yesterday a client called and reported a problem while trying to access our website. He can open the index page but then every article on the page throws and sql exception and he get's a yellow page (yellow page of death)
Exception type: SqlException
Exception message: String or binary data would be truncated.
Now, I checked all blocking's on the server and on IIS and neither of them is blocking him or preventing from accessing page content. I tried logging in with his credentials and everything works fine, he also can log in from his home PC but just cant from his company network/PC.
I checked with his Internet Service Provider and they also allow all traffic, there are no proxy's or limitations for certain addresses or networks. Any idea what causes that?
Another thing I need to check today is...there was one version of mozilla/chrome which, if you select the autocomplete value for the username, it added some invisible chars and you had to retype for ex. the username again and mustn't select it from the textbox as autocomplete.
Edit: The client doesn't need to logged in, he just cant open any article on the site, whether authenticated or not. But every article he is trying to open I can, like the rest of out client's
String or binary data would be truncated
Your application is trying to insert something in the database and the text writen is larger than the column size defined in your database.
My client use webmin server for using the CRM which is developed by me, in mailbox module, if user choose a email which they want to open in a mail box every thing is perfectly sometimes, if emails are listed after viewing one email some time view of email return empty content, like this randomly giving request is successfully return a IMAP value, some requests return a empty value,
but in my local machine i have Develop my application mailbox module in windows OS based machine, using xamp server, here i get a exact result for each and every request,
now i find why it's happen, the reason is in my clients webmin server couldn't open a imap stream properly, in imap_open method all arguments are real, but it return random connection failed message from imap_errors method,
i don't understand why it is happening, and also i can't fix this
So please assist me, helping hearts really appreciateable,
I looked high and low and could not find a satisfactory answer to my problem, which is:
I want to open a website and send it my user id and my password to enter it. I am using a procedure found on StackOverflow that uses CreateProcess and WaitForInputIdle. The problem is that the procedure returns without waiting for the website to fully display, therefore my Id and password end up in the wrong place. Inserting a Sleep(5000) will most of the time work but is not reliable. Can anybody point me in the right direction.
That will never work because WaitForInputIdle returns as soon as the application is waiting for input, but the web browser will not load the web site before that.
You'd have to find another way to do what you want. For example you could create a html form that will post your user id and password to the desired website as soon as it is opened:
How do you force a web browser to use POST when getting a url?
Or host the webbrowser in your application. Then it's in your control and you can send the post by code or be notified when the website has finished loading.
I just heard from my friend that open 3.0 is out.
I want to try this but I cannot access
It says :
Coming soon: Another fine website hosted by WebFaction.
Site not configured
If you are the owner of this website and weren’t expecting to see this message, here are some potential causes and solutions:
You recently created a new website record, but opened the URL before your changes were activated in the web server and DNS configuration. Wait a moment and refresh.
You created a new website record without the current subdomain (for example, www). Return to the control panel to add the current subdomain to the website record and refresh.
You added a new domain in the control panel but didn’t create a site record to link it with an application. Create a website record with the control panel and refresh.
Your website record is set for HTTPS, but you visited a HTTP URL (or vice-versa). Open the URL with the other protocol.
You tried to access your website by IP address. Access the website by domain name instead.
There is a problem with your account. Check the control panel for unresolved support tickets and check your email for recent messages from
For more details, please see Error: Site not configured.
I'm sure that I'm not blocked because I use a vpn service.
there was some kind of attack, but only the the main site is down.
if you wanted the src:
The site was hacked, and they are trying to restore it (according to Alexander Shishkov).
OpenCV DevZone ( is still up.
UPDATE: It's now back online.
I have written an application that allows a user to define a query, submit it to a server and view the results. The software can run on DB2 or MySQL.
We've had issues in the DB2 version where a user has tried to run a query, and found that it has failed because their user profile has been disabled. In order to run a query on DB2 (on an IBM i), the user's profile name and password are provided in the connection string. Security on the server can specify that a user's profile is disabled after two or three incorrect logins.
I've debugged the application and found that the problem is down to the query being submitted twice. If the user's password is wrong, then of course, this is having the knock-on effect of disabling their profile.
On further inspection, when I've inspected the logs on the server (while debugging line by line), I've found that the query is submitted to the server when you call TADOQuery.sql.add(), and again when the TADOQuery's active propery is set to true (which is the point at which I would expect the query to be submitted to the server). Here's an example of the code that I'm using to run the query: := false;
adoqry.sql.add('SELECT * FROM SOMEDB.SOMETABLE'); := true;
My question is therefore quite simple:
1. Why does the TADOQuery.sql.add() method submit the query (when it should just be adding the sql to the TADOQuery's sql property)?
2. What can I do to prevent this? i.e. is there any way to prevent the sql being submitted when I call the add() method?
For those of you that would like extra information about the logs, the exit point logs on the IBM i show that when I call adoqry.sql.add in the above example, the query is run through the "Database Server-SQL Requests" exit point application, via function "Prepare and Describe". When I call := true in the above example, the same query goes through the same exit point application, but via the "Open/Describe" function.
If you're not familiar with the IBM i, don't worry about it - I'm just including that information as proof that I have traced the query being submitted twice. The real issue is with the TADOQuery's sql.add() processing.
From your description of your problem, I assume you specify the ConnectionString of the ADOQuery. Doing this combines the database login with the running of the query. You have found that this has undesirable side effects when the user's credentials are invalid.
Separate the database login from the query by using an ADOConnection. Specify the ConnectionString of the ADOConnection and assign the ADOConnection to the ADOQuery.Connection property. This way, you control the database login and can catch logins with bad credentials. Additionally the ADOConnection.Open method allows you to specify the username and password so you do not have to put them in the ConnectionString.
While this does not answer you specific questions, this approach will help you solve the problem of the user's profile being disabled by separating the login from the running of the query.
Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near '
Line: 5
I recently converted a SmartPart + UserControl web part to a 'real' web part. The user control part remained essentially unchanged and contains an UpdatePanel. The aim is to have an interactive calendar control which updates its own data but does not cause a full page refresh. The main reason for converting to a real web part is to make use of personal storage so that users can choose a particular setting and store it.
The problem I now have is that when one of the LinkButtons in my web part are clicked I get the error listed above. I am not doing any Response.Writes and there don't seem to be any HttpHeader entries in IIS.
Can anyone help here? Thanks.
New clue
Just noticed that the postback events work when the page is checked out but not when it has been published. What is the significance of this?
Have you added the sharepoint script manager:
It sounds like a HttpModule is altering the json postback of the update panel