Creating new class to put into an Array in Ruby - ruby-on-rails

I am coming from a C# background and trying to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I have the following Car class - note the build_xml method I need in order to build XML in that syntax and then pass to a WebService
class Car
##array =
#this will allow us to get list of all instances of cars created if needed
def self.all_instances
def initialize(id, model_number, engine_size, no_doors)
# Instance variables
#id = id
#model_number = model_number
#engine_size = engine_size
#no_doors = no_doors
##array << self
def build_car_xml
car = { 'abc:Id'=> #id, 'abc:ModelNo' => #model_number, 'abc:ES' => #engine_size, 'abc:ND' => #no_doors}
cars = {'abc:Car' => [car] }
In another class then I was using this as below:
car1 ='1', 18, 3.0, 4)
request = car1.build_car_xml
This works as expected and the request is formatted how I need and the webservice returns the results. I now want to expand this however so I can pass in an array of cars and produce the request XML - however I am struggling to get this part working.
So far I have been trying the following (for now I am ok with just the Id changing as it is the only parameter required to be unique):
car_array = []
(1..10).each do |i|
car_array <<, 18, 3.0, 4)
Am I correct in saying that I would need to define a new build_car_xml method on my Car class that can take an array of cars and then build the xml so my request call would be something like:
request = Car.build_car_xml(car_array)
What i am unsure of is 1) - is this the correct way of doing things in Ruby and 2) how to construct the method so that it is Building the XML in the correct format in the way it was when I call it on the single object - i.e - I need the namespaces added before the actual value.
def build_car_xml(car_array)
#here is where I am unsure how to contruct this method

Possible solution ('abc:Car' is a wrong name, should be Cars if you want it to hold an array):
class Car
def self.build_cars_xml(cars)
{ 'abc:Car' => }
def build_car_xml
{ 'abc:Id'=> #id, 'abc:ModelNo' => #model_number, 'abc:ES' => #engine_size, 'abc:ND' => #no_doors }
cars =
(1..10).map do |i|, 18, 3.0, 4)
It doesn't meet your requirements as instance build_car_xml doesn't generate Car namespace, but for me it's some inconsistency. Your XML is actually a collection, even if it has just one element, instance method should not be responsible for collection. Car.build_cars_xml([] looks more logical to me.


Rails controller variable mess

I have a controller that I feel has too many instance variables.
The controller is pulling data from various places and it feels really sloppy.
I have watched some Sandi Metz talks, read books, and other research, and I want to have good practice but I just don't know what to do here.
This method is pulling all the data and sending it to my view and I am able to get it to work, I just know this isn't a good way to go about it and I am hoping someone can point me to some code samples, documentation, videos, or help me understand how to implement a better style.
I have searched on SO and Google but I mostly find people saying to send a hash or JSON to the view, and I want to know if that is ideal before I start on that.
The Client, Project, Person, Role controllers and models have really similar code and I am working on refactoring it to be more DRY.
For example the Client, Project, Person, and Role financial controllers have almost the exact same controller index code as this. :(
I would be happy to add more code if that would help!
This is the project_financials_controller#index
It's pretty much taking in the data from the view and pulling a bunch of data from the database and sending it to a view. I'm currently using only the index method because it was only supposed to be a 'view' but now we can add filters such as time, different clients, etc so I think I need to break it out somehow.
I do have a financial_reports_nav model that this is calling that I could maybe use more, Or even make a financial_reports_controller that pulls the data from the appropriate model and I wont even need the 4 different controllers...
I am totally open to any input/criticism!
def index
# CPPR = Client, Project, Person, Role
#financial_type = 'project'
#financial_params = params
# This pulls the timeframe from the view and figures out the dates requested. (eg. "Last Week")
#timeframe = Financial.time_frame(#financial_params[:timeframe], current_company.timezone, params[:start_date], params[:end_date])
# This grabs all the data required to recall this financial report view at a later time
#financial_nav = FinancialReportNav.set_financial_type(,#financial_type, #start_date, #end_date)
# Grab all active and inactive people for client
#people =
#deleted_people = Person.inactive.all
# This sends over all the info needed to generate the financial reports
#project_financial_populate =, #financial_type).populate_project_financials(current_company.default_hourly_cost, current_company.billing_rate, #timeframe[:start_date],#timeframe[:end_date])
# This just pulls all the data from the database that the #project_financial_populate just populated (Can't we just use that??)
#financial_rows = { |p| [ p.project_id, p.billable_hours, p.revenue,p.real_rate, p.hourly_expense, p.labor_expense_total, p.salary_expense, p.gross_profit, p.profit_margin, p.missing_hourly_expense, p.missing_billable_rate ] }
# Using the same view for CPPR's
# Clients has an items count, so we just stuff everything into the first array slot
#items = [1]
# If these are not null then they show an option to change the financial filter type.
#filter_by_client = Client.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_client])
#filter_by_project = Project.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_project])
#filter_by_person = Person.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_person])
#filter_by_role = PersonRole.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_role])
# This pulls a list of CPPR's that have tracked time in the requested timeframe
#project_list = Financial.project_list(#timeframe[:start_date], #timeframe[:end_date])
#client_list = Financial.client_list(#timeframe[:start_date], #timeframe[:end_date])
#people_list = Financial.people_list(#timeframe[:start_date], #timeframe[:end_date])
I always tend to refactor code to be DRY whenever I noticed I have at least 3 instances of duplicate code, but I needed to future-proof the new code to be flexible enough for possible future changes; all of this considered however time permits.
Given your already current code and having told my preferences, this is what I would do:
Model Inheritance
Controller Inheritance
Shared template
resources :client_financial
resources :project_financial
resources :person_financial
resources :role_financial
class FinancialRecord < ActiveRecord::Base # or ApplicationRecord if > Rails 5
self.abstract_class = true
# your shared "financials" model logic here
class ClientFinancial < FinancialRecord
# override "financials" methods here if necessary
# or, add new model specific methods / implementation
class ProjectFinancial < FinancialRecord
# override "financials" methods here if necessary
# or, add new model specific methods / implementation
class PersonFinancial < FinancialRecord
# override "financials" methods here if necessary
# or, add new model specific methods / implementation
class RoleFinancial < FinancialRecord
# override "financials" methods here if necessary
# or, add new model specific methods / implementation
class FinancialController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_instance_variables, only: :index
def set_instance_variables
# strips the last "Controller" substring and change to underscore: i.e. ProjectFinancialsController becomes project_financials
#financial_type = controller_name[0..(-'Controller'.length - 1)].underscore
# get the corresponding Model class
model = #financial_type.camelcase.constantize
# get the correspond Financial Model class
financial_model = "#{#financial_type.camelcase}Financial".constantize
#financial_params = params
#timeframe = Financial.time_frame(#financial_params[:timeframe], current_company.timezone, params[:start_date], params[:end_date])
# I dont know where you set #start_date and #end_date
#financial_nav = FinancialReportNav.set_financial_type(,#financial_type, #start_date, #end_date)
# renamed (or you can set this instance variable name dynamically)
#records =
# renamed (or you can set this instance variable name dynamically)
#deleted_records = model.inactive.all
#financial_populate =, #financial_type).populate_project_financials(current_company.default_hourly_cost, current_company.billing_rate, #timeframe[:start_date],#timeframe[:end_date])
#financial_rows = { |p| [ p.project_id, p.billable_hours, p.revenue,p.real_rate, p.hourly_expense, p.labor_expense_total, p.salary_expense, p.gross_profit, p.profit_margin, p.missing_hourly_expense, p.missing_billable_rate ] }
#items = [1]
#filter_by_client = Client.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_client])
#filter_by_project = Project.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_project])
#filter_by_person = Person.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_person])
#filter_by_role = PersonRole.find_by('id = ?', #financial_params[:filter_by_role])
#project_list = Financial.project_list(#timeframe[:start_date], #timeframe[:end_date])
#client_list = Financial.client_list(#timeframe[:start_date], #timeframe[:end_date])
#people_list = Financial.people_list(#timeframe[:start_date], #timeframe[:end_date])
class ClientFinancialsController < FinancialController
def index
render template: 'financials/index'
class ProjectFinancialsController < FinancialController
def index
render template: 'financials/index'
class ProjectFinancialsController < FinancialController
def index
render template: 'financials/index'
class ProjectFinancialsController < FinancialController
def index
render template: 'financials/index'
P.S. This is just a simple refactor. Without knowing the fuller scope of the project, and future plans, I'll just do this one. Having said this, I would consider using "polymorpic" associations, and then just have one routes endpoint (i.e. resources :financials) and then just pass in a params filter like: params[:financial_type] which directly already map the financial_type polymorphic column name.

what var type to dynamically access Model's attribute from another controller? (Rails 4.2)

Goal: dynamically update another Model's properties (Tracker) from Controller (cards_controller.rb), when cards_controller is running the def update action.
Error I receive : NameError in CardsController#update, and it calls out the 2nd last line in the
def update_tracker(card_attribute) :
updated_array = #tracker.instance_variable_get("#{string_tracker_column}")[, #card.(eval(card_attribute.to_s))]
Perceived problem: I have everything working except that I don't know the appropriate way to 'call' the attribute of Tracker correctly, when using dynamic attributes.
The attribute of the Tracker is an array (using PG as db works fine), I want to
figure out what property has been changed (works)
read the corresponding property array from Tracker's model, and make a local var from it. (works I think, )
push() a new array to the local var. This new array contains the datetime (of now) and, a string (with the value of the updated string of the Card) (works)
updated the Tracker with the correct attribute.
With the following code from the cards_controller.rb
it's the if #card.deck.tracked in the update method that makes the process start
def update
#card = Card.find(params[:id])
if #card.deck.tracked
if #card.update_attributes(card_params)
if #card.deck.tracked
flash[:success] = "Card info updated."
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render 'show' }
render 'edit'
def detect_changes
#changed = []
#changed << :front if #card.front != params[:card][:front]
#changed << :hint if #card.hint != params[:card][:hint]
#changed << :back if #card.back != params[:card][:back]
def prop_changed?
#changed.each do |check|
#changed.include? check
puts "Following property has been changed : #{check}"
def update_tracker(card_attribute)
tracker_attribute = case card_attribute
when :front; :front_changed
when :back; :back_changed
when :hint; :hint_changed
string_tracker_column = tracker_attribute.to_s
#tracker ||= Tracker.find_by(card_id:
updated_array = #tracker.instance_variable_get("#{string_tracker_column}")[, #card.(eval(card_attribute.to_s))]
#tracker.update_attribute(tracker_attribute, updated_array)
Edit: For clarity here's the app/models/tracker.rb:
class Tracker < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :card
Your use of instance_variable_get has been corrected, however this approach is destined to fail because ActiveRecord column values aren't stored as individual instance variables.
You can use
To retrieve attribute values by name. If you want to get an association, use public_send. The latter is also useful if there is some accessor wrapping the column value (eg carrierwave)
From your error it seem your issue is this:
evaluates to this after string interpolation:
which is incorrect use of instance_variable_get. It needs an # prepended:
Seems like using instance_variable_get is unnecessary, though, if you set attr_reader :front_changed on the Tracker model.

Rails personal class Each routine

I'm kind of a newbie in some areas of ruby and rails. So I I'm writing a class to read excel depending on the extension and return the row in a each routine. Something like this:
class ExcelRead
def initialize(path, sheet_n = 0)
type = File.extname(path)
if type == JitExcelRead::XLS
Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8'
book = path
book_sheet = book.worksheet sheet_n
elsif type == JitExcelRead::XLSX
book = path
book_sheet = book.sheets[sheet_n]
#book = book
#book_sheet = book_sheet
#book_rows = book_sheet.rows
#path = path
#type = type
So this means that I call on my application
xls =
and everything runs smooth. I have the objects I need at my disposal. My problem now is how to iterate through them. I thought that adding a method to may class like this
def each
and calling it normally on my app like so
xls.book_rows.each do |row|
would make me enter that code, but not really...
If you added a each method to your ExcelRead class, and you create an instance of this class called xls, then you have to access it using xls.each, not xls.book_rows.each.
Using the former, you are calling the each method from the Enumerator, as book_rows is a collection.
I can only guess that you want a custom way to iterate your book_row, so i think something like this should be what you are trying to achieve:
def iterate
self.book_rows.each do |br|
# do stuff
And you call it like:
But this is only a wild guess.

Sending Simple Email in Rails

I've read a few questions and on how to send emails with Rails but can't seem to get it to work within the context of my current application.
I had an existing emailer.rb with a couple of methods that were identical apart from the parameters they accepted were named differently so I copied their format:
def quotation_notification(q)
#recipients = q.recipient_email
#from = q.partner_name + "<#{q.partner_email}>"
#subject = "New Quotation from " + q.partner_name
#body[:q] = q
I then created a new view file in emailers named quotation_notification.rhtml which just contains text for the moment.
I am then calling the function from inside a different controller and sending hardcoded parameters for now:
q = => '', :partner_name => 'Martin Carlin', :partner_email => '')
# send email
Then finally, I created a new model for QuotationEmail
class QuotationEmail
def initialize(recipient_email, partner_name, partner_email)
#recipient_email = recipient_email
#partner_name = partner_name
#partner_name = partner_email
The error I get is ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (1 for 3))
Eventually I'll be sending more parameters and hopefully attaching a pdf aswell but just trying to figure out why this isn't working first.
You are getting this error because while initialising QuotationEmail object though you think you're passing 3 params you're essentially passing only one parameter which is a hash. And initialize is expecting 3. See example below
class A
def initialize(a,b=1,c=2)
puts a
puts b
puts c
a = => '', :partner_name => 'Martin Carlin', :partner_email => '')
#=> {:recipient_email=>"", :partner_name=>"Martin Carlin", :partner_email=>""}
#=> 1
#=> 2
If you're trying to use named parameters instead you'd need to redefine your initialize as
def initialize(recipient_email:a,partner_name:b,partner_email:c)
and invoke it as below -
a ='', partner_name:'Martin Carlin', partner_email:'')

How to retrieve a specific mailchip list by name

I'm very new to both rails and mailchip. I'm able to retrieve all my lists inside my controller with the below code
class EmailsController < ApplicationController
def new
#email =
#gbList = Gibbon::API.lists.list
puts "#gbList", #gbList
I can see all my lists in my console. What I'm trying to do is retrieve one of those lists via the name attribute. For example my list is called "My eList"
I tried doing:
#eList = Gibbon::API.lists.list(:list_name => "My eList");
But this still returns an array of all my lists.
Pass the list_name key-value pair as a member of the filters hash. See the Gibbon documentation on Fetching Lists for more info:
#eList = Gibbon::API.lists.list({:filters => {:list_name => 'My eList'}})
