iOS In-App Purchases Multiple In-App Stores - ios

I have an App with 2 different Modes.I want each Mode to have it's own store for In-App purchases.I'm having a hard time find any policy information or info about having more than one In-App store inside the same App (that could be because it's not a problem at all).
If it's not okay to have "2" stores, would it be okay to have them be the same store and then just filter out the ones that shouldn't be available in that particular Mode?

Simply use the mode to select which of two different sets of in-app purchases are shown to the user. You are free to show or hide in-app purchases as you like, however be clear to the user about any previous purchases!

You can show what ever you want in your shop, but all users should be able in a way or another to buy the same product otherwise it can be seen as discrimination in some countries and it's illegal.
If the in-app purchases are clear functionalities of one mode and the user choses which mode he uses then I don't think there is a problem. But if you force assign a mode to a specific user without him knowing or being able to do anything about then you can have problems, especially if the functionalities are different.
And for example, I worked for some companies which use tiers for consumable (if you already purchased the cheap package, the more expensive one are shown) and this was a problem of discrimination. The solution was allowing any customer to contact support to get access to lower (or higher) tiers. Then even if it's not in the shop they have the possibility to buy the IAP if they want to.


Using generic in-app purchase items for a dynamic range of digital products

Have any of you implemented something similar to the below scenario?
Consider an app which provides audiobooks:
The books are maintained dynamically from a web based UI by the authors.
The books become available for users of the iOS app, as in-app purchase items.
By default Apple guidelines suggests using non-consumable IAP, and adding continuously as many IAP items as many books we have. But this is not proper for us, as the authors won’t have access to iTunesConnect, so it cannot be dynamic, “self-serving”.
Therefore we are planning to create a set of generic "consumable" IAP items like “Book worth $0.99”, “Book worth $1.99”, and so on. Then in the app we’ll show the corresponding IAP item for the books as specified by the authors, when they added it to our system.
Of course we store the purchased items on the server side, so the user will always have access to the purchased items -- even if they access it later from another device.
Will Apple approve this implementation?
Does it fit with their IAP policy?
I’ve found some similar quite old topics in the forum but the answers were confusing.
Have you implemented something similar and get approval from Apple?
Apple has accepted our solution, as described in the question.
The point is, as highlighted correctly by #RomOne and #ge0rges that you need to provide the possibility to restore the items later.
As we are storing every purchase in our database, and our users are authenticated (they need to register and log in to purchase), we are able to provide them access to the purchased items forever, even when accessing the app from other device.
We are also storing the associated in-app-purchase's ProductID from iTunesConnect, plus the userID, the price, and the date, to have a detailed register of all purchases.
Important: Apple has rejected our first solution, because they didn't understand how it works, and how a purchase can be restored.
The key to success was describing in detail how the system works and providing a test user access to our web admin site. This allowed the Apple reviewers to see the whole system.
Yeah in my point of view they will accept it. As long as you allow users to retrieve their purchases later on. Your system make me think about a virtual currency I have made where I had to make generic consumable that needed to be actually saved for the user. Apple approved it (and still does) because I was saving all purchases, even if it didn't fit perfectly with IAP policy ;)
The key here is to make sure these purchases are restorable, always. So make sure to store the "IDs" or however you identify the different item in a way that is associated directly to the Apple ID (not account, but Apple ID).

Purchase non-consumable in app feature multiple times

not sure if this pass as a Stackoverflow question (close if not).
The problem we're facing at the moment is we have an app that we want to allow user to pay to unlock additional content space so they can create more content but be able to purchase multiple copies of that item without being charged twice unless they've exceeded what they've initially purchased.
So a concrete example is this:
Think of a item bag in World of Warcraft that lets user carry more items. (Our app isn't a game but it's the same concept). Users can buy many copies of the bag and at the same time, it doesn't matter if the user log into the app from their home computer or another computer, the bags are still tied to their account.
I'm aware that I have two options really:
Non-Cosumable In App Purchase
User buys the in app purchase item once but does not buy another copy. In other words, they can only ever have 1 copy of that item, not 10 or 20 copies (which our business logic requires in this case).
Consumable In App Purchase
Allows purchasing multiple copies of the item BUT they are non-transferable purchases. This would mean users would need to pay for the same item again even if they bought a new iPad, they can't transfer those "bags" to the new iPad or if they delete the app and reinstall the app, they would still need to pay for those items again.
Subscription based in app purchase doesn't exactly fit our model.
So is there a special type of non-consumable in app purchase but allows the user to buy multiple copies of that item/feature?
Additional Considerations
We do not have a third party server to track users and the number of copies of that item/feature they unlocked.
It also doesn't make sense to make a hundred copies of the in app purchase in iTunes Connect manually.
I think only making a consumable in app purchase is our only option. We're reluctant to force to user to have to pay for unlocking the same content twice but at the same time don't want users to be able to keep creating additional "bags" for free.
If user purchases a non-consumable purchase twice, I am sure Apple store has mechanism to prevent the purchase.
Instead, it would simply say: You have already purchased this product. It will be downloaded again. You will get all the delegates being called normally, and content delivery will happen as per what you have coded, but the customer will not be charged.
To avoid the payment flow, you can store the purchased item under itunes user's keychain, too.

Is it possible to detect when a user has re-purchased a non-consumable IAP for free?

When a user of an iOS app purchases a non-consumable item, then installs that app on a new device, it is possible for them to again go through the standard purchasing logic for that item. The app store will ask them if they wish to spend $0.99 on the item, but if they click "Yes", it will inform that they already own that item, and ask if they wish to download it for free.
I would like to track new purchases in my analytics, and not have them conflated with re-purchased items that a user receives for free. Unfortunately, it seems that this behavior is indistinguishable from a genuinely new purchase, (to the client app). Apple seems to say as much: "Note: If the user attempts to purchase a product that’s already been purchased, rather than using your app’s restoration interface, the App Store creates a regular transaction instead of a restore transaction. The user isn’t charged again for the product. Treat these transactions the exact same way you treated the original transactions."
In discussing this issue, most posts (and Apple's documentation) say that I should offer a 'Restore Transactions' button to the users. I do offer this button, but it is always possible for users to circumvent this logic, and go through the traditional purchasing route. This is where my tracking will become inaccurate.
Do I have any options? Thanks!
I am pretty sure you don't have any options for tracking a new purchase versus downloading a previous purchase for free when a user does an in app purchase. I have looked into this for the same reason of analytics and I could not find a way to do it. IAP is set up to make sure that you honor purchases made by the same iTunes account on other devices.
If your users are required to have an account specific to your app to make a purchase you could use that to know if they already have made the purchase or not. But requiring an account for purchase can lower your conversion rate.

In app purchase - method to allow full control of adding products from personal server = allowed?

I have a very strait forward question (and yes I've looked though apple documentation to see if this has an answer but no luck... I may have accidentally missed it though)
Here's my plan:
The problem I've been trying to find a workaround for is that if the admin would ever want to add a product, he would have to log into iTunes connect to add it and also add it in a custom control panel. We, obviously, don't want to make him suffer that so I've been looking for a solution but I need you guys to tell me if it's allowed by apple. Basically I will take over most of the product handling on our servers and will only go to apple with the transactions. This means that apple will not have an in-app purchase set up for ALL the products... only one for each length of subscription (1 month, 3 month... etc) and a few consumable in-app purchases for the various prices of the issues/singles
Side note: I will be selling monthly issues that contain multiple singles for each day of the month. The user will be able to download a full month or a single day at a time if they like.
DEFINITION OF CONSUMABLE PURCHASE - products must be purchased each time the user needs that item. For example, one-time services are commonly implemented as consumable products.
So I will store all the information in our server about the products and if someone chooses to buy a single month's issue that was set to 4.99 (on our server, not apples) then the app will run the in-app purchase with apple that is listed for the 4.99 tier. Whenever a person opens the app for the first time, their app will send some information to our server and they will have a row set aside for them where all the information about their purchases will be recorded so that they can restore them if they switch over to another device.
If you guys think i'm safe in doing this, please let me know so that I can proceed. Also, if this method helps anyone, feel free to use it!
I think your restore process might be flawed. You talk about the app sending some information up to your server, but what is that information? There is no reliable way to uniquely identify a user across different devices.
If you want to continue on this path you'll want to make sure that your recovery and failover process is very solid. Try out every imaginable scenario. From an app store submission point of view, you'll want to consider a token/coin-based approach. Of course, Apple's guidelines are fairly loose and subject to change so it's always possible you'll get rejected, but tokens are certainly more solid than simply using the same generic in-app purchase.
In a token system, you would set up in-app purchases for different numbers of tokens that the user can purchase as a sort-of virtual currency only valid within your application. Then users can spend these tokens on any items that you dynamically create.
Server-side this means you'll need some way to store how many tokens a user currently has and a way to uniquely identify a user across devices, which is a fairly uncertain proposition. Instead of storing the number of tokens each user has, you could implement some sort of hashing algorithm that generates a hash from an in-app purchase receipt and then sends it up to your server. If the app crashes or the network dies after purchase but before sending your hashes up, next time they open the app you can recalculate all of the hashes, send 'em up, and if the server doesn't recognize a hash it just adds it to the database. Then if a user wants to restore their purchases you simply recalculate the hashes on the device using the in-app purchase receipts you'll receive and then send them up to your server and ask the server to figure out for each of those hashes, how many tokens the user has left. You could think of it like a gift card system, where each hash is one gift card.
Again, app store rules change and if apple thinks you're trying to game the system and not provide a useful experience they have the right to reject you. It could be worthwhile to open a Developer Technical Support request and see if an apple engineer can provide you with a better solution or tell you if the reviewers are likely to accept your application.

In App Purchase: dynamically add non consumable items

I'm developing an app where the user can purchase digital maps, charts and so on. I'd like to wrap these in in-app-purchases. The thing is that I don't know beforehand how many charts there will be, as I'm getting them from another source from the net. There could be hundreds.
I have a server that periodically gets the charts from that source and stores them locally; there may appear new charts in the future or disappear existing ones. All this without manual intervention.
There are three distinct types of charts.
My first solution was to create three consumable items and let the user buy these; this was working fine but unfortunately Apple rejected it, since they require charts to be "non consumable".
But I'm quite at a loss how to implement what I want with the non-consumable type. If I create these three types as non-consumable, and the user buys one, he will get all the other charts in that group for free, since a non-consumable item can only be bought once.
The only solution I can think of is to create a non-consumable item for every single chart. But that's something I want to avoid at all costs: as it is now, the charts are periodically fetched from the remote source without any manual work on my side. I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to manually create a new non consumable purchases every time a new chart appears.
Any ideas how to make this scalable?
I can't completely spell it out for you with code but you can handle this problem two ways:
You do not sell non-consumable items such as maps. You sell currency. With that currency you purchase maps. The maps you feed dynamically whenever the user hits your store front. That way you only need to track a few purchase options.
The other option:
The company I worked for initially set this up very simply. Our app would launch and we would reach out for a php script that handed us back the app store IDs that we had sitting in it. At that point we'd verify them and use the valid returns. This option allowed us to change our in app purchases through iTunes Connect and then in the script and everything was great.
This is an older post, but I just had the same question and found out there is now a way to dynamically provide non-consumables by hosting the product identifier list on your own server:
Every product you sell in your app has a unique product identifier.
Your app uses these product identifiers to fetch information about
products from the App Store, such as pricing, and to submit payment
requests when users purchase those products. Your app can either read
its list of product identifiers from a file in its app bundle or fetch
them from your server.
If your app has a fixed list of products, such as an in-app purchase
to remove ads or enable functionality, embed the list in the app
bundle. If the list of product identifiers can change without your app
needing to be updated, such as a game that supports additional levels
or characters, have your app fetch the list from your server.
There’s no runtime mechanism to fetch a list of all products
configured in iTunes Connect for a particular app. You’re responsible
for managing your app’s list of products and providing that
information to your app. If you need to manage a large number of
products, consider using the bulk XML upload/download feature in
iTunes Connect.
Apple Developer In-App Purchasing Guide
I think your limit on items is something massive like 10,000 or so.
Pre-create a big number of items, add some code to check your website to see what your highest chart number is and make sure the users can only buy charts that you have.
The app downloads the chart names and corresponding product id from your server and then you're just buying a product.
Apple doesn't care if the actual product is already in the app and unlocked by the purchase, downloaded from their server or provided from your website.
Whether you have these purchased directly via IAP or through some kind of in-app "currency" you could simplify the amount of work you'd need to do in the future by using a naming system which would guarantee a unique map name for each item you want to sell. For example:
NSString *myMapName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#%#%#", app_identifier, map_type, top_left_corner_location, scale];
This way if your server passes that information for a new map, there's a programmatic way to know what the IAP identifier should be— just make it the value of the string myMapName.
In the case where you use currency (which sounds easier than the alternative option, and is what lots of big apps out there seem to be doing) you just need to make a hash with some data in your map so that people can't guess the code you're storing in their keychain/plist and magically get all your maps without paying :)
In the case where you actually have individual IAPs for each map, sadly you do have to make an IAP for every possible map once. (But you can hire some kid to do that part for minimum wage, right? It's just data entry) They can be basic shells, though, with the actual info provided via your server as described above, once it's verified that the map has actually been purchased.
Hope this helps!
