In iOS 7, how do you access the topLayoutGuide / bottomLayoutGuide in Interface Builder? - ios

Using XCode 5, downloaded today. iOS 7. When I run app the table view header appears underneath the navigation bar, I don't mind it scrolling underneath the navbar but I'd like for it to appear unobstructed initially. I am trying to figure out how to use the topLayoutGuide mentioned in the iOS 7 transition guide, which says you can set a constraint relative to it, but doesn't explain how.
Anyone know?
Transition guide here:

Just realized that my storyboard was still set to XCode 4.6
You have to go to the File Inspector (icon that looks like a file icon in the right navigation panel in Xcode) and then under "Interface Builder Document" where it says "Opens in" change to Default (5.0) and / or "View as" iOS 7.0 and Later
Then your IB document will show the guides inside the left hand navigation panel under the view controller
Often if you select the view, and click the "Pin" button at the bottom right, pin the vertical spacing, and the dropdown will have an option to use the topLayoutGuide
In my Storyboard, was still have trouble getting my UITableView to pin the vertical spacing between the top of the table view and the top layout guide. Every time I control-dragged I would get it pinning to the bottom of the table view instead of the bottom. But then I tried manually dragging the table view so that it appeared below the nav bar in IB and then control-dragged and the vertical spacing finally worked.

I had the same problem, and in Storyboard when I set the top bar to Opaque the top of the scrollView changed so that it wasn't obscured by the nav bar. Makes sense, but it's unfortunate that you can't use a translucent nav bar and get the same effect.


Implementing Safe Areas for Tab Bar Controller and iPhone X

What I'm trying to do: place the tab bar at the bottom of the iPhone X display where it belongs, and also put the navigation bar at the top of the display.
I've been trying to accomplish what I thought would be a straightforward task of using Safe Areas in the storyboard to position the tab bar near the bottom of the iPhone X's display. I'm missing something fundamental.
I've read a lot of writeup about how to do this, including this one. It includes a screenshot of a tab bar control scene that looks like this:
But I can't create a view inside my Tab Bar Controller to put my tab bar item in, as the article mentions. It's my understanding that I'll use the safe area of the view that should contain the tab bar item. But it won't let me put a view anywhere except outside the Controller view. I've tried using "embed" - but all options are greyed out.
Same goes for a navigation controller to move a navigation bar to the top of the display.
The funny thing is that IB renders it in the right place, but on my device, the tab bar is way above where it should be (and the navigation bar way below).
I have "Opens in" set to "Latest Xcode (9.0) and Builds for iOS 11.1 set in the scene's "Interface Builder Document", and "use Safe Area Layout Guides" is checked. I'm not using any custom classes for my tab bar controller or tab bar. I'm using XCode 9.3 and iOS 11.3.1
What's the simple thing that I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
The article explains how to adapt your app if you're using a custom navigation bar or a custom tab bar.
If you're using the standard navigation bar or tab bar then you have to make sure it's top or bottom (depending on the element) constraints are connected to the superview and not the Safe Area layout guide. UIKit makes sure these elements are correctly rendered with spacing at the top or bottom on an iPhone X device. Check out this screenshot for clarification.

UIViewController - top misaligned at cold launch on iOS 9/10, ok on 11

I have a UIViewController that contains a UISegmentControl at the top, and a UITableView below. The layout is very simple. The UISegmentControl Top Margin is 16pts from the Top Layout Guide. The tableView is relative to the UISegmentControl. The view is part of a UITabBarController set. The UITabBarController is the storyboard's initial view controller.
I'm experiencing a problem where, on iOS 9 and 10, the UISegmentControl and the UITableView are positioned too high at initial app launch. As a result the UISegmentControl is partially obscured. If I switch to another tab or the next view in the hierarchy (by tapping a table cell), then go back to this view, the problem resolves itself.
The problem does not occur on iOS 11. The app doesn't support anything earlier than iOS 9.
Here are screenshots, taken both immediate after launch and then after switching to another tab then back again. Any suggestions appreciated.
Turn off extend edges under top bar :
Check your view controller attributes inspector in IB. Look for
"Extend Edges" option under View Controller, and uncheck "Under Top
Bars" if it is checked.

Constraint value for navigation bar in storyboard

I want to add a constraint to the navigation bar I am adding via storyboard. The purpose is for the navigation bar to be fit to the border on the left and right side. The current canvas value on the screen is -16, and it shows up correctly when I run the app. However I can't figure out why -16, and when I set it to 0 there is a gap to the border.
To reproduce, create a blank single view ios project, drag a navigation bar into the story board and try to add a constraint.
xcode 6.3.1
Removing the tick on "Constrain to margins" will fix it.

Storyboard / Navigation Bar issue in Xcode

I'm experiencing a bit of a weird issue and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
In Xcode, using storyboard, I have a view controller that inherits a navigation bar. This is working fine. Where the issue is is that when I add an element to the view controller (ie, UIButton, UILabel, etc) and run the application on my phone, the Y positioning of the element is off by the amount of the height of the navigation bar.
Let's say I wanted to have a UIButton DIRECTLY BELOW the navigation bar, I would have to move it UNDER the navigation bar, to the very top of the view controller on the Storyboard. On my phone it would be directly below (Y positioning) the Navigation Bar.
I'm fairly new to iOS development, so I'm not even sure where to begin. I tried enabling / disabling Auto Layout, which didn't change anything.
Try this:
Click on your view controller, in the Attributes Inspector uncheck the "Adjust scroll view insets" option.

Autolayout doesn't work?

So I'm creating my app in storyboard, and i'm using an navigation controller, added an add view, and trying to auto layout stuff there.
But the problem is, i only get blue guided lines when I'm near the corner left and right. So it's basically not looking at my Navigationbar above.. and just ignoring it.
Also, when I'm switching the simulator to a 3.5 inch (I'm making it in 4 inch) the buttons and labels will disappear underneath it. And they are added to Auto layout blue lines?
The blue lines are not AutoLayout, but just lines that guide you when placing your views. Auto Layout only comes in when you start adding constraints. Check out Apple's Autolayout guide:
Control drag from the label to the navigation bar and it will show the below window. The first option is for you to create the constraint from the Navigation Bar bottom.
The Top Layout Guide is a iOS 7 specific feature which marks the bottom line of the navigation bar. The total height of the navigation bar (if present) plus the height of the status bar (if present) equals the toplayoutGuide.length
