how to call focusout event on UIdatePicker in Ipad - ipad

In my project,jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js is used to create UIdatePicker. In HTML page , UIDatePicker is defined as below :
<input id='input_birthdate' class='inputText input big,ui-datepicker-title-custom' type="text" maxlength="64" tabindex="7" style ="position: relative; z-index: 1000;" />
If I inspect this particuler field in HTML page in Firefox browser , I can see the IDs and Classes declared in jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js are being used.(I don't know how jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js is used on input_birthdate).
If I am declaring as below in some JavaScript page , it works both in laptop browser and ipad but Its not allowing to select any year or month as div is getting closed.
$("#input_birthdate").focusout(function() {
I noticed that datepicker is made of several components,so I thought of applying focusout on parent div as below:
But now its not working on IPAD.
Kindly suggest where I am going wrong or any other alternative to fix this.

Please check the following function should work on iPad


Uploading images via dynamic input element not working on iOS

I am working on an app in which users can upload images to their profile.
The following function is invoked when an event is fired from a child element. It dynamically creates an input element so the user can select a file to upload.
_changeImage: function () {
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'file';
input.accept = 'image/*';
input.addEventListener('change', this._imgChanged.bind(this));;
It works on browser and android platforms but fails on iOS.
Could anyone point out what might be causing this problem and how I could approach it?
This problem appears to be related to a security measure in iOS. File input must be manually clicked by the user, not done programatically.
In order to work around this we overlay an invisible input element over the target element.
<input id="inputpic" type="file" accept="image/*" on-change="someFunction">
*keep in mind that on-change is polymer specific so you may want to use onChange
Then we style it with css to have 0 opacity.
#inputpic {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
top: [position_of_target_element];
left: [position_of_target_element];
width: [width_of_target_element]px;
height: [width_of_target_element]px;
z-index: 10;
I am not particularly happy about this workaround but I tried several other proposed solutions (link below) and found that:
Using a 'hidden' attribute instead of css opacity does not work.
Wrapping the input element in a label element does not work.
More info in this thread.
If anyone else has a better solution I would love to hear back. Thanks!

Prevent select2 from autmatically focussing its search-input when dropdown is opened

I'm looking for a way to prevent select2's search-input being automatically focussed when the select2-dropdown is opened. I know this is select2's intended default behavior - and while this is fine for desktop clients, I need to prevent this behavior for the iPad where it triggers the iPads software keyboard, which is not what we want as a default.
I've searched for an option to do so with no luck. reflects our setup - we're using a simple -element as a base for our select2-functionality:
This worked for me on select2 v4:
// keep search input, but avoid autofocus on dropdown open
$('#research .filter').on('select2:open', function (e) {
$('.select2-search input').prop('focus',false);
credit goes to this github comment
Sometimes select2 "steals" focus from other elements. After messing around for quite a bit, I just used this solution below.
At the very end of the event handler for the YourSelect2.on('change', function(){
setTimeout(firstInputFocus, 300);
function firstInputFocus() {
By setting this slight delay it works. I am able to change focus away from the dropdown. Following the "change" event for select2, it does something internal to the select2 code which prevents you from IMMEDIATELY changing focus. Inserting this slight delay did the trick for me at any rate.
Ok, I am not sure if changing the focus is possible unless you change the select2 script itself (I could be wrong about this though). As a workaround what you could do is hide the search box by setting minimumResultsForSearch property to a negative value.
<select id="test">
And then:
$(document).ready(function() {
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
None of the solutions posted here worked for me so I did this work around:
This will make the search input readonly when opened (prevents keyboard on mobile), then when you click the input it removes readonly and opens keyboard.
$('#myselectbox').select2({placeholder: "Select Something"}).on('select2:open', function(e){
$('.select2-search input').attr('readonly',true);
$('body').on('click', '.select2-search input', function(){
The only 'solution' I found is to remove .select2-input and .select2-focusser right after creation of the dropdown. This only works fine when you don't need the input field for searching, e.g. when the list is short enough.
Removing only .select2-focusser at least prevents the keyboard from popping up when an option was selected.
If you want to disable the searchbox and also the auto focus as a text input, e.g. preventing ios browsers to scroll-in the keyboard, use this code:
// will remove the searchbox and focus initially
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
// will remove the searchbox and focus on selection/close
$('select').on('select2:closing', function (e) {
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
Although #Choma's answer is fine, it will alter the select2 default behavior on both desktop and mobile devices.
I had to find a solution for a responsive website: prevent the auto-focus of the search input only on mobile devices, and keep the default behaviour on desktops.
In order to detect the mobile devices, I've used Modernizr library, which can test for the existence of Touch Events in the browser.
We can use Modernizr.touch on Modenizr v2, which will return true if touch events are supported, or false otherwise.
So we can modify #Choma's answer like this:
$('select').on('select2:open', function() {
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$('.select2-search__field').prop('focus', false);
Tested on:
Desktop: IE 11, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari
Android 4.2.2
Android 5.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S4)
Android 6.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge)
iOS 11.2.5 (iPhone 8)
iOS 10.3.2 (iPhone 6 Plus)
iOS 10.3.2 (iPad Mini 3)
I got JQuery's "too much recursion" error in the console when using Choma's solution.
The following worked for me for v4:
// keep search input available, but avoid autofocus and thus mobile
// keyboard appearing when dropdown opens.
$('body').on('select2:open','#subject', function (e) {
$('#modal .select2-search input').attr('readonly',true);
$('#modal .select2-search input').click(function(ev){
$('#modal .select2-search input').attr('readonly',false);
As you can tell this select2 field is on a modal with the id modal and the select2 field itself has an id of subject. Of course change the selector to what's appropriate for your own code.
It basically adds a readonly attribute to the input when the select2 field opens preventing a mobile keyboard from appearing, and then removes it when the search field is clicked/pressed on allowing the keyboard to appear only then.
Following trick worked for me. You can disable input search field of select2 element :
$('select').on('select2:opening', function() {
$('.select2-search__field').attr("autocomplete", "new-password");
setTimeout(function(){ $('.select2-search__field').attr("autocomplete", "new-password"); }, 2000);
maybe someone need~
I've tried this and it works~
$('#selectID').on('select2:opening', function (e) {
The solution worked perfectly for me. tested on mobile
// prevent auto-focus on select2 search input
$('select').on('select2:opening', function(e) {
$('.select2-search input').prop('focus', 1);

JQuery change event for select not working

I have tried all the options i found on the forum, but could not get it to work.
I even tried click event but that is also not getting called.
I wonder what is wrong with my code.
<script type="text/javascript">`enter code here`
<form:select id="test.role.list" path="name">
<form:option value="none" label="none"/>
<form:option value="my none" label="none"/>
I have a list of permissions which are keys from the messageresource properties file, so the same thing i am using as id as well. The reason it is not working is correct as mentioned by the Lee. It considers the dots as different properties of the element with id "test" which is first string before dot and the next string as probably class. So i used the onchange event as
var Ele = document.geteElementByID("test.role.list");
ele.onchange = function(){
it is working fine now.
Yes the problesms are with dots in id.
You can use it as below,

Form value second time not visible when displayed with jQuery ui dialog

I'm displaying some form data in a jquery dialog. Everything works fine when I do this the first time. I can see the "my value" string in the dialog. If I reopen the dialog again for the second time the form value is no longer visible. Check out this jsfiddle to try it out yourself. This is the code:
var dialog;
dialog = $("<div></div>").html("<p><input id='input1' type='text'></p>").dialog({
$("#input1").val("my value");
This bug only happens when I add the html tags dynamically. If I use a static html block everything works fine. Any idea what is wrong here? Thanks!
That is because you are not destroying the old
<input id='input1' type='text'>
so when you call
$("#input1").val("my value");
it sets the value of first
<input id='input1' type='text'>
it finds in the DOM.

How do you remove a button's active state with jQuery Mobile?

In my mobile app, using jQuery Mobile...
I would like to make a simple button execute a simple javascript function on click. No page transitions, nothing special like that.
I understood I can eliminate the page transitions by doing return false or preventDefault()
But the problem is the button sticks with the "active" state, i.e. highlighted blue if you use the general theme. I'm wondering how I can remove that after click (or tap, etc).
You can disable the 'highlighted blue'-state in the 'mobileinit'-event before loading jQueryMobile-script:
$(document).bind('mobileinit', function () {
$.mobile.activeBtnClass = 'unused';
<script src=""></script>
Now, when you click on a link, no class will be added after the click is performed. You will still have the 'hoover' and 'down' classes.
This question and the hacks suggested are now a bit outdated. jQuery mobile handles buttons quite a bit differently than 3 years ago and also, jQuery mobile now has several different definitions of "button". If you want to do what the OP was looking for, you might now be able to avoid the issue by using this:
Step 1:
<button class="ui-btn myButton">Button</button>
Alternatively, you could also use jQuery mobile input buttons:
<input value="Button One" type="button" class="myButton">
<input value="Button Two" type="button" class="myButton2">
Step 2:
Then your standard jquery on callback:
$(".myButton").on("tap", function(e) {
// do your thing
If you are using a button or a tab, or whatever, that has the "active" class applied to it (the default is ui-btn-active), the old answer may still be useful to someone. Also, here is a fiddle demonstrating the code below.
Selectively removing active state:
As demonstrated in another answer, you can disable the active state for all buttons on all pages. If that is acceptable for the project in question, that is the appropriate (and simpler) solution. However, if you want to disable the active state for some buttons while preserving active states for others, you can use this method.
Step 1:
$(document).bind('mobileinit', function() {
$(document).on('tap', function(e) {
Step 2:
Then add the activeOnce class (or whatever you want to call it - it's a custom class) to the buttons that you don't want to highlight when clicking.
And as is usual when binding anything to mobileinit, be sure you place your bindings - and perhaps better, all your javascript code - below the jQuery script and above the jQuery-mobile script.
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/my_script.js"></script>
<script src="js/"></script>
Do NOT set the activeBtnClass to '' as suggested, this will cause errors when closing dialogs and the pageLoading function.
The method described does work, but cannot be set to null, the activeBtnClass variable is used as a selector, so set it to a non-existent class to get the same effect without the error.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).bind('mobileinit', function () {
$.mobile.activeBtnClass = 'aBtnSelector';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
This works well to remove the highlight from the buttons while keeping the active state on other elements.
you can just do it via css instead of java:
eg: (you get the idea)
#cart #item_options .ui-btn-active, #cart #item_options .ui-btn-hover-d, #cart #item_options .ui-btn-up-d, #cart #item_options .ui-link-inherit{
What I do is force the buttons to revert to inactive state before a page changes.
//force menu buttons to revert to inactive state
$( '.menu-btn' ).on('touchend', function() {
If you want to support non touch devices you should add timeout.
$('.btn' ).on('touchend click', function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
I have spent the good part of a day and night finding the answer to this problem mainly occurring on an android running phonegap. Instead of the standard JQM buttons I am using custom images with :active state in CSS. After following the link to the next page, then clicking back, the button would just stay in the :active state. I have tried adding classes and removing classes and various other suggestions and nothing has worked.
So I came up with my own little fix which works a treat and may help anyone else that is sitting here stumped. I simply call this snippet of code on 'pagecontainerchange' using data.toPage[0].id to only call it on the page where the active state stuck is occurring. Just make sure to wrap your buttons in a div, in my case called "themenu".
function ResetMenu() {
var menuHtml = $("#themenu").html();
This works for a button in the JqueryMobile headerTab
.Foo {
color: #FFF !important;
background: #347b68 !important;
<div id="headerTab" data-id="headerTab" data-role="navbar">
<ul id="header_tabs">
