How to parse a Haskell file without making it a module - parsing

I've just started writing a Haskell program to golf Haskell programs (minimize the number of characters), but I'm running into a parsing problem. When I use the parseModule function from Language.Haskell.Parser, it adds a module declaration to the file. Obviously, this is not what I want because it adds unnecessary characters!
So, for a program containing some code represented by ..., the output would be this.
module Main (main) where { main = do { ... }}
Is there a simple solution to this, or would I have to modify the HsModule returned from parseModule to output a file without a module declaration?


luaL_loadbufferx returns syntaxerrors

I'm working on a personal project and I'm trying to get Lua to work on my embedded device.
I have my own simple file system that works with the the flash drive, and now I'm trying to use modules for the lua scripts that I run on the device.
I have edited linit.c, to make it also load the modules that are existing in the flash drive, and it works for a few modules, but for most of them it just gives me a syntax error when it parses the contents of the module. I have a lua interpreter running on my Windows machine and the code I'm writing is syntactically correct and works, and the Lua API that I use is of the same version 5.4 on the device.
These are the arguments I pass to
luaL_loadbufferx(L, luaCFunction, sizeOfModule, moduleName, "t")
where, L is the lua state, luaCFunction is the lua module wrapped in a C-style return statement, sizeOfModule, moduleName and t is selfexplanatory.
Right now luaL_loadbufferx is called in a loop for every module in my flash-drive, I have overwritten the openf function from the Lua API for these external modules.
This below is one of the examples of a module that gives me
"Syntax Error: PANIC, unprotected error in call to Lua API
[string "module"]:3: '(' expected near 'writeobj'"
File: module.lua
function writeobj()
print('Hello World')
File: run.lua
require ('module')
Does anyone know why this happens or did I not provide sufficient information? Please let me know.
The problem was that I thought the modules passed to the buffer had to be of the LuaToC form, i.e. "return { ...luamodule...}", but changing it to pass the module only to loadbuffer was sufficient enough because it covers the case of it not being in a C style return format.

Can Erlang source code be embedded in Elixir code? If so, how?

Elixir source may be injected using Code.eval_string/3. I don't see mention of running raw Erlang code in the docs:
I am coming from a Scala world in which Java objects are callable using Scala syntax, and Scala is compiled into Java and visible by intercepting the compiler output (directly generated with scalac).
I get the sense that Elixir does not provide such interoperating features, nor allow injection of custom Erlang into the runtime. Is this the case?
You can use the erlang standard library modules from Elixir, as described here or here.
For example:
def random_integer(upper) do
:rand.uniform(upper) # rand is an erlang library
You can also add erlang packages to your mix.exs dependencies and use them in your project, as long as these packages are published on hex or on github.
You can also use erlang and elixir code together in a project as described here.
So yeah, it's perfectly possible to call erlang code from elixir.
Vice-versa is also possible, see here for more information:
Elixir compiles into BEAM byte code (via Erlang Abstract Format). This
means that Elixir code can be called from Erlang and vice versa,
without the need to write any bindings.
Expanding what #zwippie have written:
All remote function calls (by that I mean calling function with explicitly set module/alias) are in form of:
<atom with module name>.<function name>(<arguments>)
# Technically it is the same as:
# apply(module, function_name_as_atom, [arguments])
And all "upper case module names" in Elixir are just atoms:
is_atom(Foo) == true
Foo == :"Elixir.Foo" # => true
So from Elixir viewpoint there is no difference between calling Erlang functions and Elixir functions. It is just different atom passed as the receiving module.
So you can easily call Erlang modules from Elixir. That mean that without much of the hassle you should be able to compile Erlang AST from within Elixir as well:
|> :merl.quote()
|> :erl_eval.expr(#{})
No need for any mental translation.
Additionally you can without any problems mix Erlang and Elixir code in single Mix project. With tree structure like:
|`- mix.exs
|`- src
| `- example.erl
`- lib
`- example.ex
Where example.erl is:
hello() -> <<"World">>.
And example.ex:
defmodule Example do
def print_hello, do: IO.puts(:example.hello())
You can compile project and run it with
mix run -e "Example.print_hello()"
And see that Erlang module was successfully compiled and executed from within Elixir code in the same project without problems.
One more thing to watch for when calling erlang code from elixir. erlang uses charlists for strings. When you call a erlang function that takes a string, convert the string to a charlist and convert returned string to a string.
iex(17)> :string.to_upper "test"
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :string.to_upper/1
The following arguments were given to :string.to_upper/1:
# 1
(stdlib 3.15.1) string.erl:2231: :string.to_upper/1
iex(17)> "test" |> String.to_charlist() |> :string.to_upper
iex(18)> "test" |> String.to_charlist() |> :string.to_upper |> to_string

How to call in C lua modules

To simplify things, let's assume, that there are two Lua scripts, one program and one module, e.g:
local sample = {}
sample.fun1 = function()
return sample;
I'm using it in program, like this:
local sample = require("sample");
And now i'm trying to use the same module in C (first running lua program, what is important here), something like this:
luaL_dofile(luaState, "program.lua");
lua_getglobal(luaState, "sample");
lua_getfield(luaState,-1, "fun1");
luaL_dofile(luaState, "program.lua");
lua_getglobal(luaState, "sample.fun1");
But both versions causing crash. My question here: Is it possible to use somehow module, which was previously used in program? For this example it is of course nonsense, but my system is far more complicated and i need this functionality. Maybe some other approach to achieve this?

How do I get the exported types of an erlang module?

I had cause to check the types exported by a module, and I immediately thought "right, module_info then" but was surprised to run into a few difficulties. I found I can get the exported types from modules I compile, but not from say modules in stdlib.
My (three) questions are, how do I reliably get the exported types of a module, why are the exported types in the attributes bit of the module info on some modules, and why some modules and not others?
I discovered that if I build this module:
bar() -> bat .
And then use foo:module_info/0, I get this:
Great, hidden away in 'attributes' is 'export_types'. Why this is in attributes I'm not quite sure, but... whatever...
I now know this will work:
4> lists:keyfind(export_types, 1, foo:module_info(attributes)).
Great. So, I now know this will work:
5> lists:keyfind(export_types, 1, ets:module_info(attributes)).
Ah... it doesn't.
I know there are exported types of course, if the documentation isn't good enough the ets source shows:
-export_type([tab/0, tid/0, match_spec/0, comp_match_spec/0, match_pattern/0]).
In fact the exported type information for the ets module doesn't seem to be anywhere in the module info:
6> rp(ets:module_info()).
I took things to extremes now and ran this, logging the output to a file:
Not that I don't consider this absurd... but anyway, it's about 5,000 lines of output, but nowhere do I find an instance of the string "tid".
Up to Erlang 18 this information is not easily available.
Dialyzer, for example, extracts it from the abstract syntax tree of the core Erlang version of a module (see e.g. dialyzer_utils:get_record_and_type_info/1 used by e.g. dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:compile_byte/5)
Regarding this part:
why are the exported types in the attributes bit of the module info on some modules, and why some modules and not others?
this is due to a bad definition in your module. The attribute should be -export_type, not -export_types. If you use the correct one (and define the baz/0 type and use it somewhere so that the module compiles), the exported types... vanish, as is expected.

Function from other module not detecting

I two modules in same src folder. mod1 declares function I wish to use in module mod2:
myfunc(A) -> {ok}.
In other module I not import mod1:
If I do "mod1:" in mod2 it recognizes "myfunc", problem is at run-time when I call mod1:myfunc(A) I get "undefined function mod1:myfunc/1"
I not understand why I get error if intellisense detect my mod1 function in mod2?
From the shell, you could try doing mod1:module_info(exports) to see the list of all the exported functions, though if your module is written as it is above, it should be generating a syntax error.
If, however, I'm wrong, and you actually do have it written properly in your module, (ie, it's just a typo here), try doing the following at the erlang shell:
And see if that works for you. This will compile and load the modules for you. If you don't have the module compiled (ie, it's just a .erl file in the directory), that's insufficient.
Also, make sure that the beam files are being loaded properly when erlang launches. This is typically done by launching erl with erl -pa /path/to/beams
