How to share data structures with Polymer on both client and server - dart

I have a dart file defining some data structures, which I need to use both for the client and for the server. I'd like to make these data structures observable with Polymer. However, the server cannot include the file because of Polymer, because Polymer includes dart:html.
I am working on a client/server (REST-full) application, where I want the server to provide the data structures defined available as resources. The client should display these resources, and have the possibility to send the modifications to the server. For that, Polymer is invaluable.
The reason I want to have this library available for the server is that I want the server to be able to validate the resources to be stored.
Possible solutions:
I don't yet know the internals of Polymer enough, but if my data structures could inherit from Map, I could use toObservable in the client side code to make the data structure observable, but instead of accessing by dot notation, I'd have to access members by keys instead, making it rather fragile.
I was wondering if I could use mirrors.dart to add the observable annotation on the client.
Of course, managing duplicate code, is really not a solution.

You can use the observe package.
With ChangeNotifier you initiate the change notification yourself by calling notifyPropertyChange when a value changes. The changes get delivered synchronously.
Observable needs dirtyCheck() to be called to deliver changes.
Polymer calls Observable.dirtyCheck() repeatedly to get the changes automatically.
an example for each
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
class Notifiable extends Object with ChangeNotifier {
String _input = '';
get input => _input;
set input(val) {
_input = notifyPropertyChange(#input, _input, val + " new");
Notifiable() {
this.changes.listen((List<ChangeRecord> record) => record.forEach(print));
class MyObservable extends Observable {
String counter = '';
MyObservable() {
this.changes.listen((List<ChangeRecord> record) => record.forEach(print));
void main() {
var x = new MyObservable();
x.counter = "hallo";
Notifiable notifiable = new Notifiable();
notifiable.input = 'xxx';
notifiable.input = 'yyy';


What exactly is a ReceivePort / RawReceivePort? And how to find external method implementations in Dart?

I'm currently experimenting with Isolates in dart.
I'm trying to create a wrapper around an Isolate to make it more pleasant to use.
The desired interface is something along the lines:
abstract class BgIsolateInterface {
Future<Response> send<Message, Response>(Message message);
I want to have a method that sends a message to the background interface and then return the response to the caller.
To achieve this I figured I have to create a new RawReceivePort or ReceivePort in the send function to reliably get the correct response.
But this would mean I'm essentially creating the port and discarding it. Going against the documentations which states
Opens a long-lived port for receiving messages.
So my questions are:
what exactly are ReceivePorts and RawReceivePorts?
would my use case be valid i.e. have them be created only to read a single response?
should I look at another way of doing things?
Note: Please don't suggest the Flutter compute function as an alternative. I'm looking to do this in a long running isolate so I can share services / state between function calls. I'm just not showing this here to keep the question short.
Thank you very much!!!
Edit #1:
When providing the answer I realised there was also an underling question about how to read the Dart source, more specifically how to find external methods' implementations. That question was added to the title. The original question was just: What exactly is a ReceivePort / RawReceivePort?.
Yesterday, I've searched across the source and I think, I now have the answers. If I'm wrong, anyone more involved with the engine please correct me. This is mostly my speculation.
ReceivePort/RawReceivePorts are essentially int ids with a registered message handler. The SendPort knows to which id i.e. ReceivePort/RawReceivePort it should send the data to.
Yes. But for another use case there is better way.
Change the interface, so we react to states / responses coming from the isolate i.e.
abstract class BgIsolateInterface<Message, Response> {
void send(Message message);
void listen(void Function(Response) onData);
I've looked at the implementation and I'm including my findings here also to put a note for my future self on how to actually do this if I ever need to.
First, if we look at the implementation of ReceivePort (comments removed):
abstract class ReceivePort implements Stream<dynamic> {
external factory ReceivePort([String debugName = '']);
external factory ReceivePort.fromRawReceivePort(RawReceivePort rawPort);
StreamSubscription<dynamic> listen(void onData(var message)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError});
void close();
SendPort get sendPort;
We can see the external keyword. Now, this means implementation is defined somewhere else. Great! Where?
Let's open the SDK source and look. We are looking for a class definition of the same name i.e. ReceivePort with a #patch annotation. Also it seems the Dart team follows the convention of naming the implementation files for these external methods with the suffix _patch.dart.
We then find the three of these patch files. Two for the js runtime, one for development and one for production, and one file for the native? runtime. Since, I'm not using Dart for the web, the latter is the one I'm interested in.
In the file: sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/isolate_patch.dart we see:
class ReceivePort {
factory ReceivePort([String debugName = '']) =>
new _ReceivePortImpl(debugName);
factory ReceivePort.fromRawReceivePort(RawReceivePort rawPort) {
return new _ReceivePortImpl.fromRawReceivePort(rawPort);
Ok, so the implementation for ReceivePort is actually a library private _ReceivePortImpl class.
Note: As you can see factory methods don't have to return the same class the method is defined in. You just have to return an object that implements or extends it. i.e., has the same contract.
class _ReceivePortImpl extends Stream implements ReceivePort {
_ReceivePortImpl([String debugName = ''])
: this.fromRawReceivePort(new RawReceivePort(null, debugName));
: _controller = new StreamController(sync: true) {
_controller.onCancel = close;
_rawPort.handler = _controller.add;
SendPort get sendPort {
return _rawPort.sendPort;
StreamSubscription listen(void onData(var message)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
close() {
final RawReceivePort _rawPort;
final StreamController _controller;
Which as we can see is really just a wrapper around a RawReceivePort where the handler is a StreamController.add method. So, what about the RawReceivePort?
If we look at initial file where ReceivePort is defined we again see. It's just one external factory method and an interface for others.
abstract class RawReceivePort {
external factory RawReceivePort([Function? handler, String debugName = '']);
void set handler(Function? newHandler);
SendPort get sendPort;
Luckily, its #patch version can also be found in the same place as the ReceivePorts.
class RawReceivePort {
factory RawReceivePort([Function? handler, String debugName = '']) {
_RawReceivePortImpl result = new _RawReceivePortImpl(debugName);
result.handler = handler;
return result;
Ok, again the actual implementation is _RawReceivePortImpl class.
class _RawReceivePortImpl implements RawReceivePort {
factory _RawReceivePortImpl(String debugName) {
final port = _RawReceivePortImpl._(debugName);
_portMap[port._get_id()] = <String, dynamic>{
'port': port,
return port;
#pragma("vm:external-name", "RawReceivePortImpl_factory")
external factory _RawReceivePortImpl._(String debugName);
close() {
SendPort get sendPort {
return _get_sendport();
bool operator ==(var other) {
return (other is _RawReceivePortImpl) &&
(this._get_id() == other._get_id());
int get hashCode {
return sendPort.hashCode;
#pragma("vm:external-name", "RawReceivePortImpl_get_id")
external int _get_id();
#pragma("vm:external-name", "RawReceivePortImpl_get_sendport")
external SendPort _get_sendport();
#pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
static _lookupHandler(int id) {
var result = _portMap[id]?['handler'];
return result;
#pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
static _lookupOpenPorts() {
return => e['port']).toList();
#pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
static _handleMessage(int id, var message) {
final handler = _portMap[id]?['handler'];
if (handler == null) {
return null;
return handler;
#pragma("vm:external-name", "RawReceivePortImpl_closeInternal")
external int _closeInternal();
#pragma("vm:external-name", "RawReceivePortImpl_setActive")
external _setActive(bool active);
void set handler(Function? value) {
final int id = this._get_id();
if (!_portMap.containsKey(id)) {
_portMap[id] = <String, dynamic>{
'port': this,
_portMap[id]!['handler'] = value;
static final _portMap = <int, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
OK, now we're getting somewhere. A lot is going on.
First thing to note are the: #pragma("vm:entry-point"), #pragma("vm:entry-point", "call") and #pragma("vm:external-name", "...") annotations. Docs can be found here.
vm:entry-point tells the compiler this class / method will be used from native code.
vm:external-name tells the compiler to invoke a native function which is registered to the name provided by the annotation.
For instance to know the implementation of:
#pragma("vm:external-name", "RawReceivePortImpl_factory")
external factory _RawReceivePortImpl._(String debugName);
We have to look for DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(RawReceivePortImpl_factory. And we find the entry in: runtime/lib/
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(RawReceivePortImpl_factory, 0, 2) {
ASSERT(TypeArguments::CheckedHandle(zone, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)).IsNull());
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(String, debug_name, arguments->NativeArgAt(1));
Dart_Port port_id = PortMap::CreatePort(isolate->message_handler());
return ReceivePort::New(port_id, debug_name, false /* not control port */);
We see the port_id is created by PortMap::CreatePort and is of type Dart_Port. Hmmm, and what is a the type definition for Dart_Port.
typedef int64_t Dart_Port;
OK so the actual internal representation of a RawReceivePort is a signed int stored in 64 bits, and some additional information like the type, state, debug names etc.
Most of the work is then being done in PortMap::CreatePort and other of its methods. I won't go in depth, because quite honestly I don't understand everything.
But from the looks of it the PortMap uses the port_id to point to some additional information + objects. It generates it randomly and makes sure the id is not taken. It also does a lot of different things but let's move on.
When sending a message through SendPort.send, the method essentially calls the registered entry SendPortImpl_sendInternal_ which determines which port to send the information to.
Note: SendPort essentially just points to its ReceivePort and also stores the id of the Isolate where it was created. When posting a message this id is used to determine what kind of objects can be sent through.
The a message is created and passed to PortMap::PostMessage which in turn calls MessageHandler::PostMessage.
There the message is enqueued by a call to MessageQueue::Enqueue. Then a MessageHandlerTask is ran on the ThreadPool.
The MessageHandlerTask essentially just calls the MessageHandler::TaskCallback which eventually calls MessageHandler::HandleMessages.
There the MessageHandler::HandleMessage is called, but this function is implemented by a child class of MessageHandler.
Currently there are two:
IsolateMessageHandler and
We are interested in the IsolateMessageHandler.
Looking there we see IsolateMessageHandler::HandleMessage eventually calls DartLibraryCalls::HandleMessage which calls object_store->handle_message_function(). full chain: Thread::Current()->isolate_group()->object_store()->handle_message_function()
The function handle_message_function is defined by the (dynamic?) macro LAZY_ISOLATE(Function, handle_message_function) in runtime/vm/object_store.h.
The property + stores created are used in: runtime/vm/ by the: ObjectStore::LazyInitIsolateMembers.
_RawReceivePortImpl is registered to lazily load at the isolate_lib.LookupClassAllowPrivate(Symbols::_RawReceivePortImpl()) call.
As well as, the methods marked with #pragma("vm:entry-point", "call"), including static _handleMessage(int id, var message).
Which is the handler that ->handle_message_function() returns.
Later the DartLibraryCalls::HandleMessage invokes it through DartEntry::InvokeFunction with the parameters port_id and the message.
This calls the _handleMessage function which calls the registered _RawReceivePort.handler.
If we compare the Flutter's compute method implementation. It spins up an Isolate and 3 ReceivePorts for every compute call. If I used compute, I would be spending more resources and loose context between multiple message calls I can have with a long-running Isolate. So for my use case I reason, creating a new ReceivePort everytime I pass a message shouldn't be a problem.
I could use a different approache. But I still wish to have a long running Isolate so I have the flexibility to share context between different calls to the Isolate.
Would be following a bloc / stream style interface and have a method to assign a listener and a method to send or add a message event, and have the calling code listen to the responses received and act accordingly.
i.e. an interface like:
abstract class BgIsolateInterface<Message, Response> {
void send(Message message);
void addListener(void Function(Response) onData);
void removeListener(void Function(Response) onData);
the down side is the Message and Response have to be determined when creating the class rather than simply when using the send method like the interface in my question. Also now some other part of the code base has to handle the Response. I prefer to handle everything at the send call site.
Note: The source code of the Dart project is put here for presentation purposes. The live source may change with time. Its distribution and use are governed by their LICENSE.
Also: I'm not C/C++ developer so any interpretation of the C/C++ code may be wrong.
While this answer is long side-steps the questions a little bit, I find it useful to include the steps to search through the Dart source. Personally, I found it difficult initially to find where external functions are defined and what some of the annotation values mean. While these steps could be extracted into a separate question, I think it's useful to keep it here where there was a use case to actually dive deep.
Thank you for reading!

How to combine multi data steams in one BLOC?

I have a widget to represent list of stores sorted by nearest to the user current locations also filtering should be applied.
Data in:
Stores data coming from stream of Firestore collection
Current user location from geolacator.
Filtering options from shared preferences
(can be changed any time)
List sorting mode selected by user
Data out: Filtered, sorted, list of stores.
What pattern is best practice in this case?
rxdart :
if you wanna combine data together you can use
var myObservable = Observable.combineLatest3(
(firstData, secondData, thirdData) => print("$firstData $secondData $thirdData"));
you can combine from ( combineLatest2, combineLatest... combineLatest9 )
like this example
Stream.fromIterable(["C", "D"])])
Numbers 2, 3 and 4 are inputs to the bloc that you'd send in through sinks. The bloc listens on those sinks and updates the Firestore query accordingly. This alone might be enough to make Firestore send the appropriate snapshots to the output stream the widget is listening to.
If you can't sort or filter how you want directly with Firestore's APIs, you can use or apply a StreamTransformer on it. The transformer gives you a lot of flexibility to listen to a stream and change or ignore events on the fly by implementing its bind method.
So you can do something like:
Stream<Store> get stores => _firestoreStream
Have a look at this page for streams in dart in general, and look into rxdart for more complex stream manipulations.
From personal experience I found having multiple inputs to a block leads to hard to test code. The implicit concurrency concerns inside the block lead to confusing scenarios.
The way I built it out in my Adding testing to a Flutter app post was to create a single input stream, but add markers to the messages notating which data stream the message was a part of. It made testing sane.
In this situation, I think there are multiple asynchronous processing. This implementation can be complicated. And there is a possibility of race condition.
I will implement as follows.
Separate streams of Model from Firestore and user-visible ViewModel in Bloc. Widgets listen to only ViewModel.(eg. with StreamBuilder)
Limit Business logic processing only in Bloc. First, relocate processing with SharedPreferences into Bloc.
Create UserControl class just for user input.
Branch processing depends on user input type of extended UserControl
I hope you this will help you.
For example:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
class ViewModel {}
class DataFromFirestoreModel {}
abstract class UserControl {}
class UserRequest extends UserControl {}
class UserFilter extends UserControl {
final String keyWord;
enum SortType { ascending, descending }
class UserSort extends UserControl {
final SortType sortType;
class Bloc {
final controller = StreamController<UserControl>();
final viewModel = BehaviorSubject<ViewModel>();
final collection = StreamController<DataFromFirestoreModel>();
Bloc() {;
_handleControl(UserControl control) {
if (control is UserRequest) {
} else if (control is UserFilter) {
} else if (control is UserSort) {
_handleRequest() {
//get location
//get data from sharedPreferences
//get data from firestore
ViewModel modifiedViewModel; // input modifiedViewModel
handleSort(SortType sortType) {
final oldViewModel = viewModel.value;
//sorting oldViewModel
ViewModel newViewModel; // input sorted oldViewModel
handleFilter(String keyWord) {
//store data to sharedPreferences
//get data from Firestore
ViewModel modifiedViewModel; // input modifiedViewModel

Redstone mapper with flutter

I want to use the redstone mapper to decode Json to objects.
However flutter doesn't support mirrors and so I cannot initialize the mapper over the normal way with bootstrapMapper();
Therefore I looked it up, I have to use staticBootstrapMapper(...)
* initialize the mapper system.
* This function provides a mapper implementation that
* uses data generated by the redstone_mapper's transformer,
* instead of relying on the mirrors API.
void staticBootstrapMapper(Map<Type, TypeInfo> types) {
_staticTypeInfo = types;
configure(_getOrCreateMapper, _createValidator);
Link to source code
I dont know what I should put into the map of Map<Type, TypeInfo> types.
Lets say I want to use ObjectData to transform json data to this object.
But how do I have to use this initializing method? Unfortunately I didnt find an example how to use this static bootstrap manager.
class ObjectData {
DataType dateType; // might be a User object
String id;
List<String> versions;
Mirrors isn't supported in Flutter, as noted above in comments.
You might want try alternative packages that don't rely on mirrors:
Of those two (and others) json_serializable looks like the easiest to get started, but might not have as many features.

dart how to create, listen, and emits custom event?

I have class like this :
class BaseModel {
Map objects;
// define constructor here
fetch() {
// fetch json from server and then load it to objects
// emits an event here
Like backbonejs i want to emits a change event when i call fetch and create a listener for change event on my view.
But from reading the documentation, i don't know where to start since there are so many that points to event, like Event Events EventSource and so on.
Can you guys give me a hint?
I am assuming you want to emit events that do not require the presence of dart:html library.
You can use the Streams API to expose a stream of events for others to listen for and handle. Here is an example:
import 'dart:async';
class BaseModel {
Map objects;
StreamController fetchDoneController = new StreamController.broadcast();
// define constructor here
fetch() {
// fetch json from server and then load it to objects
// emits an event here
fetchDoneController.add("all done"); // send an arbitrary event
Stream get fetchDone =>;
Then, over in your app:
main() {
var model = new BaseModel();
model.fetchDone.listen((_) => doCoolStuff(model));
Using the native Streams API is nice because it means you don't need the browser in order to test your application.
If you are required to emit a custom HTML event, you can see this answer:
There's a package for it:
This will be better than using Streams as 'event' is more readable

How to return ArrayList type from DomainService Class to CLient Side?

Background: 3-4 weeks experience in Silverlight3/C#/.Net and about 3days worth with the RIA Services concept. (most of my previous questions up to date should explain why)
I am doing a test implementation of Microsoft's RIA services with Silverlight3. This is part of a proof of concept i have to do for a client. So its very basic.
I have figured out how build the Silverlight3 project using RIA services etc. So passing and returning strings and int's is no problem at the moment.
But i require to return an ArrayList from my Domain Service Class to my SL3 client. But it seems passing back an ArrayList as is, is not permitted. And my limited knowledge of C# does not aid in doing quick type casting/convertions/etc. This server-side function gets an ArrayList which must be returned to the SL3 client, so i have to do something with it to send it client side.
Does anyone know what should be done to an ArrayList (in c#) to allow a DomainService class function to return it to a calling client/SL3 function?
[NOTE: the majority of my attempts all end in the error: "Service operation named 'myFunctionName' does not conform to the required signature. Both return and parameter types must be an entity type or one of the predefined serializable types."]
Please feel free to request any information you feel would be appropriate.
Thank you in advance.
My apologies for not posting the solution i found. Bosses threw more work at me than i could handle. :)
Please note my solution may not be the best but since my knowledge in SL and RIA services are so new, i guess it may be excused. Initially i wanted to pass back rather complicated arrays from the code provided by our client, but effort and time restraints allowed me to only get it right to convert and return a List.
Hope this helps in some way.
Client Side : Silverlight Code in the MainPage.xaml.cs i have a call to retrieve a list of data from the server side, to display in a dropDown list.
// Function called on load of the SL interface
// 'slayer' is an object of the Domain Service Class server-side
// 'this.gidSessionNumber' is just a number used in the demo to represent a session
public void loadPaymentTypeComboBox()
InvokeOperation<IEnumerable<string>> comboList = sLayer.getPaymentTypeCombo(this.gidSessionNumber);
comboList.Completed += new EventHandler(popPaymentCombo_complete);
}//function loadAllComboBoxes
// Event handler assigned
public void popPaymentCombo_complete(object sender, EventArgs e)
InvokeOperation<IEnumerable<string>> obj = (InvokeOperation<IEnumerable<string>>)sender;
string[] list = obj.Value.ToArray();
// 'paymentTypeDropdown' is the name of the specific comboBox in the xaml file
paymentTypeDropdown.IsEnabled = true;
// Assign the returned arrayList as itemSource to the comboBox
paymentTypeDropdown.ItemsSource = list;
In the Domain Service Class i have the associated function:
public List<string> getPaymentTypeCombo(string gidNumber)
// Build objects from libraries provided by our client
this.lobjSys = SDT.Life.LifeCO.clsSystemCreator.GetSysObject(gidNumber);
// Rtrieve the ArrayList from the client's code
clsTextList comboList= this.lobjSys.lstPaymentType_PaymentQueue;
// Get the length of the returned list
int cnt= (int)comboList.Count();
// Create the List<string> which will be populated and returned
List<string> theList= new List<string>();
// Copy each element from the clsTextList to the List<string>
for (int i = 0; i < cnt;i++)
string status= comboList.Item(i).Description;
// return the newly populated List<string>
return theList;
}//end function getPaymentTypeCombo
Not sure that you can return an ArrayList. I guess you should think about returning an IEnumerable instead which will make the service recognize the method as a Read method.
If you have a List or ObservableCollection and wish to bind it to an ItemControl like ComboBox, you can set the ItemsSource on your ItemControl. Use the DisplayPath property on the ItemControl to set the property you wish to display or use a DataTemplate.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text={"Binding Path=Property1"}/>
<TextBlock Text={"Binding Path=Property2"}/>
<TextBlock Text={"Binding Path=Property3"}/>
