Getting a busy signal when calling a client device - twilio

I've using the basic phone example from Twilio, have set it up to use the auth.php example and have directed a purchased phone number to basic-call.php.
When I try to call that number, I hear the default prompt, but then get a busy signal and nothing happens in the app. Both the auth.php and the basic-call.php are set to use the same client ID (basic), and I can't find any documentation on Twilio about what it means if there's a busy signal when directing to a client app.
I don't have any PHP errors in the logs or any errors showing up in the Twilio console, if that helps?

Turns out the problem was that I wasn't signing the request with the account SID and auth token of the subaccount that number was associated with. I sure hope this helps someone else!


Twilio: Webhook not calling specified URL on phone number

Setting up to respond to SMS replies. I've gone to my Active Numbers page, selected the number (I only have one), gone to the Messaging Service section (again only one service) and in "A message comes in", I've specified the URL of one of our HTTP Handlers. It's a .Net Core handler that we use all the time. It will try to process anything sent to its URL:
I send an SMS message to my personal number, reply "Help", and send that. Nothing hits that URL. I have it in the debugger and it catches anything I send it. It just doesn't get hit by the reply to the SMS message.
What am I doing wrong?.. or did I misunderstand how this works?
I found an "Integration" section in the Messaging Service. It was set to "Defer to sender’s webhook"... which sounds right but I changed it to "Send a webhook -- Invoke an HTTP webhook for all incoming messages"... which sounds like the same thing. Anyway, it didn't change a thing. I'm still not receiving a post on the http handler.
Please note that "Help" is a special keyword when using messaging services.
According to the Twilio Help Center:
Twilio does not forward HELP/INFO messages to your incoming message webhook by default. However, if you use Advanced Opt-Out for Messaging Services, Twilio does forward HELP/INFO requests to your inbound webhook.
This is not a good answer but I wanted to close this out. I started over and released my phone number and bought a new one. I went to Active Numbers and selected the new phone. In "A message comes in", I put my webhook url in both primary and primary fails and saved that.
I then went to Messaging, Services, and selected my service. In Integration, I clicked "Defer to sender's webhook" and then put the handler url in "Callback URL" and saved that.
I went to compliance and the first two were done but 3. Campaign Use Case was incomplete. I completed that.
In Opt-out management, I edited that and put in some of my own text.
After doing all this, I replied to the message and got a response in the handler. Not sure which one of these was the problem but doing it all over seemed to work. Sorry I can't provide a better insight.

Twilio room type not set to GO even after changing room settings in console

I'm following the links below to setup Twilio WebRTC Go - one to one video calling app on iOS using Swift
But when I run the app and generate the Access Token using
twilio rtc:apps:video:deploy --authentication passcode
I'm getting the room type as
Room Type: group
I've set the room type to Go in the console in room settings, even then it returns "group".
How do I change the room type to GO? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Your token server determines the room type and you can set the room type when you deploy the server using the --room-type flag.
twilio rtc:apps:video:deploy --authentication passcode --room-type go
So, redeploy your token server, pass --room-type go and you should be good.

Twilio Task Router , Reservation Changing Status

Following the tutorials to creation of a task router (Workspace,queue,worker,task) and task creation via a Phone Call.
I am able to successfully land the call and create the task via my node.js app.
After adding the Agent UI via tutorial #
Agent UI Add Project
Here is the application flow:
Customer calls Twilio number
Twilio Voice Posts to a Node.js Rest API
Twilio Voice Posts to a Node.js Rest API
Twiml generated and user gets Prompts
User chooses an option
Response is Posted to a Node.js API and task is created
The above steps are success
On the client
Agent launches the node.js app with taskrouter.min.js and agent.js as provided in the sample above.
Customer gets the default hold noise, on the agent browser a series of events "reservation created, update and reservation cancels" are observed. Posting the console logs towards the end.
Observation 1, customer gets the default Hold noise confirms that Task is created successfully via the App. Task also seen on the Twilio Admin GUI
Observation 2, Getting a sequence of Reservation,Update,Cancel events multiple times.Also Observed that the dateCreated, dateUpdated and dateStatusChangedare year1970 , 1970-01-17T17:52:39.413Z.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
I do see similar issues with the PHP Sample code as well. Found that the Date is not an issue.
Reached out to Twilio Support, hoping to hear from them, no luck so far
Heard back from twilio support, thanks twilio. Issue was with the Assignment Callback URL on the Workflow. My API was /Get. Changed it from Get to Post, to make it work. As the assignment URL was not reachable (via POST), task router was trying to cancel the reservation.
Twilio employee here.
This is result of TaskRouter being able to hit your AssignmentCallbackUrl with an HTTP POST request. We've noticed that on your Account there's this notification message:
Cannot POST /assignment
Please enable POST for your AssignmentCallback endpoint.
TaskRouter will actively cancel the reservation if it cannot hit your AssignmentCallbackUrl or there is an error when issuing an Assignment Instruction.
The several updates in the console are due to the fact that TaskRouter cancels the reservation due to not hitting the AssignmentCallbackUrl, moving the Worker back to the previous state (Available), and then trying to assign the Task again, and thus generating another Reservation for the Worker for the same Task (repeat 15x until the Max Task Assignment is hit).
Heard back from twilio support, thanks twilio. Issue was with the Assignment Callback URL on the Workflow. My API was /Get. Changed it from Get to Post, to make it work. As the assignment URL was not reachable (via POST), task router was trying to cancel the reservation.

How to setup twilio in my application

From the last days i am struggling to how to use twilio in my ios app to make and receive a call with test credentials.Do i have to set up server for that and if yes then how to use the server and make call ? And if twilio does not allow to make call with test credentials ,how to make call with live paid credentials?
Please guide me .And pardon in case of any spelling mistake.
Any help is appreciated.
Twilio employee here. Check out the Quickstart docs on our website: it takes you step-by-step through the setup process for iOS:
Twilio will allow you to place phone calls and send SMS messages to numbers you have verified on your test account. Add your personal phone number to the Verified Called ID list here:
I hope that helps!

Uncaught Twilio.Exception: Run Twilio.Device.setup()

I keep getting
Uncaught Twilio.Exception: Run Twilio.Device.setup()
when starting a call after the page posts back.
The problem is not consistent and after refreshing the page several times it goes away and i can make outbound calls again. But it happens at least once after a post back.
any ideas..?
Twilio evangelist here.
Just to be clear, are you using the Twilio Client JavaScript SDK?
If that is indeed the case, can you try hitting to make sure that your browser will support Twilio Client. If everything lights up green there, I'd suggest taking the output from the browser check site and opening a case with our awesome customer support team. You can simply send and email to
Hope that helps.
