Trigger iOS app periodically - ios

I'm trying to figure out if there is any permissible way to have my iOS app run periodically (say every 4 hours) and grab a users location. I'm aware of three possible ways this might be accomplished:
Local Notifications (Handling Local and Remote Notifications)
The problem with this solution is that when the app is killed after being in the background a while or the phone restarts, then the local notification will fire and give a UI but not actually start the app so I can't grab the location.
Alarms (Configuring Alarms)
As Apple's documentation says:
Note: An alarm is not intended to serve as a UILocalNotification. An alarm requires you to create an event or reminder that is visible in the user’s Calendar or Reminders app. A UILocalNotification is better suited for general purposes that don’t involve the Calendar database.
Therefore, not only would I be going against Apple's recommendation, but I would then have to ask for access to the user's calendar which won't make any sense to the user.
NSTimer (NSTimer)
I could create a NSTimer, but that solution was already answered here as not viable (That was three and a half years ago but I'm guessing the answer hasn't changed).
Are there any other ways in which this might be accomplished on iOS?

I don't know of any way to grab it periodically every X hours, but the Significant Change Location API might work for your use case. It gives you updates whenever there has been a significant change to the users location.
If you app is not running in the background it will relaunch your app.
This stack overflow question has a lot of info about this service also:
Behaviour for significant change location API when terminated/suspended?

See the Getting Location Events in the Background section of Apple's Location and Maps Programming Guide. The other methods mentioned in the question wouldn't actually wake the app up, except for UILocalNotification, and then only when the user tapped in in Notification Center.


Can IOS app do things even when it is not working at all (Killed/Non-running state)

I Did lots of BG tasks in the past, But Trying to get data when app is killed (Even when user is giving Always permission) seems not to work.
I wonder if there is a solution for that.
To make things clear, I am not talking at the moment when app change from Active or Background even to suspended mode. I'm talking about if the user is using the app and set permissions but then kills the app and after that i need every hour to get data from the user and send data to them.
Is there a way to do that?
Can a Today widget help me with that? Does a Today widget "lives" all the time and i can get that from it 24/7?
Whet is working is CLLocation manager. This is working even when the app is killed. But only when the user is changing a location.
I need that to work when the user is in the same place also.
Non of the other methods work. Not BGTask (I need every hour on the hour and not when apple decide to do things), Nor Silent Push Notification for some reason (Regular ones work, but i Don't want to bother the user with a push every hour just for getting and sending data).
Sorry there is no code to show as this is a very general question. But i think that is very important one to many people and can't find an answer for that.

Background Fetch at Specific Time

I am looking for solution to get data in background mode even app is terminated.
There are lots of tutorials and answers available for this questions, but my questions is different than other. I haven't find any proper solution on stackoverflow, so posted this question.
I have scenario which I can explain. I'm using realm database which store event date, name, time, address etc. Now the thing is that, I want to write a code which are execute in background, In this code I want to get all event data and compare their date with today's date. And based on days remaining between these days fire local notification to remind user about how many days are remaining for specific event.
I want to call this background fetch method exactly 8 AM in local time everyday.
I haven't write any code due to confused with Background fetch and implementation. Can anyone know how to implement this ?
Help will be appreciated.
I have got solution to fix issue. As per I have talked,
I want to write a code which are execute in background, In this code I
want to get all event data and compare their date with today's date.
And based on days remaining between these days fire local notification
to remind user about how many days are remaining for specific event.
So, when I getting response from API, I'm creating local notification for all events with unique id, which are fire and repeat daily at specific time, where I have display event time and remaining days of event.
Apple documentation states that there is no guarantee when background fetch is performed. It's up to the system to decide.
The system waits until network and power conditions are good, so you should be able to retrieve adequate amounts of data quickly.
The guaranteed way to wake your app is to send at 8 am VoIP push notification from the server. It is guaranteed that the app will be wakened upon receiving a push, and you'll be able to execute the jobs you need. For more details,
It is not possible to wake up the app from suspended mode in iOS except with push notification (for this server has to send push notification).
This is something which is not documented anywhere. IMHO and experience with iOS, Apple must be recording user activities since the start of the iOS era. ScreenTime is a product of those recordings only that apple was able to create and visualize the data to present a user facing app that very beautifully restricts, manages and displays your activities. In WWDC 2018, it was even quoted that apple will even detect, if the user opens your app at let's say 9 PM daily before going to bed, iOS will allow every possible resource (battery, internet, processing time etc) to that app at 9 PM. But you need to understand your user activities before you do this. Let's take an example of:
News App:
A majority of users would check the news in the morning (If they are not instagram addicts). At this time even apple should be biased to open your app with background fetch. Unless of-course there is too much of a resource crunch
A Game: Many games allow provide a restriction time by calling it "recharge" or "re-fill" the energy of a character before user can play another round. This is done so that the addicted person would buy gems to remove that restriction and hence monetize the idea. But if you know that the refill process is completed before 8:00 AM in the morning or user plays your game daily at 8:00 AM configure background fetch accordingly.
Background fetch works with interval rather than specific time.
// Fetch data once an hour.
Lastly why don't you try silent push notifications? Based on your question, I think silent notification is enough to wake your app after a push notification from the server, download some data and do your calculation and provide a local notification.

Run code at a specific time regardless of app state

I want to run some code everyday at 9 AM and 5 PM on iOS.
This should not be depend on application state; whatever state it has, the code must run at a given time, even in background and suspended states.
Please suggest a solution.
There are multiple ways to run the app in background and one of them which i'd believe you want is for network access, apple gives you some time to finish the request and update the UI, even if the app is closed. The user should grant access for you to do that, but is also questionable if apple will accept it if you don't do a network request and use it for something else.
Another solution would be silent push notifications, in theory the app should be awaken to execute it without asking the user anything, but you need a server and a network.
You'll want to take a look at "local notifications" in iOS. Most documentation you'll find online will talk about UILocalNotification (like for example this nice tutorial here, but if you're developing an iOS 10 app you need to look at the new UNNotificationRequest class instead because UILocalNotification is deprecated in iOS 10. Have a look at the docs from Apple here:
I hope this sends you in the right direction :)

In iOS, is it possible to start region based geofencing at a particular time?

My iOS app (which targets iOS 8.1+) use location services to determine if a user has entered a particular region during an event. Ideally I would like to enable the geofencing a little before the event and turn it off a little after the event completes. The problem is there is no guarantee the app is running an hour before the event so I turn on geofencing at the point the user registers for the event. This is not the best approach as it means the geofencing is on for much longer than it needs to be.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to "wake up" the app in the background at a scheduled time in iOS. I could use the push notification meant for updating content, but It's not clear to me if Apple would reject such a misuse of that notification.
Any suggestions?
I've been looking into this myself.
If you can arrange a push notification from your backend ("Silent push notification", aka "content-available"), it seems to be a good option. In real-world situations, this seems to give you the best control over the timing. Unfortunately, it won't work if the person doesn't have connectivity. Also, unfortunately, you need a backend that can queue events at a time (not just in response to an input.) If you have such a backend already, and your app is only useful to the user when they have network coverage anyway, this is probably the best option. It seems this an appropriate use of the technology, so Apple should approve.
Another option I'm trying is to use background fetch. You specify a "minimum interval" to avoid too much fetching. Try 50% of the remaining time-to-event as a minimum. Every time the app wakes up (whether in the foreground because the user opened it, or in the background because background-fetch opens it) you can calculate the time-to-next-event, update the fetch interval, or start the region monitoring. You are supposed to use "background fetch" to fetch information from a server, but there doesn't seem to be any requirement to poll a server, you could poll your internal data instead. I haven't fully tested this yet but it seems promising.
You can use significant location change monitoring, which I've read will wake up your app briefly every 15 minutes or less, and you can use the time/location information to decide whether to turn on the geofence. I think this would work well in combination with the above "background fetch": Many hours or days before the event you rely on background fetch, which you then use to turn on significant location change monitoring a few hours before the event. (There's speculation that geofencing is actually more battery efficient than significant change monitoring, but you could choose to assume that other apps on the user's device will already by watching for significant changes, in which case the marginal cost of your app adding itself to the list should be minimal.)
Putting them all together, you could create a sequence of
background fetch -> significant location monitoring -> geofencing
as the time gets closer.
There is also the CLVisit monitoring functionality, it's not understood very well, but supposedly uses less power and is called less frequently than significant location change monitoring. If the background fetch or silent remote notifications aren't working to wake up your app, give this a try, and please report back!
You can't (yet) do a silent content-available local notification (AFAICT). However, perhaps you can schedule up a local notification "Your event starts tomorrow" or something that convinces the user to click the option that starts the geofence. Here's a tutorial on it, the response of action can be UIUserNotificationActivationMode.Background so your geofence can come on (if the user responds to the notification) without bringing the app to the foreground.
It's been 5 to 6 weeks since you asked, do you have your own answer already? Please let me know.

Send device location to web service from iOS at specific time of day [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Call a web service from iOS at a particular time daily in the background
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I would like to know how to run a scheduled method in an iOS app.
Every day, I have to send the device location to a web service twice a day. This submission must take place at 12:00 and 18:00. I used the method startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges but it did not help me, because it has no exact time to run (as the name implies, only significant change of location). This feature should be performed automatically without user interaction with the iPhone because it is an "automatic check-in". It must be carried out with the app in any status (running or in background or terminated).
I found solutions that use the local notification, but the process should be completely transparent, without the user having to check-in, otherwise the feature would lose the concept.
How can this be done?
Dasdom is right - iOS doesn't allow you to schedule a background task. You can request the app run in the background, but cannot control when your code will actually be run (per Apple's guide, "When a good opportunity arises, the system wakes or launches your app into the background..."
Your best option is to have your service post an APNS notification to your application and handle the notification silently by posting the location back to your web service.
