Is there any Eclipse/Aptana Studio plugin for ChicagoBoss? - erlang

Hi I'm a newbie chicago boss developer, Have switched from Django. Can one tell me if there is a ChicagoBoss plugin in Eclipse or in Aptana?
That's the only editor I like for development. I have already installed erlang plugin.

As far as I know, there is no plugin for ChicagoBoss in Eclipse nor Aptana,
but IntelliJ offers a great support for Erlang.
IntelliJ Community edition:
The Erlang plugin is constantly evolving:
Unfortunately JavaScript support is an Ultimate Edition feature, so you probably want to code javascript in your preferred editor and Erlang in IntelliJ Community Edition...


TFS plugin to use with PyCharm

I am looking for a free source code management TFS plugin to use with the PyCharm IDE. I've been looking around and cannot seem to get anything to work properly.
Please try TFS Integration.
Based on the description in the page it should be compatible with PyCharm
Compatible with: IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm WebStorm PyCharm
RubyMine AppCode GoLand Rider
Also this for your reference : Using TFS Integration
It supports PyCharm Community Edition, refer to this link for details :
That's the only plugin for PyCharm for now. The IntelliJ IDEA is required So, you can have a try for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition to check if that works for you.

Difference Between Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite

I know that Spring Tool Suite is optimized for Spring development and Groovy/Grails is optimized for Groovy/Grails development. Is there any practical reason why a Groovy/Grails developer would want to use the Spring Tool Suite for Groovy Grails applications even though the developer will not be developing any Spring applications?
If you want to work with Groovy and Grails only, I would recommend to download and use GGTS. If you want to work with Spring, I would recommend to use STS. If you want to work with both from within the same IDE, I would recommend to start with the STS distribution and install the Groovy-Grails parts into it from the dashboard. That way you get the features of both.
STS and GGTS are both based on Eclipse and extend it with plugins. You can use STS or even a bare-bones Eclipse install, but since it has no Grails support by default you'd have to install that yourself. That's easy enough to do, but having it all preconfigured in GGTS saves you the hassle of doing that yourself.
Likewise, there are some plugins installed in STS that aren't preinstalled in GGTS, but those are also freely available, so you could install any of those that you want.

Feasibility of using Eclipse IDE with TFS plugin and Aptana Studio plugin

I'm looking at various options(IDE's - Rails specific) that can be used for Ruby on Rails development with TFS for SCM. I'm currently working on a Rails 2.1 app which uses Ruby 1.8.7 and I consider it important to mention this explicitly because I need an IDE that could support the Ruby and Rails versions mentioned above(In the meanwhile I'll be checking this from my end as well).
With some amount of research I've found that one can have an Eclipse IDE along with the below two plugins for RoR development
TFS Plugin that's provided by Teamprise as suggested in this question .
Aptana Studio plugin for Eclipse .
I just wanted to confirm if a setup as mentioned above can coexist ?.It'll also be great if one can relate their experience(the pros and cons) of using both these plugins within the Eclipse IDE for day to day Rails development?
Thank you.

What toolchain would suit Java developers needing to build C#/F# projects with mono?

I am working with a team that develops a Java application using the following well-established toolchain for automated building, testing and continuous integration:
OS: Ubuntu
IDE: Eclipse
Build tools: Ant
Testing framework: JUnit
Source control: Subversion
CI server: Jenkins
A typical Jenkins job will grab the Java source from Subversion, and run Ant targets to build the code, run automated tests and create deployment artifacts.
We are now considering writing a .Net plugin for Windows clients to access our application's API from MS Excel. We will probably write it using either C# or F# - it's early days, and we haven't settled on a language yet, but F# seems as if it may offer some benefits in terms of being able to express API actions using a combinator-based DSL.
We would like to do as much of this work as possible on Linux, using Mono, and to use our existing CI infrastructure to build and test our software.
My first impression is that the toolchain will look something like this:
OS: Linux
IDE: Monodevelop / VIM (Eclipse support for Mono, and especially for F#, seems lacking)
Build Tool: NAnt
Testing framework: NUnit
Source control: Subversion
CI server: Jenkins, with NAnt plugin
Does anyone have any experience of developing with this kind of toolchain? The two questions I would like answered are:
What are the main pitfalls in this approach for developers used to the Java ecosystem?
Are there better alternatives to NAnt and NUnit for building and running automated tests, especially for F#?
Using F# with MonoDevelop on Linux seems like the way to go if you're developing cross-platform or server-side applications that can be developed on Linux (and occasionaly tested on Mac/Win).
However, I don't think that you'll be able to develop Excel plugin on Linux if you're targeting Windows users. You'll definitely need to run Excel on Windows and to test things, you'll probably also need to do (a part of) the development on Windows (I suppose the integration is the tricky bit - though you could develop & test some core functionality on Linux).
On Windows you can use free Visual Studio Shell with F#. The MonoDevelop integration for F# is (hopefuly) quite good, but Visual Studio gives you probably better experience and you'll need to use Windows for quite a few tasks anyway...
What are the main pitfalls in this approach for developers used to the Java ecosystem?
You are using a Linux operating system to develop an extension for Excel, which is primarily Windows. The Mono Platform is pretty excellent - but you could run into bugs - either with C# or F#. It's not as big of an issue as it was a few years ago, but worth considering. If you do decide to stick on the Mono / Linux platform - MonoDevelop is the way to go.
Are there better alternatives to NAnt and NUnit for building and running automated tests, especially for F#?
Take a look at FsUnit if you plan on going with F#. It has some nice syntax assertions, etc. It's complimentary to NUnit, so you won't be in uncharted waters.

Version control for Rails in a Windows environment

I'm coding a Rails project in a Windows environment and using Eclipse (with the Aptana plug-in) as my development environment.
I'm far enough along in my project now that I don't want to lose any of my work, and would like to start version controlling it.
What would you suggest I use? I've Googled and seen some responses for Git and TortoiseSVN, but I like the responses I usually get from the StackOverflow crowd. Anything that integrates well with Eclipse? Or are they all command line?
There's plugin named Subclipse that provides SVN support for Eclipse.
There're several git plugins but I am not sure they are stable enough.
With Mercurial, you get distributed version control, Eclipse plugin support, and TortoiseHg. Subversion was great back when everyone was just getting over CVS, but these days, the benefits of DVCS are too numerous to ignore. I personally prefer git to Mercurial, but git just isn't ready on the Windows environment. Hopefully Git# will fix that, but you have to wait for that.
Hopefully you're only developing in Windows and not deploying there? Rails and a Windows environment for production is a painful combination.
