I encounter problem
I don't understand this problem
403:The request is understood, but it has been refused. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits (https://support.twitter.com/articles/15364-about-twitter-limits-update-api-dm-and-following).
message - SSL is required
code - 92
Relevant discussions can be found on the Internet at:
http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=ced778ef or
TwitterException{exceptionCode=[ced778ef-0baf6933], statusCode=403, message=SSL is required, code=92, retryAfter=-1, rateLimitStatus=RateLimitStatusJSONImpl{remaining=178, limit=180, resetTimeInSeconds=1395054377, secondsUntilReset=705}, version=3.0.3}
at twitter4j.internal.http.HttpClientImpl.request(HttpClientImpl.java:177)
at twitter4j.internal.http.HttpClientWrapper.request(HttpClientWrapper.java:61)
at twitter4j.internal.http.HttpClientWrapper.get(HttpClientWrapper.java:81)
at twitter4j.TwitterImpl.get(TwitterImpl.java:1835)
at twitter4j.TwitterImpl.getUserTimeline(TwitterImpl.java:153)
at UserTimeline.main(UserTimeline.java:85)
please help me thank you
Twitter have restricted all api traffic to SSL on the 14th Jan 2014 as mentioned in their blog (https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/24239). You need to upgrade your Twitter4j to version 4 (http://blog.twitter4j.org/2014/03/12/66)
GET <https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$select=id,mail,displayname>
the above request is working.
GET <https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$select=id,mail,displayname,onPremisesSyncEnabled>
this request is getting timed out.
Any idea why this is happening?
This is not a question we can answer you because of the differences in the network environment and the operating platform.
I have tested your two request in Microsoft Graph Explorer and both of them work fine.
So I think other people's test results have no reference value to you.
You should open a support ticket to Azure support team and provide your request id for further investigation.
We use Microsoft Graph.dll (version 1.2.1) and Microsoft.Graph.Core.dll (version 1.3.1) to extract OneDrive folder and file information (with permissions). We have been doing this successfully for over a year. When doing this we are sometimes throttled. When this happens an exception is thrown of type "Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException". This has a status code. If the status code is 429 then we know we have been throttled and we can examine the response headers in the exception to extract the required "RetryAfter" period. I believe normally the RetryPeriod is 4000ms. We have, however, just recently begun begun to see null returned in this property - which seems incorrect, we don't believe we have seen it before.
Has anybody else seen this and/or have a workaround? Has something changed....?
Many thanks ....
That does sound unexpected. I will follow up and see if something has changed. I suggest that you implement a progressive retry routine if the retryafter header is not present on a 429 or 503.
While on the topic on RetryAfter, we've implemented this in the client library (see the PR). You'll have an out of box way to do this.
I just move my website from Apache server to Litespeed server
I reconnect Zapier/integromat but it notices:
401: Invalid response, response must be a XML. Parsed HTML response: 401 Unauthorized. 401. Unauthorized. Proper authorization is required to access this resource!. Proudly powered by Please be advised that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. is not a web hosting company and, as such, has no control over content found on this site.
Please help me what reason and how to fix this. Thank you all.
more look like a migration problem instead of the Web server. You should contact your hosting company for details. They can switch between Apache and LSWS, also check the error log for you. You may also need to provide detailed URL for your hosting company to take a look.
guys. As mentioned in the title,I wonder whether Shindig implement OAuth2.0 or not? I found an url:http://codereview.appspot.com/3138041/.When I startup the tomcat,however,it throws following exception:
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to www.google-analytics.com/www.google-analytics.com/2404:6800:8005:0:0:0:0:61 timed out
I am not sure how to fix this problem and does anyone who encountered this problem before can give me some hints? Thank you in advance!
Yes the 2.5 branch of Shindig does support OAuth 2.0. Shindig contains both a client and provider implementation. The exception you are seeing when starting Tomcat probably has to do with the fact one of the features in Shindig points to that URL and for one reason or another it cannot access the URL. For the most part Shindig should still function properly.
I'm experitmenting with the Twitter API (OAuth). I have a test bed that can tweet from my dev box, but fails in production. I get a status code of 424 returned when trying to tweet.
I can't spot the difference between my live environment and my dev environment so really need to understand what a '424' is, but can find no documentation relating to it.
Turned out to be a quirk of classic ASP.
FAILS: Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
WORKS: Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
Wikipedia describes HTTP Response Code 424 as being a Failed Dependency. It's introduced by the WebDAV extensions to HTTP (see the WebDAV RFC). It means that the request you made failed as a result of a previous request failing.
As a high level example (although the actual response codes might be different), you might issue a request to get an OAuth ticket or token for your identity. If this fails and you then make a request using that token, then a 424 might be thrown.