libGDX with MoPub (integrating AdMob) using RoboVM project for iOS - ios

I am building a game using the latest (as of date) libGDX nightlies , RoboVM nightlies, and MoPub bindings that are available here. I used MoPub bindings to show AdMob ads, and I managed to show AdMob test ads on iPhone simulator; however, only test ads are shown on the simulator, and I have not specified any code to show test ads.
The question is: is this normal? is it always going to be test ads on simulator? will real ads show normally on devices?
Thank you.

It is normal to see test ads once you have integrated. You should be able to see actual creatives from AdMob once the ad network is setup within your MoPub dashboard. It would take some refreshes to get the ads cached but then it would be serving to your simulator.
Another way to test the type of creatives that are coming in is to select ‘Test Ad’ in the Inventory tab over at In the Chrome browser, content may be blocked from being loaded. A shield icon in the address bar will appear. Click on the shield and then click on ‘Load unsafe script.’ Then click the ‘Run Again’ button.
You should be using your AdMob's 'Ad Unit ID' and not the 'Legacy Publisher ID.' I know it may be confusing as within MoPub's dashboard it mentions to have the 'Publisher ID' but really it should be the 'Ad Unit ID' from AdMob that should be entered.
Please consult this guide for more info:
Do you have marketplace feature enabled and seeing request/impression counts coming in?


How do I setup MoPub mediation with Admob (google) for iOS?

I have MoPub banner ads working (via MoPub Marketplace) in my iOS app. I'm able to show production or test MoPub ads.
I don't understand how to use mediation to serve MoPub + Admob ads. I'm following the MoPub integration guide here
I'm using Cocoapods, so I have these 3 pods in my app:
pod 'mopub-ios-sdk'
pod 'MoPub-AdMob-Adapters', ''
pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'
I'm able to run my app and see MoPub test ads.
I'm reading MoPub's test guide, but it's not clear to me how this works.
Questions, sorry for my basic understanding of the setup:
What does the admob integration actually require? I've added the AdMob Adapter & AdMob SDK. I've also updated my
Info.plist with my test AdMob ID. It's not clear to me if I have to
implement the admob UIView in my ViewController or if that is
something the adapter and MoPub mediation handles? What setup do I
need besides adding the Pods & adding the app ID to my Info.plist in
my app?
How do I setup AdMob in MoPub? I'm trying to follow their guide, but it's confusing. I went in MoPub Networks tab and linked Admob using Oauth. Reporting access is enabled. Do I put my Admob add unit ID in "App & ad unit setup" tab? Admob now has two IDs: one for Info.plist, one for actual served ad unit. I also created an Order for Admob as a Network line item.
How do I setup the waterfall? My guess is the Mopub Orders tab. This is confusing since I have a preexisting "MoPub Demo Order" that I think I want to disable? Do I need to add Mopub as a Marketplace line item to my orders?
Overall, I'm pretty confused since this is all new to me. I tried disabling my MoPub ads to test showing my test Admob ads, but it's not working. I'm using test IDs in both the Info.plist & Admob add unit ID (in Mopub). How do I make sure Admob is setup correctly and show test ads in development?
First, your Podfile has both pod 'MoPub-AdMob-Adapters' and pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', which isn't necessary because the former has the latter declared as a transitive dependency. So, you only need to add pod 'MoPub-AdMob-Adapters' to your Podfile, and both the adapters and Google's Mobile Ads SDK will be fetched.
In the future, it's best to use the Mediation Integration Tool available at to integrate adapters. Just find the ad networks you are interested in, and hit the toggle button to get the Gradle/CocoaPods configuration to add to your app.
Now, to your questions:
When you use mediation with MoPub, you do not manually add the mediation SDKs or use their APIs. This is because MoPub handles calling the mediation APIs via the adapters, so all your need to do is integrate the adapters (what I said above), and continue using MoPub's APIs to request and serve ads (just as you would for Marketplace ads). As an example, here is the MoPub AdMob adapter for banner. You can see it handles allocating the AdMob UIView, requesting ad, and returning the ad to MoPub's SDK.
Yes, you use the AdMob ad unit IDs (not the application ID that goes into your info.plist) in the "App and ad unit setup" tab. The same applies to other ad networks - you will use their ad unit IDs (also called placements, depending on the network) rather than their application IDs, which typically go into your app.
There is no right or wrong way to set up your waterfall. It all depends on your preference. If you just want to test that your setup with AdMob is working, I suggest creating a simple waterfall like below:
Create a brand new MoPub ad unit ID for banner.
Disable the MoPub Marketplace line item (for testing purposes). You should turn it back on later when deploying your app with MoPub.
Go to the "Networks" tab, and paste your AdMob ad unit ID into the equivalent MoPub ad unit box. Save.
Go to the "Segments" tab > "Global Segment", and enter a high eCPM value for your AdMob ad unit.
Go back to your MoPub ad unit ID in the "Apps" tab. It should now enabled with AdMob.
Plug the MoPub ad unit ID into your app and make an ad request. Check the console/device logs, there should be log messages telling you this ad is served by AdMob.
For more information on what different things mean when setting up your waterfall, check out the developer docs at

AdMob & Unity for iOS with custom AdUnit not showing Ads

I'm having trouble with adMob (like I specified in the title) on my iOS game made with Unity.
I'm using Unity 5.5.5p1 with the adMob plugin.
Everything was fine when I use the testing adUnits, testing ads are showing perfectly, until I use the custom ones pasted from my adMob profile.
I'm building in release mode and my game isn't on the AppStore yet.
Thanks for the attention payed, any suggestion?
First of all, check if there's any whitespaces at the end of your copied ad unit id. It's the most common cause of not showing ads.
If that's fine, then most probably, you are getting no fill matching your custom AdUnit request, which is quite common in admob. If it doesn't get the matching size, it fails to show the ad.
You can see the debug log in the console for your connected device with actual ad id. If it shows, No Fill, then you may get sure that there's no ad currently available in the admob network, matching your given size.
I always prefer using the default sizes of admob, as they are more popular, there's always available ads in the network.

AdMob V2 / AdMob Beta Ad Unit Never Created

I have successfully added test banner ads to my ios app. The app is linked to Firebase and we've added company tax info to AdMob settings (pending). When I click add an ad unit, the loading spinner never completes even after multiple minutes.
The documentation for creating an ad unit says to access the Monetize tab ( This tab does not exist in my console. My console says AdMob Beta. I have also tried to leave AdMob Beta following these instructions following Google admob/answer/7378069 but do not see a Leave AdMob Beta link at the bottom of the AdMob user interface.
Ad Unit Loading Screenshot
Looks like you found or were directed to the Help Center article for the older version of the AdMob interface. You can find updated documentation here:
Set up an app in AdMob
Ad units, ad formats, and ad types
Regarding the issue with Chrome and Safari, are you using an ad blocker with Chrome? If so, it can (as one would expect) block calls and cause errors when using the AdMob user interface.
For those running into this error using Chrome, try a different browser.
Thanks very much Amod for pointing me in the right direction. I was using Chrome. I cleared caches and restarted but ran into the same error using Chrome. However, I was able to successfully add ad units using Safari.

Chartboost campaign not serving ads in iOS

I'm attempting to get my app to serve interstitial ads (video and static) using a cross-promotional chartboost campaign. I feel as though I've set up everything correctly, because my dashboard on the website indicates that the SDK has been integrated for that app, and when I put the app in test mode, it receives test ads. However, when I turn off test mode, I receive no ads. My app was built in Corona SDK, and I'm using the chartboost plugin made by swipeware, shown here. I'm using the demo project on their github page. I think the problem MUST be with the way my campaigns on chartboost are set up, but I don't know why. Can anyone give me a hint? I've made images out of what shows on my dashboard on Chartboost -- seems to me that campaigns like FE_Stories_4_11_Test, whose details are also shown, should be showing ads nonstop. Is there any reason this wouldn't happen?

Real ads (admob) not showing up in Live app

I have a lite version of one of my app live in apple store. I have integrated admob in that.
I was successfully able to see ads while testing, both test ads & real ads sometimes. Now as the app is live, I can notice only test ad is showing up.
"this is a test ad"
Link to app, cheque Track
Please check the following points before publish your app.
You should use iPhone app id of AdMob to display ads on iPhone and iPad app id of AdMob to display ads on iPad. Because there is no universal type app in AdMob.
In case of BannerView use size provided by the AdMob SDK. Please don't use your custom defined size and use origin with appropriate value.
Click on the your project -> goto build settings -> add value to "Other Linker flag" to "-ObjC".
To know errors or loading successful or not define delegate methods provided for specific add and don't forget to assign "self" to ad's delegate property.
Always use latest SDK.
Test mode off in app setting of AdMob app.
After performing these steps and modifying code, it is time to test your app by creating ipa of the app in real device. In iOS 7 if you run iPhone app in iPad [UIDevice currentDevice].model returns "iPad" . So check iPad ipa in iPad and iPhone ipa in iPhone.
two use links to create ipa and install it in your device.
create ipa link
install ipa on your device
Please inform if any issue comes. Thanks
read this somewhere.. thought it might help
log in to your AdMob account, go into "Sites And Apps", hover your mouse pointer over the App in question and click on "Manage Setting". Then, click on the "App Setting" tab and you will see a "Test Mode" option. In that, select the "Disable test mode for all requests" option and hit "Save Settings" at the bottom.
-(void)adViewDidReceiveAd:(GADBannerView *)bannerView;
-(void)adView:(GADBannerView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error;
There can be number of reasons for not showing the Live ads.
Check your google admob account for the payment info. If not filled, fill it.
Check if your device is registered as test device, else you may get suspension from the google for 30 days or so.
Use correct platform and ad unit ID from the admob account for live ads and wait for a while, it takes time to show ads.
You can check the delegate methods and print the logs:
In my case, I was getting error as { 'error': 'Request Error: No ad to show.', 'adType':'banner' }.
But it showed at the client side, after I delivered to the client. So, I think that this issue was due to the reason that google had no advertisements in my region.
