iOS & Adobe AIR working together - ios

I know I can wrap native iOS code within an Adobe AIR application: Adobe calls it Native Extensions, which leverages native iOS API to offer features that Adobe AIR does not have.
My question is, what about the opposite way? Is there a way to wrap ActionScript/Adobe AIR code within a native iOS application? I know this is difficult, but I guess there must be some way.
Thank you for your advice.


Can I use an AIR Component/Library for developing iOS App using Xcode?

I want to develop a Flash Live Stream Player on iOS. As you known, Flash does not supported on iOS platform. I searched Google, but all results are about the ANE (Air Native Extensions).
Is there any way that building Xcode usable component/control/library/framework from Flash/Flex/AIR? Or any other solutions that playing flash on iOS?
Any advice would be grateful, thanks.

iOS: Flash based programming app for iOS?

I would like to know, Is there way to support Flash based programming app for iOS? It can be native, hybrid or web app. I like to know, is there any possibility to develop Flash based app for iOS devices? I have seen the forums and saying everywhere it is not possible, so just want to confirm before starting any development.
Thank you.
Yes, you can create multiplatform native apps with flash if you use adobe air
More info about Adobe AIR

Integrate a library like ShareKit in an AIR app?

ShareKit is just an example, I need to know if native iOS libraries with UI, can be integrated, linked and used in AIR.
AIR has the concept of native applications, but those aren't linked with arbitrary libraries. However, native AIR application can load arbitrary helper applications, and those can use arbitrary libraries. You'll just be on your own in it - no support from AIR, usual native development.

Game engine/framework with web deployment option

I know Unity can deploy to web besides iOS, Android and other devices. What are alternatives? Requirements are iOS and web. Android would be nice too.
Adobe Air ... but it's very slow for complex apps(games). Adobe is working on making it competitive but right now it's not something you can use. I'm a flash developer myself and I choose Corona SDK for porting some of my games to iOS and Android.
If you want all 3 ... web, iOS, Android then Unity is the way to go.

Is it possible to develop using Xcode and Adobe Flex at the same time?

I've been looking for interactive chart library for iOS but it seems like there's not so many options out there. I've tried CorePlot and two other commercial library but even though the licensing were very expensive they're not quite what I'm looking for or close to some of the charts found in Microstrategy or Roambi app like the on below ...
Then I found an article about Adobe Flex with a few sample applications build using Adobe Flex that can run on iOS. Pretty interesting technology but I'm mostly interested with its chart. Is it possible to create a library using Adobe Flex(with chart views) and import the library into Xcode?
It's possible to create applications with Flex/Flash for iOS using AIR. And there is also a great opportunity exists to import native iOS libraries created with Xcode to the Flex (find some samples here). So you just need to look for appropriate charts functionality implemented with flex/flash and try to launch it under the iOS to see whether you'll be satisfied with performance or not.
Flex = Flash, and iOS != Flash. Clearly, Xcode wouldn't allow it. You could try compiling a bundle from Adobe's cross compiler tool, if that is indeed possible, and use class-dump to access it. Perhaps.
Adobe Flex 4.5 and 4.6 have introduced ANE (Adobe Native Extensions). This allows extending the Adobe AIR runtime ( there is runtime for IPhone, IPad, Adroid, Blackberry 10, ) using native code.
For IPhone you can write a static library compiled as a .a file and import that into your Flex Iphone project and compile as ANE.
Flex also has some native things like vibration, camera etc support, but if you want to do anything nifty with it, just write native.
Compared to Titanium, PhoneGap, KendoUI etc - Adobe Flex 4.6 really stands out. One thing that you must be aware of that Adobe Air runtime needs to be on the device. From Adobe Flex 4.6 onwards, you can actually bundle the air runtime with your app - it is called the captive runtime.
