Code Signing not showing Provisioning Profile - Xcode 5.1. - ios

Hi, I recently upgraded to Xcode 5.1 now I can not find Provisioning Profile in Projects->Target->Code Signing section of settings. Before Xcode 5.1, I used to change Provisioning Profile to desired profile from Provisioning Profile option then it starts to appear in code signing identity debug or release section as shown in image below.
But now I am not given this options in Code Signing so I can't change the debug or release profile it only show automatic or identities in keychain.
How an I change to the desired provisioning profile?
I tried using the 000000B-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 UUID code at User Defined Provisioning Profile and it accepts and build and displays Provisioning profile at Code Signing. But it is not resolving Provisioning profile name at User Defined Profiles.

I was stuck with same issue and finally got it done here u can look for the following screen shots..
go to Code signing in the build setting and change the Provisional Profile NONE to the provisional profile you like to test
then change the Code signing identity to test your Application on device with the suitable bundle identifier look for the following screen shot
If you find this Answer is correct then Vote up lets other also can solve their problem.

Make sure you have 'all' and not 'basic' display mode selected.

I filed a bug on this. You can manually do it but a pain in the rear. This to me is a huge bug. I hope they fix it soon.

Login in Apple Dev website and go to the profile list view, then download the profile and double click to install, then you can see it in Code Signing list.

Check your bundle Id and make sure that you have installed your required profile.
Then Click on Provisioning profile option and select a profile(see the option below code signing identity).
Now you need to select certificate under code signing identity.

To be sure:
Our team encountered an afternoon of frustration trying to open an app or update an app compiled with Xcode 5.1 on iOS 7.1 device with a tardy profile. Download and install a new profile (as necessary) then:
Make sure the BUNDLE IDENTIFIER in Xcodeʻs GENERAL view for your project matches what the profile reads on your Dev web portal, and then THAT profile is installed in Xcode verbatim. Select that profile in your BUILD setting, and you could be solved by now (the App installed on devices without issue), but we also noticed we could to go back to GENERAL view and the FIX button actually worked: it fixed the "not found" profile

Try by creating an archive. I attached an iphone and tried to create an archive which result in no provisioning profile error. But now the option in the target to select a provisioning profile was there from which I was able to choose the provisioning profile

Had this problem, just had to open Preferences and refreshed the screen under Accounts - View Details.

The provisioning profile had no options for me. I had registered for the Apple Developers program recently. I followed these steps and then clean and build. It worked.
Import User to XCODE


No matching provisioning profile found error [duplicate]

Before upgrading Xcode to 7.2, I was using Xcode 7.1.1 to build and distribute apps. I have upgraded to Xcode 7.2 and none of my provisioning profiles (matched to that particular app's bundle ID) match my installed certificates that were working in Xcode 7.1.1.
I only get:
Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “some_number”, however, no such provisioning profile was found.
I have tried regenerating a .certSigningRequest to generate a new Certificate and Profile and made sure the Team in the General tab of the target is correct. Whenever I select a Provision Profile, all of my Code Signing Identities appear in the Identities in Keychain, but none of them will pair correctly.
It seems setting the Provision Profile to Automatic and the Code Signing Identity to iOS Developer will resolve this error, but the advantage of managing my Provisioning Profiles is gone as I believe Xcode then manages these.
Any thoughts on why setting my Provisioning Profiles and Code Signing Identities to anything but Automatic and iOS Developer produces this error?
I also had some problems after updating Xcode.
I fixed it by opening Xcode Preferences (⌘+,), going to Accounts → View Details. Then select all provisioning profiles and delete them with backspace (note: they can't be removed in Xcode 7.2). Restart Xcode, else the list doesn't seem to update properly.
Now click the Download all button, and you should have all provisioning profiles that you defined in the Member center back in Xcode. Don't worry about the Xcode-generated ones (Prefixed with XC:), Xcode will regenerate them if necessary. Restart Xcode again.
Now go to the Code Signing section in your Build Settings and select the correct profile and cert.
Why this happens at all? No idea... I gave up on understanding Apple's policies regarding app signing.
Try restarting XCode first, before trying these other answers. I was about to follow the advice given in other answers, then noticed multiple people saying that restarting XCode was necessary after all the steps. All I did was restart XCode and it fixed the problem. Who knows if it'll fix the problem for you, but it's worth a shot before trying the other solutions. I'm on XCode 7.2.1.
Keep quitting Xcode until the damn thing works.
I've also the same problem, in Xcode 7.2
It solved by followings steps:-
1) Open Xcode preference,
2) Select the appropriate team,
3) Click the "View Details..".
4) In section "Signing Identities": click on "Reset" for each of them.
5) In section "Provisioning Profiles". Click on "Download All".
6) Click on "Done."
7) Go in Xcode, build settings, select it. In General tab, the issues should get removed.
8) Restart the Xcode.
9) Do the Final build.
That's all.
Download and add it to Keychain access > certificates (which expires on 2023)
Also after I did all of suggested steps (btw, for some reasons backspace not remove provision profile) error keeping occurring. Until I finally figured out to Restart Xcode.
Probably, it should be first step when you're dealing with Xcode :)
Using Xcode 7.3, I spent way too much time trying to figure this out -- none of the answers here or elsewhere did the trick -- and ultimately stumbled into a ridiculously easy solution.
In the Xcode preferences team settings, delete all provisioning profiles as mentioned in several other answers. I do this with right click, "Show in Finder," Command+A, delete -- it seems these details have changed over different Xcode versions.
Do not re-download any profiles. Instead, exit your preferences and rebuild your project (I built it for my connected iPhone). A little while into the build sequence there will be an alert informing you no provisioning profiles were found, and it will ask if you want this to be fixed automatically. Choose to fix it automatically.
After Xcode does some stuff, you will magically have a new provisioning profile providing what your app needs. I have since uploaded my app for TestFlight and it works great.
Hope this helps someone.
Check your Keychain - look in Login and System keychains for expired certificates or error messages.
I found certs with "this certificate has an invalid user" error messages, and an expired Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate.
Delete them and install the new AWDRC certificate from
Then follow the accepted answer to get Xcode to use the new certificates.
For me I tried following 2 steps which sadly did not work :
deleting all provisional profile from Xcode Preferences Accounts → View Details , downloading freshly all provisional profiles.
Restarting Xcode everytime.
Instead, I tried to solve keychain certificate related another issue given here
This certificate has an invalid issuer Apple Push Services
This certificate has an invalid issuer
In keychain access, go to View -> Show Expired Certificates.
Look for expired certificates in Login and System keychains and an "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority".
Delete all expired certificates.
After deleting expired certificates, visit the following URL and download the new AppleWWDRCA certificate,
Double click on the newly downloaded certificate, and install it in your keychain. Can see certificate valid message.
Now go to xcode app. target → Build Setting → Provisioning Profile . Select value from 'automatic' to appropriate Provisioning profile . Bingo!!! profile mismatch issue is solved.
In my case, the problem was that the Archive was being built with a different TEAM-ID than the one who generated the Provisioning Profile (Me). Therefore I Got the error:
"No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID, however, no such provisioning profile was found."
To Solve this:
Clean and Re-Download your Provisioning profiles from Settings
Re-Start Xcode
in the GENERAL Tab of the Project properties, got to TEAM:
Change the current team to the Same team but the one under the ACCOUNT you generated the provisioning profile with.
Clean & Build
Hope this helps someone.
I updated to Xcode v7.3.1 and it solved the issue.
With Xcode 7.2.1, if you are certain that your provisioning profile is correct (it has the correct App ID and certificate, and the corresponding certificate exists in your Keychain Access) then set the Code Signing Identity and set the Provisioning Profile to Automatic.
What I did was: created a new provisioning profile and used it. When setup the provisioning profile in the build setting tab, there were the wrong provisioning profile numbers (like "983ff..." as the error message mentioned, that's it!). Corrected to the new provisioning profile, then Xcode 7.2 refreshed itself, and build successfully.
Solutions described here work, but I want to add that you need to have correct target selected on the top left corner of Build Settings in Xcode. Lost some time figuring this out...
You can easily fix the problem by changing bundle identifier on the Apple web page from to I found this solution at
In Xcode 7.3 I got the same error, my certificate and provisional profile both were fine still I was getting the same error, I was unable to delete the provisional profile in Xcode preferences, so I tried by right-clicking on the provisional profile which shows the option to move to trash, but when I clicked nothing happened then I closed the preference window and open it again by Command, the provisional profile was gone and download option was visible, I clicked download and it starting working fine
When distribute to App Store, you choose Product -> Achieve and encounter "code sign error, no matching provisioning profiles found", if account and downloaded .mobileprovision file is ok. Try click the "Build and Run" button to run it on your phone.
And, a dialog box will popup with a button "Fix", just click "Fix" to do next... Last, your device will have an valid provisioning file. Just do "Product -> Achieve" again, everything is OK!
You can also simply go to xcode preferences then accounts and then it may ask you to simply re sign in with your developer profile and then the issues should go away.
Hope this Helps!
For me changing the build configuration from release to Debug solved the issue.
You can find Build Configuration in Edit Scheme -> Run -> Info -> Build Configuration
Clean your project and re run.
In addition to what other users posted, make sure the Team selected on the Target settings (General tab) is the correct one. Xcode will complain it cannot find the Provisioning Profile if the profile belongs to a different team than the one selected.
For me nothing above worked with XCode 7.3.1 because I had nothing in provisioning profiles (expired). I had to connect my iPhone to Mac and then click on Fix provisioning profile which created another profile expires in a week.
For everyone who didn't solve it yet, my Issue was answered by this:
After I have a few hours searching and trying I have two solutions
1- run the app using IOS real device.
2- turn off the automatically manage signing, go to, and create a profile now on the Provisioning Profile import it and done.
For me none of the solution worked, but If i disconnect the phone from laptop and then run the build, it succeeds and then I connect and run on the phone. I still couldn't figure out the final fix.

Xcode 7.2 no matching provisioning profiles found

Before upgrading Xcode to 7.2, I was using Xcode 7.1.1 to build and distribute apps. I have upgraded to Xcode 7.2 and none of my provisioning profiles (matched to that particular app's bundle ID) match my installed certificates that were working in Xcode 7.1.1.
I only get:
Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “some_number”, however, no such provisioning profile was found.
I have tried regenerating a .certSigningRequest to generate a new Certificate and Profile and made sure the Team in the General tab of the target is correct. Whenever I select a Provision Profile, all of my Code Signing Identities appear in the Identities in Keychain, but none of them will pair correctly.
It seems setting the Provision Profile to Automatic and the Code Signing Identity to iOS Developer will resolve this error, but the advantage of managing my Provisioning Profiles is gone as I believe Xcode then manages these.
Any thoughts on why setting my Provisioning Profiles and Code Signing Identities to anything but Automatic and iOS Developer produces this error?
I also had some problems after updating Xcode.
I fixed it by opening Xcode Preferences (⌘+,), going to Accounts → View Details. Then select all provisioning profiles and delete them with backspace (note: they can't be removed in Xcode 7.2). Restart Xcode, else the list doesn't seem to update properly.
Now click the Download all button, and you should have all provisioning profiles that you defined in the Member center back in Xcode. Don't worry about the Xcode-generated ones (Prefixed with XC:), Xcode will regenerate them if necessary. Restart Xcode again.
Now go to the Code Signing section in your Build Settings and select the correct profile and cert.
Why this happens at all? No idea... I gave up on understanding Apple's policies regarding app signing.
Try restarting XCode first, before trying these other answers. I was about to follow the advice given in other answers, then noticed multiple people saying that restarting XCode was necessary after all the steps. All I did was restart XCode and it fixed the problem. Who knows if it'll fix the problem for you, but it's worth a shot before trying the other solutions. I'm on XCode 7.2.1.
Keep quitting Xcode until the damn thing works.
I've also the same problem, in Xcode 7.2
It solved by followings steps:-
1) Open Xcode preference,
2) Select the appropriate team,
3) Click the "View Details..".
4) In section "Signing Identities": click on "Reset" for each of them.
5) In section "Provisioning Profiles". Click on "Download All".
6) Click on "Done."
7) Go in Xcode, build settings, select it. In General tab, the issues should get removed.
8) Restart the Xcode.
9) Do the Final build.
That's all.
Download and add it to Keychain access > certificates (which expires on 2023)
Also after I did all of suggested steps (btw, for some reasons backspace not remove provision profile) error keeping occurring. Until I finally figured out to Restart Xcode.
Probably, it should be first step when you're dealing with Xcode :)
Using Xcode 7.3, I spent way too much time trying to figure this out -- none of the answers here or elsewhere did the trick -- and ultimately stumbled into a ridiculously easy solution.
In the Xcode preferences team settings, delete all provisioning profiles as mentioned in several other answers. I do this with right click, "Show in Finder," Command+A, delete -- it seems these details have changed over different Xcode versions.
Do not re-download any profiles. Instead, exit your preferences and rebuild your project (I built it for my connected iPhone). A little while into the build sequence there will be an alert informing you no provisioning profiles were found, and it will ask if you want this to be fixed automatically. Choose to fix it automatically.
After Xcode does some stuff, you will magically have a new provisioning profile providing what your app needs. I have since uploaded my app for TestFlight and it works great.
Hope this helps someone.
Check your Keychain - look in Login and System keychains for expired certificates or error messages.
I found certs with "this certificate has an invalid user" error messages, and an expired Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate.
Delete them and install the new AWDRC certificate from
Then follow the accepted answer to get Xcode to use the new certificates.
For me I tried following 2 steps which sadly did not work :
deleting all provisional profile from Xcode Preferences Accounts → View Details , downloading freshly all provisional profiles.
Restarting Xcode everytime.
Instead, I tried to solve keychain certificate related another issue given here
This certificate has an invalid issuer Apple Push Services
This certificate has an invalid issuer
In keychain access, go to View -> Show Expired Certificates.
Look for expired certificates in Login and System keychains and an "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority".
Delete all expired certificates.
After deleting expired certificates, visit the following URL and download the new AppleWWDRCA certificate,
Double click on the newly downloaded certificate, and install it in your keychain. Can see certificate valid message.
Now go to xcode app. target → Build Setting → Provisioning Profile . Select value from 'automatic' to appropriate Provisioning profile . Bingo!!! profile mismatch issue is solved.
In my case, the problem was that the Archive was being built with a different TEAM-ID than the one who generated the Provisioning Profile (Me). Therefore I Got the error:
"No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID, however, no such provisioning profile was found."
To Solve this:
Clean and Re-Download your Provisioning profiles from Settings
Re-Start Xcode
in the GENERAL Tab of the Project properties, got to TEAM:
Change the current team to the Same team but the one under the ACCOUNT you generated the provisioning profile with.
Clean & Build
Hope this helps someone.
I updated to Xcode v7.3.1 and it solved the issue.
With Xcode 7.2.1, if you are certain that your provisioning profile is correct (it has the correct App ID and certificate, and the corresponding certificate exists in your Keychain Access) then set the Code Signing Identity and set the Provisioning Profile to Automatic.
What I did was: created a new provisioning profile and used it. When setup the provisioning profile in the build setting tab, there were the wrong provisioning profile numbers (like "983ff..." as the error message mentioned, that's it!). Corrected to the new provisioning profile, then Xcode 7.2 refreshed itself, and build successfully.
Solutions described here work, but I want to add that you need to have correct target selected on the top left corner of Build Settings in Xcode. Lost some time figuring this out...
You can easily fix the problem by changing bundle identifier on the Apple web page from to I found this solution at
In Xcode 7.3 I got the same error, my certificate and provisional profile both were fine still I was getting the same error, I was unable to delete the provisional profile in Xcode preferences, so I tried by right-clicking on the provisional profile which shows the option to move to trash, but when I clicked nothing happened then I closed the preference window and open it again by Command, the provisional profile was gone and download option was visible, I clicked download and it starting working fine
When distribute to App Store, you choose Product -> Achieve and encounter "code sign error, no matching provisioning profiles found", if account and downloaded .mobileprovision file is ok. Try click the "Build and Run" button to run it on your phone.
And, a dialog box will popup with a button "Fix", just click "Fix" to do next... Last, your device will have an valid provisioning file. Just do "Product -> Achieve" again, everything is OK!
You can also simply go to xcode preferences then accounts and then it may ask you to simply re sign in with your developer profile and then the issues should go away.
Hope this Helps!
For me changing the build configuration from release to Debug solved the issue.
You can find Build Configuration in Edit Scheme -> Run -> Info -> Build Configuration
Clean your project and re run.
In addition to what other users posted, make sure the Team selected on the Target settings (General tab) is the correct one. Xcode will complain it cannot find the Provisioning Profile if the profile belongs to a different team than the one selected.
For me nothing above worked with XCode 7.3.1 because I had nothing in provisioning profiles (expired). I had to connect my iPhone to Mac and then click on Fix provisioning profile which created another profile expires in a week.
For everyone who didn't solve it yet, my Issue was answered by this:
After I have a few hours searching and trying I have two solutions
1- run the app using IOS real device.
2- turn off the automatically manage signing, go to, and create a profile now on the Provisioning Profile import it and done.
For me none of the solution worked, but If i disconnect the phone from laptop and then run the build, it succeeds and then I connect and run on the phone. I still couldn't figure out the final fix.

Xcode 7: App installation failed: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

I have already searched and almost implemented max solution but it's not installing any app even though if I am creating just sample single view app.
App installation failed
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
============== update ====================
I fixed this issue today.
First, go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles.
Make sure Xcode isn't running.
Then, delete all provisioning files (like xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.mobileprovision).
Start Xcode.
You will see something like "Fix this issue" in your Target's General tab.
Click it.
Xcode will now load new provisioning profile.
That's it.
----------- OLD Answer -------------
I have same problem now.
I've checked my provisioning profile using
In my case, my provisioning profile had the wrong UDIDs but right machine count.
I've registered machines, and Apple Developer Center listed right UDIDs for those machines.
However, whenever I downloaded new provisioning profile, it contained wrong UDIDs.
I think Apple's system is outputting wrong provisioning profile.
I called Apple support for this issue today, but Apple only emailed me with their knowledge base links(forums,documents,etc).
Possibly you are using App Store distribution provisioning profile. Use development or Ad-Hoc provisioning profile.
For Xcode 8 / Swift 3.0
In my case, for my app target and my extension in "General" I check "Automatically manage signing" and it work
I was having this issue because the date/time on my iPhone was not the same as that on my Mac running Xcode ( i changed the date on my iPhone while testing some app).
On my iPhone, i went to Settings > General > Date & Time > Set Automatically
This fixed it
Make sure you have added device UDID in your provisioning profile.
Go to provisioning portal.
Edit provisioning profile.
Make sure device is checked.
Done, download
Use new Profile
Another possible reason: Device date is set to later than the expiry of you provisioning profile.This is very weird but, it could happen.
In my case it was that the running option in the building scheme was set to Release so it was trying to sign it using the appstore provisional profile not the development or the adhoc one. I had to set it to Debug to fix this!
I could run on Simulator just fine, but trying to install the App on device was throwing this exact error.
I had a test target in addition to the main target. The test target had signing set to a different team and profile. Setting the unit test target to match the main target settings for signing solved my issue.
Didn't notice it had been automatically changed over to a different team, was caused by being added to a new Enterprise team.
In my case, I went to the Apple Developer website and added the phone to the Provisioning Profile.
Then I re-downloaded the Provisioning Profile and worked =)
In my case was The build system. I had to change the default build system in "File > Project / Workspace Settings" and change it to the Legacy Build system.
For me, it's because the project I was trying to build is someone else's. The bundle identifier does not match with my team's provisioning profile.
Change bundle identifier to something else help.
In my case, my certificate is overdue..
The following worked for me:
Install the app using Personal provision profile (re-install after going into your phone settings and trusting the profile)
Delete the app from ypur phone
Switch back to registered developer profile and try again
In my case iOS 14.4, rebooting the iPhone solved it.

How to test Cordova/ionic app on iOS device?

I'm building an app which now runs fine in the iOS emulator, so I now want to test the app on an iOS device. I registered with the Apple Developer Program and ran ionic run ios, which ended with the following message:
Code Sign error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 8.2'
So I opened XCode and went to Preferences > Accounts and added my Apple ID. I then clicked View Details... and then the refresh icon so it fetched two Signing Identities. The box below which should display the Provisioning Profiles is empty though:
I then read this article on the Apple Developer site which explains that I need to:
Set a bundle ID
Assign my app to a team
Create the Team Provisioning Profile
The bundle ID should supposedly be set in XCode. Because I am under the assumption that the bundle ID is set in my ionic config.xml file I'm unsure of how to proceed though.
Does anybody know how I can (preferably very easily) test my app on iOS devices? All tips are welcome!
What I did was to create a new project into Xcode, as soon it is created is showing the General tab, under Identity is showing a message saying that can not find the proper certified, something like that, and there is a button "Fix..."
just click it, the passport is requested and you are done.
I just try again and works. Xcode fixed my provisioning profiles sync for me.
Try this
Select Preferences from Xcode
Go to accounts and select agent name
Select view details to check status of your profiles
Select any profile and click refresh on corner below to update profiles.
This should update your profile with expiration dates
Go to project General and downgrade to 8.1.

After Provisioning profiles are made, code signing not found

Here are the steps I have taken to get where I am now:
Created two certificates in the developer center for APNs development and production (both tied to the App ID I am using with push notifications enabled)
Downloaded and installed the certificates into Keychain Access.
Created provisioning profiles in developer center for production and development (both pointing to the appropriate App ID)
In XCode, under Preferences > Accounts > View Details - I refresh and get the provisioning profiles. It lists two signing identities (development and distribution but not sure if these are correct).
Under Build Settings I have the appropriate provisioning profile selected but...
There are NO code signing identities available, except "iPhone Developer"
So my question is, how can I get the right code signing identities listed here so I may publish my app? The app currently working fine in the app store, but I want to switch from a Phonegap build (what I currently have published) to an Xcode build.
Any help is GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks!
It sounds like you are doing everything correct until you hit step 5. Since provisioning profile are under signing identities, my guess is that since you choose the provisioning profile first it's messing something up.
Try resetting your Provisioning Profile to "None". Then select your Code Signing Identity.
Under Target -> General Are you selecting the correct "Team"? Without the correct team, your code signing will not be found.
Please make sure that the Code Signing Identifier under the Build settings for both the Project and Target MUST be the same.
If still can not work, then I think you can clean up the project, close down your XCode project and then reopen. Sometimes it solves the problem this way.
