I think I'm misunderstanding <|> in parsec - I have an input stream that contains either a bunch of as in one representation or a bunch of as in another representation. I would expect the following to functions to be equivalent (given that the input is the form I said, and I have verified that it is):
foo = do
a1s <- many $ try $ a1
a2s <- many $ try $ a2
return $ a1s ++ a2s
foo = do
as <- (many $ try $ a1) <|> (many $ try $ a2)
return as
What could be going wrong? The first function works on my input, the second function fails, saying unexpected a2, expecting a1.
When you give a sequence of a2 to the latter parser, the first many matches and returns an empty list, so it doesn't try to match against the second many.
You can use many1 instead.
foo = do
as <- many1 a1 <|> many a2
return as
In this case, the many1 fails when you give a sequence of a2, and the many matches against the input.
This was spun off from the comments on this question.
As I understand, in the PEG grammar, it's possible to implement a non-greedy search by writing S <- E2 / E1 S (or S = pattern E2 if possible or pattern E1 and continued S).
However, I don't want to capture E2 in the final pattern - I want to capture up to E2. When trying to implement this in LPEG I've run into several issues, including 'Empty loop in rule' errors when building this into a grammar.
How would we implement the following search in a LPEG grammar: [tag] foo [/tag] where we want to capture the contents of the tag in a capture table ('foo' in the example), but we want to terminate before the ending tag? As I understand from the comments on the other question, this should be possible, but I can't find an example in LPEG.
Here's a snippet from the test grammar
local tag_start = P"[tag]"
local tag_end = P"[/tag]"
G = P{'Pandoc',
NotTag = #tag_end + P"1" * V"NotTag"^0;
tag = tag_start * Ct(V"NotTag"^0) * tag_end;
It's me again. I think you need better understanding about LPeg captures. Table capture (lpeg.Ct) is a capture that gathers your captures in a table. As there's no simple captures (lpeg.C) specified in NotTag rule, the final capture would become an empty table {}.
Once more, I recommend you start from lpeg.re because it's more intuitive.
local re = require('lpeg.re')
local inspect = require('inspect')
local g = re.compile[=[--lpeg
tag <- tag_start {| {NotTag} |} tag_end
NotTag <- &tag_end / . NotTag
tag_start <- '[tag]'
tag_end <- '[/tag]'
print(inspect(g:match('[tag] foo [/tag]')))
-- output: { " foo " }
Additionally, S <- E2 / E1 S is not S <- E2 / E1 S*, these two are not equivalent.
However, if I were to do the same task, I won't try to use a non-greedy match, as non-greedy matches are always slower than greedy match.
tag <- tag_start {| {( !tag_end . (!'[' .)* )*} |} tag_end
Combining not-predicate and greedy matching is enough.
I am trying to wrap my head around writing parser using parsec in Haskell, in particular how backtracking works.
Take the following simple parser:
import Text.Parsec
type Parser = Parsec String () String
parseConst :: Parser
parseConst = do {
x <- many digit;
return $ read x
parseAdd :: Parser
parseAdd = do {
l <- parseExp;
char '+';
r <- parseExp;
return $ l <> "+" <> r
parseExp :: Parser
parseExp = try parseConst <|> parseAdd
pp :: Parser
pp = parseExp <* eof
test = parse pp "" "1+1"
test has value
Left (line 1, column 2):
unexpected '+'
expecting digit or end of input
In my mind this should succeed since I used the try combinator on parseConst in the definition of parseExp.
What am I missing? I am also interrested in pointers for how to debug this in my own, I tried using parserTraced which just allowed me to conclude that it indeed wasn't backtracking.
I know this is an awful way to write an expression parser, but I'd like to understand why it doesn't work.
There are a lot of problems here.
First, parseConst can never work right. The type says it must produce a String, so read :: String -> String. That particular Read instance requires the input be a quoted string, so being passed 0 or more digit characters to read is always going to result in a call to error if you try to evaluate the value it produces.
Second, parseConst can succeed on matching zero characters. I think you probably wanted some instead of many. That will make it actually fail if it encounters input that doesn't start with a digit.
Third, (<|>) doesn't do what you think. You might think that (a <* c) <|> (b <* c) is interchangeable with (a <|> b) <* c, but it isn't. There is no way to throw try in and make it the same, either. The problem is that (<|>) commits to whichever branch succeed, if one does. In (a <|> b) <* c, if a matches, there's no way later to backtrack and try b there. Doesn't matter how you lob try around, it can't undo the fact that (<|>) committed to a. In contrast, (a <* c) <|> (b <* c) doesn't commit until both a and c or b and c match the input.
This is the situation you're encountering. You have (try parseConst <|> parseAdd) <* eof, after a bit of inlining. Since parseConst will always succeed (see the second issue), parseAdd will never get tried, even if the eof fails. So after parseConst consumes zero or more leading digits, the parse will fail unless that's the end of the input. Working around this essentially requires carefully planning your grammar such that any use of (<|>) is safe to commit locally. That is, the contents of each branch must not overlap in a way that is disambiguated only by later portions of the grammar.
Note that this unpleasant behavior with (<|>) is how the parsec family of libraries work, but not how all parser libraries in Haskell work. Other libraries work without the left bias or commit behavior the parsec family have chosen.
I am trying to parse some comma separated string which may or may not contain a string with image dimensions. For example "hello world, 300x300, good bye world".
I've written the following little program:
import Text.Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Text as PS
parseTestString :: Text -> [Maybe (Int, Int)]
parseTestString s = case parse dimensStringParser "" s of
Left _ -> [Nothing]
Right dimens -> dimens
dimensStringParser :: PS.Parser [Maybe (Int, Int)]
dimensStringParser = (optionMaybe dimensParser) `sepBy` (char ',')
dimensParser :: PS.Parser (Int, Int)
dimensParser = do
w <- many1 digit
char 'x'
h <- many1 digit
return (read w, read h)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ parseTestString "300x300,40x40,5x5"
print $ parseTestString "300x300,hello,5x5,6x6"
According to optionMaybe documentation, it returns Nothing if it can't parse, so I would expect to get this output:
[Just (300,300),Just (40,40),Just (5,5)]
[Just (300,300),Nothing, Just (5,5), Just (6,6)]
but instead I get:
[Just (300,300),Just (40,40),Just (5,5)]
[Just (300,300),Nothing]
I.e. parsing stops after first failure. So I have two questions:
Why does it behave this way?
How do I write a correct parser for this case?
In order to answer this question, it's handy to take a piece of paper, write down the input, and act as a dumb parser.
We start with "300x300,hello,5x5,6x6", our current parser is optionMaybe .... Does our dimensParser correctly parse the dimension? Let's check:
w <- many1 digit -- yes, "300"
char 'x' -- yes, "x"
h <- many1 digit -- yes, "300"
return (read w, read h) -- never fails
We've successfully parsed the first dimension. The next token is ,, so sepBy successfully parses that as well. Next, we try to parse "hello" and fail:
w <- many1 digit -- no. 'h' is not a digit. Stop
Next, sepBy tries to parse ,, but that's not possible, since the next token is a 'h', not a ,. Therefore, sepBy stops.
We haven't parsed all the input, but that's not actually necessary. You would get a proper error message if you've used
parse (dimensStringParser <* eof)
Either way, if you want to discard anything in the list that's not a dimension, you can use
dimensStringParser1 :: Parser (Maybe (Int, Int))
dimensStringParser1 = (Just <$> dimensParser) <|> (skipMany (noneOf ",") >> Nothing)
dimensStringParser = dimensStringParser1 `sepBy` char ','
I'd guess that optionMaybe dimensParser, when fed with input "hello,...", tries dimensParser. That fails, so optionMaybe returns success with Nothing, and consumes no portion of the input.
The last part is the crucial one: after Nothing is returned, the input string to be parsed is still "hello,...".
At that point sepBy tries to parse char ',', which fails. So, it deduces that the list is over, and terminates the output list, without consuming any more input.
If you want to skip other entities, you need a "consuming" parser that returns Nothing instead of optionMaybe. That parser, however, need to know how much to consume: in your case, until the comma.
Perhaps you need some like (untested)
( try (Just <$> dimensParser)
<|> (noneOf "," >> return Nothing))
`sepBy` char ','
I am trying to parse a file that looks like:
a b c
f e d
I want to match each of the symbols in the line and parse everything into a list of lists such as:
[[A, B, C], [D, E, F]]
In order to do that I tried the following:
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
parserP :: Parser [[MyType]]
parserP = do
x <- rowP
xs <- many (newline >> rowP)
return (x : xs)
rowP :: Parser [MyType]
rowP = manyTill cellP $ void newline <|> eof
cellP :: Parser (Cell Color)
cellP = aP <|> bP <|> ... -- rest of the parsers, they all look very similar
aP :: Parser MyType
aP = symbol "a" >> return A
bP :: Parser MyType
bP = symbol "b" >> return B
lexer = P.makeTokenParser emptyDef
symbol = P.symbol lexer
But it fails to return multiple inner lists. Instead what I get is:
[[A, B, C, D, E, F]]
What am I doing wrong? I was expecting manyTill to parse cellP until the newline character, but that's not the case.
Parser combinators are overkill for something this simple. I'd use lines :: String -> [String] and words :: String -> [String] to break up the input and then map the individual tokens into MyTypes.
toMyType :: String -> Maybe MyType
toMyType "a" = Just A
toMyType "b" = Just B
toMyType "c" = Just C
toMyType _ = Nothing
parseMyType :: String -> Maybe [[MyType]]
parseMyType = traverse (traverse toMyType) . fmap words . lines
You're right that manyTill keeps parsing until a newline. But manyTill never gets to see the newline because cellP is too eager. cellP ends up calling P.symbol, whose documentation states
symbol :: String -> ParsecT s u m String
Lexeme parser symbol s parses string s and skips trailing white space.
The keyword there is 'white space'. It turns out, Parsec defines whitespace as being any character which satisfies isSpace, which includes newlines. So P.symbol is happily consuming the c, followed by the space and the newline, and then manyTill looks and doesn't see a newline because it's already been consumed.
If you want to drop the Parsec routine, go with Benjamin's solution. But if you're determined to stick with that, the basic idea is that you want to modify the language's whiteSpace field to correctly define whitespace to not be newlines. Something like
lexer = let lexer0 = P.makeTokenParser emptyDef
in lexer0 { whiteSpace = void $ many (oneOf " \t") }
That's pseudocode and probably won't work for your specific case, but the idea is there. You want to change the definition of whiteSpace to be whatever you want to define as whiteSpace, not what the system defines by default. Note that changing this will also break your comment syntax, if you have one defined, since whiteSpace was previously equipped to handle comments.
In short, Benjamin's answer is probably the best way to go. There's no real reason to use Parsec here. But it's also helpful to know why this particular solution didn't work: Parsec's default definition of a language wasn't designed to treat newlines with significance.
This is task from online course. I've been sitting on this for two days. Please give some explanation or hints to solve it.
Here's type
newtype Prs a = Prs { runPrs :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
I need to implement many1 parser. This is how it should work
> runPrs (many1 $ char 'A') "AAABCDE"
Just ("AAA","BCDE")
> runPrs (many1 $ char 'A') "BCDE"
I have parser many implemented like that
many p = (:) <$> p <*> many p <|> pure []
Here's output for previous example.
*Main> test9
Just ("AAA","BCDE")
*Main> test10
Just ("","BCDE")
Note last result, it returns empty string but many1 should return Nothing. I don't know how to change many code to make work like many1. I can't undestand how to stop on first incorrect symbol.
Your many1 will need some way to fail: as you've written it it consumes characters for a while, consing them onto a pending result, until it eventually runs out of matches. This doesn't cover any cases where the parse could fail.
What you've implemented here is, in a way, many0, a parser which consumes 0 or more repetitions of something. Can you think of a way to implement many1 in terms of many0? It will look something like:
Consume one instance of p, without an alternative in case that fails
Consume 0 or more instances of p, returning [] when that fails.
Or in Haskell,
many1 :: Prs a -> Prs [a]
many1 p = (:) <$> p <*> many0 p