Given the following appcache-manifest :
#version 1.0 3-18-20141
* offline.php
And two simple php-files :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de" manifest="offline.manifest">
<body>Offline, ohooohoo!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de" manifest="offline.manifest">
<body>Online, sucks!
I neither can get Firefox, nor Safari on IOS to work offline correctly. The manifest-file is delivered with the correct MIME-Types:
AddType text/cache-manifest .appcache
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest
I'm quite amused that Firefox nor Safari is working, but Chrome. Using the about:cache?device=offline Option in Firefox, i get the following respoonse :
http://localhost/HTML5_SDK/offline.php 0 bytes 8 2014-03-18 17:34:49 2014-03-18 17:34:49
Which frankly means that a) my file is size zero and b) is expired as delivered.
I am freaking around with that stuff the whole day, and already did many nasty things as complety reinstalling the browser, killing mit Iphone with a brand new iOs and so on.
Chrome tells me that the offline.php is stored as FALLBACK EXLIPCIT with 465b, which matches.
Did anybody already manage to really get an offline-manifest with fallback working crossplattform-wide?
thanks for your adviced and best regards
You cant use a wildcard in the Fallback section. This must be a URL pattern and might be enough to ruin the day for your browser.
You can achieve the same thing by specifying root.
/ offline.php
Lastly, if one of those php pages is offline.php then this does not need to be added to your CACHE: section because you have explicitly requested it in the html tag. From my experience it shouldnt hurt though.
I've found exactly the same thing as this. And discovered that Firefox is really picky about the HTTP headers that the webserver sends back.
I was setting back a Cache-Control: no-store header (on the Manifest), which Chrome happily accepted, but Firefox errored silently with showing the 0 bytes stored that you reported.
This one change got it all working for me.
I'm still trying to make the invokescriptasync work. I'm trying the following test on and it fails with a HRESULT: 0x80020101' which normally means the script has an error in it, but I tried running the simple javascript in Chrome and IE without any problem.
private async void WebView_OnNavigationCompleted(WebView sender, WebViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs args)
await _webView.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new[]
"document.getElementById('blueBarDOMInspector').innerHTML = '';"
I have tested your code and the error is thrown only in case the blueBarDOMInspector is not found. I used the following simple HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<p id="blueBarDOMInspector"></p>
You can confirm that the script works as expected with this HTML. So I suspect the problem is rather on HTML side than on side of UWP.
As for ScriptNotify not working - the website must be HTTPS and be added as trusted to appxmanifest. Better solution is web allowed object. A great example was posted in a question yesterday on SO or here as a sample project. Basically you have to create a Windows Runtime Component with a class marked as [WebAllowed] and then inject it in the WebView using AddWebAllowedObject method.
For your invoking JavaScript code issue,I've checked your code, it's simple, the possible issue might be the 'blueBarDOMInspector' object, please make sure that you could get the 'blueBarDOMInspector' object successfully when the OnNavigationCompleted is fired.
For your second question:
I can invoke the script : "window.external.notify('something');" but it doesn't raise the event ScriptNotify which is another problem :-(
Please check the document:
To enable an external web page to fire the ScriptNotify event when calling window.external.notify, you must include the page's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in the ApplicationContentUriRules section of the app manifest.
I'm currently having an issue with the WebView control used in a Universal WinRT app (Windows 8.1/Windows Phone 8.1).
I currently load the following piece of JavaScript into the WebView using the NatigateToString method:
<base href='MY_BASE_URL'>
var idcomments_acct = 'MY_ACC_ID';
var idcomments_post_id='POST_ID';
var idcomments_post_url='POST_URL';
<span id='IDCommentsPostTitle' style='display:none'></span>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
This is the piece of code for the IntenseDebate generic install that can be found here.
The issue is with this line of code in the referenced IntenseDebate code:
This piece of code fails because document.location.protocol is set to about: in the WebView, leading to a 404 error on this call.
On the Android/iOS webviews simply setting the base URI to a http: or https: based address using their loadDataWithBaseUrl methods worked fine, but the WinRT WebView is missing a similar method. And setting the Base url in the HTML itself (like shown in the piece of code above) does work for resolving image url's and sortlike, but this method doens't change the document.location values.
Since I can't modify the referenced JS file and putting the above piece of HTML on a server isn't an option in this apps usecase, is there any way you can force the document.location.protocol to be a certain value in the WinRT webview? Or is there any other way to get this bit of HTML to work in a webview?
There isn't a direct way to do this. WebView doesn't provide any interface to override the document.location . If branching off of the protocol is a common pattern then this may be a good feature to request on .
I'm not familiar enough with HTML/JavaScript best practices to say for sure, but most of the references I find searching for document.location.protocol warn against assuming that the protocol will always be http: or https. This may be something that IntenseDebate should fix.
That said, you may be able to get past this by injecting code into your page which finds the problem location in the DOM and changing it live. You can't change just the protocol, but you may be able to find where it is referenced and change that there. I assume it gets loaded into the commentScript.src from genericCommentWrapper2.php referenced in genericCommentWrapper2.cs and then added to the document's head.
How Can I get a DOM reference to the canvas Handle. I'm using Delphi, IE11 and the corresponding MSMHTML Type library,I suspected it's along the lines of
canvasHandle := (HTMLDoc3.getElementById('canvas') as IHTMLCanvasElement);
the Html:
<canvas id="canvas">
however this throws an exception 'Interface not supported'
TWebBrowser control, by default uses IE7 standards/rendering mode.
You need to tell the control to use latest standards.
There are a few ways of doing this.
Here are two of the ways known to me:
Either you specify FEATURE_<some feature> for your application in the registry (.e.g. FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION also a nice article here).
Add a "meta http-equiv-'X-UA-Compatible' content= edge" to the <head> block of a webpage to force Windows IE to use the latest standards.
This will enable your HTML5 functionality working without the need for registry tweaks.
Perhaps I'm missing something (I hope I am!), but it seems awfully clunky to have to have deal with the one-off root website files requested by the browser, such as favicon.ico and things like apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png (on the iPad). Right now, I'm getting a 500 server error whenever I encounter one of these for which I'm not explicitly serving up a file.
My questions:
Is there an up-to-date list of all such files for all major browsers that my webapp should be handling?
As a failsafe, is there way for the absence of any of these files to fail silently, i.e. to NOT get a 500 server error with the webapp continuing on its merry way, simply using a blank favicon or whatever?
I'm running a Django app on Heroku with gunicorn.
I never get a 500 error from invalid urls, because I use STATIC_URL and the class based RedirectView
Usually I have an app dedicated to this, and include it in the root with
include('oneoff.urls', name='oneoff')`
urlpatterns = ( '',
RedirectView.as_view(url=urlparse.urljoin(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/favicon.ico")),
RedirectView.as_view(url=urlparse.urljoin(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/iphone/icon.png")),
then in the template
{% load url from future %}
<link rel="favicon" href="{% url 'oneoff:favicon' %} />
My boss wants the following:
Requirements: Stream m4v videos from our Web-server to clients including standard web browsers (IE7, FF, Chrome, etc) and iPad!
I'm not really sure why he wants m4v...he mentioned efficiency but it may also have to do with iPad compatibility?? Anyway, I'm stuck with m4v.
I've browsed some related questions on SO, and this page is very useful as well:
So if I understand correctly, HTML5 with <video> tag will take care of all my requirements (browsers & iPad) except IE up to and including IE8.
So in my code:
<div id="demo-video-flash">
<video id="demo-video" poster="snapshot.jpg" controls>
<source src="video.m4v" type="video/mp4" /> <!-- MPEG4 for Safari -->
<source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg" /> <!-- Ogg Theora for Firefox 3.1b2 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { // ... a dash of jQuery.
var v = document.createElement("video"); // Are we dealing with a browser that supports <video>?
if ( ! ) { // If no, use Flash.
var params = {
allowfullscreen: "true",
allowscriptaccess: "always"
var flashvars = {
file: "video.f4v",
image: "snapshot.jpg"
swfobject.embedSWF("player.swf", "demo-video-flash", "480", "272", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);
As the link above explains, test if the browser supports <video>, and if not, fall back to flash. If the browser supports <video>, I don't need to worry about the player as the browser handles that. If it doesn't support <video>, I need to provide:
(a) A flash player.
(b) A flash-compatible copy of my .m4v video
1) Will this solution work for my requirements?
2) Is .m4v a good format to stream to iPad? (I'm guessing yes as it's an Apple proprietary format!)
3) Is .m4v "flash-comatabile"? That is, if I send it to my flash player will it work? I've read conflicting reports on this. If it's not, then I guess I need to have a copy of my video converted to a flash-compatable format...any recommendations? (.f4v seems common but we already have a .mov file will that work?)
4) Last but not least, what's a good flash player. I'm leaning toward flowplayer (, however, we already have a swf player installed ( Seems this latter one would work...any advantages to one or the other??
Apologies if some parts of this question don't make sense...there's alot of info about video out there and it's hard to piece it all together...hoping some answers here may help. I can refine my question as needed.
Thanks in advance!
As far as I know..., IE does not support HTML5 so the tag would be unrecognized in IE...