iOS 7 3D gallery transition effect - ios

How can I implement in iOS 7 the transition effect in the link below ?

Examine to see how it's done - you could in fact just use this library in your code.


Swift 3 iOS 10 - Apply the "Slide to Unlock" animation to a label

I want to use the "slide to unlock" animation from iOS for a button. I just want the animation not the function behind it.
To be honest I have no idea how to start. I googled this a while, but I found nothing for Swift 3.
Here is what I want in my app
Try out Shimmer from Facebook. They use it for loading but its usable on labels. Looks very similar to the iOS “Slide to Unlock”.

iOS UIPickerView - Appearance

Is there any way to get the picker view in Xcode 6 to appear as it was in Xcode 4?
Thank you.
As mentioned, the newer versions of iOS spot the plain-white picker view with just a focus window. To improve the aesthetics, to a look somewhat similar to the earlier versions, simply add a suitable background image to the control.

How to show a popup(see image) in iOS

Just starting out with iOS developing in Swift so I'm not certain how to call this thing.
What I'm trying to accomplish is a choice like the image below.
What is it called and where do I start?
UIActionSheet is what you are searching for.
Be careful because it's deprecated since iOS 8 but the reference links to the replacement as well.
in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet.

iOS 6 iAd property and methods deprecated

Since iOS 6 release, there are some iAd properties and methods that are deprecated like :
So what's the best way to implement iAd now on both orientation ? Should we now resize the banner view frame manually ?
I have my application only support Landscape mode(should work for Portrait mode also), and have iAd showing up on the top of the application. And to make this work with ios6 I had to do this:
In Monotouch
storesAdBannerView = new ADBannerView();
storesAdBannerView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
For objc (which I dont use), I think it might be
[storesAdBannerView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth]
It seems that landscape ads are somewhat phased out.
It need further confirmation, as I could not find any Apple document regarding that change.
I sAw 2 workaround there : Tested the first solution:
easy temporary solution – you can quickly get your app to compile again by using a cheap cheat, add explicitly #import to the files where you are accessing currentContentSizeIdentifier and the size name constants. That should get you going until you alter your app to use the new auto-layout features.
It works ok on xcode 4.5 (banner test ok).

about the api of UIImagePickerController in iOS 5

I overlay the UIImagePickerController with my design, and i set the showsCameraControls = NO, the zoom bar will not show both in iOS 4 and iOS 5, but the function of zoom will work in iOS 5, I can use two of my fingers to zoom in/out, but I don't want this function, so how can i stop the zoom function? I can not find this API in iOS 5 developer file, so please help me.thanks
I am not sure what you mean by 'zoom'.
Are you looking for -[UIImagePickerController allowsEditing]? Set it to NO, and the image simply is shown. Set to YES, and you can 'zoom' into the image, and import only that area of the image.
