iPhone simulator no longer displaying 4 inch display correctly - ios

When I set my emulator for 3.5 inch it works fine. It use to work fine when I changed it to 4 inch. Now the emulater is the size of a 4 inch screen. Inside is the screen set up for a 3.5 inch, where it has black top and bottom margin. It looks like the 3.5 inch display is being drawn in the center of the 4 inch screen.
My back up still works, but I would loose a lot of code I added to it.

You need to have Default-568h#2x.png as your launch image to support 4 inch display. You also need your code to adjust for the larger screen size.


iOS Autolayout not working for iphone 6

I'm having real trouble here for some time. I'm not using size classes (app is for os 6 +). I'm using auto layout, I don't want to have multiple storyboards for each screen size. For 3.5 and 4 inch screen everything is ok. For 4.7 + inch it's not. So to show you what is the problem. This is for 3.5 and 4 inch screen:
This is 4.7 inch screen:
As you see, right arrow goes to the left. It has Vertical Center in container and its height is 28x28. It has right constraint 8 points like this (I've unchecked Constrains to margin):
I cannot make it work for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. What am I doing wrong here?

Developing in xcode 6, i want it to scale in iPhone 6 devices

i've created a new app in Xcode 6, the size in the storyboard simulates 4 inch screen.
I want that on iPhone 6/6+ devices it will scale up, and not adjust.
I tried to remove the Launch Screen file, it is now scaled, but now i get 2 black stripes in the upper and bottom of the screen.
Please Help. Thanks.

View goes out of order when change screen size ios

I am developing an app for ios. When I build it on simulator for 3.5 inch retina it works fine because I designed it for that in Interface Builder. But when I change simulator from 3.5 inch to 4 inch, components goes out of order. Here I have share snapshots:
3.5 Retina Image
Table view is highlighted in red box.
Retina 4 inch
Size of table view is increased but button is at old position. This is my problem.
Any suggestions?
Follow steps:
1. Go to your xib file
2. Select UITableView control from XIB
3. Then remove auto resizing mask from right side section
refer screen shot

iOS run 3.5 inch app on 4 inch device

Is there a way let my app always run as 3.5 inch screen even on 4 inch device?
I saw some apps did that. When running on 4 inch device, those apps does not fill the whole screen and show in the middle of the screen.
The reason I want to do this because currently our UI team only have design for 3.5 inch.
Delete Default-568h#2x.png image (with dimensions of 640X1136 pixels) file in your Resources or Resources/iphone folders and you should be good.

Change position of image for 3.5 and 4 inch screens

I have an iPhone app that I'm optimising for the iPhone 5's 4-inch screen. I also want it to work with iOS 6. I turned off autolayout to get it to work with iOS 6. I want everything in the view to stay the same distance from the bottom of the screen for both screen sizes. How do i do this?
