I have a textbox with a bunch of text in it in PowerPoint. How do I only put a border around one of the sentences?
This is what I want:
I made the above in Word, but even copy/pasting it into PowerPoint doesn't work. It copies the text, but not the border.
I'm using PowerPoint 2013.
Using double-backticks around a block of text in my restructuredtext sphinx document causes the HTML output to display the text in red with a frame around it. I would like to have my latexpdf output look the same. The pdf shows the text in a mono font in black and with no frame. At a minimum, I would like the text to be in a red color.
My .tx file shows that it uses \sphinxcode{\sphinxupquote{my text}}. Do I need to somehow override sphinxupquote or is there another way?
Can I put a UIButton or UITextField or UITextView between the texts in Swift
"What is your **[UITextField]** about downloading free music files from the Internet?**[UIButton]**"
"What is your
**[UITextField]** about
downloading free
music files from the
Like "example2", the layout may change depending on the situation.
Not a particularly easy task. You can use attributed text to stylize a word and make it "tappable" (like a hyperlink on a webpage), but that wouldn't solve the issue of embedding an editable text field in the string.
One approach would be to embed "placeholder" text in your string, then find the bounding box for that word and overlay a textfield or button. You'd have to be sure to account for things like word wrap, and it would take some experimentation to get the widths right.
So, you might set the text of your label to:
What is your UITextFieldGoesHere about downloading free music files from the Internet? UIButtonHere
Then use code to find the bounding box / rect of UITextFieldGoesHere and position a text field on top of that, so it covers the word and looks like it is inline. Same thing with the UIButtonHere.
If your button might be simply OK, and you don't want it wide with left-right padding, change that placeholder in your string to something like OKB ... just make sure it is unique so you can find it.
Lots of examples out there for finding the bounding box / rect of a word in a label... use Google (or your favorite search engine) to search for:
uilabel find bounding box of specific word
Since FMX doesn't have an equivalent of TRichEdit, how can I output a differently colored text? I'm writing a console (as in a Quake-style console, to clarify) output visual control for my application, and I don't see any way to solve it, except to draw the text myself, complicated by many factors (like scrolling).
Now after thinking about it, since TTextLayout doesn't work as intended, I think that it can be done by creating an array of colored as needed TLabels in a TFlowLayout, but there are some things to consider: performance and memory usage, copy-pasting and word wrap. When I add a string to log, split it into strings so each string is of one color and for each string create a TLabel with text and color set accordingly.
I'm trying to put together a LaTeX color box. The xcolor package \fcolorbox seem to be what I want, but I can't get the rendering quite correct. When I use
it renders a small box sunken to the bottom of the text line. The best I've managed to do is to fake it with a similar text color:
However, I'm worried that this won't render correctly in all situations with defined colors. Is there a way I can declare an empty text box with full in-line text height? Is there another solution?
I'm basically looking for the code that produces the color boxes all through the document at ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor/xcolor.pdf. The boxes I'm referring to are used throughout, but the first instance is on page 4. Thanks.
The xcolor.dtx file in the same directory as the pdf contains the source for the package and the source for the documentation. The relevant bits from the source for the documentation:
(Answer: 40\% \testclr{green} $+$ 60\% \testclr{yellow} $=$ \testclr{green!40!yellow}, e.g., |\color{green!40!yellow}|)
Basically, use \phantom{} on the contents of your color box, and make sure that at least one of the phantom characters is full-height.
Also, https://tex.stackexchange.com/
I have some text and quotation marks around it, but I want each of them to be a different font to be replaced by sifr. The problem is that the quotes need to go exactly around the text, but the text once turned into an tag becomes a block and the text isn't shaped necessarily like a rectangle. I thought about having the quotes be background images of the replaced text, but only safari 3 supports multiple background images. Any suggestions?
I don't think Flash provides enough control over text elements to get this as precise as you'd like.