CIFS Random file loading issue with Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I am having an issue running a rails application through CIFS.
The files are located on a windows 7 host. I am trying to run them on a ubuntu 13.10 VMWare guest through CIFS.
When running the rails server command I get *LoadError*s on random files at startup.
For example:
/home/dan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/activesupport-3.2.13/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:245:in `load': cannot load such file -- /mnt/VMWareShared/IncidentSmart/config/initializers/rolify.rb (LoadError)
Then sometimes the server will start but I will get I/O errors when accessing the server.
Unexpected error while processing request: Input/output error - /mnt/VMWareShared/IncidentSmart/public/assets/headlineimg.jpg
I have thrown the kitchen sink into the fstab entry, but I must be doing something wrong.
// /mnt/VMWareShared cifs username=ubuntu,password=ubuntu,uid=dan,gid=dan,nounix,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noperm,iocharset=utf8 0 0
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

I experienced very similar issue with Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.10. I found that downgrading SMB protocol version can help.
You can do it by adding vers=2.0 to the options of mount command like this:
mount -t cifs -o rw,vers=2.0,uid=1000 //server/share /mnt/share
For me it works so far.


Docker for Windows "The system cannot find the path specified" when trying to install Shopware 6 locally

I'm using Docker for Windows and I am trying to install Shopware 6 with the dockware image.
When I enter command:
docker cp shopware:/var/www/html/. ./src
it copies some files, but after some waiting time I get the following error:
C:\mypath\src\vendor\shopware\administration\Resources\app\administration\node_modules\.cache\terser-webpack-plugin\content-v2\sha512\69\3c\9b1ea7d80f60c821b53797c0afe66e6b56c9637c96d7e70bbd16d7911ef6cd73eae0ac183fa8811f363a3c04742ad3efd1254748e650129d83c4b10522cb: The system cannot find the path specified
I also tried to install it on a different Windows-PC - same error.
Docker for Windows v 3.2.2
I'm following these installation instructions:
What I tried so far
using Windows cmd/Powershell/VSCode terminal
starting terminal(s) as administrator
using Docker for Windows v
using dockware/dev:6.3.2
Enable NTFS long paths (registry entry HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem)
It worked a few months ago, I don't know whats different this time...
Any ideas?
The error your are seeing is related to the webpack cache. Webpack is used to build the frontend code for shopware.
If the webpack processes are running, this cache can change often.
I would say this error is quite random and it's safe to ignore this error and try it again. What happens if you do you? Do you get an error on the same path or on a new one?

fail2ban won't start using nextcloud.log with jail

I have nextcloud installed and working fine in a docker but want to have fail2ban monitor the log files for brute force attempts. I know nextcloud has it's own baked in but it just throttles the log in attempts and I would like to all out ban them (I also have this problem with other containers as well). The docker-compose is set to create the nextcloud.log file to /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log. I followed this guide to create the jail
Fail2ban is running on the host machine however, fail2ban fails to start with:
[447]: ERROR Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nextcloud jail
[447]: ERROR Async configuration of server failed
Thinking it was simply a permission issue, I chowned everything to root and tried to start again but still the service won't start. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the help!
The docker-compose is set to create the nextcloud.log file to /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log
Be sure this file really exists and your jail.local has correct entry logpath:
logpath = /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log
You can also check resulting config using dump:
fail2ban-client -d | grep 'nextcloud.*logpath'
But I'm still not sure the error message you provide was throwed by fail2ban, because its error messages look different, see
It should be something like:
-have not found a log file for nextcloud log
+Have not found any log file for nextcloud jail

CircleCI CLI Error on Ubuntu WSL: open .circleci/config.yml: no such file or directory

I'm trying to get the CircleCI CLI tool ( ) working on Ubuntu WSL on Windows 10. It appeared to install successfully -- and the file permissions appear to be correct. I have Docker for Windows installed and running, and the Linux Docker client works without issue.
But now it always errors when trying to validate a CircleCI config file.
I have tried:
circleci config validate -c .circleci/config.yml
circleci config validate
from the root of my repo.
But each time, it gives the error:
Error: open .circleci/config.yml: no such file or directory
Has anyone been able to get this work?
sudo worked for me to overcome this. However, I stuck with the next error.

Docker-compose throwing error

Hello guys I'm trying to get my vagrant up but the docker keeps on throwing an error which is given below :
Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any parent. Are you in the right directory
The file is present at the root of my project. It was all working well but it just started to throw an error. Can somebody tell me what is it that I have done due to which I'm getting this error
well, I had this error but it was due to vagrant. If you are running vagrant then first of all enter into your vagrant machine using :
vagrant ssh command
and try to find the file over there. If you don't have it over there then this is the problem. That file is not being loaded over here because of which you are getting this error.
My error was coming because vagrant was not mounting the nfs partition because of which the whole project was not loading in the vagrant machine and after that, the docker command was being run. Since the project was not being loaded docker command was not able to find the required file.
If this is your problem try to mount your nfs partition first.
docker-compose -f rootoftheprojectpath/docker-compose.yml up -d
Check read permissions, typos, etc. Also check that your file is not empty

Getting Rsync 3.0.9 to work on Vagrant VM box through Cygwin on windows 7

My vagrant VM box is super slow when I try to run my Rails app on it, and I'm guessing it's due to the shared folder problem.
I am trying to use rsync to circumvent the problem.
I installed Cygwin and necessary packages, put C:\cygwin64\bin; as PATH environment variable
and then changed my Vagrantfile to
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"
When I run vagrant up, I Get this error message
$ vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox'
provider... "rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that
rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH.
What's going wrong here?
Thank you so much ... if there's any other way to run Vagrant VM box smoothly and faster on Windows 7, I would love to hear it too.
This turned out to be a bunch of brick-walls you have to circumvent when installing Rsync and setting it up correctly for Vagrant on Windows 7.
First of all, the error "rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH. was due to the fact that
1) Environment variable for Cygwin was placed in the latest order in the PATH, I changed it to the beginning of the path
2) During installation of Cygwin and Rsync, I installed individual "subpackages" instead of installing everything, thinking that it would be okay. Turns out I was wrong. I installed everything in the Admin package and Net package (not the SRC but just the bins), and then it started working. I suggest you set-up Cygwin again and really try to download everything if you see that error.
(I found these solutions through this post on SO cygwin + rsync)
Now, I could go into CMD and type rsync, and it would show up correctly. But then when I ran vagrant up it gave me another error saying
There was an error when attempting to rsync a synced folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info.
Host path: /c/Users/xxxxx Guest path: /vagrant
Command: rsync --verbose --archive --delete -z --copy-links
--chmod=ugo=rwX --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --rsync-path sudo rsync -e ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyCh
/c/Users/xxxx / vagrant#
Error: cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected:
C:/Users/xxxxxxx Preferred POSIX
equivalent is:
/cygdrive/c/Users/xxxx CYGWIN
environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths: Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts. rsync: change_dir "/c/Users/xxxxxxx"
failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync error: some files/attrs
were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at
I googled solution to this error and found this site.
Then there's a bug with Vagrant and cwrsync that I mentioned in #3086.
For now, just edit
and add hostpath = "/cygdrive" + hostpath to line 74. It's a terrible
solution but quick and simple.
Editing that helper.rb file and adding hostpath at line 74 (just made some blank lines right there and pasted it in) and now it works perfectly!!!!
Rsync makes the shared folder soooooo much faster on Rails!!!! I think it is worth the pain of setting it up correctly. Try it!!
It's not clear from your message, but I think you installed rsync on your machine (the host), while it needs to be installed on the virtual machine you bringing up (the guest).
