DetailViewController in SplitViewController Displaying in Wrong Position - ios

I'm using a storyboard and auto-layout for an iOS 7 project. I have a SplitViewController with the master view controller and detail view controller relationships set. The master view controller is correctly displaying aligned left, but the detail view is displaying centered, behind the master view, not aligned left like it should be:
How can I fix this?

Have you checked the view on the Detail Controller, is it properly aligned to the edge of the view controller. Trying giving background colour (other than white) for your Detail View Controller and View to troubleshoot the issue


UIView automatically moving up when pushed in a SplitviewController from TabbarController

My Single View Application has a TabBar & some Tab contains Splitview. My current scenario is when I pushed a new view controller in my Tab's secondary view controller, it moves up automatically & shows a black bar top of the TabBar. Please take a look at the screenshot below
Select the ViewController you worked on.
Go to the Attribute Inspector.
In Attribute Inspector View Controller section
Unmark Adjust Scroll View Insets (layout)
Checkmark Under Opaque Bars (Extend Edges)
Hope it helps.

Collection View in View Controller, Cell touching the top border of Collection View itself (embedded in navigation controller)

so, i'm trying to make horizontal scroll collection view in view controller. The View Controller is embedded in navigation controller. So the view controller have little spacing on top of cell. And if i resize it, the cell gonna sink. Simply, i want the little spacing dissapear. Normally like Collection View inside view controller without embedded in navigation controller
i want this
to this
i want this
Embed a navigation bar and then drag the collection view. This should hopefully work. If it doesn't let me know..

How to make a view controller adopt the same size as its distant ancestor's container view?

This will be easiest to explain with a diagram:
Here the initial view controller has a container view which contains the tab bar controller (note that the red bar at the top is a view, the initial view controller is NOT a navigation controller).
Any views displayed by the tab bar controller will occupy the same dimensions as the container view. Therefore when the blue VC is displayed the screen will continue to show the red view.
If when the button on the blue VC is clicked the green VC is presented modally and it occupies the full screen and thus covers the red view.
My question is, is there a simple way to make the green view controller occupy the same dimensions as its grand parent's container view so that the red view will be visible when the green VC is displayed.
(By simple, I don't want to do anything involving strong coupling such as the green vc obtaining the explicit dimensions of the container view and setting its dimensions to match. I'm hoping there's a setting in the storyboard or a different way of presenting the vc which will result in it automatically adopting the same size as its parent).
Yes I know the intitial view controller could be a navigation controller, we don't need to discuss why its not.

(Swift) Adding Pinned Navigation Bar to UICollectionView

I have a UICollectionView that scrolls with a bunch of images and I want to have a pinned Navigation Bar on the top that stays there even as you scroll. I moved the cell down in the UICollectionView in order to make room for a navigation bar and I dragged one into the View. I can see it in my story board however it is just a black view when I run the app. Can anyone please show me how to make this nav bar appear and how to make it stay pinned at the top even as you scroll. Thank you so so much. (I tried to attach photos of my problem but it says I do not have enough reputation to post images) I hope you guys are able to understand my problem and direct me in a way in which I could add a navigation bar that stays pinned on the top of a CollectionViewController
Drag a navigation controller into your storyboard. You probably want to position it just to the left of the view controller that has the collection view.
Delete the view controller that Xcode automatically attaches to the navigation controller.
Right click on the navigation controller and drag from root view controller over to your view controller where you have your collection view.
If necessary, move all segues that went to the collection view to the navigation controller instead.

UISplitviewController with sliding menu

My split view controller is set as the root view controller in my app delegate.
I need to slide my split view to the right (master and detail view) about 200px, while sliding in a menu view from left to right (left of the split view) at the same time which has a width of 200px. So my split view would slide off the main view while the menu view appears. Ive tried adding a subview to UIWindow which I beleive is not the right way to do it. Ive tried adding my menuViewController to my split view controllers' master view controller. But it doesnt seem to work. Help please!!!
