Vertically scrolling background - Sprite Kit - ios

I'm working on a game that is in portrait mode and can't seem to get this background to scroll smoothly on the y-axis. It doesn't properly add a second background so there is always a gap between the 2 backgrounds.
Heres the code:
static const float BG_VELOCITY = 100.0;
static inline CGPoint CGPointAdd(const CGPoint a, const CGPoint b)
return CGPointMake(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
static inline CGPoint CGPointMultiplyScalar(const CGPoint a, const CGFloat b)
return CGPointMake(a.x * b, a.y * b);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
SKSpriteNode *bg = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"bg"];
bg.zRotation = M_PI_2;
bg.position = CGPointMake(320, self.frame.origin.y);
bg.anchorPoint = CGPointZero; = #"bg";
[self addChild:bg];
- (void)moveBg
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"bg" usingBlock: ^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop)
SKSpriteNode * bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
CGPoint bgVelocity = CGPointMake(0, -BG_VELOCITY);
CGPoint amtToMove = CGPointMultiplyScalar(bgVelocity,_dt);
bg.position = CGPointAdd(bg.position, amtToMove);
//Checks if bg node is completely scrolled of the screen, if yes then put it at the end of the other node
if (bg.position.y <= -bg.size.height)
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x,
bg.position.y + bg.size.height*2);
What am I doing wrong that it has a gap in between the two backgrounds. Note: Background size is 568 x 320 if that is necessary info.

There a few problems. The biggest is the fact that your image is made in landscape mode. Simply edit the image in photoshop or preview to rotate it 90 degrees, then take out the zRotation. This will work for your height dilemma. Then change bg.position = CGPointMake(320,... etc to bg.position = CGPointMake (0, i * bg.size.height);
Also change your if statement to:
if (bg.position.y <= -bg.size.height)
bg.position = CGPointMake(0, bg.position.y + bg.size.height*2);
And your code will work.


Spacing sprite onscreen

Hi all I'm hoping someone can tell me how to decrease the spacing between sprites added from an array at the moment they are evenly spaced and centered but I need to decrease the width between the sprites
the whole block of code just incase is kind enough to test the spacing
int images = 5
for(int i = 0; i < images; ++i)
///load same ammount of spriteimages as images
SKSpriteNode *sprite =
[SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Null.jpg"]; = #" =Sprite%d",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i];
NSLog(#"*** %#",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i]);
float offsetFraction = ((float)(i + 1)) / (images + 1);
float widthOfScreen =self.frame.size.width;
sprite.position = CGPointMake(widthOfScreen * offsetFraction,self.frame.size.height/2 +200);
[self addChild:sprite];
try this and see what happens
float widthOfScreen = self.frame.size.width + 100.0;
in the end I did this
float padding = 100.0f;
int blockWidth = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Null.jpg"].size.width;
float xOffset = (self.frame.size.width - (blockWidth * images + padding * (images-1))) / 2;
//float xOffset = (self.frame.size.width - (blockWidth * numberOfBlocks + padding * (numberOfBlocks-1))) / 2;
float StartPoint = xOffset+blockWidth/2;
for(int i = 0; i < images; ++i)
SKSpriteNode *sprite = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Null.jpg"];
///set start point of 1st sprite to load
if (i>0&&i<images)
StartPoint = StartPoint+ blockWidth+padding;
//increment sprite position
else if (i==images)
StartPoint = StartPoint+ blockWidth;
sprite.position = CGPointMake(StartPoint, self.frame.size.height * 0.8f);
[self addChild:sprite];

SpriteKit Scrolling Bottom Has Gap When Loops

In my app, I have an image that acts as the ground, and scrolls along the bottom. I initialize and scroll it with:
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
SKSpriteNode *bg = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Bottom_Scroller"];
bottomScrollerHeight = bg.size.height;
bg.position = CGPointMake((i * bg.size.width) + (bg.size.width * 0.5f) - 1, bg.size.height * 0.5f); = #"bg";
bg.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithTexture:bg.texture size:bg.texture.size];
bg.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = bottomBackgroundCategory;
bg.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = flappyBirdCategory;
bg.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0;
bg.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = NO;
[self addChild:bg];
- (void)moveBottomScroller
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"bg" usingBlock: ^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop)
SKSpriteNode * bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
CGPoint bgVelocity = CGPointMake(-BG_VELOCITY, 0);
CGPoint amtToMove = CGPointMultiplyScalar(bgVelocity,_dt);
bg.position = CGPointAdd(bg.position, amtToMove);
//Checks if bg node is completely scrolled of the screen, if yes then put it at the end of the other node
if (bg.position.x + bg.size.width * 0.5f <= 0)
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.size.width*2 - (bg.size.width * 0.5f) - 2,
However, after it scrolls for so long, it shows a gap in it, as shown below. How can I fix this?
What I'd do is:
// This would go in the init or didMoveToView method of your scene
const NSUInteger numBgs = 3;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numBgs; i++) {
CGFloat color = 0.2f * i;
SKSpriteNode *bg = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:color green:color blue:color alpha:1.0] size:CGSizeMake(512, 300)];
bg.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0);
bg.position = CGPointMake((i * bg.size.width) + (bg.size.width * 0.5f), CGRectGetMinY(self.frame)); = #"bg";
[self addChild:bg];
if (i == numBgs-1) { // Means it's last bg on the right
lastBg = bg;
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"bg" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
SKSpriteNode * bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
//Checks if bg node is completely scrolled of the screen, if yes then put it at the end of the other node
if (bg.position.x + bg.size.width * 0.5f <= 0)
bg.position = CGPointMake(lastBg.position.x + bg.frame.size.width,
lastBg = bg;
CGPoint bgVelocity = CGPointMake(-BG_VELOCITY, 0);
CGPoint amtToMove = CGPointMultiplyScalar(bgVelocity,_dt);
bg.position = CGPointAdd(bg.position, amtToMove);
Where lastBg is an instance variable that points to the bg located at the top most right so that re-positioning is always going to be relative to this sprite.
Other things you can try are switching the check of the position before the re-positioning (as I did in the example) and also remove the check out of the enumerate block and do it independently of the re-positioning.
I used to do like in the example and it worked fine. Let me know how it does.

Sprite-kit Scrolling left/right

I've had some luck learning how to scroll the background infinitely in Sprite-kit but the current way I've been doing this only scrolls to the left. I have a left and right movement button and would also need the method below to infinitely scroll to the right as well as the left. Ive tried to implement it myself but the results are horrible, any help is appreciated.
How iv'e been scrolling
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
SKSpriteNode * bg = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"bgimage"];
bg.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
bg.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), self.frame.origin.y); = #"snow1";
[self addChild:bg];
and in update method for when the "right button" is pushed:
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"snow1" usingBlock: ^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
SKSpriteNode *bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x - 5, bg.position.y);
if (bg.position.x <= -bg.size.width) {
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x + bg.size.width * 2, bg.position.y);
This method only scrolls to the left, I also need the background to infinitely scroll to the right when the "left button" is pushed.
You are decrementing bg.position.x when scroll to the left. Obviously, you need to increment bg.position.x if you want to move the node to the right:
// if left button is pressed
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"snow1" usingBlock: ^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
SKSpriteNode *bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x + 5, bg.position.y);
if (bg.position.x >= bg.size.width) {
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x - bg.size.width * 2, bg.position.y);

How can i draw Two line with some angle between them, later can change angle by dragging any line

I want to make UBersense like app (, there i need to draw two line with some angle, after that i can adjust the angle between two line by dragging any line or intersection point.
can you guys please provide me some idea or code snippet.
screenshots url:
Thanks in advance.
You have a construction with three points, one point is an angle point, and two others are just vertices. First of all you should create a new class like this:
#interface MyAngle : NSObject {
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint p1;
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint p2;
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint v; // this is an angle point
You can use the default implementation of this without any tricks with such sample init:
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
p1 = CGPointMake(1,0);
p2 = CGPointMake(0,1);
v = CGPointZero;
return self;
But also as I understood you need to know the value of the angle. You can do this using the following way:
- (CGFloat)valueOfAngle {
CGPoint v1 = CGPointMake(p1.x-v.x, p1.y-v.y);
CGPoint v2 = CGPointMake(p2.x-v.x, p2.y-v.y);
CGFloat scalarProduct = v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y;
CGFloat lengthProduct = sqrt(v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y)*sqrt(v2.x*v2.x + v2.y*v2.y);
CGFloat fraction = scalarProduct / lengthProduct;
if (fraction < -1) fraction = -1;
if (fraction > 1) fraction = 1;
return acos(fraction);
If you want to obtain angles more than 180 degrees you should change the code above a little. But there are too much information about how to do this in the Internet, so I will skip this part.
Then you need to create an instance of MyAngle in your viewController. Let it be called "angle". Knowing coordinates of every three points if enough do draw it (!!!). Implement drawRect method in a view that will contain the MyAngle instance (I strongly recommend do to this on your own subclass of UIView):
- (void)drawRect {
[super drawRect];
// set options of drawing
CGContextRef c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGFloat red[4] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 3.0);
CGContextSetStrokeColor(c, red);
// draw an angle directly
CGContextMoveToPoint(c, angle.p1.x, angle.p1.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, angle.v.x, angle.v.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, angle.p2.x, angle.p2.y);
// draw circles around vertices (like on the screenshot you provided)
CGFloat R = 7.0f;
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(c, CGRectMake(angle.p1.x - R, angle.p1.y - R, 2*R, 2*R));
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(c, CGRectMake(angle.p2.x - R, angle.p2.y - R, 2*R, 2*R));
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(c, CGRectMake(angle.v.x - R, angle.v.y - R, 2*R, 2*R));
And that's all you need to know for drawing what you want! You can change the stroke color or radius of three circles if you want.
Then you need to have a possibility to change the locations of your angle's points. For this you can just implement panGestureRecognizer in your viewController's viewDidLoad method like this:
UIPanGestureRecognizer *pan = [[[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(moveAngle:)] autorelease];
pan.delegate = self;
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:pan];
Implement UIGestureRecognizerDelegate method:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer {
if ([gestureRecognizer isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]]) {
CGPoint p = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.view];
CGFloat d1 = sqrt((p.x-angle.p1.x)*(p.x-angle.p1.x) + (p.y-angle.p1.y)*(p.y-angle.p1.y);
CGFloat d2 = sqrt((p.x-angle.p2.x)*(p.x-angle.p2.x) + (p.y-angle.p2.y)*(p.y-angle.p2.y);
CGFloat d3 = sqrt((p.x-angle.v.x)*(p.x-angle.v.x) + (p.y-angle.v.y)*(p.y-angle.v.y);
// just check if we touched the screen near some of angle's points
CGFloat tolerance = 15.0f;
return (d1 < tolerance) || (d2 < tolerance) || (d3 < tolerance);
return YES;
and tagret's selector (also in your viewController):
- (void)moveAngle:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gr {
CGPoint p = [gr locationInView:self.view];
if (gr.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {
CGFloat d1 = sqrt((p.x-angle.p1.x)*(p.x-angle.p1.x) + (p.y-angle.p1.y)*(p.y-angle.p1.y);
CGFloat d2 = sqrt((p.x-angle.p2.x)*(p.x-angle.p2.x) + (p.y-angle.p2.y)*(p.y-angle.p2.y);
CGFloat d3 = sqrt((p.x-angle.v.x)*(p.x-angle.v.x) + (p.y-angle.v.y)*(p.y-angle.v.y);
// pointToMove is your int variable
CGFloat tolerance = 15.0f;
if (d1 < tolerance) {
pointToMove = 1;
else if (d2 < tolerance) {
pointToMove = 2;
else {
pointToMove = 3;
else {
if (pointToMove == 1) {
angle.p1 = loc;
else if (pointToMove == 2) {
angle.p2 = loc;
else {
angle.v = loc;
[yourCustomView setNeedsDisplay];
[yourLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.3f", [angle valueOfangle]*180/PI]];
Maybe I skip some evident things, but I think it should be enough for you to begin writing some code.

Cocos2D & ccDrawLine - Drawing smooth lines

I have some troubles when I try to draw lines with cocos2d! I store points, got from touchMoved method, in a NSMutableArray, and pass that array to a subclass of CCNode called Lines that I use to draw the lines from the array of points. The problem is that the line is not smooth when I swipe slowly, but when I swipe faster, the line is way much smoother. See the pictures below :
Slow Swipe :
Fast Swipe :
I tried to solve the problem with ccpDistance, which calculate the distance between the last saved point and if it's not far enough I don't save it. I also tried to draw little circles at each saved positions, but this isn't really nice neither. Here's my code :
In my GameScene :
- (void) ccTouchMoved:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
location = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:location];
if (ccpDistance(lastPoint, location) > 10) {
[linePoints addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:location]];
[line updatePoints:linePoints];
lastPoint = location;
And my Line Class :
- (void) updatePoints:(NSMutableArray *)_point
points = _point;
- (void) draw
if ([points count] > 0) {
ccDrawColor4B(209, 75, 75, 255);
float lineWidth = 6.0 * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
int count = [points count];
for (int i = 0; i < (count - 1); i++){
CGPoint pos1 = [[points objectAtIndex:i] CGPointValue];
CGPoint pos2 = [[points objectAtIndex:i+1] CGPointValue];
ccDrawLine(pos1, pos2);
ccDrawSolidCircle(pos2, 2.5, 20);
Also, is there something in my code that could be done better to improve performance? Right now I don't have any problems even with 1000+ points, but just in case...
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Ok, I found a website explaining really clearly how to do smooth lines, and it worked wonderfully! There's still anti-aliasing that's left to do, but maybe I will never do, since it looks really great on retina devices. Here's the website : Drawing Smooth Lines with Cocos2D
And here's the result :
Also, for those interested in the finished code, here it is :
- (void) drawCurPoint:(CGPoint)curPoint PrevPoint:(CGPoint)prevPoint
float lineWidth = 6.0;
ccColor4F red = ccc4f(209.0/255.0, 75.0/255.0, 75.0/255.0, 1.0);
//These lines will calculate 4 new points, depending on the width of the line and the saved points
CGPoint dir = ccpSub(curPoint, prevPoint);
CGPoint perpendicular = ccpNormalize(ccpPerp(dir));
CGPoint A = ccpAdd(prevPoint, ccpMult(perpendicular, lineWidth / 2));
CGPoint B = ccpSub(prevPoint, ccpMult(perpendicular, lineWidth / 2));
CGPoint C = ccpAdd(curPoint, ccpMult(perpendicular, lineWidth / 2));
CGPoint D = ccpSub(curPoint, ccpMult(perpendicular, lineWidth / 2));
CGPoint poly[4] = {A, C, D, B};
//Then draw the poly, and a circle at the curPoint to get smooth corners
ccDrawSolidPoly(poly, 4, red);
ccDrawSolidCircle(curPoint, lineWidth/2.0, 20);
- (void) draw
if ([points count] > 0) {
ccColor4F red = ccc4f(209.0/255.0, 75.0/255.0, 75.0/255.0, 1.0);
ccDrawColor4F(red.r, red.g, red.b, red.a);
float lineWidth = 6.0 * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
int count = [points count];
for (int i = 0; i < (count - 1); i++){
CGPoint pos1 = [[points objectAtIndex:i] CGPointValue];
CGPoint pos2 = [[points objectAtIndex:i+1] CGPointValue];
[self drawCurPoint:pos2 PrevPoint:pos1];
As for the GameScene, nothing changed there (See the question for the code)! Note that you can change the line if (ccpDistance(lastPoint, location) > X), where X is the minimum distance between two points before the game saves another one. The lower X is, the smoother the line will be, but you will have way more points in your array, which could affect performance!
Anyway, thank you guys for your suggestions and your help, it helped me to get in the right way!
I think that you could smooth up your line drawing with some averaging.
- (void) updatePoints:(NSMutableArray *)_point
points = _point;
int count = [points count];
for (int i = 3; i < (count - 4); i++) {
CGPoint pos1 = [[points objectAtIndex:i - 2] CGPointValue];
CGPoint pos2 = [[points objectAtIndex:i - 1] CGPointValue];
CGPoint pos3 = [[points objectAtIndex:i] CGPointValue];
CGPoint pos4 = [[points objectAtIndex:i + 1] CGPointValue];
CGPoint pos5 = [[points objectAtIndex:i + 2] CGPointValue];
CGFloat xpos = (pos1.x + pos2.x + 2 * pos3.x + pos4.x + pos5.x)/6;
(now calcuclate ypos similarly and store the point into an array)
