Phonegap issue on adding platform - ios

I am new to Phonegap.
I have installed phonegap on my mac. I have installed latest xcode also.
I am following instruction from
I run successfully
$ cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld"
$ cd hello
But after i run cordova platform add ios it gives following error.
Krishnak:my-app krishnak$ cordova platform add ios
Creating ios project...
Unknown option: n
Usage: head [-options] <url>...
-m <method> use method for the request (default is 'HEAD')
-f make request even if head believes method is illegal
-b <base> Use the specified URL as base
-t <timeout> Set timeout value
-i <time> Set the If-Modified-Since header on the request
-c <conttype> use this content-type for POST, PUT, CHECKIN
-a Use text mode for content I/O
-p <proxyurl> use this as a proxy
-P don't load proxy settings from environment
-H <header> send this HTTP header (you can specify several)
-u Display method and URL before any response
-U Display request headers (implies -u)
-s Display response status code
-S Display response status chain
-e Display response headers
-d Do not display content
-o <format> Process HTML content in various ways
-v Show program version
-h Print this message
-x Extra debugging output
Cordova can only run in Xcode version 4.6 or greater.
Error: /Users/krishnak/.cordova/lib/ios/cordova/3.4.0/bin/create: Command failed with exit code 2
at ChildProcess.whenDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/cordova/src/superspawn.js:112:23)
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:743:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:810:5)
Krishnak:my-app krishnak$
I have already installed xampp server on my computer. I m not sure if xampp is the problem.
Please suggest me how can i fix this problem.

The issue may with xampp. It may due to the path environment, consider to edit your .profile and put the xampp binary path.
Or try to comment bin like # export /PATH=/Applications/XAMPP/bin:$PATH –
hope this may help you.

Just execute the following command so that the head binary in /usr/bin/ gets preference over the script installed by XAMMP:
export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH

Update your iOS SDK in your xcode 5. Xcode > Preferences


How to fail a AppCenter build on script exit code?

I've got a bunch of scripts that get called when the is called. For example, one of them is a simple check to see if the current branch tag already exists on the repository.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status (failure)
# 1 Fetch tags
git fetch --tags
# See if the tag exists
if git tag --list | egrep -q "^$VERSION_TAG$"
echo "Error: Found tag. Exiting."
exit 1
git tag $VERSION_TAG
git push origin $VERSION_TAG
If the tag is found, I want to abort the build in AppCenter and fail it. This worked perfectly fine when I was running everything through Xcode Server but for some reason, I cannot figure out how to abort the build upon failure of my script. I'm not seeing much documentation on this particular subject and the AppCenter folk over at Microsoft are taking their sweet time getting back to me.
Anyone have experience with this and/or know how to fail an AppCenter build from their scripts? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
Okay, figured it out. Looks like sending a curl request to cancel the build using the env variable "$APPCENTER_BUILD_ID" takes care of the issue. Exiting your script with a non-zero is NOT working inside AppCenter.
Here's a sample of what to do. I just put it in a special "" script and called it in place of my exits.
-d "{\"status\":\"cancelling\"}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "X-API-Token: $API_TOKEN"
Pro tip: If you've ever renamed your app, AppCenter servers are having issues referencing the new name. I was getting a 403 with a forbidden message. You might have to change your app name to whatever the original name was or just rebuild the app from scratch within AppCenter.

Flutter http package get failed (69)

When trying to import http package I can see the red underlining as it is error.
In terminal I tried running "flutter clean" and then adding "http: ^0.12.0" to pubspeck.yaml and running "flutter packages get" but it shows:
"Could not resolve URL "".
pub get failed (69)"
Packages like "flutter/material.dart" are correctly imported. Don't know what to do.
Could this be issue with http not being back-compatible with flutter 1.0?
So the problem was I was behind proxy and added enviromental variables (https_proxy) as strings in quotation marks, where they should be added without " ". More here (
On Linux/macOS:
$ export https_proxy=hostname:port
On Windows Command Prompt:
$ set https_proxy=hostname:port
On Windows PowerShell:
$ $Env:https_proxy="hostname:port"
If the proxy requires credentials, you can set them as follows.
On Linux/macOS:
$ export https_proxy=username:password#hostname:port
On Windows Command Prompt:
$ set https_proxy=username:password#hostname:port
On Windows PowerShell:
$ $Env:https_proxy="username:password#hostname:port"
For more information refer this link
This usually happens when you are behind proxy.
To see what proxy it is using use following commands on Mac -> Terminal
echo $ALL_PROXY or echo $https_proxy
Set appropriate proxy using -
export https_proxy="https://<username>:<password>#<proxy>:<port>"
There will be a strange problem here though, if your password contains "#" then you can either try to replace it with special character %40 or worst case change your password to something with _.
Connect to V_P_N(Cisco) and check again.

Error: failed to request identity. Error trying to enroll user and return certificates

I am biginner in block chain development. I succesfully run ./ and ./ .Then i succesfully run two command as follow below.
composer runtime install -c PeerAdmin#byfn-network-org1-only -n trade-network
composer runtime install -c PeerAdmin#byfn-network-org2-only -n trade-network
Then i tried to run
composer identity request -c PeerAdmin#byfn-network-org1-only -u admin -s adminpw -d alice
But i got error like the following
Error: failed to request identity. Error trying to enroll user and return certificates. Error: Calling enrollment endpoint failed with error [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
I tried many time to kill all process in docker and remove .composer file from home directory. But always showing the same error message.
Please help me as possible
Os: Ubuntu 16.04
Fabric vertion:1.0.4
Composer vertion:0.16.6
This error "Failed to import the business network card Connection profile has no x-type property defined." means that a v0.20 client can't/won't import a card from an earlier version (probably v0.16).
I think maybe you are running the wrong version of script and it is trying to create and import an 'old' card.
With Composer v0.20 you need to get 'new' copies of the fabric-development-servers scripts which work with Fabric 1.2.
So I would suggest running the following:
run script
remove the fabric-dev-server folder (might be fabric-tools if old)
remove the ~/.composer folder
follow the install doc from Step 4 . - make sure to export FABRIC_VERSION=hlfv12 - this is what makes sure you get Fabric 1.2.
This is difficult to help ...
The first 2 scripts you have run (./ and ./ are for a basic development Fabric.
The next 2 commands look like they are from the Multi-Org tutorial which uses a different Fabric and has different cards and crypto material.
Unless there is a particular reason for using an old version of Composer, I would suggest using Composer v0.20, which requires Fabric 1.2.
If you are a beginner I would suggest working with the Developer Tutorial to start with.
if you are using a default file (e.g. connection.json, env.json, etc.) to hold your base connnection profile, simply change the "type" term in that default file to "x-type"
In converting from v0.16 to v0.20, you must first remove the v0.16 composer tools from your system, then install the v0.20 version.
To remove v0.16.6:
npm uninstall -g composer-cli
npm uninstall -g generator-hyperledger-composer
npm uninstall -g composer-rest-server
To install V0.20.2:
npm install -g --python=python2.7 composer-cli#0.20.2
npm install -g --python=python2.7 generator-hyperledger-composer#0.20.2
npm install -g --python=python2.7 composer-rest-server#0.20.2
npm install -g --python=python2.7 yo
If you're running nodejs, then you also have to update both package.json files (network/package/json as well as your {base folder}package.json) from 0.16.x to ^0.20.2
The reason for error is Missing of Certificate Authorities(CA). I Just up my CA server. Now Working perfectly.

bazel: Using WSL's bash instead of MSYS64

I am having problems using Bazel on Windows because of MSYS64:
ERROR: C:/users/ximo.hi/_bazel_ximo/4qw2ezwb/external/java_image_base/image/BUILD:6:1: error executing shell command: 'bazel-out/host/bin/external/gzip/gzip.exe -d < external/java_image_base/image/000.tar.gz > bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bin/external/java_image_base/image/000.tar.gz.nogz' failed (Exit 127): bash.exe failed: error executing command
cd C:/users/ximo.hi/_bazel_ximo/4qw2ezwb/execroot/com_telefonica_baikal
C:/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe -c bazel-out/host/bin/external/gzip/gzip.exe -d < external/java_image_base/image/000.tar.gz > bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bin/external/java_image_base/image/000.tar.gz.nogz
C:/users/ximo.hi/_bazel_ximo/4qw2ezwb/execroot/com_telefonica_baikal/bazel-out/host/bin/external/gzip/gzip: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have tried running the same commands using WSL's bash and gzip and it works perfectly fine. Is there any easy way to tell Bazel to use the built-in WSL bash instead of MSYS64?
Sorry, Bazel doesn't support WSL yet. See
If there are enough interest, we can dump up the priority of this issue.

IOS upload symbol files for crash reporting fail

/Users/appledev018/LarsonApp/Pods/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym-util.bash:335: error: curl exited with non-zero status 35.
Command /bin/sh emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
I follow the guide to set up firebase crash reporting and when I run my project get above error
and following is my script
echo "### hello world"
echo "### hello google"
"${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym "${PROJECT_DIR}/ServiceAccount.json"
echo "### hello"
Enable "Run Script only when install" in build phases. Then it'll run as expected. This will avoid to upload the script each time when run the system.
Please refer attached screen shot.
If you have bitcode enabled, you can use this script to automate the process and not worry about the rest.
Follow these steps carefully
Add your unzipped dsym folder to your project's main directory
Add this script to the dsym folder
Open terminal
cd into the dsym folder in the project's main directory
Run this python script i.e 'python'
Maybe I am a bit late, but here is a solution.
The problem is that curl can not verify the SSL certificate on the remote server and therefore blocks the transfer because it seems to be insecure.
You have 2 options:
1) Add -k as an option to the curl call. (This means to edit the script in the pod.)
2) Allow insecure SSL connections generally. (This disables certificate chain checking but leaves other validation enabled.)
$ echo insecure >> ~/.curlrc
