Binding Tesseract as a static Lib in Xamarin - ios

I am trying to add tesseract to my iOS-App. Im doing the App with Xamarin.iOS.
I tried creating a .dll with btouch and used for that the ported version of tesseract on github( I created the bindings of tesseractOCR.h with Objective-Sharpie and created a
.dll with the TesseractOCR.a file.
Everything worked fine but when trying to build my app with the .dll referenced it gives me the attached Errors.
How can I fix them?
Thanks in advance

This seems a good question and I came here looking for Xamarin bindings for Tesseract library, but there was none on this page. After searching, I found that there are a couple of bindings already for Xamarin:
Xamarin Forms
Also, there seems to be an active and modern porting to swift, and can be found here:
This discussion on Xamarin forum seems also very useful for anybody interested in this question:
Disclaimer: I have not tried any of them yet, just finished my research, now gonna start my experimentation :)

This is because Tesseract uses c++ and the binding needs to know this.
I would suggest creating a binding project as per the tutorial at Xamarin. Then this Xamarin forum post gives great information on how to add c++ to the LinkWith attribute.


ANPR for XamarinFroms

We are searching best ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Reader/Recognition) for Xamarin.Forms. I have already gone through AnyLine and OpenAlpr.
AnyLine seems to be high cost, based on image capture counts.
Regarding OpenAlpr we have a workable solution for Xcode (IOS) and also Xamarin.Android.
The real problem is we couldn't bind the existing xcode project into xamarin.IOS using the sharpie tool (we tried sharpie for some other project, that works fine). Then we realized, that we can't create static library in xcode using an existing framework(openalpr.framework) files.
My question are,
Can we create static library using .framework file? please explain.
Else, Is there any other ANPR tools already available for Xamarin.Forms of Xamarin.IOS?
MicroFocus IDOL has an excellent ANPR Solution which can be accessed via REST APIs. The product is called Media Server.

Using a modified PDFTron Tools Framework

I'm working on a iOS Framework (using CocoaPods) that, as of today, uses PDFNet.framework as its only dependency.
Everything works as expected when I use the resulting framework in another "top level" project.
Now I'm trying to make this same Framework use the Tools.framework, as I intend to use the annotations from the Tools library.
Is there a common approach in doing so?
I've tried building the Tools source code but it fails as the dependency isn't found.
Everything you need should be in the following guide.
If that guide does not help, then please answer my comment above.

How to apply IBM CPLEX to my iOS projects?

I am new to iOS development!
And I'm working on a project that deals with shift scheduling problems.
I was reading online paper and they mentioned that they used CPLEX to solve their linear programming problems.
So I'm wondering if there's anything that I have to know to run my scheduling constraints on CPLEX but get the results on Swift codes (XCode)?
what you could try also is to use CPLEX in the cloud which would be called from IOS.
You can find an example at
You can try that example on your smartphone and then have a look at how to.
CPLEX offers some libraries written in C, C++.
Xcode allow the use of this kind of librairies so I think you'll be able to work with inside your Swift project.
Hope this helps !

glGenVertexArrays and glDeleteVertexArrays not resolved for Windows

I am trying to port iOS projects to Windows 10 using Windows Bridge for iOS.
But I am stuck to the unresolved functions of glGenVertexArrays, glBindVertexArray, and glDeleteVertexArrays.
The original iOS project is a Cocos2d 2.x project. I am not familiar with OpenGL, Therefore I ask for help here! Thank you!
By the way, I noticed that the same issue also exists if I paste these functions into the sample project of WOCCatalog.
Thank you in advance!
Searching the repo for "glGenVertexArrays" does not return anything. Therefore, this API (along with tons of others) is not yet implemented.

Is the library compatible with MonoTouch?

I'm working on a new app using MonoTouch and I'd like to store data in AWS.
I saw there is an library available from Amazon, but I don't know if I can use it with my MonoTouch app. Can I?
standard .NET binaries won't work, per FAQ: (Can I use standard desktop Mono assemblies or .NET assemblies with MonoTouch?).
Edited: All you need to do is rebuild the source code with Mono's C# compiler
I think the better option is to use the AWS SDK for iOS and write bindings to the Obj-c library. There are examples out there of how to write bindings if you just do a search for it. It probably isn't the quick solution you were hoping for but you probably don't want to use the SDK for .NET anyway as it probably wasn't intended to be used on the iPhone.
If you do end up writing bindings for it, please post it on github for everyone else to use. Solve once for many, right? :)
For standard upload of files from monotouch to S3 I used this Library ,
recompiled in MonoDevelop using MonoTouch Library Template and done ( use System.Web.Services instead of System.Web ).
Recompile AWS for monotouch has to be really difficult because of the heavy use of System.Web and IOrderedDictionary ( ThirdParty Libraries ).
I just built the AWS SDK for Monotouch/Mono for Android. I had to modify some files and add some classes from the current Mono release.
GitHub repo is located here:
It's my first attempt at this, and it's working but I don't know if my approach is correct. Any help will be appreciated
