Xcode doesn't see the file - ios

I have this file structure:
But Xcode doesn't see file for :#import "VKSdk.h" , because it's in another project, what do I need to do:

Perhaps consider looking into how to work with workspaces in Xcode. It offers great features when working with multiple interconnected projects.
Check this out

VK guid said to add only sdk.xcodeproj file, so it didn't see all the files in this added project, but when I tried to cope these files into the project, it failed to launch.
I added $(PROJECT_DIR)/DatingService/3d\ Party/VKAPI/sdk into Header Search Paths of Build Settings and now it works.

Try to clean your project. I hope it helps

File is not present make sure you are writing right class name
Make sure file is present over there.
If you are adding file from somewhere it is recommended to tick the check box copy item into destination folder.

Fix: you need to update User Header Search Paths in Build Settings like this ../**
Look at the image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/beytwz8ev262l53/header_vksdk_fix.png


Generated header file not found in xcode

We are working on a swift project where we use a little bit of Objc.
I have two targets and one framework with a big part of the code (also the mixed code) inside it. My two targets including this framework. (screenshot)
Now I keep getting this error.
'Nexx4-iOS-Swift.h' file not found
Nexx4-iOS is the generated header file that is been created. When I look inside derived data I will find this file. But I cannot navigate (CMD-click) to the file. So it seems that that there is some thing wrong with the linking of it?
Any help?
First remove is header file path from the Build Setting in Project in each target.
And again recreate header file.
Go to Build Settings under Packaging, search for Defines Module and set it to Yes. Hope this may helpful.

Could not find a valid GoogleService-Info.plist in your project

When I run my swift 3.2 code with Xcode 9 beta 4 this is the error I get:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'com.firebase.core', reason: '[FIRApp configure]; (FirebaseApp.configure() in Swift) could not find a valid GoogleService-Info.plist in your project. Please download one from https://console.firebase.google.com/.'
I already have a GoogleService-Info.plist file that is named exactly like it should and it is valid.
Is there any trial to firebase or something like that?
Remove the Google-Info.plist file from your project and try to add it from your project folder's option menu.
this is how you remove a plist file
Xcode 10 Error: Multiple commands produce
I had the same issue.
Click on the Googleservice-info.plist in your project and check Target Membership for app in the inspector. That fixed it for me.
That is the reason for this crash and removing the file and adding again is another way of doing as suggested by answers above. But the actual cause is this and this is the right way to solve it.
Please refer to the image below for further clarification:
Once you add the file to the project, you may also need to add it to Build Phases in the Compile Sources section.
Add the GoogleService-Info.plist in Build Phases as screenshot above:
Make sure the name of the file is correct, i.e: "GoogleService-info.plist"
Add it to the project in mac finder under the project name and then drag it into the project to reference it.
Finally, as Silvajee mentioned, go to the file inspector for the plist file and tick the box under target membership to include it as part of the project.
If you have multiple environments (Production, Develop, Staging), you will need a different Google.plist for each.
They all have to have the same name.
To get around this, create folders for each of these files (one for each environment) and place them inside their corresponding folders.
When you drag the files from the Finder to Xcode, make sure to select the proper environment for each under Target Membership
That will do the trick and allow you to build environments separately. Especially if each environment has a different Bundle ID.
Make sure your file name is correct as "GoogleService-Info.plist". Any other name would cause problem. Restart XCode and you are good to go.
Unfortunately or fortunately, the error specified is very accurate. There is only one option available right now. i.,e placing Google-Info.plist file in your project properly. Try to remove and add that again. Also, check if a target is selected or not.
Restarting Xcode worked for me, none of the above option worked.
These steps solved my problem. FOllow these.
1.You must drag and drop the GoogleService-Info.plist file into your project in a location such as Shared Resources. When you have successfully added the file, you should also make sure to include it in the project build:
2.Double-check that in the "Build Phases" section of your project that your project is including GoogleService-Info.plist.
3.Double check the file name. The file name must be exactly GoogleService-Info.plist common misspellings include GoogleServices-Info.plist and GoogleService-info.plist - case sensitive and exactly named only will work.
Actually this error is occur when GoogleService-Info.plist file is not actually located in our project folder but it just have a reference to that file where it is downloaded. So solution is that remove reference to this file and again add it to your project folder by drag and drop or by using "Add Files ..." option by right click to your project folder. Also recheck whether file is locating your project folder destination otherwise error will be occur again.
Don't forget to check your "GoogleService-Info.plist" file have same name as shown in error otherwise rename it.
For those of you working with Ionic, make sure to open your .xcworkspace file in Xcode first, then drag the GoogleService-info.plist file into the Resources folder.
Most tutorials online don't do a good job of explaining that portion for some reason.
Shout out to Shahzaib Maqbool because his comment helped me get this for my project.
Below setting can fix my compiler fail
1. Add to "Copy Files"
2. Not add to "Copy Bundle Resources"
We must make sure that full path is correct in Xcode. It would be better to add it from the start. If you already did, jump to step 5.
Quit Xcode.
Make sure that file name is correct, "GoogleService-Info.plist".
Add .plist file to project folder. Same level with Podfile, .xcworkspace, etc.
Open Xcode, identify .plist file on Project Navigator. If it's not there, right-click and click Add new file to "[Project Name]". Make sure to click project name below Add to targets option.
On Project Navigator, click on GoogleService-Info.plist. Select File Inspector from right navigator. Ensure that Full Path is correct. If not, click on folder icon and select the .plist file inside the project file.
Build. If still doesn't work, Quit Xcode and Build again.
Doing a clean then build a couple times worked for me.
1 - open "GoogleService-Info.plist" and change any or to and
2 - reopen the xamarin solution
3 - it should work now
I solved the issue by deleting the project from Firebase and deleted the GoogleService-Info.plist from project. After I again added the project to Firebase and added the new GoogleService-Info.plist file worked for me.
This error occur download google service more than 1 time. When we download first time from firebase, it's like GoolgeService-Info.Plist. If you download again, that will come GoogleService-Info(1).Plist. We need to remove (1) from GoogleService-Info(1).Plist.
Please try this.
Click on GoogleService-Info.
checked the target membership on the right side .
Clean and build . It will work.
2022 Update
If you're migrating from older firebase version and want to initialize Firebase from Dart only, then you have to remove Firebase Initialization from AppDelegate.m or Appdelegate.swift
in swift, remove FirebaseApp.configure()
and start again.
I know this question has a million answers already, but perhaps this solution will help someone who isn't using Xcode build configs like many answers above.
If you're converting an iOS app to Catalyst (as I am), then I found a minor but obtuse difference is Catalyst apps make bundles with a "Content/Resources" folder structure that was throwing off my builds for a while. My build phases copy my release/debug Plist files for me and the pathing difference from iOS -> Catalyst was causing this error.
You can probably solve this problem many ways, like the multiple folders with same named Plist files above. I use a custom bash script via build phases, and copy the file manually like this:
if [ $CONFIGURATION == "Debug" ]; then
echo using DEBUG firebase!
# Mac Catalyst appends a "Contents" folder so we need to handle that explicitly here
if [ $IS_MACCATALYST ]; then
cp ${SRCROOT}/${PROJECT-DIR}/your-custom-paths-here/GoogleService-Info.plist ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleService-Info.plist
cp ${SRCROOT}/${PROJECT-DIR}/firebase/debug/GoogleService-Info.plist ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app
Go to build phases and add file in copy bundle resources. Thats it.
delete any other "GoogleService-Info.plist" files that have been previously installed. in my case, when I installed it, it was names as "GoogleService-Info.plist-2" since I had another file installed in the same folder. it looks that this will create a confusion for firebase. I deleted all old files and changed the name of the current one to "GoogleService-Info.plist" exactly. it worked.
In my case something went wrong when i merged conflicts in project.pbxproj
GoogleService-Info.plist -> didn't have Target membership selected on the right pane and I couldn't select it because project.pbxproj was corrupted (even though build was successful)
I had to rollback project.pbxproj and after that GoogleService-Info.plist had Target membership selected.
Make sure project.pbxproj isn't corrupted after merging conflicts (it had something to do with attempted to initialize an object with an unknown UUID)
For anyone using Xamarin by mistake (you should avoid this piece of tool by all means):
open project file as code, and check that the file has import tag BundleResource, and not None (the red one is the correct one):
I'm using FirebaseUI and was receiving a slightly different error when pressing Sign-In with Google:
***Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'OAuth client ID not found. Please make sure Google Sign-In is enabled in the Firebase console. You may have to download a new GoogleService-Info.plist file after enabling Google Sign-In.'
What fixed that issue for me was changing this line (that seems to be deprecated)
[[FUIGoogleAuth alloc] init]]
[[FUIGoogleAuth alloc] initWithAuthUI:[FUIAuth defaultAuthUI]]
when building providers list
NSArray<id<FUIAuthProvider>> *providers = #[
[[FUIGoogleAuth alloc] initWithAuthUI:[FUIAuth defaultAuthUI]],
[[FUIPhoneAuth alloc] initWithAuthUI:[FUIAuth defaultAuthUI]]
Another easily overlooked problem is when you have multiple PLIST files downloaded so the file is not exactly named 'GoogleService-Info.plist'.
I had multiple copies so was trying to use 'GoogleService-Info.plist(2)' which throws the same error, so make sure the file itself is named as it is meant to be!
My problem same this case and solved that ->
ı added xcode runner Open Xcode, then right-click on Runner directory and select Add Files to "Runner".
most importantly;
terminal: cd ios- " pod install "
and info.list thats ok.
ı hope your problems solved
I had to same issue and same error what you have. I downloaded from Firebase more than one info.plist file that why my MacBook save these files like
Then I copied mistakenly in my project GoogleService-Info-3.plist then I took same error. Then I just copied GoogleService-Info.plist and problem has been solved.
But be careful about bundle identifier. You have to copied correct project plist.
Just drag and drop the file into terminal, don't copy paste from Notes or TextEdit or from elsewhere.

How to add groups of files?

I am trying to add the shareKit files like in the photo:
...but Xcode will only let me do the drag and drop only for single files! How can I solve this?
What you need to do is simple:
1) Right click the sharekit folder in the first project and you will see show in finder. Click that.
2) That will lead to the folder in your directory.
3) Next pull the whole directory into second project. Make sure you copy the files over.
Hope this helps...
In Xcode 4 it is different than older Xcode you have in the screenshot. To copy between projects, you have to open them in the same workspace (the same window). So
open the first project
drag the second one from finder to the same Xcode workspace
now drag the files you need
remove the second project from your workspace.
Lakesh's approach might have a risk in fact, that sometimes file structure you see in xcode might differ from what is actually on filesystem.
You might want to try ShareKit 2.0, it is already packaged as a static lib and has updated sharers to match newest api's. If you decide to use it, make sure to follow install wiki guide literally.

MapBox iOS SDK within your own Xcode

I downloaded MapBox example from github using the following
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-ios-example.git
Which downloaded it including all dependencies. Now I'm trying to create a separate project and include MapBox DSK as it was in that example. I tried creating workspace then creating a single view project then add new file and select .xcodepro for the MapBox DSK but didn't work when I tried importing MapBox.h file. I never tried importing 3rd parties API before and a bit not sure how I can do that correctly. Any Idea how I can accomplish that ?
Thanks in Advance
Just try:
#import <Mapbox/Mapbox.h>
instead of just importing Mapbox.h as suggested here:
You simply drag the Mapbox-ios-sdk project file from Finder to the files pane in Xcode.
And then click the project in Xcode files pane, Target-->Build Settings. Search for "User Header Search Paths". Specify where the MapBox sdk is located.
What I do is I put the MapBox-iOS-sdk in my project directory. And I set the path as $(SRCROOT) and make sure to set it as recursive.
While you're at it also make sure -ObjC and -all_load are set in Other linker flags.
That only helps you reference the .h files, to link, also under Build Setting, Link Binary with Libraries you need libMapBox.a.
If there is a MapBox.bundle (as in the latest development branch) in the group and files pane, you want to drag that into Target->Build phases->Copy bundle resources as well. (The add button doesn't work for me.)
I think the best way is to look at mapbox-ios-example provided by MapBox and try to replicate all dependencies into your own project.
A bit late but I did it like it was explained here: http://mapbox.com/mapbox-ios-sdk/#binary.
Not messing around with git, just dragging things into your project, easy!
I think problem here is he couldn't find a specific 'file' that was titled "MapBox.Framework" inside the folder of resources downloaded from Map Box, however what you actually need to do is copy that whole folder, which is titled "MapBox.Framework" into the frameworks section. I think the confusion was that the main folder that needs to be copied doesn't look like the yellow framework icon until you copy that folder into Xcode's frameworks section.

iOS,CoreAudio: a strange 'CADebugPrintf.h: no such file or directory ... ' error

There are bunch of helper filess in 'iPublicUtility' folder of several audio related Apple sample codes, such as aurioTouch:
I can build these samples fine. But whenever I create a new project for testing and include the files from 'iPublicUtility' folder, I get:
'CADebugPrintf.h: no such file or directory ... ' error in 'CADebugMacros.h' file.
I made the settings of my test project to coincide with Apple samples, but this error is
not going away. Any suggestion?
SDK: iOS 4.2,
iMac OSX 10.6.6
Thanks all.
select the Target, open the Build Settings pane, search for "Preprocessor Macros". Leave the fields blank (I've got rid of a DEBUG entry)
I used the answer provided by Justin and it worked fine, until I installed Xcode 4.3.1 and the problem came back.
Currently I solved this by downloading CADebugPrintf.h and .cpp.
I found the 2 files at this link:
i have three distributions of Xcode installed.
the file exists in all three.
1) verify that the file exists on your system.
2a) add a search path to your project for the PublicUtility directory
2b) add the header to the target's "copy headers" build phase
depending on how many depends you have for these files, you may want a more reliable approach (which exists). one (fairly) safe/easy way to do this if you use a lot of the audio technologies and sources is to add its parent dir's parent dir to your search paths or source trees (recursively).
another way is to add it to a shared build settings file.
you could also copy a specific release someplace, then add that to your search paths. just be aware that the sources get updated somewhat regularly, so you'll have to update it when it's a good time for you. in this case, you'll should change your project references as well.
Edit: Adding the search path (2a)
One way to add a search path (assuming Xcode tools are installed at : /Developer/):
1) In Xcode (3), select the target.
2) cmd+i (get info)
3) select the "Build" tab of the info window
4) enter HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS into the search field
5) if the value is not defined at this level (e.g., it is not bold), then set the value to /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/ $(inherited)
if it is already defined at that level, then add /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/ to the list of directories to search (the value).
if you want to search the library recursively, use /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/**. this may be useful when building AUs, or other projects which require the AU includes and PublicUtility includes.
Same problem, but seemed to have fixed it by downloading from the link below and adding in the missing CADebugPrintf.h and CADebugPrintf.cpp files.
I was having the same problem and downloading the files into the iPublicUtility folder did not solve it. I found the answer by accident while learning about .mm extension files on this page:
Objective C Project using C++ POSIX Classes
I renamed my implementation file with a .mm and the compiler errors disappeared. Hope this may help someone down the line!
