How to setup twilio in my application - ios

From the last days i am struggling to how to use twilio in my ios app to make and receive a call with test credentials.Do i have to set up server for that and if yes then how to use the server and make call ? And if twilio does not allow to make call with test credentials ,how to make call with live paid credentials?
Please guide me .And pardon in case of any spelling mistake.
Any help is appreciated.

Twilio employee here. Check out the Quickstart docs on our website: it takes you step-by-step through the setup process for iOS:
Twilio will allow you to place phone calls and send SMS messages to numbers you have verified on your test account. Add your personal phone number to the Verified Called ID list here:
I hope that helps!


Incoming Call Number is not showing Using Sinch Client to Call in iOS

Thanks in advance.
I am developing one app in iOS.But have one Problem.
I am using SINCH CLIENT to make phone call from app to phone.But facing one problem when make call to other number on that device not showing actual number. and Showing incoming call from +11111 like this number.
I have to show actual phone number who call.
Please help me.
Thanks Again
Jignesh Patel, you have to write to support of Sinch to explain about your app in brief.
All the Sinch users will not have real number caller id feature enabled by default.
Sinch would verify all the aspects and then they may enable this feature for your account or for a specific app. And then you can see real numbers on the screen to whom you called (if the calling number is verified with Sinch verification service).
Hope this helps you.
In Documentation of Sinch Client, they have mentioned :
Instead of invoking the callUserWithId: method, invoke the
callPhoneNumber: method on the SINCallClient object.
So your App should know the phone number of the current device and you have to pass number in above method.

How to send message to any number from app

Actually i have implemented app to phone call using Sinch. is there is any possibility to send message to any number from app like way2sms,etc.
There are many services that will help you to build applications.
You can use some service like this and create SMS applications
You can use the MFMessageComposeViewController:
More Information please refer the link:

Mobile Number Verification with Missed Call in iOS

I don't know this question is a good question or dumb question, but I research on SO from last 3 days, only this link I am able to see. And in this link I am not getting any solution for my Issue.
My question is How to verify my mobile number with a missed call. I got from some answer, have to use "Dial2Verify" API. But no one can said "How to use that API" in iOS mobile application through coding. I follow Dial2Verify site for more information, but its only for PHP developer.
My requirement is: I have a call button on my app screen, when I pressed that button, that method will call to Dial2Verify API, And give a missed call to Dial2Verify API and after register Dial2Verify will send that API key/ Mobile number to my App Server, Then App server will check the mobile number is registered or not, if register then it directly go to Home page off App otherwise stay on that Login page.
I would suggest use of mOTP API. ( )
Again a service by dial2verify, but it is more suitable for app integration as it supports 200+ countries.
A clever alternative to SMS otp.
At the core it's a 2 step process.
1 sending mOTP : you would be required to call a remote URL from app ( which would send missed call otp to end user )
Step 2: you are required to call another URL from app to cross check otp entered by user.
There is a flow demo available on mOTP website.
Do share the code you build so others can be benefited.
You can probably use a service like . Basically they have available 4 validations methods: SMS, IVR, Missed call (the one you need) and another one called CLI.
You can check how each method is working here:
Also they have available a iOS and Android SDK for mobiles and quite good pricing model for startups.

Getting a busy signal when calling a client device

I've using the basic phone example from Twilio, have set it up to use the auth.php example and have directed a purchased phone number to basic-call.php.
When I try to call that number, I hear the default prompt, but then get a busy signal and nothing happens in the app. Both the auth.php and the basic-call.php are set to use the same client ID (basic), and I can't find any documentation on Twilio about what it means if there's a busy signal when directing to a client app.
I don't have any PHP errors in the logs or any errors showing up in the Twilio console, if that helps?
Turns out the problem was that I wasn't signing the request with the account SID and auth token of the subaccount that number was associated with. I sure hope this helps someone else!

How to Add Phone With twitter using Third Party tool

I need a script that will add my phone with Twitter for All latest notification.
I found this page Twitter but i need to create script for my own application.
I goggled but i didn't get any solution For this.Please Help me to find this answer.
Thanks a lot in advance.
First Edit
This is a twitter's new feature Send notification to Phone. Actually I want to create an app that will allow users to register there phone with twitter via my application. Ie I need a script to implement send notification to phone.
The question that others are asking you Pankaj is what platform is your application being written for. You keep saying you want a "script" to do this, but what kind of script?
Giving us more insight to what your application is (a console application written in C#, or an ASP.NET web application) would lend more detail and raise the chances of someone being able to help you. :)
Regardless of your app's platform though, you're probably going to need to look into the Twitter API for setting this up. This is the normal method to interact with Twitter from 3rd party applications. So all the suggestions above, specifically the list of API's available, is probably what you're looking for.
Hey, can you give some more information? What kind of Phone are you developing for?
Maybe that helps solving your Problem.
If you are just searching for a way connecting your Phone to Twitter, here is the Twitter FAQ for Phone connecting:
Maybe it helps, or give you more keywords for your search.
I don't believe there's a way to get or set the notification phone number using the API, however if a phone is already setup on the profile you want to configure, you can do the following to get notification from all user friends.
The user will need to authorize your application to access her account. This flow uses OAuth, and begins here:
Once the user has granted your app access, and your application has all the required OAuth credentials, turn on notifications using account/update_delivery_device:
Next, fetch all the IDs for your user's friends using the friends/ids API call. Be sure to study the documentation; this call uses cursors, so you will have to manage those if the user has over 5,000 friends. Store these IDs for use in the next step. Here's an example call:
Once you have all of the friend IDs, you can call notifications/follow repeatedly to enable notifications on your mobile device whenever your friend makes an update:
This approach will burn one API call for each user that you enable notifications for; there's no way currently to manage notifications en masse.
