nsISelectionDisplay custom highlight controller? (related to nsISelectionController) - firefox-addon

I made an addon HiliteOnSelection, when hilight something it uses the SELECTION_FIND context to highlight other instances. The issue with this is that highlight all feature of find bar uses same controller.
Can you please help me to figure out how to create my custom highlight controller and how to style it, the SELECTION_FIND is pink.
This is how i get the selection_find context/controller and highlight with it:
let findSelection = controller.getSelection(Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_FIND);

I got this reply from the addon author. He's a nice guy:
Hey Noitidart,
You might find this one helpful:
I'm hardly the master you think I am, actually. :) To change those
colors I just change the values for preferences:
ui.textHighlightBackground ui.textHighlightForeground
ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention -> SELECTION_ATTENTION, it's not a
highlight, it's a normal selection (as you would select some text with
your mouse and it would turn the regular blue blackground, in windows
at least) but it's given "attention", so it has the green background
that the find operation reports. Basically it's a way of showing the
user "Here I am!!" after firefox automatically selecs the text he
searched for.
And I really don't know most of those contants, SELECTION_NORMAL is
for normal text selection, like it would be when you select text with
your mouse, SELECTION_FIND is for the highlights, and I only know the
ON/HIDDEN/OFF/DISABLED ones which are self-explanatory.
SELECTION_SPELLCHECK is probably for the auto-correct when you are
typing in an editable content node, but I'm just guessing that one
from the name.
Also, as far as I know, it's not possible to just create custom
selection ranges/contants, as the code simply won't recognize them
without editing the C++ code as well. Which is actually one of the
reasons I haven't implemented
https://github.com/Quicksaver/FindBar-Tweak/issues/76 yet.
Hope any of this helps. I'm sorry to disappoint on the custom
controller thing.
Luís Miguel
So he changes the colors with a simple pref change. I'm going to have to dig into how that pref changes it.
He also thinks its not possible to create custom controllers without C++, I hope this is not true I'll keep digging if anyone can help that would be great.


How to change the order of items in the algebra view of geogebra?

I'm using GeoGebra Classic 5 and have a bigger project where I've encountered the problem that I can't find any way to change the order of elements in the list of the algebra view after the elements are created. Sure I could of course just delete the affected elements and create them in the right order but I'm sure there must be a better solution to such a simple problem.
Here you see what it looks like right now, and how I would like it to look
I've tried looking through the properties panel and all the navbar buttons but there seems to be no way to change the order of the list. The only thing I've found is the "sort by" setting that changes the order but doesn't let the user decide the order other than some predefined sortings. I also haven't been able to find anything about this on google or the geogebra documentation. Hope you can help

Extjs 6 Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing Remove Update / Cancel buttons

I am trying to remove update cancel buttons.
but no any config's are available for this.
I have tried to override but i cant remove this.
please if you have done task like this or know how to do this help me.
You're absolutely right that there is no built-in way to hide the update and cancel buttons with the row editing plugin.
You could try to hide the button bar via CSS. The normal CSS class name is x-grid-row-editor-buttons. But this may cause other problems.
Or, you could try a different editor, such as the CellEditing plugin - this lets you edit one cell at a time, as opposed to showing the editors for the entire row, and doesn't use buttons.
You might be able to remove the button by overriding the Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing. A quick look at the source shows me an array with in the initEditiorFunction() which looks like this.
btns = ['saveBtnText', 'cancelBtnText', 'errorsText', 'dirtyText'],
Try removing the cancelBtnText button, and perhaps it won't show on there? I haven't tested this but this might be something in the right direction.

UIBarButtonItemStyle Bordered, Done, Plain what is the difference?

UIBarButtonItemStyle can be:
Even reading the documentation I do not know what is the difference and when do I use which?
If you can read Apple documentation then you can find its answer. As par doc this Border,plain and Done is a Specifies the style of a item.
Plain (UIBarButtonItemStylePlain)
Glows when tapped. The default item style.
Border (UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered)
A simple button style with a border.
Done (UIBarButtonItemStyleDone)
The style for a done button—for example, a button that completes some task and returns to the previous view.
For testing you can create a demo project in Xcode and set different different style and you can understand the difference.

How to implement a special indicator in a single- or multi-line edit control

I've occasionally come across examples of edit controls that have a special indicator to assist the user, like so:
and I'd like to be able to implement similar in my own code.
The screen-scrap is actually from the property editor for the TIBQuery Sql property and isn't quite what I'm after (otherwise I'd just look in the IBX code) because it disappears as soon as the user types anything. There are others where the indicator moves so as to keep its place as the user types something, but doesn't replace the caret, otherwise I'd just do that.
So my question is, how to implement a special indicator of the type I've tried to describe, that can be positioned and turned on/off in code? The simplest thing I could think of would be to somehow temporarily add a special glyph to the edit control's character set, but I have no idea how to do that, nor how to colour it differently than the control's text content.

Delphi : Restore a pre-design tabsheet after user has closed it

I have a tPageControl on a form, and have made a nice 'welcome page' as a new ttabsheet at design time for the user to start off with. However, if the user closes this tab, I would like the option to bring it back, as it was in originally (much like the welcome page in the Delphi IDE). This seems like a simple problem...
When the tab closes, the original sheet is freed and set nil. I tried creating the sheet again by name (e.g. tabsheet1 := ttabsheet.create) and assigning it to the pagecontrol, but none of the original components from the sheet are there anymore...
I know designing the welcome page as a separate form, creating it when I need it and slapping it into a new tabsheet would work... but I was just wondering if there was a way to do it with the design time tabsheet.
Thanks all!
As Serg mentioned, you can just set the tabsheet's TabVisible property to false when you want to hide the page. The page control will switch to the next tab if it needs to, the tab will disappear, and the user won't be able to switch back to it until you change TabVisible back.
Re-creating the design-time tab sheet will be quite a challenge because all the information describing its layout is embedded in the DFM resource for your form. It's not like there a separate resource for each tab, so you'd need to read the resource, extract the portion relevant to the tab, and then get ReadComponent to build a new instance; nothing in Delphi is designed to make that very easy, so you should consider other options.
The easiest solution would probably be to design your welcome page on a frame; I've found frames to be a little more cooperative than full-fledged forms when it comes to re-parenting them.
Another option is to create the entire tab in code. GExperts has a tool to make that pretty easy. Select the tab sheet, and then choose DExperts's "components to code" command. That places some code on the clipboard, and you can paste it into a function in your program. The code will contain everything required to re-create the selected components in code instead of building them from the DFM resource. Then, you can use that function to not only re-create the tab after it's been closed, but to create the tab in the first place. That way, you can be assured that you're creating the same thing both times.
The reason your attempt at re-creating the tab didn't work is that the name of the variable used to hold a reference to the form doesn't really define anything. All you did was create a brand new TTabSheet. The fact that you stored a reference to it in the same variable that used to hold a reference to the old tab is irrelevant. (But please feel free to give that variable a more meaningful name; all "TabSheet1" says is that it's the first tab you put on your form, way back when you first started working on this project.)
Rob's right about what's going on, and about using frames to fix it. Bit if you want a simpler solution, you could try just making the tab invisible whan the user closes it, instead of freeing it.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. A couple notes :
I tried the GEExperts option (pretty nice, I havent used this one before!) : however, it did not preserve many design time settings (font size and color for example)...also there were components with glyphs that didnt get saved....
Changing the visibility of the tabsheet doesnt seem to work either; the pagecontrol doesn't seem to know what to display, even after calling .Refresh ...it shows whatever is underneath your window.
Anyhow, I might investigate the frames option, but likely will just move the components to a new form and call it when needed...
Thanks again!
