Background Upload too slow using NSURLSession in iOS - ios

I am trying to upload a huge video file using NSURLSession background upload task. I break the file into chunks of 256Kb and upload them. When the app is in foreground the upload of chunks happen real quick (5 seconds for 256Kb). But when the app is pushed to background though the upload continue to happen the speed of it is reduced crazily (5 minutes for 256Kb). Any thing wrong here or any thing I need to take care of ?

When your app is in the background, the user has indicated that whatever it's doing is not as important as something else. The system will throttle the background network tasks because they are not as important.
There is also the discretionary property on the configuration object which will, among other things, prefer to download when connected to power and wi-fi. If the download is initiated while the app is in the background, the download will behave as if the discretionary flag were true.


How to run a large on demand sync on an ios device?

I have been looking at the options available to do a user driven on demand sync of a large data set (roughly 1gb) to a iOS device from a central server. The intention is that the user will go offline some time after the sync is complete, and use the app in offline mode for some time afterwards. However, I am running into a lot of iOS restrictions that seems to prevent this.
The beginBackgroundTask does not allow enough time to complete a sync before its suspended as it only allows up to 30 seconds of background processing. I have seen a few references to this being increased by using audio or gps functions however neither of these are applicable to my situation.
The BGProcessingTask apis are at the systems discretion as to when they are run, so are not sutiable for an on demand process.
The NSURLSession api allows for downloads to occur while the app is suspended, however the problem with this api is that it requires the server to extract all necessary data to a temporary file before it can be downloaded, this process can take several minutes. This introduces the problem where the application can be suspended before the server has completed generating the file to download.
I'm aware a background push can be used to wake the app and start the download using the NSURLSession api if the app has been suspended, however this approach places the execution of the download back at the discretion of the OS which can lead to significant delays in the sync actually starting, which makes for a rather undesirable solution.
Its also worth noting that precalculating and caching the data to download in advance is not a viable option due to the number of updates that occur and different permutations of data depending on permissions assigned to each user.
With that, are there any apis that I have not considered, or any misinterpretations to the ones above that would allow me to achieve an on demand sync of such a large data set?
It seems iOS is missing the ability for a user to explicitly opt in to starting a long running process and allow it to continue till complete. I'd assume some other enterprise apps would have come across a similar problem before, and I would be gratefull to see how its been solved.

iOS – Upload in background at certain times

We have an iOS app which is collecting some data (location, accelerometer, etc.) in the background. We would like to upload this data to our server so our server can do some analysis on the data; we would like to batch all the collected data and upload it to our servers periodically, perhaps every 12 or so hours (so ~2 times a day).
After looking around I've seen lots of recommendations:
Background Fetch: This appears to be limited to downloads and also isn't guaranteed execution
Silent (Push) Notification: This also appears to be not guaranteed, especially when the app is terminated. Also setting up our server to auth with APNS and send notifications seems excessive for such a simple 'problem'.
Continuing Upload: Specifically when the app is entering the background. This is a good first step, but because we want to batch data doesn't solve the upload on schedule problem.
I was considering testing if we could use applicationSignificantTimeChange to kickoff an upload at midnight, but that seems to only trigger when the app is opened.
So my question is, is it possible to "wake" our app on a schedule to start a background upload?
You can look into the Background fetch again and I believe it can solve your problem.
Look into Selene Library on how to run periodic tasks.
and also glance through how to run code when your app is terminated

Handling large number of API requests in iOS App (Not using Alamofire)

How to handle the states in which the app goes into foreground setting off a number of requests (around 3-4 minimum) because that information is required in the app, and then going to background?
What I have tried is to use a RequestManager to suspend the URLSessionDataTasks when app goes into background and when app resumes, resume those tasks again. But I don't see this working very well.
Is there a standard way to go about this?
Suspending tasks won't work, because the session no longer exists if your app gets jettisoned for low memory.
The most straightforward approach would be to use a download task in a background session, then read the resulting temporary file when it finishes downloading. Download and upload tasks in background sessions are the only types of tasks that can survive your app getting jettisoned while in the background because of memory pressure.
If you absolutely must avoid downloading while the app is in the background (why?), you could create a download task in either a foreground or background session, then stop the download tasks by calling cancelByProducingResumeData: when your app gets backgrounded. You can later continue the request by calling downloadTaskWithResumeData:.
There is a rather large caveat with that approach, though, which is that the resume data portions of the API are not nearly as well tested as the background downloading portions. Case in point: in every version of iOS 10 from the first beta until 10.2, support for resume data was completely broken. (There is a rather horrific workaround, in case you choose to go down that path.)
So I would recommend the first approach unless you have some contractual or legal obligation not to do so.

iOS handling initial data sync which may take several minutes

I have an iOS app that needs to sync a lot of data from the cloud to device when first installed, maybe even 2GB worth if the user wants access to everything offline. Without saying "change your design", how can I ensure this initial sync completes without too much interaction from the user?
Currently it will complete as long as they keep my app in the foreground and don't let the device go to sleep. I'd like to allow them to use other apps or let the screen turn off during this process, since it's a pretty boring thing to watch.
I've seen application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler: and
beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler, but they only allow for a short amount of time (around 30 seconds) to complete a task. Is there something better, or do I need to complicate my design by stopping my sync every ~25 seconds, and then resume next time I'm given more time by the OS?
My app is like Microsoft Outlook, it has emails (in some case millions), contacts, calendar, and several other areas. I have different sync options to limit the amount of data, but some users want access to everything offline (yes, even emails and attachments that are 10 years old). I think they are silly, but can't argue with the end-users.
I know this is a really old question, but I suggest you use NSURLSession to download data in the background even without your app running.
You simply create an NSURLSession that uses a Background NSURLSessionConfiguration (use NSURLSessionConfiguration.backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:) and create an NSURLSessionDownloadTask for each request you need to download.
NSURLSession will download the data even when your app is not running at all, and it will save the data as files in your app's sandbox. Implement the NSURLSession delegate methods to receive notification of the download completion, read the downloaded files and save them how you see fit.
You should check out Apple's guide on Using NSURLSession.

Does NSUrlSession Prevent the Application from suspending?

I have an app that send 300+ files across the network, normally we request an additional 10 minutes timer when the app moves to the background in case we need to send, but after 10 minutes the app is moved to the suspended state.
Can NSUrlConnection prevent this suspension and continue download from the background>
you get only 3 minutes in iOS 7, not 10 as before.
NSURLConnection cannot help you there.
NSURLSession has a facility for uploading files in the background, outside of that time. However, it doesn't keep a continuous task running like UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier-based methods, and you must use on-device files as the basis of the upload. I found it to take a lot of work to get it right, so be prepared. I'd start with a thorough review of Apple's URL Loading System Programming Guide, which isn't really well written, but is entirely necessary.
