Autolayout doesn't work? - ios

So I'm creating my app in storyboard, and i'm using an navigation controller, added an add view, and trying to auto layout stuff there.
But the problem is, i only get blue guided lines when I'm near the corner left and right. So it's basically not looking at my Navigationbar above.. and just ignoring it.
Also, when I'm switching the simulator to a 3.5 inch (I'm making it in 4 inch) the buttons and labels will disappear underneath it. And they are added to Auto layout blue lines?

The blue lines are not AutoLayout, but just lines that guide you when placing your views. Auto Layout only comes in when you start adding constraints. Check out Apple's Autolayout guide:

Control drag from the label to the navigation bar and it will show the below window. The first option is for you to create the constraint from the Navigation Bar bottom.
The Top Layout Guide is a iOS 7 specific feature which marks the bottom line of the navigation bar. The total height of the navigation bar (if present) plus the height of the status bar (if present) equals the toplayoutGuide.length


How to place any view below any other view which is getting it's position from code

I've created 4 subviews of white color & a yellow one as you can see in reference image I've shared below.
And I've programmatically changed the position of Tabbar from bottom to top just below to navigation bar as you can see in below image (When it is running in the simulator).
Now since I've constraints for that yellow view in image as follow
It is appearing just below to navigation bar but I want it to be displayed just below the Tabbar.
Since Tabbar is getting its position programmatically & other views (including yellow view) are getting their positions from the storyboard.
And since storyboard UIelements are get settled before any other UIelement which are coming from the program or at least get their position from programmatically.
What could be the best way to achieve what I want.
Please refer my storyboard as well to get more understanding. (Refer Below image)
I also want to fit all 5 subviews in the space between tabbar & bottom of the screen. I want to calculate 1/5th of that space & assign this height to each subview. I'd later reduce few pixels to separate them.
Why not add the height of the tab bar to the yellow view's top position? That way, you'd set the constraint something like: = top + 44
If the tab bar is always visible, then that should work. But of course, if the tab bar only appears at times, you'd probably have to change that constraint programmatically depending on the change ...

What is the proper way to add a view to a view controller and make it cover it completely through rotations using Auto Layout?

Say I have a UIViewController and I want to add a red UIView atop it that covers its view completely using Auto Layout.
My first instinct was to pin it to every edge of the view controller's view, but due to the iOS 7 nature of view controller views extending underneath the nav bars, pinning it with a constant of 0 doesn't put it under the nav bars. And if I put -64 to cover it in portrait, that's not the correct constant for landscape as the nav bar is shorter.
How should I be implementing this?
Make sure your view is pinned to the top of the super view, not the top layout guide. It sounds like it's currently pinned to the top layout guide.
If it is pinned to the top layout guide, the best way to fix it is to delete the constraint, select the view, click the "Pin" tool at the bottom right of IB, and then select the top with a setting of zero.
This works fine in Xcode 5.1.1, but was a little buggy in earlier versions. Control+Drag onto the view generally forces you to select the top layout guide instead of the top of the view.

How to make a UITableViewController subclass respect topLayoutGuide in iOS7?

in my app I have a simple UITableViewController that's just plain Objective-C code, no .xib or storyboard involved. It represents the contents of one tab in a tab bar.
Since iOS 7 its contents are overlapped by the status bar at the top and tab bar at the bottom.
Using only code, how can I make the table view add space at the top and bottom to align with topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide?
I know about
but that seems to simply shrink the table view to not intersect the tab bar and to disable the transparency of the tab bar. Instead I'd like the table view to add some padding.
I've also tried explicitly setting automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets to YES, but that didn't help either (should be the default behavior anyway).
It seems this is not (yet) supported, at least for programmatically created UITableViewControllers without an UINavigationController that's embedding them.
I checked the position for both layout guides, and at run-time both off-sets read 0 distance from the edges of the screen. Hence automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets won't set the insets correctly.
So now I actually modify my first section header and last section footer manually to add 21 pixels at the top and 50 pixels at the bottom respectively.
Bummer. :-(

In Xcode 5 in a GLKViewController in IB what are the Top/Bottom Layout guides for?

In Xcode 5 in a GLKViewController in IB what are the Top/Bottom Layout guides for? I've been reading through docs and can't seem to find it anywhere.
These are not specific to GLKViewController -- you'll see them in any view controller.
In iOS 7, views extend underneath the transparent status, navigation, and tab bars (if present) by default. Because you probably don't want your subviews ending up underneath these bars, the layout guides provide an easy way to set up layout constraints relative to wherever those bars end up.
For example, say you want a button to appear 20pt below the navigation bar. Where before you'd make a constraint between the button and the top of the view, you can now make a constraint between the button and the top layout guide. That view in the nib isn't responsible for setting whether the navigation bar is shown or how tall it is -- those things are controlled by the view controller that presents the view at run time -- so constraining to the top layout guide makes sure your button is in the right place regardless of how the view is presented.

In iOS 7, how do you access the topLayoutGuide / bottomLayoutGuide in Interface Builder?

Using XCode 5, downloaded today. iOS 7. When I run app the table view header appears underneath the navigation bar, I don't mind it scrolling underneath the navbar but I'd like for it to appear unobstructed initially. I am trying to figure out how to use the topLayoutGuide mentioned in the iOS 7 transition guide, which says you can set a constraint relative to it, but doesn't explain how.
Anyone know?
Transition guide here:
Just realized that my storyboard was still set to XCode 4.6
You have to go to the File Inspector (icon that looks like a file icon in the right navigation panel in Xcode) and then under "Interface Builder Document" where it says "Opens in" change to Default (5.0) and / or "View as" iOS 7.0 and Later
Then your IB document will show the guides inside the left hand navigation panel under the view controller
Often if you select the view, and click the "Pin" button at the bottom right, pin the vertical spacing, and the dropdown will have an option to use the topLayoutGuide
In my Storyboard, was still have trouble getting my UITableView to pin the vertical spacing between the top of the table view and the top layout guide. Every time I control-dragged I would get it pinning to the bottom of the table view instead of the bottom. But then I tried manually dragging the table view so that it appeared below the nav bar in IB and then control-dragged and the vertical spacing finally worked.
I had the same problem, and in Storyboard when I set the top bar to Opaque the top of the scrollView changed so that it wasn't obscured by the nav bar. Makes sense, but it's unfortunate that you can't use a translucent nav bar and get the same effect.
