ServiceManager authenticateWithEmail:email password:password completion:^(NSError *logError) {
if (logError == nil) {
RetryRequestOperation *retryOperation;
// We are now authenticated again, the same request can be launched again.
retryOperation = [operation copy];
// Tell this is a retry. This ensures not to retry indefinitely if there is still an unauthorized error.
retryOperation.isRetrying = YES;
[retryOperation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:success failure:failure];
// Enqueue the operation.
[ServiceManager enqueueObjectRequestOperation:retryOperation];
failure(operation, logError);
if([self httpCodeFromError:logError] == kHTTPStatusCodeUnauthorized)
// The authentication returns also an unauthorized error, user really seems not to be authorized anymore.
// Maybe his password has changed?
// Then user is definitely logged out to be redirected to the login view.
[SessionManager logout];
failure(operation, error);
- (BOOL)isAuthenticateURL:(NSURL *)url
// The path depends on your implementation, can be "auth", "oauth/token", ...
return [url.path hasSuffix:kAuthenticatePath];
- (NSInteger)httpCodeFromError:(NSError *)error
// How you get the HTTP status code depends on your implementation.
return error.userInfo[kHTTPStatusCodeKey];
Please, be aware that this code does not work as is, as it relies on external code that depends on your web API, the kind of authorization (digest, oath, ...) and also which kind of framework you use over AFNetworking (RestKit for example).
This is quite efficient and has proved to work well with both digest and oauth authorization using RestKit tied to CoreData (in that case RetryRequestOperation is a subclass of RKManagedObjectRequestOperation).
My question now is: is this the best way to refresh a token?
I am actually wondering if NSURLAuthenticationChallenge could be used to solve this situation in a more elegant manner.
Your current solution works and you have the code for it, there might be a reasonable amount of code to achieve it but the approach has merits.
Using an NSURLAuthenticationChallenge based approach means subclassing at a different level and augmenting each created operation with setWillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallengeBlock:. In general this would be a better approach as a single operation would be used to perform the whole operation rather than having to copy it and update details, and the operation auth support would be doing the auth task instead of the operation completion handler. This should be less code to maintain, but that code will likely be understood by less people (or take longer to understand by most) so the maintenance side of things probably balances out over all.
If you're looking for elegance, then consider changing, but given that you already have a working solution there is little gain otherwise.
I was searching an answer for this problem and "Matt", the creator of AFNetworking, suggest this:
the best solution I've found for dealing with this is to use dependent
NSOperations to check for a valid, un-expired token before any
outgoing request is allowed to go through. At that point, it's up to
the developer to determine the best course of action for refreshing
the token, or acquiring a new one in the first place.
