iOS: UITableView parallax header effect like Spotify - ios

I recently received the latest Spotify iPhone/iPod update and thought their new UI was fantastic. I want to try to replicate their playlist parallax effect, Im struggling to grasp what it is that they have done though. I've uploaded a video to YouTube displaying the effect I want to achieve. My best guess is that they're using some kind of custom table header, since it sticks to the top and some scrollview delegate to show/hide different labels. Anybody out there who can figure this one out?
I've found things like this where they have a UIImageView behind the tableview but that doesn't really replicate the header-like behavior where a bit of the image sticks to the top. Also, having the controls for 'back' and 'options' would be a hazzle.

You can use CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout, but it's for CollectionView headers.


Draggable UIButtons like in iOS Camera app

I want to build a similar view as seen in the iOS Camera app, but I don't know which UI-Elements were used.
It can be found in the Instagram Story section as well.
It should have the same behavior.
I tried to accomplish this with an UICollectionView. I'm adding UIButtons to the view but I don't know how to make the 'drag & stop' behavior. Maybe there is a delegate method or so.
A small explanation or some ideas would be helpful. I don't need code.
That's a custom control. You could create it using a horizontal scroll view containing multiple UILabel objects, each of which has an attached UITapGestureRecognizer.
You might be able to find a third party library that does what you want. Try Cocoa Controls.

How to implement Uber V2 UICollectionView

I am trying to implement the same style of UI as the new Uber iOS app, at least the pull-up view. I am wondering if this is a UICollectionView or a UITableView. How are the inner horizontal scrollable views implemented? I have done something like this before in iOS back in 2009, but that was UITableView inside a UITableView. Just wondering if UICollectionView is what should be used now?
Also, how do they allow you to drag the view up and then switch to a new view?
They seem to be simply animating transitions. There are similar questions here on SO addressing this for the card implementations used in Apple’s Music and Mail apps. As for the horizontal swiping, I would use a collection view nowadays but I don’t see it wrong using a tableView.
Hope this will help

Can anyone suggest what to use to make the UI screen as Mention?

I have design the UI for the below screen as I am little bit confuse that what should have to use for the below screen. As you seen the on the screen below things:
1.Scrolling part of Images swap.
2.Again another Scrolling images Swap.
So here for the scrolling Images what should I use its Collection View for both or Pagecontrol for one and Collection view for other. Please suggest me.
Thanks and Appreciate for the help...
Use UITableView and in its cell use UICollectionCell so that you can scroll horizontally and vertically.
see Back image, this is how you can implemented output looked like.
As Tinu Dahiya pointed it correctly, You should use tableView and custom tableViewCells to achieve your UI design. This approach will also make your coding easy to handle dynamic contents which you might be fetching from server. For your reference you can directly use this control from cocoa controls. This control is ready made dish for you, you just have to implement your logic to achieve your functionality.

UITableView scroll like in Yummly app

I'm looking for a way to implement scrolling in UITableView similar to what is done in Yummly app, or like google play or whatsapp header, in which the top image sort of hangs or sticks, while the bottom content scrolls over it, until the content catches up with it.
Meaning, make it so that the cells will not scroll up together, but stick a little, like the section headers do, accept that with section headers the content scrolls below the section, and not on top of it.
Does anyone has any idea how this can be implemented in objective-c?
I have checked yummly and found the good solution for you i have used this for some of my application/demo as well.
Please let me know if you require any other modification as well.

How to create multidirectional infinite/circular scrolling view like the HBO GO iPad App

My question is essentially what it says in the title--I would like to create a scrolling view similar to the one that appears under the 'Home' tab of the HBO GO iPad application.
I have looked into circular/infinite UIScrollViews, but they only discuss infinite content in one direction (either horizontal OR vertical) and bring up many problems when scroll speed gets too high. So my question is twofold:
A) Could they have created this scrolling view by subclassing UIScrollView? If so, please do let me know how?
B) If not, does anyone have ideas as to a starting point for how they could have created it? It runs very, very smoothly even at fast acceleration, and I'm trying to figure out how they created this.
Thanks in advance!
Reposting to get answer ;-)
The sample is named StreetScroller.
Referenced video is here.
I believe the successful technique will be to apply the techniques in the video in either a 2x2 or 3x3 grid and handle scrolling in both directions.
I have put together a library that provides an infinitely scrolling view in all directions. It allows you to very easily achieve the effect you’re looking for and much more. As the user scrolls around, the framework lays out the tiles and lets the delegate know so it can set up the tiles' presentations. This is indeed done by subclassing UIScrollView and as for performance, the framework introduces no lag: full 60 fps no matter how fast you scroll.
The framework with a sample app that displays Flickr images in an infinitely scrolling wall is here: Additionally, here's a video of the sample app in action:
I don't think there is an easy way to do it by sub classing UIScrollView
I have done something similar with a UIView and a custom gesture recognizer, moving views around nice they disappear off the side of the screen.
I hope this helps you.
