Rails personal class Each routine - ruby-on-rails

I'm kind of a newbie in some areas of ruby and rails. So I I'm writing a class to read excel depending on the extension and return the row in a each routine. Something like this:
class ExcelRead
def initialize(path, sheet_n = 0)
type = File.extname(path)
if type == JitExcelRead::XLS
Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8'
book = Spreadsheet.open path
book_sheet = book.worksheet sheet_n
elsif type == JitExcelRead::XLSX
book = Creek::Book.new path
book_sheet = book.sheets[sheet_n]
#book = book
#book_sheet = book_sheet
#book_rows = book_sheet.rows
#path = path
#type = type
So this means that I call on my application
xls = ExcelRead.new(uploaded_file.filename_path)
and everything runs smooth. I have the objects I need at my disposal. My problem now is how to iterate through them. I thought that adding a method to may class like this
def each
and calling it normally on my app like so
xls.book_rows.each do |row|
would make me enter that code, but not really...

If you added a each method to your ExcelRead class, and you create an instance of this class called xls, then you have to access it using xls.each, not xls.book_rows.each.
Using the former, you are calling the each method from the Enumerator, as book_rows is a collection.
I can only guess that you want a custom way to iterate your book_row, so i think something like this should be what you are trying to achieve:
def iterate
self.book_rows.each do |br|
# do stuff
And you call it like:
But this is only a wild guess.


DRY way of assigning new object's values from an existing object's values

I created a class method that is called when a new object is created and copied from an old existing object. However, I only want to copy some of the values. Is there some sort of Ruby shorthand I can use to clean this up? It's not entirely necessary, just curious to know if something like this exists?
Here is the method I want to DRY up:
def set_message_settings_from_existing existing
self.can_message = existing.can_message
self.current_format = existing.current_format
self.send_initial_message = existing.send_initial_message
self.send_alert = existing.send_alert
self.location = existing.location
Obviously this works perfectly fine, but to me looks a little ugly. Is there any way to clean this up? If I wanted to copy over every value that would be easy enough, but because I only want to copy these 5 (out of 20 something) values, I decided to do it this way.
def set_message_settings_from_existing(existing)
[:can_message, :current_format, :send_initial_message, :send_alert, :location].each do |attribute|
self.send("#{attribute}=", existing.send(attribute))
def set_message_settings_from_existing(existing)
self.attributes = existing.attributes.slice('can_message', 'current_format', 'send_initial_message', 'send_alert', 'location')
a hash might be cleaner:
def set_message_settings_from_existing existing
fields = {
can_message: existing.can_message,
current_format: existing.current_format,
send_initial_message: existing.send_initial_message,
send_alert: existing.send_alert,
location: existing.location
self.attributes = fields
you can take this further by only selecting the attributes you want:
def set_message_settings_from_existing existing
fields = existing.attributes.slice(
self.attributes = fields
at this point you could also have these fields defined somewhere, eg:
SUB_SET_OF_FIELDS = [:can_message, :current_format, :send_initial_message, :send_alert, :location]
and use that for your filter instance.attributes.slice(SUB_SET_OF_FIELDS)

Spree error when using decorator with the original code

Need a little help over here :-)
I'm trying to extend the Order class using a decorator, but I get an error back, even when I use the exactly same code from source. For example:
order_decorator.rb (the method is exactly like the source, I'm just using a decorator)
Spree::Order.class_eval do
def update_from_params(params, permitted_params, request_env = {})
success = false
#updating_params = params
run_callbacks :updating_from_params do
attributes = #updating_params[:order] ? #updating_params[:order].permit(permitted_params).delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? } : {}
# Set existing card after setting permitted parameters because
# rails would slice parameters containg ruby objects, apparently
existing_card_id = #updating_params[:order] ? #updating_params[:order][:existing_card] : nil
if existing_card_id.present?
credit_card = CreditCard.find existing_card_id
if credit_card.user_id != self.user_id || credit_card.user_id.blank?
raise Core::GatewayError.new Spree.t(:invalid_credit_card)
credit_card.verification_value = params[:cvc_confirm] if params[:cvc_confirm].present?
attributes[:payments_attributes].first[:source] = credit_card
attributes[:payments_attributes].first[:payment_method_id] = credit_card.payment_method_id
attributes[:payments_attributes].first.delete :source_attributes
if attributes[:payments_attributes]
attributes[:payments_attributes].first[:request_env] = request_env
success = self.update_attributes(attributes)
set_shipments_cost if self.shipments.any?
#updating_params = nil
When I run this code, spree never finds #updating_params[:order][:existing_card], even when I select an existing card. Because of that, I can never complete the transaction using a pre-existent card and bogus gateway(gives me empty blanks errors instead).
I tried to bind the method in order_decorator.rb using pry and noticed that the [:existing_card] is actuality at #updating_params' level and not at #updating_params[:order]'s level.
When I delete the decorator, the original code just works fine.
Could somebody explain to me what is wrong with my code?
The method you want to redefine is not really the method of the Order class. It is the method that are mixed by Checkout module within the Order class.
You can see it here: https://github.com/spree/spree/blob/master/core/app/models/spree/order/checkout.rb
Try to do what you want this way:
Create file app/models/spree/order/checkout.rb with code
Spree::Order::Checkout.class_eval do
def self.included(klass)
klass.class_eval do
def update_from_params(params, permitted_params, request_env = {})

Creating new class to put into an Array in Ruby

I am coming from a C# background and trying to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I have the following Car class - note the build_xml method I need in order to build XML in that syntax and then pass to a WebService
class Car
##array = Array.new
#this will allow us to get list of all instances of cars created if needed
def self.all_instances
def initialize(id, model_number, engine_size, no_doors)
# Instance variables
#id = id
#model_number = model_number
#engine_size = engine_size
#no_doors = no_doors
##array << self
def build_car_xml
car = { 'abc:Id'=> #id, 'abc:ModelNo' => #model_number, 'abc:ES' => #engine_size, 'abc:ND' => #no_doors}
cars = {'abc:Car' => [car] }
In another class then I was using this as below:
car1 = Car.new('1', 18, 3.0, 4)
request = car1.build_car_xml
This works as expected and the request is formatted how I need and the webservice returns the results. I now want to expand this however so I can pass in an array of cars and produce the request XML - however I am struggling to get this part working.
So far I have been trying the following (for now I am ok with just the Id changing as it is the only parameter required to be unique):
car_array = []
(1..10).each do |i|
car_array << Car.new(i.to_s, 18, 3.0, 4)
Am I correct in saying that I would need to define a new build_car_xml method on my Car class that can take an array of cars and then build the xml so my request call would be something like:
request = Car.build_car_xml(car_array)
What i am unsure of is 1) - is this the correct way of doing things in Ruby and 2) how to construct the method so that it is Building the XML in the correct format in the way it was when I call it on the single object - i.e - I need the namespaces added before the actual value.
def build_car_xml(car_array)
#here is where I am unsure how to contruct this method
Possible solution ('abc:Car' is a wrong name, should be Cars if you want it to hold an array):
class Car
def self.build_cars_xml(cars)
{ 'abc:Car' => cars.map(&:build_car_xml) }
def build_car_xml
{ 'abc:Id'=> #id, 'abc:ModelNo' => #model_number, 'abc:ES' => #engine_size, 'abc:ND' => #no_doors }
cars =
(1..10).map do |i|
Car.new(i.to_s, 18, 3.0, 4)
It doesn't meet your requirements as instance build_car_xml doesn't generate Car namespace, but for me it's some inconsistency. Your XML is actually a collection, even if it has just one element, instance method should not be responsible for collection. Car.build_cars_xml([Car.new(...)] looks more logical to me.

How to add attributs to my gem?

I'm currently making a simple ruby gem which fetch data from an existant api and show it on demand.
require 'net/http'
module SimpleGem
##api= 'http://api.example.com'
def self.exec
reponse = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(##api))
result = JSON.parse(reponse)
The basic way to access to data is
demo = SimpleGem.exec()
I would like to handle it as objects so i can access data like this :
demo = SimpleGem.exec()
First of all, you need to design an object with it's supporting attributes/properties. So, in your case, title and description are properties of your object SimpleGem. The next step is to either use a constructor or accessors (getters/setters) to populate your objects.
class SimpleGemObject
def initialize(title,description)
#title = title
#description = description
#accessor methods
def title=title
#title = title
def description=description
#description = description
This gives you a good starting point and you can read more about object oriented principles in ruby here
Whether you adopt the construct approach or accessor approach, it's really upto you. Here's an example of the constructor approach:
def self.exec
reponse = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(##api))
result = JSON.parse(reponse)
sampleObject = SampleObject.new(result[:title], result[:description])
Your self.exec will now return an object of type SampleObject. Now, when you call demo = Sample.exec, you'll be able to access title and description attributes as you wanted:
I can't test it now but maybe this can help you
# your module
require 'ostruct'
def exec
reponse = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(##api))

metaprogramming for params

How can I update these very similar text fields in a less verbose way? The text fields below are named as given - I haven't edited them for this question.
def update
company = Company.find(current_user.client_id)
company.text11 = params[:content][:text11][:value]
company.text12 = params[:content][:text12][:value]
company.text13 = params[:content][:text13][:value]
# etc
render text: ""
I've tried using send and to_sym but no luck so far...
[:text11, :text12, :text13].each do |s|
company.send("#{s}=".to_sym, params[:content][s][:value])
If they are all incremental numbers, then:
11.upto(13).map{|n| "text#{n}".to_sym}.each do |s|
company.send("#{s}=".to_sym, params[:content][s][:value])
I'd consider first cleaning up the params, then move onto dynamically assigning attributes. A wrapper class around your params would allow you to more easily unit test this code. Maybe this helps get you started.
require 'ostruct'
class CompanyParamsWrapper
attr_accessor :text11, :text12, :text13
def initialize(params)
#content = params[:content]
content_struct = OpenStruct.new(#content)
self.text11 = content_struct.text11[:value]
self.text12 = content_struct.text12[:value]
self.text13 = content_struct.text13[:value]
# Company model
wrapper = CompanyParamsWrapper.new(params)
company.text11 = wrapper.text11
# now easier to use Object#send or other dynamic looping
