iOS native smartbanner developer documentation - ios

Do somebody of you know, where to get complete information about options/properties of native iOS safari smartbanner?
For example - For how long smartbanner is hidden when user presses close, or "View" application in iTunes?
I've just closed my during testing and now can't get it back, so i don't know if it still works or not.
Thanks in advance.

The only documentation available on this is over at the Apple Developer site, Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners


How to get the URL of an iOS application before it is accepted by Apple?

First of all, I know that there are a lot of posts related to my question but my situation is a bit different.
Actually I use Admob in my application to present ads, but my approval status is set to "review required" because I've not add my App's URL on AppStore yet.
I tried to go to : App Store Connect > My apps > App concerned > App information > View in the app store. I've copied the URL from my browser and add it to Admob but here is the message I get from Admob when I search my app with this URL :
Can't find your application? Check its information on the download platform and try again.
And this makes sense as the application is not yet published on the AppStore. The problem is that the app cannot be accepted if the ads do not work.
Can anyone suggest a solution ?
Thank you for your attention !
First of All, the sentence below is not true:
The problem is that the app cannot be accepted if the ads do not work.
Apple will accept the app if it has no Ads without any problems.
BUT if you really really need an Ad to appear, you can use in house ads until the app get published.
in house Ads will appear even if your app is not published yet.

Can I open Aliexpress app from my app iOS?

Is it ok and is there any scheme I can use to open AliExpress app within my own app? "aliexpress://" not working
The point here is on the way to open it with no complaints from Apple and Ali. This is quite large marketplace with quite big audience. So, I'd like to ask if there any LEGAL way to open their App as we do on registration with FB for instance.
Thanks for links in comments, but it's considered as not a proper way to solve my issue, it worked for a while as I know, but then stopped.

Facebook Native Ads on iOS

I'm trying to implement native ads from Facebook in my app. I put the code exactly like Facebook said, and it works. But only if the app was installed via xCode. If the app is installed via Test Flight the ads never appears.
Any ideas?
My Audience Network permission is enable, as well as my ad placement
I know, this question is already answered. I am adding information to help someone looking for explanation.
Test Flight rotates through a pool of IDFA's and hides the users true IDFA, making it difficult to identify a Facebook user – and that is required for delivering an ad.
I have facing this problem when using Testflight beta testing, I switch to Fabric beta testing and the facebook native ad shows.
Just put the app on app store and will be fine.
Remember to uncheck the "Limit Ad Tracking" in the device settings.
I had an issue similar to this so I used one of my tickets to open a chat with someone at apple via members center. They advised me to give the app 24-48 hours of being live for iAds to work correctly on all devices. They said that Xcode should always display iAds but other methods of deploying iAds may be a bit behind.

Are location-based lock screen app suggestions automatic in ios?

Anyone know if there is anything you have to do as a developer of an app to get your app to be suggested form the lock screen in iOS 8 (I'm talking about when the app isn't installed, so it takes you to the app store)? The only information I've been able to find about this is speculative at best -- most seem to conclude that this is either based off of the "apps near me" that the app store has, or direct arrangements made with Apple. Anyone know for sure?
This can be achieved using Passbook

How to list my app on the back of Passbook card?

The new SPG Passbook card lists their iOS app on the back of the card in much the same way that Mobile Safari can now show a banner for sites who have an app. Example screenshot:
I wasn't able to find anything in Apple's (sparse) documentation about how you would connect them. Their Passbook card is oddly not even installed through their app, which can only show an image of your SPG card on screen. You need to go to on iOS to install it, which suggests it isn't the OS figuring out the connection.
Any ideas?
Figured it out! I managed to download the SPG .pkpass file and take a peek in the pass.json. They use:
where XXXXXXXXX is the Apple ID of your app. Tried it out and it works perfectly. It should be outside of your lower-level dictionary terms alongside your passTypeIdentifier, etc.
I think you can set it up in your Apple Dev Center.
The place is the same as where you enable the In-App Purchasing, Push Notification, etc.
