Objective-C: Force a class to be a subclass of other - ios

B is subclass of A. C is a subclass of A. When i create c i do if((self = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:…])) { } inside the .m in C.
So despite i set the the superclass in C.h to be B (which is what i want), when i create the C object from unarchiveObjectWithFile: since this object is subclass of A, i can’t force it to be subclass of B. (Hard to explain sorry).
Is there any workaround ???
In other words: when i unarchiveObjectWithFile:… an object that pertains to a class A, and i have another class B that is subclass of A, can the unarchiveObjectWithFile: be a subclass of B? (wich is allowed since B is subclass of a)

If I understand correctly: No.
If you archive an instance of B then when you unarchive it you get an instance of B, likewise for instances of A and C.
However, in non-technical language, a subclass is everything its superclass is plus some extra bits. You can't[*] take an instance of a superclass, created directly or from unarchiving, and make it into an instance of one of its subclasses - the "extra bits" are not there.
[*] Before someone comments: Yes, this is not absolutely true in all situations, but you are entering obscure, highly specialised, and dangerous waters. Don't go there.
Seems you might be in the category where changing the class of an object is safe: you should be able to change the class of an instance to a subclass provided the subclass adds no instance variables or properties. To do this you can use the Objective-C runtime functions:
id obj = ... some instance of class A
object_setClass(obj, [B class]); // where B is a subclass of A which adds no properties or variables
You can also use the unarchiving classes to set the class.
Do not do this casually. Consider alternatives, but sometimes it is an appropriate solution.

The unarchiver wants to create the same type of class that was perviously archived, and that's generally what you want too.
You could look at using setClass:forClassName: to change the class that will be unarchived, but you stand a good chance of ruining everything sooner or later...
Based on the particle comment:
Another option is to take the superclass instance and 'wrap' it in your subclass instance. So, you can archive and unarchive your subclass instance and it will contain the superclass instance. Any method that your subclass doesn't directly respond to you can forward on to the superclass instance.
In this way you have 2 objects but you aren't tampering with anything or relying on implementation details of classes that you don't own.


Redefine class of superclass property

Here is the situation:
I have Controller A and controllers B, C that are subclasses of A.
Next, i have classes RLMObject and News, Events that are subclasses of RLMObject.
In A i have a property commonProperty. And it presents in B and C like superclass's property.
Question: I need something like to tell to compilator, that depend of controller this is a property of custom class. For example, in A this is id, in B this is News, in C this is Events. Because in A i do common things with this property, like getting data and setting it in this property. And in B, C, i work with UI and need a concrete class of this property.
Maybe this is not clear description, and last example (about getting data) is a custom situation, but if somebody get through it, please share your experience.

how are protocol methods in iOS automatically invoked?

Im trying to understand the high level implementation of protocols without delegates in Apple frameworks. When a subClass conforms to and implements a protocol method, how is that method called? Lets consider the NSCoder protocol methods (encodeWithCoder: and initWithCoder:) for instance.
Without delegates, could you provide any uses cases for protocols (other than achieving polymorphism? I see that some methods could be abstracted away from base classes and grouped into an interfaces but without any implementation (as mixins for instance), what is the significant use?
First, protocol methods are not special in any way. They, like every other Objective-C method, gets called by a message sent to an object. There's nothing special about that part of things. Protocols are basically just a hint to the compiler, though you can query whether an object conforms to one at runtime and make decisions based on that.
You can verify this by implementing a protocol method (or the entire protocol) without declaring that fact in a classes' interface, and call the function on an instance of that object after casting it to be id<YourProtocol>, and it will work.
You can (and sometimes should) call NSCoding methods yourself -- you may decide that you want to persist objects to the disk, and that this is the best way to do it.
NSCoding is actually a great example of why protocols are still useful even though they do not provide any implementation -- the implementation of initWithCoder: and encodeWithCoder: will be different for every class that implements them -- there is no sense in providing an implementation.
Building on that, consider the datasource property of a UICollectionView; as there is no multiple inheritance in Objective-C, it would be undesirable for the datasource to be a class itself, as that would prevent you from using a UIViewController as the data source, and force you to make a whole new class for that express purpose.
Protocols can also be used to implement multiple inheritance in a type safe way without redeclaring the interface of the giver in the inheritor. If the entire interface of the class being inherited from is a protocol, then the inheritor can simply conform to that protocol as well.
Objective-C does provide mixins in the form of Categories, which can implement protocols on existing classes.
For a full throated defense of protocols (in Swift), see the Protocol-Oriented Programming WWWDC 2015 talk.
Taking the example of the NSCoding Protocol, the two required methods in the protocol, basically implement the steps an object should perform to encode itself to be archived. It also implements the initWithCoder to recreate the object from the archive.
Lets say you create a custom object, only your object knows which properties it needs to archive.
When you call a method to archive your custom object, the method call ultimately flow to your encodeWithCoder or initWithCoder to take action specific to your class.
***** Updated ****
Looking at this with an example :
Lets say our data structure looks like this
someArray = [String,CustomObject,aDictionary]
When we want to archive someArray, we call the archiveRootObject method on it. Now inorder for someArray to archive itself, it needs all its contained items to inturn archive themselves. The Array simply instructs the sub items to archiver themselves calling the encodeWithCoder method on them.
By adopting and conforming to the NSCoding protocol, you are just confirming to the root array that Yes, I know how to archive and unarchive myself.
Hope this helps.

Programming methods in a non ARC Xcode project

I need to write some methods in a non ARC project in Xcode. I have to implement a NSXMutableDictionary class, a mutable dictionary that can contain up to four key-value pairs. The methods I have to implement are following:
- (void)setObject:(NSObject *)theObject forKey:(NSObject *)theKey;
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSObject *)theKey;
I have no clue how to do it, any help would be highly appreciated.
It's not a lot to go on.
But with what you provided, it's best to subclass NSObject and have a private property that is an NSMutableDictionary.
That allows you to implement all of the same methods of NSMutableDictionary just by declaring them, then in your implementation of each you just call the same method on your actual dictionary property.
The difference you add is a check to see if you already have 4 KVPs or not. And any additional methods you need or want.
This is the design pattern of Composition.
I agree with #uchuugaka. Create an object that has an NSMutableDictionary inside it. (This is a "has-a" relationship rather than an "is-a" relationship)
The NSDictionary family is what's known as a "class cluster". A class cluster is a public interface that's actually implemented by a set of private classes that you don't see.
Subclassing a class that is part of a class cluster is tricky, and not for beginners. There are a whole set of primitive methods you have to implement in order to create a subclass of a class cluster. Plus, your custom subclass will likely not preform as well as the original class because you won't adapt to different use-cases like the class cluster does.

Conceptional: two controller using the same calculation method - delegate?

I have two or even more view controllers (A and B) which uses the same calculation method. I would guess the best way is to put the calculation method in its own class (lets call it C), define a protocol and thats it. If this is right, how do I know how to address the delegate?
If I alloc/init an object of the class C (the one with the calculatormethod) e.g. in class B I have the object pointer in class B - thats ok. But how do I get the object pointer known in class A or even other classes (i.e. how do I tell those controllers which want to use the delegate (i.e the same calculation method), how to address the delegate once it is alloc/init by class B?
Any help is very much appreciated!
I have two or even more view controllers (A and B) which uses the same calculation method.
Unless this is for calculating view layouts, it probably indicates you've have an MVC violation. View Controllers typically should not calculate anything. Their job is to manage user interaction. Data and calculations belong in the model.
If it is a proper view controller calculation (like managing layout), then you're correct that you want a delegate. "Delegation" is what Cocoa tends to call the Strategy pattern. You move your algorithm into another object and that lets you vary the algorithm without varying the rest of the code.
So in one case you need access to some model object, and in the other you need access to some delegate. In either case, the solutions can be similar. I'll call either situation "C" as you have.
One solution, particularly is you're using a storyboard, is to create "C" in the storyboard and wire it with an IBOutlet. You can create any object you like in a storyboard. Just drag out an "Object" and set its class to the appropriate class. Wire it up just like anything else. (This is a technique that is commonly used for multi-view nib files on OS X, and I had remembered translating over to Storyboards, but it doesn't work for sharing objects across scenes, only within scenes; so it's not as useful on iOS.)
Another solution, particularly for the model, is to implement it as a singleton, or to have a separate singleton (a "model controller") that returns it. You should not use the app delegate for this; use a singleton made expressly for this purpose.
You can create "C" in the application delegate and pass it into the root view controller (this is a proper use of the app delegate, because it's part of global program initialization). The view controllers can pass the object as part of their segues. This is my preferred solutions for passing model objects around.
If it really is a layout calculation delegate, this is probably part of some kind of configuration system (assuming it can change). The current configuration can be treated as a piece of the model, and all the above techniques still work.
If it really is just shared algorithms and doesn't vary, don't forget C functions. There is no rule that you must put all code into methods. Functions are ideal for stateless calculation. Categories can be used this way to, but simple functions have fewer complexities.
What you are saying is that both classes A and B have a common dependency (could be class C or simply a protocol C).
A and B don't need to know anything about how they are instantiated, they just need to know that they will be eventually provided with an instance implementing (protocol) C.
Another important thing is that you probably don't want C to be hold with a strong reference by either A or B.
I would look at which class F could have the responsibility to instantiate A and B.
The responsibility of this class (which could be described as a Factory) could also be to provide instances of A and B with a C instance.
So what I would do: Define a "factory" class that has methods to build instances of A and B.
Each of these methods would also provide with a C instance. This C instance could be a property of the factory class if you want it to be shared (or this factory class could also pick the C instances from a pool of available C instances).
UPDATE: not practical if you are using storyboards to instantiate your controllers. In this case you probably want to go with other given answer or implement your shared computational functions as methods of a singleton class C (see How to pass object between several views in storyboard, iOS Dev for example)
Use a superclass for A and B (and any number of additional controllers) that contains the calculation method. By using a superclass, you don't have to alloc init another class or use delegates, all the subclasses will have access to the method.
Another approach that would be more general would be to implement a category on UIViewController to add the calculation method. This way, any controller that descends from UIViewController (UITableViewController, UICollectionViewController, etc.) would have access to that method.
After Edit:
I see in your comments that your calculations have nothing to do with the controllers, just some sort of algorithm, so a category or subclass of UIViewController is probably not the best way to go. If you want to do it in another class, any controller that needs to use it, can instantiate an instance of that class, set itself as delegate, and get the result back through the delegate method (that is, if you even need a delegate -- if the calculation is fast, then you can just return a result from the method rather than using a delegate). After your controller gets the result back, the instance should be deallocated. You don't have to worry about which controller set the delegate, since each controller creates its own instance of the calculation class, and sets itself as delegate. I use this kind of structure for apps that need to do downloads from a server from multiple controllers. The download class is instantiated, does its work, sends back the result in a delegate method, and then gets deallocated. It only sticks around for as long as it needs to to do its work.

iOS: Singleton class for storage in UITableView app

I got a app that uses navigation controller and tableViews and I want to create a class to do some simple storage of information that stays persistent while navigating through the different views without saving to disk.
I can either create an singleton with only class methods, but in this case I´d need to create
the collection class holding the data as an instance variable (as #properties don´t work with class methods). I only ever see objects declared in properties in iOS, so is this frowned upon?
The class would look something like this
+ (BOOL) addObject: (id) object;
+ (BOOL) removeObject: (id) object;
+ (NSInteger) count;
and privately I´ll have an NSArray for storage
NSArray *cache;
But is this a good way of achieving the task? or would it be possible to have a non-singelton class with instance methods and use that same instance of the class in the different table views? if so, how would I do that?
First, ALL readwrite properties auto-synthesize instance variables (unless you implement BOTH setter AND getter).
Second, if that information is global to the entire (or most of the) App, a singleton is just what you need. You don't need to keep it as a property (or an ivar). It's a singleton, it keeps its own pointer.
If you still want to go with a property, you will have to pass it some how to every VC in your App (prepareForSegue:sender: probably if you're using storyboards).
First figure out what global information you need. Then figure out what objects you already have that have a lifetime consistent with that global information, and which are logically associated with the info. Eg, if you need an array of info to "back up" a UITableView, store the pointer to that array in the table view data source instance.
It is rarely necessary to create a "singleton", and having lots of singletons is usually a sign of poor programming.
