UIBarButtonItemStyle Bordered, Done, Plain what is the difference? - ios

UIBarButtonItemStyle can be:
Even reading the documentation I do not know what is the difference and when do I use which?

If you can read Apple documentation then you can find its answer. As par doc this Border,plain and Done is a Specifies the style of a item.
Plain (UIBarButtonItemStylePlain)
Glows when tapped. The default item style.
Border (UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered)
A simple button style with a border.
Done (UIBarButtonItemStyleDone)
The style for a done button—for example, a button that completes some task and returns to the previous view.
For testing you can create a demo project in Xcode and set different different style and you can understand the difference.


How to make radio button with swift?

I am trying a lot of code and it's nothing is working for me. I need to make four radio buttons with swift when I show the question for the user to choose one of radio buttons.
Sadly, there's not a built in way to do this with Swift, but it's easy enough to code out. I'd personally recommend using this Git project, as I've heard good things about it.
If you'd like to built a radio button from scratch, I'd suggest looking a making a check button by using a regular button with a UIControlStateSelected triggering a check img, and then set the layer.cornerRadius (after setting the clipsToBounds = true of course) of your button to half its width to produce a circle!
You can create your own login by using a mutabledictionary with button tag as key for dictionary. Add green/selected image for selcted button & set "yes" value for key (button tag) in dictionary for selected button & "no" value for other button's tag.
I have an example for the same but in Objective -C
The UIControl that offers the closest behavior from radio button in swift iOS is the UISegmentedControl, take a look at the reference.
Here's apple's guidelines for mobile controls.
Some quotes from this article :
Use a segmented control to offer choices that are closely related but mutually exclusive.
A segmented control:
Consists of two or more segments whose widths are proportional, based on the total number of segments
Can display text or images

Color slightly different when reapplying it programmatically [duplicate]

I have really weird problem with colors in interface builder. I set a color on one UI element, for example UIView, and then I want the same color on UIButton...but when I try to do so, colors are often different - I mean little bit different tone, not absolutely different color. How is this even possible ??? I've tried to use RGB sliders, and other sliders, also that color picker tool... Only thing that helps me sometimes is, when I create new UI element. Anybody had the same problem and knows what's going on ?
Interface Builder filters colors through your monitor's current color space by default. You can change this in Xcode4 IB by bringing up a Colors dialog, clicking the Sliders tab, then clicking the little dropdown button under the magnifying glass that looks like a color spectrum. This will bring up a list of available color spaces -- select Generic RGB and adjust the sliders as necessary to get the correct color.
See this question for more information, especially the comments on the accepted answer.
I solved this issue using "Device RGB" instead "Generic RGB".
See the image:
Unfortunately, fiddling with color spaces didn't work for me. What did work was editing the raw xml of the .xib (right click .xib, Open As > Source Code) and changing the RGB decimal values there.
The currently selected item in interface builder will be slightly different to its actual colour - it has a darkened mask applied to it to highlight the fact that it is selected. You need to click somewhere else in the window to unselect the item, it's real colour will then be shown. I've fallen into this trap myself.

nsISelectionDisplay custom highlight controller? (related to nsISelectionController)

I made an addon HiliteOnSelection, when hilight something it uses the SELECTION_FIND context to highlight other instances. The issue with this is that highlight all feature of find bar uses same controller.
Can you please help me to figure out how to create my custom highlight controller and how to style it, the SELECTION_FIND is pink.
This is how i get the selection_find context/controller and highlight with it:
let findSelection = controller.getSelection(Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_FIND);
I got this reply from the addon author. He's a nice guy:
Hey Noitidart,
You might find this one helpful:
I'm hardly the master you think I am, actually. :) To change those
colors I just change the values for preferences:
ui.textHighlightBackground ui.textHighlightForeground
ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention -> SELECTION_ATTENTION, it's not a
highlight, it's a normal selection (as you would select some text with
your mouse and it would turn the regular blue blackground, in windows
at least) but it's given "attention", so it has the green background
that the find operation reports. Basically it's a way of showing the
user "Here I am!!" after firefox automatically selecs the text he
searched for.
And I really don't know most of those contants, SELECTION_NORMAL is
for normal text selection, like it would be when you select text with
your mouse, SELECTION_FIND is for the highlights, and I only know the
ON/HIDDEN/OFF/DISABLED ones which are self-explanatory.
SELECTION_SPELLCHECK is probably for the auto-correct when you are
typing in an editable content node, but I'm just guessing that one
from the name.
Also, as far as I know, it's not possible to just create custom
selection ranges/contants, as the code simply won't recognize them
without editing the C++ code as well. Which is actually one of the
reasons I haven't implemented
https://github.com/Quicksaver/FindBar-Tweak/issues/76 yet.
Hope any of this helps. I'm sorry to disappoint on the custom
controller thing.
Luís Miguel
So he changes the colors with a simple pref change. I'm going to have to dig into how that pref changes it.
He also thinks its not possible to create custom controllers without C++, I hope this is not true I'll keep digging if anyone can help that would be great.

Windows Phone Application Bar TextBox

I was wondering, if it is somehow possible to add a TextBox in the Application Bar area (the same way the Internet Explorer does), but I didn't find any information source about this. Have you any idea, how to accomplish this task?
You will not be able to add UIElements inside ApplicationBar as it is not derived from UIElement.
Alternatively, you can try adding a Grid at the bottom of the screen and color it similar to the ApplicationBar. Then add a TextBlock inside the Grid. This is just a workaround and not recommended as it is not according to the standards.
You can also check the following link:

Does this UIBarButton exists by default in iOS? How is it called

I think I've seen this kind of button before, and now I need one.
A button like the one below who's label can be changed to whatever number I need (from 2 to 10 for example).
I have a feeling that this exists by default in iOS SDK but I can't seem to find it.
Does it exist by default or do I have to create it myself?
Its easy to replicate. Add a new RoundRectButton in interface builder, then in the attributes inspector change the type to Custom. Set the BackgroundImage to an image similar to above, and then set the Title to the number. By default the title will centered in the button, but you can use the Inset options in the attributes inspector and nudge the title in and down using the Top and Left inset attributes.
No, it's not a default item as far as I know. You can see all the default items in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (see "System-Provided Buttons and Icons").
