Bottom Space Tab Bar iOS issue - ios

I have added a tab bar controller. There is a thin white space left at the bottom below the tab bar in iOS7 and a black space in iOS6. Any idea what might be the problem?

Probably your icon size is not matching to the standard design pattern: *
According to the apple link icon image size should be *30x30 for Normal / 60x60. for Retina #2x *
and Here if you are using the static title into Image than it's not a great idea to embed the title of the tab into the image—you're going to have poor accessibility and localization results like that.


iPhone X - UIPageControl Black Bar

I have already added the correct size Launch Screen to the project, and the remainder of the app is working correctly, it is only the instances of a UIPageViewController where a black bar appears on only the bottom, not the top, of the screen. What is the solution as I don't know of any attributes that can be modified to fix this.

iPhone X compatibility programmatically

I want to make my app compatible with iPhone X. I'm not using storyboard or xibs, just code. When I run my app on the simulator the view overlaps part of the status bar and the home bar at the bottom. Is there a way to programmatically adjust the view so that it fits within the bounds? Any help is appreciated.
I believe the answer you are looking for is called safeAreaInsets, which are basically insets that considers the position of the iphoneX exclusive UI components such as the navigation bar and the home bar.
You should adjust the sizes and constraints of your UI components according to the safe area as opposed to the screen, for and non iphoneX devices, it would be 0, which means it would be the same as adjusting according the the screen sizes instead.
The docs for it is at:

UIButton is out of navigation bar

I have a custom UI Button (just regular button but with image), within the navigation bar, but when I choose my image it looks like this in designer:
As you can see here, it's over my provider and status labels, and also when I run application it's over the WebView (which is bellow), so definitely out of navigation bar. I tried to find in storyboard some property where I can adjust this but I couldn't find any. I'm using swift and storyboards.
Appreciate any help, iOS newbie :)
Based on your description I think your issue is that you are trying to add a button for navigation. What you need is a NavigationBar with a NavigationItem/BarButtonItem in it. If you look in the object library you will be able to find these.
Just drag them onto your story board. Once there select the button and in the side menu you will be able to select the Image for that Item. Now it is in the navigation bar up top. Let me know if there are still issues. 👱🏼
You have to make sure your 1x image is to the specified size (and then your 2x etc, or just use a PDF at the 1x size.
Icon sizes are here: iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Icon and Image Sizes
I made my pdf 22x22 and added it to .xcassets with scale factor "single vector"

IOS iPad application bottom strange white area

I developed iPad tabbar application. I also use custom tabbar on left side. Bu Tab bar has white background along edges in landscape mode and also portrait mode. This area could not delete any of the method.
It sounds like the sizes you're using in your nib file don't match the layout in your app. You'll need to set the autoresizing mask of your views so that they resize correctly at runtime.
You can change the autoresizing masks in the nib by opening the right-hand pane; selecting the icon that looks a bit like a ruler, and then clicking the red arrows. Here's a picture:
The important arrows are the ones in the second row; click them so they look like this:
Your view should then resize correctly.

What are the iOS specifications / guidelines for navigation bar background images?

Does anyone know the iOS image resolutions for navigation bar backgrounds? I’ve found the resolutions for pretty much all the other elements on Apple’s Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines page, but I couldn’t seem to find anything for pixel sizes requirements for navigation bar background images (both regular and retina).
The iOS navigation bar is 44 pixels tall and 320 pixels wide. On Retina displays, those numbers are double, at 88 pixels and 640 pixels respectively.
The navigation bar is 44 pixels tall. You can check the dimensions of any iOS UI element by creating one in interface builder and clicking on the size inspector (the ruler).
Note there is an issue I reported here. It seems you cannot set width and insets of a bar button item image on a navigation item from within IB size inspector nor programmatically, they simply have no effect. You can do so for a bar button item on the toolbar though. This seems to be a bug.
By the way here is the link to Apple Icon and Image Creation Guidelines.
Apple does not support api for setting background image of NavigationBar.
You can only set tintColor.
Or you can subclass and implement the - (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect method.
