AdMob V2 / AdMob Beta Ad Unit Never Created - ios

I have successfully added test banner ads to my ios app. The app is linked to Firebase and we've added company tax info to AdMob settings (pending). When I click add an ad unit, the loading spinner never completes even after multiple minutes.
The documentation for creating an ad unit says to access the Monetize tab ( This tab does not exist in my console. My console says AdMob Beta. I have also tried to leave AdMob Beta following these instructions following Google admob/answer/7378069 but do not see a Leave AdMob Beta link at the bottom of the AdMob user interface.
Ad Unit Loading Screenshot

Looks like you found or were directed to the Help Center article for the older version of the AdMob interface. You can find updated documentation here:
Set up an app in AdMob
Ad units, ad formats, and ad types
Regarding the issue with Chrome and Safari, are you using an ad blocker with Chrome? If so, it can (as one would expect) block calls and cause errors when using the AdMob user interface.

For those running into this error using Chrome, try a different browser.
Thanks very much Amod for pointing me in the right direction. I was using Chrome. I cleared caches and restarted but ran into the same error using Chrome. However, I was able to successfully add ad units using Safari.


TBannerAd doesn't show ads

I've created a new App in Delphi 10.3.3 Community Edition, placed a TBannerAd, aligned it to bottom and I have a Button which loads the Ad (BannerAd1.AdUnitID:='ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX'; BannerAd1.LoadAd;). I tried The TBannerAd with the sizes "auto" and "small" but when I click the button on the running App no Ad is shown. Everything I do in my App works, but there are no ads shown. I used a Huawei ALE21 with stock rom (Anndroid 6) and a Samsung SM-A605FN/DS (A6 plus) also with stock rom to test the App. I tried test mode and normal mode, but in both cases there is no ad shown. I don't even get an error and I don't have any email from admob which tells me that it doesn't work... On my old computer (Same Delphi version and same mobile phones) I got ads to work. Now on a fresh installed Windows 10 with nothing more than Delphi and a few normal Apps I can't make an app with ads on it. And I don't use any ad blocking app on my phones. They're both stock rom.
Can anyone give me a hint why I can't display any ads without getting an error?
UPDATE: Google sent me an email a few days later saying my app code should change and the ads are not shown until my app fulfills requirements and some stuff like that.. so I guess the issue was I was trying just to show an ad to test ads are working and there was no real content in my app. After trying it a few weeks later in a real app I was trying to get ads shown in it it worked.. So sorry for asking this question. I just didnt know Google dooesnt show ads on blank apps..
Try setting the BannerAd's alignment to bottom and ensure that it has sufficient height. Start with the small size of Ad. Use the OnDidFail and OnDidLoad to debug. In my case I fixed the issue by the alignment and choosing small or medium size of Ad. Couldn't get the large or auto size to work so I am sticking with medium. Also, my BannerAd.TestMode is set to true as I am using the test ID provided by Google (I suppose you have done the same).
did you already set True on Project > Option > Application > Entitlement List > AdMob Service
I guess the simple answer is that there just are no ads to be shown available.. I get an error 3 code, which means the google ad server has nothing for me to show.. I think I should try other phones/accounts as well to get some ads running

AdMob & Unity for iOS with custom AdUnit not showing Ads

I'm having trouble with adMob (like I specified in the title) on my iOS game made with Unity.
I'm using Unity 5.5.5p1 with the adMob plugin.
Everything was fine when I use the testing adUnits, testing ads are showing perfectly, until I use the custom ones pasted from my adMob profile.
I'm building in release mode and my game isn't on the AppStore yet.
Thanks for the attention payed, any suggestion?
First of all, check if there's any whitespaces at the end of your copied ad unit id. It's the most common cause of not showing ads.
If that's fine, then most probably, you are getting no fill matching your custom AdUnit request, which is quite common in admob. If it doesn't get the matching size, it fails to show the ad.
You can see the debug log in the console for your connected device with actual ad id. If it shows, No Fill, then you may get sure that there's no ad currently available in the admob network, matching your given size.
I always prefer using the default sizes of admob, as they are more popular, there's always available ads in the network.

Google App Indexing - how to test it?

I've implemented all the things about App Indexing from google tutorial Google App Indexing.
How can I now test result of search in safari? Should I have released app/can I test it in development environment without submitting to iTunes connect?
Based on this doc, "Once you've completed setup for App Indexing, you can verify your universal links prior to their appearance in Google Search by tapping a universal link in Safari on your device and making sure that it takes you to the right place in the app.
Note: You cannot test universal links on the XCode simulator."
Google app indexing testing can be done in two steps.
1) Universal link- This can be tested only in device. Click on the universal link to respective screen of app and ensure that universal link is deeplinked to app.
2) As part of google app indexing, the application icon will listed in google search result page. This can verified in itunes app/testflight build.

Chartboost campaign not serving ads in iOS

I'm attempting to get my app to serve interstitial ads (video and static) using a cross-promotional chartboost campaign. I feel as though I've set up everything correctly, because my dashboard on the website indicates that the SDK has been integrated for that app, and when I put the app in test mode, it receives test ads. However, when I turn off test mode, I receive no ads. My app was built in Corona SDK, and I'm using the chartboost plugin made by swipeware, shown here. I'm using the demo project on their github page. I think the problem MUST be with the way my campaigns on chartboost are set up, but I don't know why. Can anyone give me a hint? I've made images out of what shows on my dashboard on Chartboost -- seems to me that campaigns like FE_Stories_4_11_Test, whose details are also shown, should be showing ads nonstop. Is there any reason this wouldn't happen?

libGDX with MoPub (integrating AdMob) using RoboVM project for iOS

I am building a game using the latest (as of date) libGDX nightlies , RoboVM nightlies, and MoPub bindings that are available here. I used MoPub bindings to show AdMob ads, and I managed to show AdMob test ads on iPhone simulator; however, only test ads are shown on the simulator, and I have not specified any code to show test ads.
The question is: is this normal? is it always going to be test ads on simulator? will real ads show normally on devices?
Thank you.
It is normal to see test ads once you have integrated. You should be able to see actual creatives from AdMob once the ad network is setup within your MoPub dashboard. It would take some refreshes to get the ads cached but then it would be serving to your simulator.
Another way to test the type of creatives that are coming in is to select ‘Test Ad’ in the Inventory tab over at In the Chrome browser, content may be blocked from being loaded. A shield icon in the address bar will appear. Click on the shield and then click on ‘Load unsafe script.’ Then click the ‘Run Again’ button.
You should be using your AdMob's 'Ad Unit ID' and not the 'Legacy Publisher ID.' I know it may be confusing as within MoPub's dashboard it mentions to have the 'Publisher ID' but really it should be the 'Ad Unit ID' from AdMob that should be entered.
Please consult this guide for more info:
Do you have marketplace feature enabled and seeing request/impression counts coming in?
