iOS app icon with transparent background showing black background on device - ios

I have added an icon to my app. It has rounded edges and no background. The problem is that when I run an app on my device (iPhone 5) the icon has a black background behind the edges as if it wasn't transparent. Any solutions?

From the apple developer website after a quick search:
Avoid transparency. An app icon should be opaque. If the icon’s boundaries are smaller than the recommended sizes—or you use transparency to create “see-through” areas—the resulting icon can appear to float on a black background, which tends to look especially unattractive on the beautiful wallpapers that users choose.
Edit: Also, check the related questions before you confirm your post - Is is possible to use transparency in an iPhone app icon?

On IOS use just square icons, if you use rounder icons you will have black margin black background.


iOS app has a black background and the app icon overflows to the edges

It seems that when using the Ionic Framework to develop a hybrid app for Android and iOS, the app launcher background is set to transparent somewhere which works for Android but not for iOS, which will then cause the launch background to be black, but I would like to figure out how to change the background color to white. Also the icon that I have saved in the resources folder for both Android and iOS seems to be overflowing to the edges of the launcher in iOS, so is there anyway to decrease the size of the launcher icon on the home screen only for iOS? I will add a screen shot of the app on the home screen soon.
The best way to go about doing this is to make sure transparency is off for the image going to be used as the app icon and to use You may have to play around with the size of the background either in Adobe Photoshop or determining the best size of the background by using Snipping Tool in programs with a white or colored background like in Microsoft Word and then cropping the image.

On apple ipad icon leave some space and because of that it shows some black background color behind that icon. why this?

I have made square shape icon for ipad, and also ipad make icon in rounded shape automatically on app, but in my app, it shows some black background color behind the icon.
please reply me..
are you sure you are using rigt size? Check this. It would be also nice if you put an image here.

The black frame around App ICON when App run on the iPhone

I have set the multiple size of icon in AppIcon of Images.xcassets.
And set Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name to AppIcon.
But when the App run on my iPhone 5c , it has a black frame around the icon like the following picture.
Did I missing something ?
From iOS7: Avoid transparency. An app icon should be opaque. If the icon’s boundaries are smaller than the recommended sizes—or you use transparency to create “see-through” areas—the resulting icon can appear to float on a black background, which tends to look especially unattractive on the beautiful wallpapers that users choose
Check if there is any transparency present in the icon, if yes, please remove it.
You should avoid rounded corner icon, because Apple applies masks to your icon image for this. Provide a sqaure-ish icon of dimensions 120x120 pixels..
For more information go through HIG Guidlines

Why Xcode or iOS render my icon with ugly corners?

PLease tell me how can I create app icon for iOS 7 with perfect quality?
Now my two app icons have black artifacts on corners..
Original iPad desktop icon for retina 144x144px without artifacts
I also check "iOS icon is pre-rendered"
What I'am doing wrong? Why Xcode or iOS render my icon with ugly corners?
Please, help..
I generally make my icons square in the first place and then let Xcode handle the curved corners. That way you don't end up with ugly curved black lines.
Your red background is to big, when re-rendering the corners some of the red comes inside the app icon, it looks dark because it is mixed up with the blue.
Create a completely squared app icon, xcode will do the rest and it won't look screwed.
(remove the red background)
This is because your app icon's corner radius and apple's standard corner radius are mismatching. So they filling the gap with black backgound. I suggest you to make a squred icon and dont check iOS icon is pre-rendered unless there is a particular requirement. Another solution is to adjust the icon with some image editor. May be adjusting your corner radius will help you.

apple ios app icon issue

I want to know is there any way i can show the app icon with a transparent background, for example a white circle and the area around it as transparent, thought the image har transparent canvas. But app shows black background of the circle icon.
All relies are welcomed.
Your app icon will be displayed as the same sized round-cornered square button as all the other apps -- there's no way to truly make it look like a round button, for example.
If you control the device(s) on which the app will be installed, then you can add a background to your icon that matches the wallpaper on the device. Don't forget to turn off the shine effect by setting the UIPrerenderedIcon flag in your Info.plist to YES.
